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China's foreign trade for 2018 already exceeds 2017, jumping 15%

Where are we now? We are now a moderately prosperous people with enough to eat, clothe and a roof over our head, at least for the majority. And we have world class infrastructure, needs improvement on maintenance and aesthetics, but it is definitely world class. Don't even make me start on the world's largest middle class consumer market.

We have roughly 8000$ per capita, what is the meaning of this? Compare this to Vietnam 2000$/capita or India's 1900$/capita. In the future our population will decrease, wealth accumulated by the world's second largest economy will have more to distribute. Smaller population bigger pie equals more pie.

We developed technologies many countries can only dream about. This is the new China. We have problems and we need to solve it just like US and Japan need to sort out theirs, but I dare say this government is not an idle one, they are run by smart people. Have you been to Japan, US and other countries, I have been there, and I known their limitations. I know their f up infra, their bureaucratic procrastination, their degrading industries. Try going to Detroit once and see the decay of US. Japan is alot cleaner and better but yet their aging industries are slow to react, there is no vibrancy you see in China.

As for the tariffs, please I need to educate you again, it's not a simple game of strong or weak, it's diplomacy and playing with time. 90 days delay shows US is not as strong as you think it is, they too are afraid of further instigating China, which is also a market for hundreds of billions of their products. You do not realize, US exports services to China and it is not reflected in the deficit. All in all, the real deficit is only 100-150bil$. Corporate US cannot sustain a prolonged war too, and Trump knows this. And last but not least, WE HAVE A TRILLION US$ in US GOV BONDS. If we were to unload this, the share market and dollar would collapse.

Turkey shot down a Russian jet, you don't see Russia invading Turkey right? UK fighters accidentally shot down a US jet in friendly fire, is UK getting invaded?

You want us to invade Myanmar for accidentally dropping a bomb in Chinese territory? Come on, Myanmar is basically within our grip, we have the Wa card to keep them docile, there is no need for violence. Unless it is repetitive violation, then we can actually annex Kokang, it's really easy actually. We don't do that due to our non-interventionist stand, things might change in the future though. Chinese skin you slowly, Myanmar is slowly getting encroached by Chinese, we are building a port for a future base, in the future, we will get even more. Don't scare the fish now, they might accidentally bite your finger but don't chase it away, let it swim into the net, let's see who gets fried in the end. Patience...:rofl:
CN got independence in 1949 had no big war till now, and reached abt 2000$/capita in 2006. it means it take almost 60 year in peace for CN to reach while VN reached 2000$/capita in 2017, after just 27 year in peace (VN withdrawed some troops from Laos-Camb in 1990 and stop fighting till now ). Thats show how stupid and how slow CN is compared to VN during peace time :lol:

Turkey shot down a Russian jet, but Turkey is quite far from Russia, and Turkey dont shot down a Russian jet in Russia claimed land while Myanmar took CN land in history and drop bomb on CN soil, and "Tronk" PLA only sit and watch ( not mentioning coward PLA left hundreds Cnese workers high and dry in 2014 VN riots ). Did u see what happen to Ukraine ships when entering Russian water ?? they got shot and captured immediately, thats what we call :STrong !.

That's why I told you to visit China. You have no idea what you are talking about, we have moist Wet South, Fertile North, desert North and West, Ice Cap Tibet which controls the waterways for most major Asian rivers and you compare that with your puny country? China is just biding her time, you know very well what happens when we unleash it, remember the last time it happened? Well this time, it will be J-20s crippling your radars, J-10s destroying your infras, Y-20 bombing you to ashes. Yuans, 055, 052D destroying your navy. T99 with ERA armor rolling into your cities.

You want that to happen? You can hide in your jungles, we just blockade your ports and starve you to death. Take control of your key cities, with current tank armor technology, you can try using your guerrilla tactics, we just reinforce the cities, use drone tech with heat seekers and kill you. Technology has come a long way.

I understand the pent up frustration when you can do nothing as we drill for oil. You can ram your fishing boats and then what? You riot like monkeys, you know you can't win a war. We don't intervene in domestic affairs of others, if there is risk, Chinese don't invest in Vietnam, but hell the workers there are so cheap, everybody is going there
How many more years u still need for biding before coward/useless PLA can start a real war without daddy US-JP's support ?? and why US should let u keep biding time when US is running out of money and need to destroy CN and loot CN again like in Qing time ??.

And stop masturbating your mind wt "fake war" wt VN here. U can see your bitter feeling when u guys waste so much Tax for your stupid PLA, but it still let your neighbour (Russia, Myanmar) annexed your lands and killed your ppl like ants while PLA do Nothing to stop it. Show us when corrupted PLA wt stupid generals who only know "human wave "tactic have the guts to fight next war :laugh:
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Interesting picture. Previously China cooperated with the French to harm Vietnam, cooperation with the US to harm Vietnam is nothing new neither surprising.Chinese just pretend to hate the West.
You left out one very important part of that equation, and that is.... Previously China cooperated with Vietnam to harm the US. 1965-1975

Chinese including Xi should worship Deng as God. Because he opened the country to the world, brought economic reforms and bringing prosperity. Ok, Deng is considered in Vietnam as scum and war criminal is another story.
Xiaoping brought prosperity to the Chinese bourgeoisie. The Chinese bourgeoisie buys imported products, and emigrate overseas. That does nothing to help China, and the majority of Chinese do not benefit from this "prosperity". In fact, factory workers had far more rights, stability, prestige, certainty, confidence, and prosperity in 1966 than they do today. That's why the majority of Chinese see Xiaoping as a sell out.

China can buy technology, but the problem is, they wouldn't be able to sell it, or even use it domestically. That's why the vast majority of Chinese use foreign motherboards, and hard drives that we see on every day computers. Honestly, even if Chinese were able to gain the majority domestic marketshare of computer hard drives, I would China is making progres, but they're not. Even Chinese cell phones like Oppo, and Huawei use foreign cameras. And that's where China is today. The so called Chinese domestic commercial plane is filled with foreign parts. If China wants respect, they better come out with a plane with domestic parts first, otherwise, just sit down, and be quiet. They can't even implement technology in their own country, let alone abroad. And take a look and the operating systems used in China's own government. The Chinese railway system is running on Windows XP, even the PLA is running Windows. Judging by these simple things, it would appear that China hasn't aquired anything. Instead, what China has acquired is decadence, and people dying their hair, women wearing revealing clothes, tatoos, drinking, karaoke, counterfiting, permiscuity, divorce, and smoking. The biggest problem with China is, they pick up the bad habits from the west, and don't learn the good things, or things that are worthy of learning, ie not cutting in line. In 1966, there were no counterfeiting. However, today, every Chinese cashier checks for counterfit bills. That's the 180 degree turn that China made, from honesty, to moral decay. There was a foreigner who was in China in 1976. He left his electric razor in his hotel room, and checked out, and was on his way to the railway station. The hotel staff followed him to the railway station to return the razor. It was this kind of behavior that gained the respect of comunist China, and it's precisely the reforms that corupted the Chinese to the point where these kinds of things simply don't happen anymore in China.

When I used to hear Taiwanese complain about China, I thought that it was messed up for them to complain about their own country, but when I hear them complain now, I think that if your own countrymen don't have faith in your country, then why should I. Indeed I think it will have a domino effect. If people see that others are not respecting China, then that will affect others. This is why you also see Singapore Chinese also view Chinese nationals with contempt. It has nothing to do with spitting either. Let a white guy spit in Singapore, and let's see what the Singaporians have to say.

CEOs are absolutely unpatriotic, but the west has actually done a pretty good job at containing China's technological development. If you want to argue this point, then show some examples. Also when 5g finally comes out internationally, we'll see whether or not China has any kind of technological advantage after 40 years of selling out. The problem with Chinese shils is they always use these vague examples to justify their regime, yet they can hardly ever come up with real examples. Yet we, ordinary people, can come up with dozens of examples off the top of our head on how China relies on western technology. Look at what happened to ZTE. The west denied ZTE of technology, and ZTE was ready to fold. That is the state that China is in today. They're not independent, and the west has them by the balls. That's why the Chinese media is always hoping for the west to resolve the trade war, but the western media never does.

There are lots of Chinese banks that issue visa and mastercard, but no weestern banks issue union pay cards. That's a fact. Ask any of the westerners here. I am not talking about Chinese bank branches, I'm talking about western banks like Santander issuing union pay cards. They don't do that. On the other hand, Bank of China issues mastercard, and visa. That is one of many examples of how the west CAN access Chinese markets, whereas Chinese can't access western markets. Sorry, but to me, selling rice bowls in a 99 cent store doesn't justify Xiaoping's reforms. The west can sell Marlboro cigaretes in Chinese stores. You find me a store in the west that sells Chinese cigaretes. Booze. Western booze is everywhere in China. Budwaizer, Haineken. Again, you find me a store in the west selling Maotai. What makes shils not credible is, they actually think this is a good deal.

China doesn't sell Xiaomi because American corporations are blacklisting Xiaomi, where China would never even dare to think about blacklisting Iphone. That just goes to show China has failed at getting to the markets. If you can't sell a Xiaomi, what cant you do? Sell rice bowls to the 99 cent store? And it's not just Xiaomi. Honestly who in America is selling Oppo, Vivo, and Meizu? IP issues? Man. This is unbelievable. Chinese people making excuses for western protectionism. This is exactly why China is going down the drain. Just change the name to Rongwei for the export market. What's the problem? It's not an IP issue. There are no Chinese cars in the west. Geely is not there either. Are you going to use the IP excuse on that one too? The bottom line is US is an open market only to their allies. China is an open market to their enemies. See the difference baby boy. That's why China will NOT prevail.

The Taiwan problem is not with the DPP. Actually the KMT is also anti Chinese, and has been for the past 60 years. In fact, you will find many people associated with the KMT to boycott Chinese products, and look down on mainlanders.

I never said anything about invading TW actually. This is always the Chinese shil response. "We can't invade TW until we're strong enough." I'm simply saying that Chinese have failed at both influencing others, and controling its own national borders. The TW situation also shows that the west is in a leading position, and going strong. Every TW president has to first interview in the US before running for president. Notice how TW presidents are not going to China to interview. What does this tell you about the weakness of China? You can actually see China's weakness in TW. There are a dozen Japanese television chanels operating in TW. How many mainland channels are there? 0. China has no influence in TW. Everyone in TW uses Line, a Japanese program. They're not using wechat, or weibo. They use Twitter. Instead of using Baidu, they're using Google. Internet websites are actually a good gauge of how powerful you are or not. Let's not even talk about TW, even Hongers aren't trying to use Baidu. You have to think about that. Why are your own compatriots not confident about your products? Why would they rather buy from China's enemies than their own country?

