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China's foreign trade for 2018 already exceeds 2017, jumping 15%

China is actually much weaker today than it was in 1966. In 1966, China could have started a riot at any time in Singapore. China can't do that today. China also had huge leftist networks all over the US itself. Today's China has alienated both the left, and the right in America, and the world. Of course you don't think China is foolish, you're not paid to. Kruschev invaded China for his western masters, just like Xiaoping invaded Vietnam for his American masters, even people in China accept that fact. Who said that the US was worried? They attack and invade countries because they want to. It doesn't mean they are worried. The west destablizes north Korea too, it doesn't mean they're genuinely worried about NK. You have scanners in the subways, it means you are scared to death that the west is backing another destabilization. Tienamen happend because the west was disatisfied with Xiaoping. People with enough common sense know that. 99% don't want to change the status quo in China? Give me a break. That's a lie that only a 5 yr old would believe. The Deng dynasty is hated by both the left, and the right. The right thinks that Jinping is not accomodating enough to the west, and bourgeoisie. The left hates Jinping because he is a sell out who puts foreign interests ahead of his own compatriots, and Jinping has indeed marginalized the workers, and farmers like Xiaoping, Zemin, and Jintao ahead of him. The only real supporters of Jinping are people like you, and the small % who have something to gain from the regime, but as I've said before, even people who have alot to gain from the Deng dynasty turn against the dynasty. Rebia Kadir. Case, and point. In fact, I've talked to old, and young Chinese. I'd say that the people who support Jinping's crazed capitalist adventure are in the minority. And if you ask the workers, and farmers, they support the Deng dynasty even less. Claiming that the people are content doesn't even sound believable. The ClA knows that the people are not content and thats why they are starting the trade war now, because the further to the right China moves, the less people will be content, and then the Deng dynasty will end up like the USSR. You never were obediant? Are you sure about that? Xiaoping invaded Vietnam for his American masters. That's obediance. Wake up. China lends trillions to the west, that's obediance. The only problem, as far as the west is concerned is, you aren't giving them enough, and do occassionally do independent things.
Bro.your analyst is excellent again. Everyone can see that CN having so many problem and so weak now, thats why JP-UK warships r sailing around CN water now, France-Aussie warships will join soon and waiting for CN incoming chaos.

Just like Ah Q never realize hes so stupid till ppl executed him, its a waste to make Cnese realize they r dying by the West. Thats why I give the Cnese the year of their chaos. thats 2023. thats the year US will execute CN ah Q :laugh:
You want access to technology, investment, and markets, unfortunately, the west doesn't want to give you technology, investment, or markets. Let's look at a few simple examples. Technology- The US is specifically starting a trade war over China because China wants technology.
Nobody 'gives' you technology, you buy it, you force a transfer by offering market access, or you 'steal' it. Been doing it for decades and look where China is today. Barring semiconductors and a few sectors, the west is almost dry, sucked dry. US is starting this war because of Trump's votebank genius. Don't be so naive, capitalist would sell you the rope to hang them. American companies are gonna sell you the technology for the right price, GOTUS knows this and that's why they set up the arms embargo to contain those sensitive technologies. You think those CEOs are so patriotic?

Second, investments. The US is allowed to operate mastercard, and visa in China, but China can't operate unionpay. Lose for China. Then look at the markets. I just mentioned this before. USA can sell apple iphones, and gm cars in China, but China can't sell Xiaomi, or Roewe.

Actually the market access for VISA and MASTERCARD is as bad as UNIONPAY access in the west. Both can't operate as local entities. Chinese consumers can't get a MASTERCARD/VISA and foreigners can use them at selected outlets who accepts them, the same for UNIONPAY in overseas market. I think it's possible for a foreigner in a foreign country to apply for a UNIONPAY card as long as there is a Chinese bank branch, in that sense they have a more open market for Chinese financial products. I know because I have both. =). China's financial market is pretty closed up, that's why US is pissed.