Well I guess Chinese people are not starving anymore? Who said they were starving under Mao. I've talked to many elderly Chinese who said they never saw anyone starving in the 60s. That fairy tale about people starving in the 60s is about as real as Xiaoping's economic miracle. But let's get to the next point here. There exists new problems under the Deng dynasty that hasnt been present before. You see, your psyop may work with the ordinary person, but it doesn't work with me. Chinese food has become very dangerous under the Deng dynasty, leading to many health problems. It has gotten to the point that Chinese people are afraid to eat. I was talking to one member of the Chinese media, and he said that he eats at Mcdonalds because he's afraid to eat Chinese food. That is sad that people are turning to Mcdonalds, which is rubish in it of itself, but Chinese would rather eat that. But it's not just Chinese, Hongers, and Taiwanese are also afraid to eat Chinese food. In fact, I had bought some Chinese peanuts to Hong Kong, and one Honger said, if that's from China, then I'm not eating that. Which leads me to my next point, and it's a point that real elderly Chinese have brought up. He said that during the Mao era, there weren't that many diseases and illnesses. So the Deng dynasty wants to take credit for all the skyscrapers, yet they deny responsibility and make excuses when Chinese are developing all these illnesses under Dengism. Cancer, diabetes, depresion, insomnia, Aids, brought to you by Xiaoping et al.

Military rag tag? The Chinese were winning wars during the Mao era. Zemin, Jintao, and Jinping have never even been war, let alone win anything. While China has alot of hardware, that says nothing about China's military competence, ability to win wars, or confidence. The USSR had an excelent military too, but that didn't save them, and it wont save China. In fact, the Hongers are even calling China a "shuotouwugui", which translates into a turtle who hides his head in the shell, one who runs from problems, and is afraid to deal with reality. Hey, if your own countrymen are saying that, who are we to respect China? But the fact that China couldn't control the 2014 HK riots just shows China's weakness, and inability to cope with growing disent.

In 1966, you had the revolutionaries, and the counter revolutionaries. You obviously are in the counter revolutionary group. The revolutionaries were the ones who were fighting, and winning wars. They were the ones who had networks around the world, and followers. This was a time when the 3 world looked to China as a leader. At home, they were fighting corruption, uniting the country. They gave hope to people. Life was relatively peaceful, and people felt safe. Hardly anyone had to lock their doors.

The counter revolutionaries were led by Liu Shaoqi. They were the capitalists, and the pro western clique who came into power after 1976. This is when the sweat shops starting appearing, and China was lending money to the west. They were also the ones who took away the rights of Chinese people. Coincidentally, it was after Xiaoping took over that the Chinese became much less patriotic, and crime skyrocketed. Today, no one looks to China as a leader except maybe Pakistan, but even Albania has parted ways with China. Xiaoping, turned Vietnam from an ally to an enemy only one year after he seized power. Today's China only tells lies, and fairytales to the people to pacify them, but that doesn't even work. That's why China has security check points everywhere, and CCTv cameras everywhere. Today's Chinese are afraid to answer their door, or even answer their phone because of all the crime that has occured in the past 40yrs. One Chinese man said it the best when he said, during the cultural revolution, there was no crime, but the day that Xiaoping seized power, his thermos got stolen. This incident reflects a much bigger problem, a problem of Xiaoping, and his successors bringing crime, uncertainty, and chaos to China. Actually all the problems that the west talks about like coruption, pollution, and human rights all stem from Xiaoping, and his followers. During the cultural revolution, there was no coruption, and coruption. The Deng dynasty wants to take credit for the so called economic prosperity, yet they make excuses or the crime, decadence, coruption, poisonous food, and pollution that they brought to the Chinese people. And I have never actually heard any of the Chinese mouthpieces actually even try to justify Chinese emigrating overseas, taking China's money with them. If people were so content with the Deng dynasty, why are so many leaving? What does this say about the Deng dynasty that Chinese are willing to move to a country where they can't speak the language, or know anyone, yet they would rather start over overseas, than stay in a country they are familiar with. Even Jet Li has emigrated.

And actually, I'm not a Mao worshiper because Mao made some serious mistakes after 1967 by allowing the right wing to make a come back. It's because of Mao's mistakes that China is in the dongyabingfu state that it's in today. What I do recognize is that Mao also made some contributions. If that makes me a Mao worshiper, then it makes you a Xiaoping worshiper. Doesn't it make you sleep well at night that your prosperity comes from the exploitation of the Chinese workers and farmers, and that your little empire is built off of sweat shop labor.

Opening up, reforming, facing the competition, and playing the game where the rules are set by the west. That's precisely why China can't, and won't win. Remember me when China collapses.

The deficit is not even real. Only deceptive people like you are claiming there is a deficit. Any smart people can see the west is the primary beneficiary of Chinese imports. If China exports a $1000 phone to America, that doesn't mean China made $1000. In fact, China only makes $8 for each cell phone. But according to the way the spin doctors are telling the story, they make it sound as if China was actually making $1000, which they are not, and never will be. On the other hand, when the west sells things to China, it is often things that the Chinese make themselves. Take for example Tide laundry detergent. That is made in Chinese factories, but the profits go to westerners. Coca Cola is made in Chinese factories, yet the profits go to westerners. See the pattern? That isn't counted into the deficit, yet anyone with half a brain can figure out that the west is making the money. Then there are all the Chinese students who study in the west, yet how many westerners are studying in China? Do the math, and get back to me. How about Chinese tourists? do the math, and the ratio. Needless to say, none of this is factored into the deficit. The west uses the deficit to make people angry, upset, and jealous of China. China uses the deficit fairy tale to make it look like they're making progress, and money, which they are NOT. I and many other people have mentioned before that the rich Chinese stick exclusively to buying foreign products. They have a tendency to emigrate overseas, and or send their kids overseas. They vaction overseas, so it doesn't matter what the deficit was, or if there even is a deficit. The fact of the matter is, whatever money China makes, goes back to the west eventually.

The previous Chinese commie media is what actually had a following. I was talking to one man from Sri Lanka who was able to quote Mao's 5 loves. Now you find me one young Sri Lankan, or anyone, anywhere who can quote anything that Jinping has said. You won't. You know why? Because no one takes an interest in Chinese media anymore. In fact, during the 70s, it would not be uncommon for African Americans to carry around Mao's little red book. You don't find any African Americans carrying any Chinese books today. In 1966, CRI, and the Beijing Weekly had a huge following. Today, nobody knows about the global times, or China daily. The vast majority of overseas Chinese couldn't name a single PRC media outlet. If you can;t even influence overseas Chinese, you are a long way away from influencing "gwailos". The Chinese media is precisely hiding, and that's why nobody knows about the Chinese media, yet everyone knows BBC, and CNN. The west has been shutting down Confucius institutes for brainwashing the students. Yet, China would never dare to shut down English language schools for doing the same thing. See the difference? Weak, and strong.

China has no power. Go to Hong Kong, and look at all the anti Chinese there. If China can't even influence its own compatriots, who can they influence? You will find that Hongers are more sympathetic towards America, and even Japan, rather than China.

I don't get why Chinese shils always claim that the west is afraid of you. Where do you gather that the west is afraid of you? The west always creates an image of a frightening North Korea, but it doesn't mean North Korea can do anything against the west, just like China can't do anything against the west. The west is simply cooking up a China threat to turn the public against China, which has worked. Have you taken a look at the polls? I've posted on such poll before, and China's reputation now is worse than it was in 1979. 40 years of treason later, and you've got no progress to show in this area. This is why I don't take the Deng dynasty seriously. They give the west all these markets, and still the west hates China. Talk about wasting your money.

Volvo is a good example of the Chinese sell out mentality. The Chinese sell outs have money sitting in their pocket from exploiting their own compatriots, what do they do with it? They buy western companies, and then keep western management, paying the protection fee, and supprting their western masters. What the Chinese sell outs don't do is use that money to make domestic companies better. They don't like doing that because their western masters can't make money off of it. As per usual, Chinese leaders have to put western interests ahead of their own. China can't force Chinese not to buy BMW, but certainly the west can force westerners not to buy Geely, and Chery. And this is why the west comes out on top, time and time again.

If China spent half the money they use to bail out western corporations on their own compatriots, China would already be a super power by now.

Your logic is that Japan is buying f-35 because they're afraid of China? By your own logic then, China is making j-20's because they're afraid of the west, yet Chinese shils are always vehemently denying they're afraid of the west. So which is it? China is afraid of the west, or Japan is using f-35's to destabilize China, because they can. Japan's role in this is to put pressure on China, and help the west take over China. This doesn't mean Japan, or the west is afraid of China. Don't jump to conclusions.

There's a big difference between being afraid of a country, and wanting to take over the country. What the west wants is to take over China. They're not afraid of China. They are using fire power to achieve their goal. When the west invaded China during the opium wars, were they afraid of China? No. They wanted to take over it. It's the same today.

Why would TW declare independence when they can be used as an indefinite bargaining chip against China? I never did see China as being kind. Actually the hand outs that China gives out is always to the most vicious bourgeoisie, and never to people who actually need it. Here's why I don't respect China. The people who need money the most in China aren't getting it. They need healthcare, and China doesn't provide for those people. Instead, they are giving away billions, to Honger, and Taiwanese businessmen, or Starbucks, who don't even need the money. This is why China doesn't have the support of its own people. China gave away the land to the Hong Kong disney for free. That's how much of a sell out China is. China went from taking land away from the rich, and giving it to the poor, to taking land away from the poor, and giving it to the rich. You can see why China has no popularity left.

Let's not act like Jinping is not pro western. His daughter was educated there. God knows how much money he has stashed away in western bank accounts.

Let's face it. China is losing, and that's why they hired you to do damage control, but here's the thing though, ordinary people are more likely to have a negative impression of China after reading what you've written than a positive one, but that's the thing about shiling, it often times has a reverse side effect. I've seen it in western shils before where they try to come online bragging about western accomplishments, and insulting foreigners.

Shils are always claiming that China is some kind of economic miracle, but the employees in restraunts are getting paid $500 a month, and they don't get healthcare, retirement, or anything. Real Chinese people know that this economic miracle is a fairy tale. Chinese taxi drivers drive an entire day from 7am-6pm, and that whole time they are making money only to pay for their expenses, and don't begin to make any money until after 6pm. That's the real deal that shils wont tell you.

In 1966, if you went to a CN hospital, you were treated first, and paid later. In 2018, if you visited a Chinese hospital, you pay first, then get treated. Thank you xiaoping.
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CN got independence in 1949 had no big war till now, and reached abt 2000$/capita in 2006. it means it take almost 60 year in peace for CN to reach while VN reached 2000$/capita in 2017, after just 27 year in peace (VN withdrawed some troops from Laos-Camb in 1990 and stop fighting till now ). Thats show how stupid and how slow CN is compared to VN during peace time :lol:

China got independence in 1949, went through two shitty revolutions which decimated production, great leap forward, cultural revolution slowed us down tremendously, destroyed a generation of entrepreneurs. But the monetary instinct is never lost in the Chinese, in a matter of 30 years, we rebuilt that. We did not have 60 years of peace and stability, at most 30 years. You are proud to have 2000$/capita? firstly you need to look at the size of China and the work involved to get from 2000$ to 8000$/capita, infrastructure, institutions take at least 20 years to mature and build up. What China did in the 1990s/2000s, we are only reaping the rewards now, that's one generation. Whether you are smarter or better remains to be seen, but even China in 2006 had better technology and infrastructure than Vietnam now. That's the difference, we plan, work hard and prepare the foundation for future growth. Go to HCM or Hanoi and look at the shitty town planning, China had better planning in the 90s my friend. Let's talk when you get there pal, our companies love Vietnam too much. =)

Turkey shot down a Russian jet, but Turkey is quite far from Russia, and Turkey dont shot down a Russian jet in Russia claimed land while Myanmar took CN land in history and drop bomb on CN soil, and "Tronk" PLA only sit and watch ( not mentioning coward PLA left hundreds Cnese workers high and dry in 2014 VN riots ). Did u see what happen to Ukraine ships when entering Russian water ?? they got shot and captured immediately, thats what we call :STrong !.