China can sell XIAOMI, it's just that XIAOMI is not selling in the US, they have to import online from China. ROEWE I think is because of IP issues, come on, ROVER? You can sell Landwind if you pass the NCAAP tests, nobody is stopping you. The bottomline is US is a more open market compared to China. Trump has reason to be angry actually.

So it's a fail on all 3 levels. Taiwan was never allowed to be independent, yet Taiwan IS allowed to a major base for anti Chinese activities. China ONLY became a silent character AFTER Mao died. Before that, China was very active in backing anti imperialist activities all over the world, and very vocal about it. China brought attention to all kinds of issues regarding the west. This only stopped with Xiaoping. TW is occupied by the US, they have troops there, and many agents to supervise TW officials. Why do Chinese always even talk about invading TW. That is so stupid. Even if China successfully invades TW, it couldn't keep it. There is a huge defacto US embasy that they just recently built in TW. "We can't challenge US until we are strong enough". We've all heard that before. You are assuming China is becoming stronger, and it might be militarily, but China's soft power is much weaker than it was in 1966. I've talked before about how today's China is hated by both the left and the right.
Fail what actually? The truth is China is a closed market, we force tech transfer, and yes we game the system to our advantage. We do this in our national interest, wrong but still it's right for our country, until that sector is globally competitive, then we can be on equal footing. =)

Major base for ANTI CHINESE activities? With out without the US, there will always be a DPP. You expect us to invade TAIWAN and fight a nuke war? Are you insane? We want an intact Taiwan much like how we want an intact HK. During Mao, we were so active and then what? Our people were starving, tech levels were low, military rag tag, look at how far we have come.

There are no US troops in Taiwan, military attaches, trainers maybe, not a base. Having a base constitutes as invasion and that is a prerequisite for Chinese attacks. Chinese soft power was weaker than 1966? hahahahaha, what are you smoking, are you some kind of MAO worshipper? During the 60s, there were two camps, communist and democrats, now there are only rich and poor, get it genius, sticking to your red booklet will get you no where. Opening up, reforming, facing the competition and playing the game would get you somewhere.

I never said anything about attacking Malaysia, but would Malaysia ever dare to cancel similar contracts with the west? Certainly not. Furthermore, even if Malaysia did cancel contracts with the west, the west will deal with it in a very different way. In a much more agresive way, possibly backing street mobs. That is precisely why people fear the west, and not China.
They would and the US would even fine their own companies if they are found to have abetted in corruption. Read the 1MDB scandal, a US corp assisted in the scam, they are going to court. So far, the contracts are well executed and fair, else they can challenge it in court. Malaysia's ex PM was pretty much anti-West but even he welcomed all investments which were beneficial. China needs to play the game better, helping corrupt dictators can only work when the dictator is in power. The US won't back a mob over a commercial deal, they back a mob over geopolitical reasons. Are you sane?

You are either unaware of how things work, or purposely pretending to be ignorant. America can and does force people to buy their products on a regular basis. Everything from software, medicine, to computer hardware is forced upon people. China regularly buys products from the west that China produces itself. Tide laundry detergent, Colgate toothpaste, Crest toothpaste. Starbucks, KFC, Mcdonalds, Coca Cola, Pringles potato chips. English language schools. "Entertainment" like Hollywood films, and tv shows. Music. China even bought broadcasting rights for saturday night live. This is a protection fee that China pays to the west, and also part of the chongyangmeiwai epidemic that has plagued China for the past 40yrs.

You understand what is a market economy? You can influence, you can advise, you can advertise, you can market your product, America cannot put a gun on a billion consumers and ask them to buy American. Else there won't be a deficit in the first place right? Genius? Are you sane or do you have any brain cells left? Chinese consumers buy American because of advertisement and coolness, you don't have to force them, so in order to be better, Chinese companies need to offer a better product and create new marketing. I am seeing certain domestic products being more competitive than imports. You can create a herbal soda and fight the sweet diabetic cola, it's how you market it. You don't use a GUN. It's a free market. So you need to be better than American content, I see some original contents actually being quite nice. Competition induces change and improvement, the previous commie media is full of shit, now I see some originality in the media segment. You don't hide and moan, you face the competition.