Sochi is only 300km from the Turkish coast, not exactly far my friend. =). Turkey shot down a Russian plane in the midst of the Syria War, you call that non provocative? Since when did Myanmar took Chinese land? We demarcated our borders with Myanmar, it is their land, might change in the future, but legally we signed an agreement on our borders and we respect that. Hence even if the Kokang were ethnic Chinese, we don't interfere now, at least not directly =). Things may change, but we abide by our agreement with the Myanmarese. Legally we cannot invade a sovereign country over such things, and Myanmar is a 'friendly' country in this regard, imagine if you want us to invade Pakistan over Chinese deaths? We can however ask for compensation, and if the matter repeats itself, then we will have legitimate reason to invade Kokang. =). As for Vietnam riots, who is the coward now? You dare not attack us head on and then act like monkeys and hurt civilians? If you are brave then attack our rig and fight our navy. Why resort to cowardice acts?

How many more years u still need for biding before coward/useless PLA can start a real war without daddy US-JP's support ?? and why US should let u keep biding time when US is running out of money and need to destroy CN and loot CN again like in Qing time ??.
At least another 20 years of peaceful development, by then our wealth should have doubled, 6 CBGs should be ready. Since when is Japan ever in the equation, why do you have such obsession with Japan? China would have attacked Vietnam with or without US support, might have more casualties, but hey they offer us free stuff, why not take it, reverse it and absorb those technologies? We started many wars without US and against US my boy. We invaded S. Vietnamese islands even when US was still in Vietnam, your daddy didn't come to your aid tho. 1962 War, 1969 War, 1974 Paracel invasion, 1950 Korean war...helloooooo? What are you smoking. The Dragon is meditating now, absorbing energy and recovering her muscles. When he awakens, somebody is gonna get a hurt. hahahhaahahaha :china:

And stop masturbating your mind wt "fake war" wt VN here. U can see your bitter feeling when u guys waste so much Tax for your stupid PLA, but it still let your neighbour (Russia, Myanmar) annexed your lands and killed your ppl like ants while PLA do Nothing to stop it. Show us when corrupted PLA wt stupid generals who only know "human wave "tactic have the guts to fight next war :laugh:

Fake war? we don't even have a war with Vietnam, we can control your country slowly, your country is weak, technology non-existent, people lazy and not competitive, OK except the ethnic Hoas. What is your future? My people are driven, ambitious, hungry to be the best, they are angry to prove themselves to the world, this is the new China.

I think PLA is relatively efficient if compared to Indians and US, who burn billions. We actually have less procurement/imports and more on research and domestic MIC. This is a forward thinking military, build the MIC first before you build the military.

Russia annexed those land 100-200 years, we are in no position to fight a nuke war over it. It is demarcated but in the future who knows. Chinese are migrating over there marrying Russian women, they are tilling the soil, extracting the minerals and exporting it back to China. The demographics will change, Russia might be weaken, you don't to fire a bullet and if China is prosperous enough, we can absorb it. :lol:

Realise this is also happening in Myanmar and Vietnam, our traders, workers, citizens are going into your countries, we are smarter and more diligent, we will rise in your politics, we will control your country from the inside. This is how we invade you without firing a single bullet.
You left out one very important part of that equation, and that is.... Previously China cooperated with Vietnam to harm the US. 1965-1975

Xiaoping brought prosperity to the Chinese bourgeoisie. The Chinese bourgeoisie buys imported products, and emigrate overseas. That does nothing to help China, and the majority of Chinese do not benefit from this "prosperity". In fact, factory workers had far more rights, stability, prestige, certainty, confidence, and prosperity in 1966 than they do today. That's why the majority of Chinese see Xiaoping as a sell out.

Chinese can buy whatever they want, you need to wake up to competition and improve. No more selling and producing chingchong goods, understand? You need to invest in media, in marketing just like the rest of the Western World. No point hiding like a hermit. China is given some breathing room for our domestic FMCG to improve, which I can see is getting better. Majority of the people did prosper from the opening up, I am one of them, and with hundreds of millions more. Yes, the so called golden era of Mao? Where everybody was equal, lazy, unaccountable with low productivity causing starvation. Chinese are instinctively hardworking, diligent and industrious, communism is the shackle locking up this potential. In a matter of decades, this potential exploded and changed our fate, all due to one short guy named Deng. The very same guy who is shaking the hand of a taller US president with both their head lowered to show respect. Very nice way of playing with propaganda my friend. Deng was the unsung hero of China, he should be on the face of the RMB not Mao.

China can buy technology, but the problem is, they wouldn't be able to sell it, or even use it domestically. That's why the vast majority of Chinese use foreign motherboards, and hard drives that we see on every day computers. Honestly, even if Chinese were able to gain the majority domestic marketshare of computer hard drives, I would China is making progres, but they're not. Even Chinese cell phones like Oppo, and Huawei use foreign cameras. And that's where China is today. The so called Chinese domestic commercial plane is filled with foreign parts. If China wants respect, they better come out with a plane with domestic parts first, otherwise, just sit down, and be quiet. They can't even implement technology in their own country, let alone abroad. And take a look and the operating systems used in China's own government.

So what are all those MADE IN CHINA goods exported around the world? 375billion US$ in surplus, all shoes? You fail to understand the thousand of small supplier supplying components to build these products for exports. The number of management skills, manufacturing skills and planning skills involved. These are all technologies transferred to the Chinese industrial base either directly or indirectly, either bought or forced upon.Technology is not just about one big machine, it about knowing how to precisely drill a hole on a metal sheet, measuring the diameter precisely, quality controls, etc. All of the hardware in computers are MADE IN CHINA either by foreigners or local sub suppliers. This is the industrial base I was talking about, do you not see it. People cannot and will not destroy their factories overnight, it is there for decades. And yet where is the camera made in? CHINA? Might be a foreign company, but the company is in China, it also involves buying local materials, training local engineers. Unless consumers are willing to go for a local brand, the manufacturers will respond. So local brands need to compete and fight for business. Alot of cheaper phones use Chinese sensors and cameras, you just gotta work harder and better.


I love this company galazycore.

The Chinese railway system is running on Windows XP, even the PLA is running Windows. Judging by these simple things, it would appear that China hasn't aquired anything. Instead, what China has acquired is decadence, and people dying their hair, women wearing revealing clothes, tatoos, drinking, karaoke, counterfiting, permiscuity, divorce, and smoking. The biggest problem with China is, they pick up the bad habits from the west, and don't learn the good things, or things that are worthy of learning, ie not cutting in line. In 1966, there were no counterfeiting. However, today, every Chinese cashier checks for counterfit bills. That's the 180 degree turn that China made, from honesty, to moral decay. There was a foreigner who was in China in 1976. He left his electric razor in his hotel room, and checked out, and was on his way to the railway station. The hotel staff followed him to the railway station to return the razor. It was this kind of behavior that gained the respect of comunist China, and it's precisely the reforms that corupted the Chinese to the point where these kinds of things simply don't happen anymore in China.

Then offer an alternative, most military computers run on KYLIN now due to security reasons, let's not be stupid. What we did with MICROSOFT and CISCO, the Americans are now doing it to us with HUAWEI, security reasons. You see the same pattern here? Protectionism. The whole world is doing the same shit, we cannot be like Saudi Arabia, women are gonna have freedom, they are gonna have their own taste, as long as it's legal, you can't force them wearing Mao suits right? In 1966, the good ole days, people don't even have enough cash since China can't print adequate cash. Moral decay happens when you have poverty, and during transition to material wealth, after a while you will find spiritual needs, you can see this in a developed societies, SG, Taiwan Korea, their sudden wealth increase made their people materialistic, then after while the society became more spiritual, looking for contentment in helping others instead of predatory trading. You can see this in Taiwan, in the 80s, it was dog eat dog world. Nowadays, I see more spiritual movement in the society, once you are comfortable and no more desperate for material needs, you will find a need for personal fulfillment.

Corruption happens in all societies especially Communists ones. Stop defending a decaying system my friend.

When I used to hear Taiwanese complain about China, I thought that it was messed up for them to complain about their own country, but when I hear them complain now, I think that if your own countrymen don't have faith in your country, then why should I. Indeed I think it will have a domino effect. If people see that others are not respecting China, then that will affect others. This is why you also see Singapore Chinese also view Chinese nationals with contempt.

They have every right to complain, Chinese will never yield to another weaker and poorer state, if China is richer more developed than them with better governance, you think they will think the same. So compete, be better, improve, we now have better infrastructure, but still alot of poor people, make those people's lives better until they have no excuse, make your society happier and kinder. I see changing attitudes with young Chinese. Their parents were starving and desperate, the new generation is confident and brave to face the world. I feel ashamed for some Chinese outside, these people just recently got wealthy but their attitudes are not refined. SG Chinese hate us for this reason. Remember only a generation ago these idiots were starving, sudden wealth for peasants means trouble, more exposure, education and changes will improve things. Singaporeans had the same spitting problem only a generation ago, HK was a slum, they had time to adapt and change, their people became more cultured. China had only 30 years. I reckon another 20 years for full societal change.

CEOs are absolutely unpatriotic, but the west has actually done a pretty good job at containing China's technological development. If you want to argue this point, then show some examples. Also when 5g finally comes out internationally, we'll see whether or not China has any kind of technological advantage after 40 years of selling out. The problem with Chinese shils is they always use these vague examples to justify their regime, yet they can hardly ever come up with real examples. Yet we, ordinary people, can come up with dozens of examples off the top of our head on how China relies on western technology. Look at what happened to ZTE. The west denied ZTE of technology, and ZTE was ready to fold. That is the state that China is in today. They're not independent, and the west has them by the balls. That's why the Chinese media is always hoping for the west to resolve the trade war, but the western media never does.
If it was pretty good, they wouldn't be worried right? ahhaha.

I can't predict things in 40 years, I do know 15 years ago, if i told you China will control the world most advanced telecom technology and basically draft that standard, you would have laughed at me. =)

This is an open market man, if you have better technology, sell it to us, I can bet with you in 5 years, we will have better ones. Unless of course, the yardstick if even elongating like semicon, we are still playing catching up. Otherwise, most mechanical technology is already absorbed and learnt, not rocket science. ZTE relies on certain chips from the West, it's not that we can't make those chips, it's because we can't make ones as good and as recognized where others accept it. I am sure within a year or two we can come up with replacements. Those chips are not really cutting edge, commercial companies look for the cheapest off the shelves components for non key items, they never expect US to shoot himself in the leg just to hurt China. People adapt, companies adapt, given enough time, if you don't want to sell us this, we will find a replacement. It's just business, but you cannot suddenly shut down the supply as orders were already placed and there is a delivery deadline, supply chain needs time to react. The same can happen to US, if China were to follow and shoot themselves in the foot just to hurt US, how much components are being procured from China? If we disrupt the supply chain, how many US companies will go bust? Can they find replacement in time? But we can't to that because it will hurt us more since we make more money out of it.

There are lots of Chinese banks that issue visa and mastercard, but no weestern banks issue union pay cards. That's a fact. Ask any of the westerners here. I am not talking about Chinese bank branches, I'm talking about western banks like Santander issuing union pay cards. They don't do that. On the other hand, Bank of China issues mastercard, and visa. That is one of many examples of how the west CAN access Chinese markets, whereas Chinese can't access western markets. Sorry, but to me, selling rice bowls in a 99 cent store doesn't justify Xiaoping's reforms. The west can sell Marlboro cigaretes in Chinese stores. You find me a store in the west that sells Chinese cigaretes. Booze. Western booze is everywhere in China. Budwaizer, Haineken. Again, you find me a store in the west selling Maotai. What makes shils not credible is, they actually think this is a good deal.
I am not sure if there a 'lots' of Chinese banks offering VISA, my VISA card was rejected at most Chinese shops. There is a big difference in not allowing Chinese Cards and not using Chinese Cards. US is an open economy, you are free to sell your card system there, whether people want to use it is another matter, the market decides.

This is an example where Chinese cards can't compete and blame market access. YOU ARE GIVEN ACCESS, you just can't compete. I reckon it will take another 20-30 years to be fully competitive on financial products.

If you want westerners to use your cards, then you need to be better, have better marketing offer better deals. Why should I use UNION PAY in US when nobody accepts it. I do see more and more shops in the world offering UNIONPAY due to Chinese tourist demand.

Who the fck want to drink moutai? it doesn't even sound nice, or zhonghua? you are blaming Chinese lack of marketing skills on market access? What's stopping you from selling? You can freely import and sell Zhonghua cigs, nobody is gonna buy it, coz you dd not do 40 years of cowboy ads riding a horse and banging a blonde. You gotta learn coolness and marketing dude. Find a niche to market your products, we are doing great with IT products, but FMCG, it sounds shitty and it looks shitty. Maybe it's up to Chinese taste, not your average Joe dude.

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China got independence in 1949, went through two shitty revolutions which decimated production, great leap forward, cultural revolution slowed us down tremendously, destroyed a generation of entrepreneurs. But the monetary instinct is never lost in the Chinese, in a matter of 30 years, we rebuilt that. We did not have 60 years of peace and stability, at most 30 years. You are proud to have 2000$/capita? firstly you need to look at the size of China and the work involved to get from 2000$ to 8000$/capita, infrastructure, institutions take at least 20 years to mature and build up. What China did in the 1990s/2000s, we are only reaping the rewards now, that's one generation. Whether you are smarter or better remains to be seen, but even China in 2006 had better technology and infrastructure than Vietnam now. That's the difference, we plan, work hard and prepare the foundation for future growth. Go to HCM or Hanoi and look at the shitty town planning, China had better planning in the 90s my friend. Let's talk when you get there pal, our companies love Vietnam too much. =)

No excuse for great leap forward, cultural revolution etc, my friend, just like when we said we didnt have enough troops for the first week of 1979 war, u said no excuse. Btw: Its your ppl choice to did great leap forward, cultural revolution and u guys thought thats the best thing for CN, no White master forced u to do.

So, ppl still consider CN had 60 years in peace till 2006, and yeah! its only reach 2000$ while VN only need 27 years to do its. How stupid and slow u r. :lol:

Abt infrastructure, we dont need it look so good in the cities cos we only need some good location for the factories and some good ports to export the goods. VN dont have a big/ barren/usless land like CN, so why should we waste money for some "ghost towns" like CN ??

Sochi is only 300km from the Turkish coast, not exactly far my friend. =). Turkey shot down a Russian plane in the midst of the Syria War, you call that non provocative? Since when did Myanmar took Chinese land? We demarcated our borders with Myanmar, it is their land, might change in the future, but legally we signed an agreement on our borders and we respect that. Hence even if the Kokang were ethnic Chinese, we don't interfere now, at least not directly =). Things may change, but we abide by our agreement with the Myanmarese. Legally we cannot invade a sovereign country over such things, and Myanmar is a 'friendly' country in this regard, imagine if you want us to invade Pakistan over Chinese deaths? We can however ask for compensation, and if the matter repeats itself, then we will have legitimate reason to invade Kokang. =). As for Vietnam riots, who is the coward now? You dare not attack us head on and then act like monkeys and hurt civilians? If you are brave then attack our rig and fight our navy. Why resort to cowardice acts?
Russia wanna take control of Syria, so some planes down r just the casualty of war there to achieve her goal. How can Russia take Syria without any loss ??

WHile the matter of CN is different, Myanmar forced CN to cede Kokang, Russia forced CN to give up half of Mongol, and coward PLA do Nothing but sit and watch (and get good salary every months of course), whats a coward army !:laugh:
Kokang was initially placed in China under the 1894 Sino-British boundary convention. It was ceded to British Burma in a supplementary agreement signed in February 1897.[3]

At least another 20 years of peaceful development, by then our wealth should have doubled, 6 CBGs should be ready. Since when is Japan ever in the equation, why do you have such obsession with Japan? China would have attacked Vietnam with or without US support, might have more casualties, but hey they offer us free stuff, why not take it, reverse it and absorb those technologies? We started many wars without US and against US my boy. We invaded S. Vietnamese islands even when US was still in Vietnam, your daddy didn't come to your aid tho. 1962 War, 1969 War, 1974 Paracel invasion, 1950 Korean war...helloooooo? What are you smoking. The Dragon is meditating now, absorbing energy and recovering her muscles. When he awakens, somebody is gonna get a hurt. hahahhaahahaha :china:
another 20 years ?? man, r u still living on this Earth ?? DO u know that US's debt is too big now and she only can survive abt 10 more years if she can not destroy CN and loot your money ??

So, the maximum peace years u can have is juts abt 4 more year, its mean in 2023, PLA must show that its strong enough to protect CN and its almost impossible for PLA to do that cos Cnese join PLA mainly just for good salary, not for fighting and die for some cheap guys like u (see what happen during 2014 conflict, PLA men just retreat and left hundred injured workers behind ).

Do u realize that men join PLA mainly just for good salary ?? There is clealy No reason for PLA men to waste their precious lives for Xi or any dumb peasants like u:lol:

In China, Joining the Army Will Cost You

To enlist in the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), potential recruits have to take tests. To make sure their sons and daughters pass, families pay up. At one recruitment office in the eastern Chinese province of Jiangxi, this year’s going rate, depending on your guanxi, or connections, is as much as 99,000 yuan ($16,000), says Wang, a recruitment officer in the province who asked that his full name not be used because he isn’t authorized to speak publicly. Limited openings, plus a high failure rate on the fitness exam, push parents to buy spots for their children during the annual enlistment drive that runs through September. Success offers a stable job and, for some, an escape from rural poverty.

The price varies, Wang says. His old army friends “asked me what the current price tag is, and I said ‘around 80,000 to 90,000 yuan for you guys.’ If your guanxi was really strong, it’d cost you around 50,000 to 60,000 yuan; if it was just so-so, you would have to spend 100,000 yuan at least.”

No excuse for great leap forward, cultural revolution etc, my friend, just like when we said we didnt have enough troops for the first week of 1979 war, u said no excuse. Btw: Its your ppl choice to did great leap forward, cultural revolution and u guys thought thats the best thing for CN, no White master forced u to do.

So, ppl still consider CN had 60 years in peace till 2006, and yeah! its only reach 2000$ while VN only need 27 years to do its. How stupid and slow u r. :lol:

Abt infrastructure, we dont need it look so good in the cities cos we only need some good location for the factories and some good ports to export the goods. VN dont have a big/ barren/usless land like CN, so why should we waste money for some "ghost towns" like CN ??

True, we should have worked harder and achieved more. Well, we are only Chinese, quadrupling our income is not enough, having the world's second most powerful economy and military is never enough. You are right we Chinese must work harder to improve ourselves! =).

No excuse at all, so I hope to see Vietnam becoming powerful soon? In 20 years? Instead of exporting brides to China? =). Good to know you don't need to invest in infrastructure and continue having unplanned sewage infested cities. You fail to see the 99% of useful infrastructure created and concentrate on the 1% 'ghost towns' sold out to 'private' speculators which happened in the US too as recently as 2009. =).

Russia wanna take control of Syria, so some planes down r just the casualty of war there to achieve her goal. How can Russia take Syria without any loss ??

WHile the matter of CN is different, Myanmar forced CN to cede Kokang, Russia forced CN to give up half of Mongol, and coward PLA do Nothing but sit and watch (and get good salary every months of course), whats a
coward army !:laugh:


Kokang was initially placed in China under the 1894 Sino-British boundary convention. It was ceded to British Burma in a supplementary agreement signed in February 1897.[3]
The point is not whether Syrian invasion involves casualties, the point is should Russia invade Turkey since this is what you implied we should do. =)

Well, you can't expect us to invade and take every inch of Qing territory right? We also ceded Vietnam long ago, should we invade you back? We theoretically own you for a 1000 years. We do have the right to invade you back as 'lost' territories right? :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Should Russia invade Alaska while we are at it?

another 20 years ?? man, r u still living on this Earth ?? DO u know that US's debt is too big now and she only can survive abt 10 more years if she can not destroy CN and loot your money ??

So, the maximum peace years u can have is juts abt 4 more year, its mean in 2023, PLA must show that its strong enough to protect CN and its almost impossible for PLA to do that cos Cnese join PLA mainly just for good salary, not for fighting and die for some cheap guys like u (see what happen during 2014 conflict, PLA men just retreat and left hundred injured workers behind ).

Do u realize that men join PLA mainly just for good salary ?? There is clealy No reason for PLA men to waste their precious lives for Xi or any dumb peasants like u:lol:
The world is not just US you know, as long as we concentrate our resources for the betterment of our country instead of fighting unnecessary wars, China will prosper. I am not sure US will explode and I don't wish them to explode. I can't predict the future like you.:lol:

Well, who is gonna invade China? Apart from border skirmishes, nobody dares invade China for apparent reasons. :lol:. If we are so weak, why don't you try and take back your islands, cross the border with your brave Viet army. Come on?! I dare you! Gosh please have some common sense.