I never said China only exports 5g, but if your American master is able to convince Australia, India, and south Korea to ban Chinese 5g, certainly they can coerce others into doing the same thing to many other products. People can and do contain China. Go to Hong Kong, and you don't even see any Lining stores. China can't even access its own domestic market, how does it expect to access anything else.
Then stop moaning about 5G, in the end western consumers will lose out. They cannot access affordable quality solutions. They can only go so far using the security excuse. in the end you will sell other goods and services. I don't even want to buy LINING, it sounds shitty, make it sound nicer and do better ads. Call it dynamix, even that is a better sounding name. You can sell in domestic market as LINING, overseas, it sounds like PAD LINING.

Actually the tarifs against the Chinese solar panels did work. There were, and are still alot of solar panels laying around that the Europeans didn't buy.
It worked in the beginning, but in the end do you see any Western solar makers alive? Do you know who dominates the solar market now? That tariff destroyed inefficient Chinese makers and only the best survived. You cannot be a protectionist market, in the end it will lose.

China does NOT have both money and power now. Amerika has that. Not China. China has some money, but it's mostly being spent on the west, in the form of protection fees. China's first goal is still to support the west, and western industries.
No no no, you do not get what I meant, we HAVE THE MONEY AND POWER, just not as much as US. What are you smoking? If it's our goal to support the western industries and pay protection fees, then wtf are they afraid of us, shouldn't they be applauding us and supporting such a good regime paying taxes? The truth is we are behind certain industries, and to balance our trade we need to open our market. You cannot force an average Chinese not to buy BMWs, you can only buy VOLVO and make it in China and sell it back. You need to understand branding heritage and the trust in quality, both lacking in China until recently.

Actually, no one is afraid of China. People are more afraid of Israil than they are of China.

Why does it matter if China is the 2nd most powerful military. The uSSR was also that. Look what happened to them? If your country is run by traitors, only defeat awaits you.
If no one is afraid of China, Japan wouldn't be buying F-35s and Taiwan would have declared independence genius. China chooses not to use force, Do not mistake kindness as weakness. =)

The orchestration of Tiananmen in 89 show that its a Win-Lose deal bween US-CN (US win-CN lose). US dont give a damn to CN and just offer a Win-Lose deal, CN is too short sighted to realize its a bad deal till Tiananmen in 89 happen

U'd better wait till 2023, only 1 country (US or CN) at that time will be able to gain the victory (US economy still bad now after 2008 economy crisis and will get in a serious problem if US can not destroy CN to sell billion USD weapon to CN 'rebels' against king XI )

How can you say it's a WIN LOSE deal when we got what we wanted and they got what they wanted. With or without the US, Soviet/Vietnam was an enemy, with US, we got access to better technology, markets and finance, which helped us to be where we are today. They tried a Tmen but failed, we bid our time and grew stronger decade by decade until we are now the second most powerful military and economy. Let me put it this way, in a deal, both achieved and got what they wanted. In the end one terminated the deal, can you say the deal was a WIN LOSE pact in the first place just because one cancelled it after achieving the outcome both wanted?

Okay, if u think Deng gain some cheap things in 1979 war, then thats your own idea, we still hold our target sucessfully (keep control fertile lands in Laos-Camb till today while CN still have to live in barren/useless lands and dirty desert )
Do you know the geography of China BTW? We are the largest food producer in the world. Those deserts are full of oil and gas. Last I heard, Laos and Cambodia are independent and trading with China, selling us their produce from tht very same 'fertile' land. Please visit China, you sound like a frog in the well and see this BARREN country. hahahahahahahaahaha:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:. Gosh, American propaganda got into your head well.