Btw, corruption do happen in the military, and it's up to the government to clean it up. You sure it doesn't happen else where, in India, bribery is common in the military, but when it comes to national defense, i think they will still fight. And this doesn't happen in Vietnam? You sure about it? =)
That's precisely my point. China can't compete, and is unable to compete. That's why China has become the new dongyabingfu. China invests alot in media. Unfortunately, the Chinese media is usually just a parot of the western media, and has no true voice of its own, that's why for the past 40yrs, the Chinese media has lost its following. Some breathing room. lol. China's been hiding for the past 40yrs, and probably will do until they collapse. If you talk to real Chinese people, not shils, they will tell you that Chinese people were much harder working, and contributed way more to society during the cultural revolution than they do now. In China today, you have lots of people who sit around at internet cafe's playing games all day. You have people who sit at gambling houses all day. You didn't have that during the cultural revolution, and every Chinese paid a contribution, unlike today. So, while your psyop may work on ordinary people, they don't work on me, or anyone else who has lived through the cultural revolution. Capitalism has not made China any more hard working. Not in the least bit. In fact, what the Chinese workers have told me is that they were more dedicated to their factories when they had autonomy over the factory, but when foreigners took over the factories, and opened up sweat shops, the workers became distanced from the factories, and no longer cared about their jobs anymore. So what you are saying is the exact opposite of reality. Everytime shils bring up the starvation stories, it just gives less credibility to them. There are many people who lived through the cultural revolution, people who know that people did NOT starve, so your lies can be proven wrong. Chinese are instinctively hard working, unfortunately the Deng dynasty has brought out the worst in Chinese people. This is why you have so many dishonest Chinese today who feel the need to cheat. In fact, didn't your gwailo masters make a big deal out of Chinese students cheating? Anyone who's lived in China can tell you about the dodgy hospitals in China where they tell you to do exams that you don't need to do, and prescribes you medicine that you don't need. These are the lazy Chinese who would have been persecuted during the cultural revolution, but thanks to the Deng dynasty, not only are they no longer persecuted, but they are thriving from running these dodgy hospitals. Then there are all the dodgy vendors on Taobao. This also shows the ugly side of Chinese capitalism where so many vendors are selling bootleg products. I once bought a fake memory card. I mean who would make a fake Kingston 4gb memory card anyway, well, in China they do aparently, under the great leadership of Jinping, and Dengism.

Capitalism is the shacke that has tied China down, and why China has enacted all these pro western policies. The core problems with Chinese capitalism is that they have lost all their allies, and given away all their money to the west. If that isn't a shackle, I don't know what is. In 1966, China was a free country. After 1978, China became an erhuangdi, or a western stooge. Speaking of heads lowering, didn't someone just post a picture of Xiaoping lowering his head to Carter? Xiaoping is the unsung hero to the exploiters, bourgeoisie, and western corporations. However, in China, he is a villain to the masses, workers, farmers, and poor. It was because of him that China was turned into a sweat shop, polluted, and corupted. Millions of people lost their jobs because of Xiaoping's privatization, millions more became homeless, and mentally ill. Families fell apart. That's the side of Chinese capitalism you wont hear about. He is the Kruschev of China. The face of the RMB shouldn't be Mao, and definitely not Xiaoping, but rather the Chinese workers, and farmers who Xiaoping exploited to get his ill gotten fortunes. Indeed Mao had the right idea to put the pictures of the masses on the RMB. It proves that he stood with the people, and his successors stood against them.

China sells cheap stuff to the west that China makes themselves. Go to the 99 cent store, and you will see what kind of stuff China sells to the west. On the other hand, all the stuff that the west sells to China are ALSO made by the Chinese, and ridiculously expensive. While the west does none of the work, the profits go to the west. The perfect example is the iphone. China gets $8 per iphone, and the west walks away with the rest of the profit. The phone is made by the Chinese themselves. Even an idiot can see that this is a lose lose situation for China. The Deng dynasty of course, has no problem with this, which is why the people turned against them in 89.

China can't be like Saudi Arabia, so all the women are dressing like call girls. It's a shame to see what China has become under the Deng dynasty. There once was a time when Chinese women were respectable. Those days are gone. Thanks to capitalism. The Chinese are becoming more and more corupted, and think exactly like their western masters. Dressing like a whore does not make you free. Neither does smoking, doing drugs, or getting drunk. That is decadence, plain and simple. It's precisely these capitalist lunatics who will try to equate getting high to freedom. It's so ridiculous how the Deng dynasty is obsesed with Chinese traditional culture, yet they can't stay away from the decadence. Moral decay happens without poverty, and that's what's happening in China today. Wow. This is how bad China has become. They seriously believe that materialism brings more spirituality. If you go to SG, you will find the people are like robots. They're not even like real people. It's like capitalism sucked the soul right out of them. The exact opposite is true of what you said. What you see in China is that capitalism has wrecked, and ruined families. During the comunist era, Chinese people had 2 hr lunches, and spent quality time with their family. They had week long vacations during labor day, and the Deng dynasty took that away from the Chinese worker. Capitalism ruined all that, and destroyed the Chinese family. Families are now split up where parents are working in one city, and the kids are living in home towns. Parents dont even know what their kids are doing. This is the ugly side of Chinese capitalism that shils dont want to talk about. Never before in human history have we seen the Chinese family so fragmented. You also see similar patterns in Japan where fathers hardly even see their children, thanks to capitalism.

Corruption happens in capitalist societies, not comunist ones. If you were going to be corupt, you might as well become capitalist. If Lin Biao wanted to be corupt, he would just take kick backs from his western masters like Xiaoping did, but you see comunists actually have a backbone unlike you. They see the greater good as being more important, whereas capitalists like yourself are driven by money, and greed. So there is a very big difference, like night and day. Anyone who lived under comunism knows how corupt capitalism is. This includes all the people from eastern Europe who saw how capitalism corupted their countries. It's obvious that you don't know a thing about comunism other than what the ClA told you.

Chinese yield to weaker and poorer states all the time. Myanmar's air force bombed China a couple of years back, and China did nothing. South Korea kidnapped some Chinese sailors, and China did nothing. South Korea installed Thad, and China did nothing. Taiwan shot a missile directly at China, and China did nothing. Hongers beat up mainlanders on a regular basis, and China does nothing. China even yields to rebels, like when Chinese nationals were booted otu of Libya. Vietnamese also looted Chinese factories few years back. Let's be real here, when was the last time China ever did anything after 1978? I will give you that China has better infrastructure, but poor people ONLY started appearing AFTER China fell to capitalism. There were no poor people in 1966. Dengism created the divide in Chinese society betweeen rich and poor. In 1966, everyone who wanted to work did. There were no homeless, but that simply is no longer the case in China. While there are no people starving in China today, many are concerned about food safety, a concern that no one ever had in 1966, because food was natural, and no one modified food for profits like they do in today's China.

I also see changing attitudes with young Chinese, how they have become more greedy, and selfish. Their parents were hard working, and they have become lazy. Their parents ate healthy food, and they eat junk food. That's the pattern here. I've even noticed that the old Chinese are actually healthier than the young ones. The old Chinese were never afraid to criticize the west, however the young ones have become soft, and afraid, even joining the ranks of their enemy. Tienamen sq is the perfect example of where young Chinese turned against the Deng dynasty, and sided with their western masters. sG Chinese hate you because you're weak, not because you're wealthy, or your attitudes are not refined. There's plenty of beligerent tourists from Europe who are rich, and wreckless, but they would never dare direspect them. However, Chinese are being disrespected everywhere. Not only in the west, but even in HK. This is why they call you dongyabingfu.

The wealthy Chinese today were known as heiwulei, they are mostly descendants of landlords, and despised through the cultural revolution. These people were never starving, because they were always deceptive, sneaky, greedy, and selfih. They ALWAYS had enough to eat. One can see why they were despised with attitudes like Han patriot. I thought the best thing China ever did was to go after the heiwulei, and put them in their place. The Chinese revolutionaries said it would take several revolutions to get it right. God bless the hong wei bing, and thank you for your service!

Going at this rate, in another 20 years, China may not even exist anymore.

China can't make chips because it needs approval from its western masters, which brings me back to my point that China is only a stooge for the west, a cash cow. China can only develop as much as the west allows it to because China isn't an independent country, and has been growing less independent each year for the past 40yrs.

I never said Visa was accepted in China. I said they are being issued in China, whereas union pay is not issued in the west. Unionpay can't get in to western markets, and Visa can get into China. This is because China is run by a bunch of push overs, and the west puts their interests first protecting their own. The west is always free to sell their system in China. China on the other hand is not in the west. This has to do a lot with how weak China is. Even JCB is issuing cards in TW, whereas union pay is not. How sad is that, that Japan has more influence in a Chinese province than China itself. If for no other reason, this should make people lose faith in China.

In another 20-30 years, China will end up like the USSR and be as competitive on financial products as Russia is today.

Why should I use use union pay in us when nobody accepts it. Well, why did you use visa in China when nobody accepts it? You realize you just made yourself sound stupid. Unionpay is actually accepted in more locations abroad than visa is accepted in China. The reason is of course, people want China's money, and Chinese traitors are more than happy to give that money to their western masters. It also goes to show how foolish the Chinese are for not accepting visas, because foreigners just end up spending less in China. Look at all the piles of money chinese tourists spend in the west compared to the little that westerners spend in China. The Deng dynasty just doesn't know what they're doing.

China can't sell their booze to the west, but the west can sell their booze to China. This is why the west rules over China. The west regularly blocks imports from China, using all sorts of excuses. It has nothing to do with the market. Politics is what decides whether your imports get through or not. You claim that the west has an open market. This is a lie. They pick, and choose what they want to import, and politics is always considered. The fact is, the west does not allow Chinese cigarets to be imported, and China allows the west to import cigarets. This is because China is weak. If the west had such an open market, why not import North Korean souvenirs?

Let's face it, China is run by a bunch of traitors who put western interests ahead of its own.
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True, we should have worked harder and achieved more. Well, we are only Chinese, quadrupling our income is not enough, having the world's second most powerful economy and military is never enough. You are right we Chinese must work harder to improve ourselves! =).

No excuse at all, so I hope to see Vietnam becoming powerful soon? In 20 years? Instead of exporting brides to China? =). Good to know you don't need to invest in infrastructure and continue having unplanned sewage infested cities. You fail to see the 99% of useful infrastructure created and concentrate on the 1% 'ghost towns' sold out to 'private' speculators which happened in the US too as recently as 2009. =).