Why didnt u read the history first before deluding yourself like that. PLA attacked, but face wt stiff resistance (while its just VN border guard and militia forces only) and suffered high cost. History record that VN didnt continue to kill PLA when they retreated
You can quote this and that, coming up with excuses, the fact remains, we invaded Vietnam successfully, going in deep, butchered thousands, and scorched your cities while you hid in jungles like monkeys, then we went back. In the end, we achieved a war victory but a strategic defeat.

in the conflict that led to the riots, 21 Cnese workers dead, more than 100 got injured. Even if we didnt win, but its surely CN lost when retreat shamefully and let 21 Cnese workers dead, more than 100 got injured behind high and dry
A riot equals Vietnamese victory? It shows an act of desperation more than anything. You expect us to kill 100 Vietnamese low end workers in Shenzhen. Come on.

Bro.your analyst is excellent again. Everyone can see that CN having so many problem and so weak now, thats why JP-UK warships r sailing around CN water now, France-Aussie warships will join soon and waiting for CN incoming chaos.

Just like Ah Q never realize hes so stupid till ppl executed him, its a waste to make Cnese realize they r dying by the West. Thats why I give the Cnese the year of their chaos. thats 2023. thats the year US will execute CN ah Q :laugh:
China does have her own problems, and so does the US, Japan and even Vietnam. Countries who don't improve and solve problems degrade. It's a simple rule. JP-UK ships are sailing in open seas, even I don't support that claim, but well, we invaded it, just keep it there. :laugh:

As I told my Indian friend before, don't hope for the failure of others,improve yourself to be better. Hoping for China to collapse is not exactly a good strategy, you need to be better than China. I met a lot of young Viet ladies in Singapore, ermmm, let's just say their are social-able ladies working in KTVs. They told me Vietnam is having a serious drug epidemic, high youth unemployment and most Viet guys are lazy and irresponsible. Barring some ethnic Hoas, the native Vietnamese is actually very lazy and lack motivation to improve themselves.
How can you say it's a WIN LOSE deal when we got what we wanted and they got what they wanted. With or without the US, Soviet/Vietnam was an enemy, with US, we got access to better technology, markets and finance, which helped us to be where we are today. They tried a Tmen but failed, we bid our time and grew stronger decade by decade until we are not the second most powerful military and economy. Let me put it this way, in a deal, both achieved and got what they wanted. In the end one terminated the deal, can you say the deal was a WIN LOSE pact in the first place just because one cancelled it after achieving the outcome both wanted?

where u are today ?? Still a third world nation wt many problems and the risk of chaos due to US's sanction and have to beg for negotiation and 90days delay, and u think thats "good and stronk" ?? Come one, Myanmar just drop bomb on CN lands in 2015 and coward PLA only sit and watch :lol:

Do you know the geography of China BTW? We are the largest food producer in the world. Those deserts are full of oil and gas. Last I heard, Laos and Cambodia are independent and trading with China, selling us their produce from tht very same 'fertile' land. Please visit China, you sound like a frog in the well and see this BARREN country. hahahahahahahaahah. Gosh, American propaganda got into your head well
Okay, if u r happy wt your barren lands and desert wt sand storm, then enjoy it, we dont care. We r happy to see US keep crushing CN in trade war and incite countries like Myanmar to drop bomb to CN again :lol:

A riot equals Vietnamese victory? It shows an act of desperation more than anything. You expect us to kill 100 Vietnamese low end workers in Shenzhen. Come on.
its show how coward PLA is when leaving their countrymen behind high and dry in the riots. At least PLA must try to capture some VN coast guard officers in the conflict ... but PLA was too coward to do it when no daddy US back up like in 1979 :cool:

China does have her own problems, and so does the US, Japan and even Vietnam. Countries who don't improve and solve problems degrade. It's a simple rule. JP-UK ships are sailing in open seas, even I don't support that claim, but well, we invaded it, just keep it there. :laugh:

As I told my Indian friend before, don't hope for the failure of others,improve yourself to be better. Hoping for China to collapse is not exactly a good strategy, you need to be better than China. I met a lot of young Viet ladies in Singapore, ermmm, let's just say their are social-able ladies working in KTVs. They told me Vietnam is having a serious drug epidemic, high youth unemployment and most Viet guys are lazy and irresponsible. Barring some ethnic Hoas, the native Vietnamese is actually very lazy and lack motivation to improve themselves.
Haha, so now u even believe what the whores say ?? if we r too bad, then just attack us again... but no, PLA services men r too coward today, not mentioning they r too corrupted and lazy too :lol:
capitalism mean enslave people and loot poor ppl's money to get rich, thats the reason why US always create a threat to loot money from other countries.

Let me copy my post again. Do u know anything abt Lenin NEP ??

CN ideology is “socialism with Chinese characteristics”, its a copy of Lenin new economy policy( NEP) that allowed private sector to run bussiness under Govt control. But as u said, the bourgeoisie always tend to favour the West, thats why after Lenin died, his NEP also gone cos Soviet Govt. couldnt control the private sector. Lenin NEP only appled in short time, thats why many ppl dont know abt it.

Same problem for CN after copying Lenin NEP now. Private companies like Tencent feel unfair when competing wt state owned enteprises and surprisingly, Tencent secretly support Trump's tariff to weaken state owned enteprises ( and may overthrow Xi in near future wt US's support :laugh:)

Imposing 10% tariffs will not destroy a China's industrial base. True, thats why Trump raise to 25 % , thats why Xi has to beg for negotiation

China makes opening bid to US on trade ahead of Trump-Xi meeting

Farm produce loss is the casualty of war. US also lost thousands men in Iraq, Syria and she just dont care abt those dead men as long as US Wall st boss can get the final victory

90 days delay to see if Xi will show his loyalty to Trump or not. If Xi obey what Trump tell him, then no need more tariff, US will win without anymore loss, thats it

Same problem for CN after copying Lenin NEP now. The bourgeoisie always tend to favour the West, thats why after Lenin died, his NEP also gone cos Soviet Govt. couldnt control the private sector

U see, CN is not smarter than Soviet, u think private sector will help CN to get richer and stronger ?? Wrong, they always support the West and they will overthrow the regime when they r strong enough.

Tencent is very popular in CN, if XI try to kill Tencent to protect his throne, then Im sure that CN economy will go down much deeper. but Xi dont kill tencent, then once day, tencent will get support from US to kill Xi :laugh:

Tencent is not more powerful than Alibaba, even if Jack Ma chooses to be submissive toward CCP, then what do you expect from Tencent?

China's SOE have been growing several fold stronger under Xi, the US cannot stop it.

All they can keep hurting is China's private enterprises, and CCP can gain more foothold from their loyalty, just like many ASEAN nations are now forsaken the US in favor of China.
Tencent is not more powerful than Alibaba, even if Jack Ma chooses to be submissive toward CCP, then what do you expect from Tencent?

China's SOE have been growing several fold stronger under Xi, the US cannot stop it.

All they can keep hurting is China's private enterprises, and CCP can gain more foothold from their loyalty, just like many ASEAN nations are now forsaken the US in favor of China.
That why Tabao Alibaba is on US's blackist while Tencent is not. Alibab is only stronger when still having Xi's back up while Tencent wt support from the West just wait for the right time to kick Xi and Alibaba'azz.

US can stop Huawei,Tabao easily. its just the matter of time before US destroy CN economy ( in 2023) like Soviet


Eastern economic (england), 1981
Interesting picture. Previously China cooperated with the French to harm Vietnam, cooperation with the US to harm Vietnam is nothing new neither surprising.Chinese just pretend to hate the West.
That why Tabao Alibaba is on US's blackist while Tencent is not. Alibab is only stronger when still having Xi's back up while Tencent wt support from the West just wait for the right time to kick Xi and Alibaba'azz.

US can stop Huawei,Tabao easily. its just the matter of time before US destroy CN economy ( in 2023) like Soviet

Wechat has always been banned by the US.

Tencent's main market is always China, not the US.

Interesting picture. Previously China cooperated with the French to harm Vietnam, cooperation with the US to harm Vietnam is nothing new neither surprising.Chinese just pretend to hate the West.