My friend, do u realize that Cnese in Mao era also worked very hard but achieved little (in economy) ?? Bcs Mao didnt lick US's azz like Deng (since 1979) and XI (just in G20 begged for 90days delay). So, keep working hard, of course, but u guys also need to wish Xi will keep licking Trump's azz for trade truce or your economy will go broke under US's sanction :lol:

And for VN, based on what ppl in the world believe, we will get rich soon (German, SK agree to transfer high tech to VN. VN join TPP for free tariff , FTA wt EU , US buying VN's stuff to replace Cnese ones etc ) and unlike usless/coward PLA, VN army is strong enough to protect our interest (if US -CN threaten war wt VN, we will cover SCS(east VN sea) wt sea mine and let all CN-US ships explode :cool:)

Of course we will improve our infrastructure, but we dont need so much HSR like CN cos our lands r narrow and transporting by ships and planes r better and cheaper
The point is not whether Syrian invasion involves casualties, the point is should Russia invade Turkey since this is what you implied we should do. =)

Well, you can't expect us to invade and take every inch of Qing territory right? We also ceded Vietnam long ago, should we invade you back? We theoretically own you for a 1000 years. We do have the right to invade you back as 'lost' territories right? :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Should Russia invade Alaska while we are at it?
Okay, if u think your PLA still good, then thats your choice while ppl see PLA is too coward and corrupted (Russia, Myanmar annex CN lands, PLA retreated and left hundred wounded worker behind etc ). Keep telling your fellow how "Stronk and smart human wave tactic" of PLA while ppl keep laughing at poor performance of PLA in 1979 and 2014 conflict. A platoon of Vietnamese (30-40 men) held up an attack on Cao Ba Lanh Mountain for five hours, inflicting 360 casualties on the attacking Chinese force that numbered over 2,800 men.

What a humiliation for "Stronk " PLA even when Deng begged for support from US's spy bird in 1979!:omghaha:


While the main Chinese thrusts focused on Lao Cai, Cao Bang and Lang Son, several supporting attacks were conducted elsewhere along the China-Vietnam border. Many of these attacks resembled the larger Chinese operations. For example, in Quang Ninh, on the eastern edge of the border, a platoon of Vietnamese (30-40 men) held up an attack on Cao Ba Lanh Mountain for five hours, inflicting 360 casualties on the attacking Chinese force that numbered over 2,800 men.

The world is not just US you know, as long as we concentrate our resources for the betterment of our country instead of fighting unnecessary wars, China will prosper. I am not sure US will explode and I don't wish them to explode. I can't predict the future like you.:lol:

Well, who is gonna invade China? Apart from border skirmishes, nobody dares invade China for apparent reasons. :lol:. If we are so weak, why don't you try and take back your islands, cross the border with your brave Viet army. Come on?! I dare you! Gosh please have some common sense.

Btw, corruption do happen in the military, and it's up to the government to clean it up. You sure it doesn't happen else where, in India, bribery is common in the military, but when it comes to national defense, i think they will still fight. And this doesn't happen in Vietnam? You sure about it? =
We simply know US so well, we know exactly what will happen to her, thats why VN is the only one who can defeat US till now cos we know them so well, so u guys'd better prepare for the worse in the conflict wt US in 2023.

Its normal when u can not see what will happen to US and what US will do, cos u never can beat US wt your "corrupted but Stronk" PLA .:lol:

Of course corruption also happen in VN army, but the service men will get a very hard punishment. and thats explain why VN coast guard force is very brave in 2014 conflict even when our ships were smaller and CN ships were trimple in the number :cool:
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I would have said that the Chinese during the comunist era were much harder working. Back in those days, the Chinese would build roads, and bridges for free. They did it in much faster times. They didn't do it for the money. They just wanted their comunity to be better, which is why I respected the Chinese from that era so much more. I heard some amazing stories about how Chinese comrades were sitting in the freezing desert making atomic bombs. They weren't in it for the money, and they were much tougher than today's Chinese. Back then, Chinese were not afraid of cold, heat, snow, or rain. The women of comunist China were able to achieve equality with men and did everything that men did. Fast fwd 50yrs later, and now Chinese do everything for money. So many people sitting around idle. Talent is emigrating overseas, which is why China isn't really making any gains. Nowadays Chinese have really become lazy. Just try finding a taxi in China. So many drivers don't even want to pick you up.
That's precisely my point. China can't compete, and is unable to compete. That's why China has become the new dongyabingfu. China invests alot in media. Unfortunately, the Chinese media is usually just a parot of the western media, and has no true voice of its own, that's why for the past 40yrs, the Chinese media has lost its following. Some breathing room. lol. China's been hiding for the past 40yrs, and probably will do until they collapse. If you talk to real Chinese people, not shils, they will tell you that Chinese people were much harder working, and contributed way more to society during the cultural revolution than they do now. In China today, you have lots of people who sit around at internet cafe's playing games all day. You have people who sit at gambling houses all day. You didn't have that during the cultural revolution, and every Chinese paid a contribution, unlike today. So, while your psyop may work on ordinary people, they don't work on me, or anyone else who has lived through the cultural revolution. Capitalism has not made China any more hard working. Not in the least bit. In fact, what the Chinese workers have told me is that they were more dedicated to their factories when they had autonomy over the factory, but when foreigners took over the factories, and opened up sweat shops, the workers became distanced from the factories, and no longer cared about their jobs anymore. So what you are saying is the exact opposite of reality. Everytime shils bring up the starvation stories, it just gives less credibility to them. There are many people who lived through the cultural revolution, people who know that people did NOT starve, so your lies can be proven wrong. Chinese are instinctively hard working, unfortunately the Deng dynasty has brought out the worst in Chinese people. This is why you have so many dishonest Chinese today who feel the need to cheat. In fact, didn't your gwailo masters make a big deal out of Chinese students cheating? You can thank the Deng dynasty for that. Capitalism is the shacke that has tied China down, and why China has enacted all these pro western policies. The core problems with Chinese capitalism is that they have lost all their allies, and given away all their money to the west. If that isn't a shackle, I don't know what is. In 1966, China was a free country. After 1978, China became an erhuangdi, or a western stooge. Speaking of heads lowering, didn't someone just post a picture of Xiaoping lowering his head to Carter? Xiaoping is the unsung villain of China, and will be seen as such for hundreds of years to come. He is the Kruschev of China. The face of the RMB shouldn't be Mao, and definitely not Xiaoping, but rather the Chinese workers, and farmers who Xiaoping exploited to get his ill gotten fortunes.

China sells cheap stuff to the west that China makes themselves. Go to the 99 cent store, and you will see what kind of stuff China sells to the west. On the other hand, all the stuff that the west sells to China are ALSO made by the Chinese, however, the profits go to the west. The perfect example is the iphone. China gets $8 per iphone, and the west walks away with the rest of the profit. The phone is made by the Chinese themselves. Even an idiot can see that this is a lose lose situation for China.

China can't be like Saudi Arabia, so all the women are dressing like call girls. It's a shame to see what China has become under the Deng dynasty. There once was a time when Chinese women were respectable. Those days are gone. Thanks to capitalism. The Chinese are becoming more and more corupted, and think exactly like their western masters. Dressing like a whore does not make you free. Neither does smoking, doing drugs, or getting drunk. That is decadence, plain and simple. It's precisely these capitalist lunatics who will try to equate getting high to freedom. It's so ridiculous how the Deng dynasty is obsesed with Chinese traditional culture, yet they can't stay away from the decadence. Moral decay happens without poverty, and that's what's happening in China today. Wow. This is how bad China has become. They seriously believe that materialism brings more spirituality. If you go to SG, you will find the people are like robots. They're not even like real people. It's like capitalism sucked the soul right out of them. The exact opposite is true of what you said. What you see in China is that capitalism has wrecked, and ruined families. During the comunist era, Chinese people had 2 hr lunches, and spent quality time with their family. They had week long vacations during labor day, and the Deng dynasty took that away from the Chinese worker. Capitalism ruined all that, and destroyed the Chinese family. Families are now split up where parents are working in one city, and the kids are living in home towns. Parents dont even know what their kids are doing. This is the ugly side of Chinese capitalism that shils dont want to talk about. Never before in human history have we seen the Chinese family so fragmented. You also see similar patterns in Japan where fathers hardly even see their children, thanks to capitalism.

Corruption happens in capitalist societies, not comunist ones. If you were going to be corupt, you might as well become capitalist. If Lin Biao wanted to be corupt, he would just take kick backs from his western masters like Xiaoping did, but you see comunists actually have a backbone unlike you. They see the greater good as being more important, whereas capitalists like yourself are driven by money, and greed. So there is a very big difference, like night and day. Anyone who lived under comunism knows how corupt capitalism is. This includes all the people from eastern Europe who saw how capitalism corupted their countries. It's obvious that you don't know a thing about comunism other than what the ClA told you.

Chinese yield to weaker and poorer states all the time. Myanmar's air force bombed China a couple of years back, and China did nothing. South Korea kidnapped some Chinese sailors, and China did nothing. South Korea installed Thad, and China did nothing. Taiwan shot a missile directly at China, and China did nothing. Hongers beat up mainlanders on a regular basis, and China does nothing. China even yields to rebels, like when Chinese nationals were booted otu of Libya. Vietnamese also looted Chinese factories few years back. Let's be real here, when was the last time China ever did anything after 1978? I will give you that China has better infrastructure, but poor people ONLY started appearing AFTER China fell to capitalism. There were no poor people in 1966. Dengism created the divide in Chinese society betweeen rich and poor. In 1966, everyone who wanted to work did. There were no homeless, but that simply is no longer the case in China. While there are no people starving in China today, many are concerned about food safety, a concern that no one ever had in 1966, because food was natural, and no one modified food for profits like they do in today's China.

I also see changing attitudes with young Chinese, how they have become more greedy, and selfish. Their parents were hard working, and they have become lazy. Their parents ate healthy food, and they eat junk food. That's the pattern here. I've even noticed that the old Chinese are actually healthier than the young ones. The old Chinese were never afraid to criticize the west, however the young ones have become soft, and afraid, even joining the ranks of their enemy. Tienamen sq is the perfect example of where young Chinese turned against the Deng dynasty, and sided with their western masters. sG Chinese hate you because you're weak, not because you're wealthy, or your attitudes are not refined. There's plenty of beligerent tourists from Europe who are rich, and wreckless, but they would never dare direspect them. However, Chinese are being disrespected everywhere. Not only in the west, but even in HK. This is why they call you dongyabingfu.

The wealthy Chinese today were known as heiwulei, they are mostly descendants of landlords, and despised through the cultural revolution. These people were never starving, because they were always deceptive, sneaky, greedy, and selfih. They ALWAYS had enough to eat. One can see why they were despised with attitudes like Han patriot. I thought the best thing China ever did was to go after the heiwulei, and put them in their place. The Chinese revolutionaries said it would take several revolutions to get it right.

Going at this rate, in another 20 years, China may not even exist anymore.

China can't make chips because it needs approval from its western masters, which brings me back to my point that China is only a stooge for the west, a cash cow. China can only develop as much as the west allows it to because China isn't an independent country, and has been growing less independent each year for the past 40yrs.

I never said Visa was accepted in China. I said they are being issued in China, whereas union pay is not issued in the west. Unionpay can't get in to western markets, and Visa can get into China. This is because China is run by a bunch of push overs, and the west puts their interests first protecting their own. The west is always free to sell their system in China. China on the other hand is not in the west. This has to do a lot with how weak China is. Even JCB is issuing cards in TW, whereas union pay is not. How sad is that, that Japan has more influence in a Chinese province than China itself. If for no other reason, this should make people lose faith in China.

In another 20-30 years, China will end up like the USSR and be as competitive on financial products as Russia is today.

Why should I use use union pay in us when nobody accepts it. Well, why did you use visa in China when nobody accepts it? You realize you just made yourself sound stupid. Unionpay is actually accepted in more locations abroad than visa is accepted in China. The reason is of course, people want China's money, and Chinese traitors are more than happy to give that money to their western masters. It also goes to show how foolish the Chinese are for not accepting visas, because foreigners just end up spending less in China. Look at all the piles of money chinese tourists spend in the west compared to the little that westerners spend in China. The Deng dynasty just doesn't know what they're doing.

China can't sell their booze to the west, but the west can sell their booze to China. This is why the west rules over China. The west regularly blocks imports from China, using all sorts of excuses. It has nothing to do with the market. Politics is what decides whether your imports get through or not. You claim that the west has an open market. This is a lie. They pick, and choose what they want to import, and politics is always considered. The fact is, the west does not allow Chinese cigarets to be imported, and China allows the west to import cigarets. This is because China is weak. If the west had such an open market, why not import North Korean souvenirs?

Let's face it, China is run by a bunch of traitors who put western interests ahead of its own.
Sad but true, decadence also happening in VN but wt slower pace than what u said about CN. Luckily VNese r always aware of war (wt US and wt CN regime who always willing to sell herself to the West for money.), so most of us willing to do what is good for the country.

Everyone know why PLA dare not pick up any big war till now (like Russia, US) bcs the decadence and moral decay is ruining every Cnese soldiers now.Before joining PLA, those Cnese r so selfish and greedy, after paying money to join PLA, their purpose r just for high salary and stable job. There is No reason for them to pay money but still have to die for the others they dont even know the name.

US will be too stupid if she dont take thjs chance to tear CN apart again cos PLA men will run away or surrender in the battle field instead of fighting to dead :laugh:
My friend, do u realize that Cnese in Mao era also worked very hard but achieved little (in economy) ?? Bcs Mao didnt lick US's azz like Deng (since 1979) and XI (just in G20 begged for 90days delay). So, keep working hard, of course, but u guys also need to wish Xi will keep licking Trump's azz for trade truce or your economy will go broke under US's sanction :lol:

Erm, you serious? You call melting forks and pots to make pig iron productive? Working hard in an efficient system is different from toiling in a screwed up system, we learnt it, the Soviet learnt, and it seems the Viets are learning it. Why are you so obsessed with licking asses? hahahaah. If we were licking their assess, why are we even a threat? By logic shouldn't they love us more? There wouldn't be a trade war in the first place if we were so docile, isn't it? Again you keep repeating beg and lick, abit of a sadistic nature it seems. Told you again and again, it's about leverage and interests. America needs China as much as China needs America, CHIMERICA, read on that. One misquote and the Dow is down by 800 bil$, you know what is the magnitude of 800BIL$?

And for VN, based on what ppl in the world believe, we will get rich soon (German, SK agree to transfer high tech to VN. VN join TPP for free tariff , FTA wt EU , US buying VN's stuff to replace Cnese ones etc ) and unlike usless/coward PLA, VN army is strong enough to protect our interest (if US -CN threaten war wt VN, we will cover SCS(east VN sea) wt sea mine and let all CN-US ships explode :cool:)

Of course we will improve our infrastructure, but we dont need so much HSR like CN cos our lands r narrow and transporting by ships and planes r better and cheaper

Good for you. See you when you get there boy. If you are so naive to think people would just hand you technology on a silver platter. No wonder the obsession with Koreans and Japanese. It is just illogical to think Vietnam can replace China, you can complement us, we are already using you as a base to contravene the tariffs. Thousands of Chinese businessmen are there, having Viet wives and if you pay some bribe, you get citizenship and a fake ID. =)

Okay, if u think your PLA still good, then thats your choice while ppl see PLA is too coward and corrupted (Russia, Myanmar annex CN lands, PLA retreated and left hundred wounded worker behind etc ). Keep telling your fellow how "Stronk and smart human wave tactic" of PLA while ppl keep laughing at poor performance of PLA in 1979 and 2014 conflict. A platoon of Vietnamese (30-40 men) held up an attack on Cao Ba Lanh Mountain for five hours, inflicting 360 casualties on the attacking Chinese force that numbered over 2,800 men.

What a humiliation for "Stronk " PLA even when Deng begged for support from US's spy bird in 1979!:omghaha:

What is STRONK btw? Did PLA exist 200 years ago? hahahaha. Bro, we will claim back Vietnam, slowly absorb Siberia and Myanmar. Inch by inch slowly. LOL

What is demarcated is already done, we shall not 'claim' it directly, if going by your logic, we need to invade alot of countries.

While the main Chinese thrusts focused on Lao Cai, Cao Bang and Lang Son, several supporting attacks were conducted elsewhere along the China-Vietnam border. Many of these attacks resembled the larger Chinese operations. For example, in Quang Ninh, on the eastern edge of the border, a platoon of Vietnamese (30-40 men) held up an attack on Cao Ba Lanh Mountain for five hours, inflicting 360 casualties on the attacking Chinese force that numbered over 2,800 men.

We simply know US so well, we know exactly what will happen to her, thats why VN is the only one who can defeat US till now cos we know them so well, so u guys'd better prepare for the worse in the conflict wt US in 2023.

Its normal when u can not see what will happen to US and what US will do, cos u never can beat US wt your "corrupted but Stronk" PLA .:lol:

Of course corruption also happen in VN army, but the service men will get a very hard punishment. and thats explain why VN coast guard force is very brave in 2014 conflict even when our ships were smaller and CN ships were trimple in the number :cool:
Stop copy pasting, told you, you can explain to me how good you are, how brave you are. The fact remains, we invaded Vietnam deep, penetrated DEEP and you just hid in jungles. :lol:

That's the point corruption exist in all countries, so why think it only happens in China. How can you generalize that all of them are corrupted and can't fight? You expect us to use humanwave tactics? Chinese lives are kinda expensive nowadays. We use technology instead.
Erm, you serious? You call melting forks and pots to make pig iron productive? Working hard in an efficient system is different from toiling in a screwed up system, we learnt it, the Soviet learnt, and it seems the Viets are learning it. Why are you so obsessed with licking asses? hahahaah. If we were licking their assess, why are we even a threat? By logic shouldn't they love us more? There wouldn't be a trade war in the first place if we were so docile, isn't it? Again you keep repeating beg and lick, abit of a sadistic nature it seems. Told you again and again, it's about leverage and interests. America needs China as much as China needs America, CHIMERICA, read on that. One misquote and the Dow is down by 800 bil$, you know what is the magnitude of 800BIL$?

Good for you. See you when you get there boy. If you are so naive to think people would just hand you technology on a silver platter. No wonder the obsession with Koreans and Japanese. It is just illogical to think Vietnam can replace China, you can complement us, we are already using you as a base to contravene the tariffs. Thousands of Chinese businessmen are there, having Viet wives and if you pay some bribe, you get citizenship and a fake ID. =)
Your so called "efficient system" only work till Trump slap sanction on it and Xi had to beg for 90days delay. I told u already, keep your own idea (leverage and interests) while I also still keep my own idea (XI begging for Trump's mercy) and we will know what will happen after 90 days and what happen in 2023.

Abt wives, many Cnese girls swimming to JP in 90s and try to get married wt the Jap.

Chinese Women Top Marriage Partners
In 2013, there were 15,442 international marriages involving a foreign bride, compared to 6,046 where the groom was non-Japanese. A large number of the foreign women wedding Japanese nationals were from neighboring Asian countries. Chinese were the overwhelming majority of marriage partners at 6,253, or 40.4% of all female spouses; Filipino women were second with 3,118 brides, followed by 2,734 Korean spouses.

What is STRONK btw? Did PLA exist 200 years ago? hahahaha. Bro, we will claim back Vietnam, slowly absorb Siberia and Myanmar. Inch by inch slowly. LOL

What is demarcated is already done, we shall not 'claim' it directly, if going by your logic, we need to invade alot of countries.


Stop copy pasting, told you, you can explain to me how good you are, how brave you are. The fact remains, we invaded Vietnam deep, penetrated DEEP and you just hid in jungles. :lol:

That's the point corruption exist in all countries, so why think it only happens in China. How can you generalize that all of them are corrupted and can't fight? You expect us to use humanwave tactics? Chinese lives are kinda expensive nowadays. We use technology instead.
Stronk is an eastern European/Russian pronunciation of the word "strong." Most commonly used in the context of mocking

Let me repeat one more: Okay, if u think your PLA still good, then thats your choice while ppl see PLA is too coward and corrupted (Russia, Myanmar annex CN lands, PLA retreated and left hundred wounded worker behind etc )if u dont like to hear ppl laughing at your stupid/coward PLA in real battle, then just enjoy your own CNese forum and keep your own happy masturbation

2014 conflict show clearly that PLA is corrupted and can't fight, if they can, then they must not left hundred wounded workers behind high and dry . See "wolf warrior" movie yet ?? Wow, PLA "wolf " letf no worker behind, ...Ah, but real life is not cheap as CN stupid movie :lol:

And pls dont try to change the Truth here, its no use, ppl see Cnese is not smart and usless (need 60 years in peace to reach 2000$ while VN only need 27 years).U guys'd better stop talking nonse. the more u talk, the more ppl see u guys r too coward/corrupted/ lazy

Btw: any "Stronk" countries in the world need 60 years in peace to reachvGDP per capita 2000$ like CN ?? :Laugh:
I went up to a Chinese swat team guy, and asked him where the sight seeing bus was, and he pointed me in the wrong direction. Honestly, if you're working for the swat team, and you are standing 100 meters from the sight seeing bus, and you don't know where it is, then there's a problem. How would these guys respond to terorism? They probably will go running in the wrong direction. That's a big problem in general for Chinese swat team. Most of them are completely ignorant of their surroundings, and unfamiliar with the neighborhoods they are supposed to be guarding. But it's not just swat team cops, it's just the Chinese population in general. %wise, Chinese are more unaware of their surroundings than most other countries I've been to. So many Chinese don't even know about things that are 100 meters away from them, even people like security guards are clueless of their environment, despite standing there for 12 hours a day. I had a security guard who didn't even know where the Citibank was, and he was in the same building.

Another problem with China is their paranoia. They think that everyone who talks politics is a spy. In the end, they will alienate everyone by being overly suspicious of them.
Your so called "efficient system" only work till Trump slap sanction on it and Xi had to beg for 90days delay. I told u already, keep your own idea (leverage and interests) while I also still keep my own idea (XI begging for Trump's mercy) and we will know what will happen after 90 days and what happen in 2023.

Abt wives, many Cnese girls swimming to JP in 90s and try to get married wt the Jap.

Chinese Women Top Marriage Partners
In 2013, there were 15,442 international marriages involving a foreign bride, compared to 6,046 where the groom was non-Japanese. A large number of the foreign women wedding Japanese nationals were from neighboring Asian countries. Chinese were the overwhelming majority of marriage partners at 6,253, or 40.4% of all female spouses; Filipino women were second with 3,118 brides, followed by 2,734 Korean spouses.