Deng was a pro-West leader, and now his faction has been slowly marginalized by Xi.
Wechat has always been banned by the US.

Tencent's main market is always China, not the US.

Deng was a pro-West leader, and now his faction has been slowly marginalized by Xi.
Chinese including Xi should worship Deng as God. Because he opened the country to the world, brought economic reforms and bringing prosperity. Ok, Deng is considered in Vietnam as scum and war criminal is another story.
Chinese including Xi should worship Deng as God. Because he opened the country to the world, brought economic reforms and bringing prosperity. Ok, Deng is considered in Vietnam as scum and war criminal is another story.

Everything is becoming irrelevant right now.

As I said before, it was just a temporary ceasefire, and the trade war will keep going on in next year.

Earlier today Trump wanted to save more face by declaring himself as the tariff man, and the stock market just got slammed bigly.

In next year, China and US will clash which will create a big bang around the world, it is becoming imminent.
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More boost for domestic consumption:


China to further reduce retail oil prices

Xinhua Published: 2018-11-30

China on Friday announced a third straight cut in retail prices of oil products in this month, the largest reduction since 2008, the top economic planner said Friday.


A staff member fills up a car at a gas station in Nantong, Jiangsu Province, on Friday, November 30, 2018. [Photo: VCG]

Starting Saturday, the prices of gasoline and diesel will be lowered by 540 yuan (about 78 U.S. dollars) and 520 yuan per tonne, respectively, according to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).

Under the current pricing mechanism, if international crude oil prices change by more than 50 yuan per tonne and remain at that level for 10 working days, the prices of refined oil products in China will be adjusted accordingly.

Global oil prices went down due to increased output from Saudi Arabia, forecast-beating U.S. stockpile and softer-than-expected U.S. sanctions against Iran, the NDRC price monitoring center said, predicting the weakness will continue.

The NDRC has asked major Chinese oil companies, including China National Petroleum, China Petrochemical and China National Offshore Oil, to ensure a stable supply and implement the pricing policy.

The economic planner said it would closely monitor the effects of the current pricing mechanism and make improvements in response to global fluctuations.

In next year, China and US will clash which will create a big bang around the world, it is becoming imminent.
Its good when Cnese like u realize that thr trade war will not be solved just by few words on negotiation table.

What US want now is the collapse of CN, not just balancing trade deficit. U guys should realize that US economy still bad after 2008 crisis ( US debt increasing so fast, US has to reduce military budget and forces her allies to pay more) and need lots of money to stop that crisis.

If US can not destroy CN, then its US who will fall first. It means there is only one, CN or US, will still survive after this clash.
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where u are today ?? Still a third world nation wt many problems and the risk of chaos due to US's sanction and have to beg for negotiation and 90days delay, and u think thats "good and stronk" ?? Come one, Myanmar just drop bomb on CN lands in 2015 and coward PLA only sit and watch :lol:
Where are we now? We are now a moderately prosperous people with enough to eat, clothe and a roof over our head, at least for the majority. And we have world class infrastructure, needs improvement on maintenance and aesthetics, but it is definitely world class. Don't even make me start on the world's largest middle class consumer market.

We have roughly 8000$ per capita, what is the meaning of this? Compare this to Vietnam 2000$/capita or India's 1900$/capita. In the future our population will decrease, wealth accumulated by the world's second largest economy will have more to distribute. Smaller population bigger pie equals more pie.

We developed technologies many countries can only dream about. This is the new China. We have problems and we need to solve it just like US and Japan need to sort out theirs, but I dare say this government is not an idle one, they are run by smart people. Have you been to Japan, US and other countries, I have been there, and I known their limitations. I know their f up infra, their bureaucratic procrastination, their degrading industries. Try going to Detroit once and see the decay of US. Japan is alot cleaner and better but yet their aging industries are slow to react, there is no vibrancy you see in China.

As for the tariffs, please I need to educate you again, it's not a simple game of strong or weak, it's diplomacy and playing with time. 90 days delay shows US is not as strong as you think it is, they too are afraid of further instigating China, which is also a market for hundreds of billions of their products. You do not realize, US exports services to China and it is not reflected in the deficit. All in all, the real deficit is only 100-150bil$. Corporate US cannot sustain a prolonged war too, and Trump knows this. And last but not least, WE HAVE A TRILLION US$ in US GOV BONDS. If we were to unload this, the share market and dollar would collapse.

Turkey shot down a Russian jet, you don't see Russia invading Turkey right? UK fighters accidentally shot down a US jet in friendly fire, is UK getting invaded?

You want us to invade Myanmar for accidentally dropping a bomb in Chinese territory? Come on, Myanmar is basically within our grip, we have the Wa card to keep them docile, there is no need for violence. Unless it is repetitive violation, then we can actually annex Kokang, it's really easy actually. We don't do that due to our non-interventionist stand, things might change in the future though. Chinese skin you slowly, Myanmar is slowly getting encroached by Chinese, we are building a port for a future base, in the future, we will get even more. Don't scare the fish now, they might accidentally bite your finger but don't chase it away, let it swim into the net, let's see who gets fried in the end. Patience...:rofl:

Okay, if u r happy wt your barren lands and desert wt sand storm, then enjoy it, we dont care. We r happy to see US keep crushing CN in trade war and incite countries like Myanmar to drop bomb to CN again :lol:

its show how coward PLA is when leaving their countrymen behind high and dry in the riots. At least PLA must try to capture some VN coast guard officers in the conflict ... but PLA was too coward to do it when no daddy US back up like in 1979 :cool:

That's why I told you to visit China. You have no idea what you are talking about, we have moist Wet South, Fertile North, desert North and West, Ice Cap Tibet which controls the waterways for most major Asian rivers and you compare that with your puny country? China is just biding her time, you know very well what happens when we unleash it, remember the last time it happened? Well this time, it will be J-20s crippling your radars, J-10s destroying your infras, Y-20 bombing you to ashes. Yuans, 055, 052D destroying your navy. T99 with ERA armor rolling into your cities.

You want that to happen? You can hide in your jungles, we just blockade your ports and starve you to death. Take control of your key cities, with current tank armor technology, you can try using your guerrilla tactics, we just reinforce the cities, use drone tech with heat seekers and kill you. Technology has come a long way.

I understand the pent up frustration when you can do nothing as we drill for oil. You can ram your fishing boats and then what? You riot like monkeys, you know you can't win a war. We don't intervene in domestic affairs of others, if there is risk, Chinese don't invest in Vietnam, but hell the workers there are so cheap, everybody is going there.:china:

Bro.your analyst is excellent again. Everyone can see that CN having so many problem and so weak now, thats why JP-UK warships r sailing around CN water now, France-Aussie warships will join soon and waiting for CN incoming chaos.

Just like Ah Q never realize hes so stupid till ppl executed him, its a waste to make Cnese realize they r dying by the West. Thats why I give the Cnese the year of their chaos. thats 2023. thats the year US will execute CN ah Q :laugh:
Stop viewing this as a zero sum game. You don't die by opening up and compete. You get better, you access better ideas, technology and exchange goods and services. China in isolation will just be Mao China. The greatest fear is fear itself.
Its good when Cnese like u realize that thr trade war will not be solved just by few words on negotiation table.

What US want now is the collapse of CN, not just balancing trade deficit. U guys should realize that US economy still bad after 2008 crisis ( US debt increasing so fast, US has to reduce military budget and forces her allies to pay more) and need lots of money to stop that crisis.

If US can not destroy CN, then its US who will fall first. It means there is only one, CN or US, will still survive after this clash.

LOL, most Chinese indeed realize it is the zero sum game behind the trade war.

Xi said that China needs to be ready to fight the biggest incoming war at any moment.

This is the last stand between the two most powerful empires, there will be a winner, and the winner will survive.
why this thread smells like monkey?

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