Stronk is an eastern European/Russian pronunciation of the word "strong." Most commonly used in the context of mocking

Chill, don't get so sensitive. ahhahaha. Women are gonna marry richer guys, just common sense, and Viets are at the lowest in the food chain. Genetically for whatever atrocities the Japanese did, Northern Chinese are still the closest relatives of the Japs. You can't differentiate them apart. Anyway I am for a United North Asia, Japanese and Koreans need to be subdued under Chinese dominance and relegate back to their vassal status before.

Let me repeat one more: Okay, if u think your PLA still good, then thats your choice while ppl see PLA is too coward and corrupted (Russia, Myanmar annex CN lands, PLA retreated and left hundred wounded worker behind etc )if u dont like to hear ppl laughing at your stupid/coward PLA in real battle, then just enjoy your own CNese forum and keep your own happy masturbation
I think PLA is capable, not sure how good are they, we invest in training in equipment and also infrastructure. I believe we can win wars, might be shaky at first, but technology does have it's own advantage. Why don't you be the first to try, we can easily decimate your navy and air force, that I am sure. I am not sure PLA existed 200 years ago, and we can't go invading every single damn country for some Qing legacy. We can do it slowly later on, not now in this form. Use unconventional ways to reclaim it, you don't need to conquer a country to control it, I like the American approach. I am sure some soldiers were killed and wounded, but the fact is we still invaded you DEEP and you did nothing and hid in the jungle like monkeys. =)

2014 conflict show clearly that PLA is corrupted and can't fight, if they can, then they must not left hundred wounded workers behind high and dry . See "wolf warrior" movie yet ?? Wow, PLA "wolf " letf no worker behind, ...Ah, but real life is not cheap as CN stupid movie :lol:

And pls dont try to change the Truth here, its no use, ppl see Cnese is not smart and usless (need 60 years in peace to reach 2000$ while VN only need 27 years).U guys'd better stop talking nonse. the more u talk, the more ppl see u guys r too coward/corrupted/ lazy

Btw: any "Stronk" countries in the world need 60 years in peace to reachvGDP per capita 2000$ like CN ?? :Laugh:

If we are so useless and incapable, why aren't you reclaiming Spratly's and Paracels? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I wonder?

I went up to a Chinese swat team guy, and asked him where the sight seeing bus was, and he pointed me in the wrong direction. Honestly, if you're working for the swat team, and you are standing 100 meters from the sight seeing bus, and you don't know where it is, then there's a problem. How would these guys respond to terorism? They probably will go running in the wrong direction. That's a big problem in general for Chinese swat team. Most of them are completely ignorant of their surroundings, and unfamiliar with the neighborhoods they are supposed to be guarding. But it's not just swat team cops, it's just the Chinese population in general. %wise, Chinese are more unaware of their surroundings than most other countries I've been to. So many Chinese don't even know about things that are 100 meters away from them, even people like security guards are clueless of their environment, despite standing there for 12 hours a day. I had a security guard who didn't even know where the Citibank was, and he was in the same building.

Another problem with China is their paranoia. They think that everyone who talks politics is a spy. In the end, they will alienate everyone by being overly suspicious of them.
You sount like a foreigner, local Chinese use apps for directions, learn to speak some Mandarin first.:lol::lol::lol:
Are you Indian by the way, your way of blurting out tonnes of garbage without going to the main point seems to suggest so, there is no need to hide under DADY, my friend. :enjoy:

You can conclude the whole Chinese SWAT is uselss just from one instance, because you can't understand directions? I once talked to an Indian police and asked for the toilet, he pointed to the ground. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

How the heck can you even conclude 1 billion Chinese are unaware of their surroundings, I can see the mob lynching had made you more aware it seems. I talked to most Indians and when yo mention China, they get antsy and insecure. You seriously sound like one.:china:

I would have said that the Chinese during the comunist era were much harder working. Back in those days, the Chinese would build roads, and bridges for free. They did it in much faster times. They didn't do it for the money. They just wanted their comunity to be better, which is why I respected the Chinese from that era so much more. I heard some amazing stories about how Chinese comrades were sitting in the freezing desert making atomic bombs. They weren't in it for the money, and they were much tougher than today's Chinese. Back then, Chinese were not afraid of cold, heat, snow, or rain. The women of comunist China were able to achieve equality with men and did everything that men did. Fast fwd 50yrs later, and now Chinese do everything for money. So many people sitting around idle. Talent is emigrating overseas, which is why China isn't really making any gains. Nowadays Chinese have really become lazy. Just try finding a taxi in China. So many drivers don't even want to pick you up.
Work for free? OMG, are you right in your mind, why don't you work for free and contribute for humanity/?:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:. Are you alright in the head?

Much faster times? You compare manual labor to modern building techniques? Dude seriously stop degrading your intelligence.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

To be fair, their sacrifice in the old is admirable but you advocating stone age gung ho holding hands and building roads with shovels is kinda idiotic. I know India is using child labor, please don't impose this on us. We do know you work for free, you just need a free meal.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Taxis not picking you up? Ever wondered why? Ehmmm, use some common sense. They don't want to dirty their car. :rofl::rofl::rofl:. DIDI is the so popular and large in China, and you can't get a taxi, are you even Chinese? Chinese people don't use taxis anymore, they use DIDI first. Most taxis drivers double as DIDI drivers too. Where are you from? How can you not know this?:cool:
That's precisely my point. China can't compete, and is unable to compete. That's why China has become the new dongyabingfu. China invests alot in media. Unfortunately, the Chinese media is usually just a parot of the western media, and has no true voice of its own, that's why for the past 40yrs, the Chinese media has lost its following. Some breathing room. lol. China's been hiding for the past 40yrs, and probably will do until they collapse.
Dongyabingfu? Type in Chinese you Indian impostor. We can't compete, so we gotta learn to compete and be better, else we would end up like Indians, importing every single thing. That's the real DONGYABINGFU, at the mercy of foreigners. I don't think you even understand Chinese media industry, tell me who is SNOW rap, the latest sensation. How is it done? I can bet you can't google this shit, only real Chinese know this shit. :D

For a long time the West call us propaganda machine and now we are a PARROT of the WESTERN MEDIA? Bro, what are you smoking? Americans would love us if this was true, they don't have to say we lack freedom of speech anymore genius. Gosh, are you really that ignorant or plain dumb?:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Again, biding our time by not starting wars is not hiding, we don't hide like monkeys in forests. It is to buy time to strengthen our country before embarking on some little adventure, soon India and Vietnam will feel it. Look at Doklam, we kick their soldiers, occupy the plateau and all they do is come to Beijing to beg for peace. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

If you talk to real Chinese people, not shils, they will tell you that Chinese people were much harder working, and contributed way more to society during the cultural revolution than they do now. In China today, you have lots of people who sit around at internet cafe's playing games all day. You have people who sit at gambling houses all day. You didn't have that during the cultural revolution, and every Chinese paid a contribution, unlike today. So, while your psyop may work on ordinary people, they don't work on me, or anyone else who has lived through the cultural revolution. Capitalism has not made China any more hard working. Not in the least bit. In fact, what the Chinese workers have told me is that they were more dedicated to their factories when they had autonomy over the factory, but when foreigners took over the factories, and opened up sweat shops, the workers became distanced from the factories, and no longer cared about their jobs anymore. So what you are saying is the exact opposite of reality.
Real Chinese? Are you even REAL CHINESE? For someone who can't speak Mandarin and understand directions, you seems like a lost foreigner trying to be a Chinese expert. Not sure how much harder working we were, pretty sure the productivity wasn't as good. I see kids playing games in cafes, if they don't work they will be poor, it's a simple system, we don't have a welfare system like the West subsidizing crack whores with 5 kids. :lol::lol::lol::lol:. This is capitalism, you gotta work for your meal, bhai.

You lived through the cultural revolution? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:I bet you were the only black red guard there bhai.....the people from the cultural revolution period would be in their 60s and 70s, not a keyboard warrior in this forum bhai.

Hell, I don't care if it was a sweatshop, digital factory or a components factory, as long as you invest, bring in jobs and pay us money. We will do it, I don't have to have few hundred million unemployed slum dogs begging for food my friend. Nobody is pointing a gun for you to work, the Indians are begging for these sweatshop jobs now, even the Viets, all for a third of the same wage in China.

Everytime shils bring up the starvation stories, it just gives less credibility to them. There are many people who lived through the cultural revolution, people who know that people did NOT starve, so your lies can be proven wrong. Chinese are instinctively hard working, unfortunately the Deng dynasty has brought out the worst in Chinese people. This is why you have so many dishonest Chinese today who feel the need to cheat. In fact, didn't your gwailo masters make a big deal out of Chinese students cheating? Anyone who's lived in China can tell you about the dodgy hospitals in China where they tell you to do exams that you don't need to do, and prescribes you medicine that you don't need. These are the lazy Chinese who would have been persecuted during the cultural revolution, but thanks to the Deng dynasty, not only are they no longer persecuted, but they are thriving from running these dodgy hospitals. Then there are all the dodgy vendors on Taobao. This also shows the ugly side of Chinese capitalism where so many vendors are selling bootleg products. I once bought a fake memory card. I mean who would make a fake Kingston 4gb memory card anyway, well, in China they do aparently, under the great leadership of Jinping, and Dengism.

What the heck is a shils, stop speaking Lord of the Rings to me boy. Starvation is real alright, look at India. The slumdogs are starving while the big fat Brahmin is dining his biryani with vegetarian curry. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Imagine 10X worst condition during the cultural revolution due to inefficient production system be it agri or industrial. Hey you wanna be commie, go to Kerala and start a revolution bhai. Be my guest.

Lazy Chinese? Chinese are some of the most diligent workers, that's how we build this country. We don't go for chai at 4pm bhai, we work. Dodhy hospitals like those 1000s of quack clinics in India operated by a VET?:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:. Well you do have original and 'imitation stuff, not pirated since the brands are diff' in TAOBAO, you can choose, it's a free market. You pay peanut you get monkey. It's a free market afterall bhai.

You can use the complain button in ALIBABA, not sure how you can fake a memory, a memory is a memory, it can either work or it cannot work, there is a rating system, you sell fake stuff, your rating drops. Unless of course you a cheap *** slummie trying to hunt for a bargain like the typical Indian. Sometimes I think you guys lack common sense.

Capitalism is the shacke that has tied China down, and why China has enacted all these pro western policies. The core problems with Chinese capitalism is that they have lost all their allies, and given away all their money to the west. If that isn't a shackle, I don't know what is. In 1966, China was a free country. After 1978, China became an erhuangdi, or a western stooge. Speaking of heads lowering, didn't someone just post a picture of Xiaoping lowering his head to Carter? Xiaoping is the unsung hero to the exploiters, bourgeoisie, and western corporations. However, in China, he is a villain to the masses, workers, farmers, and poor. It was because of him that China was turned into a sweat shop, polluted, and corupted. Millions of people lost their jobs because of Xiaoping's privatization, millions more became homeless, and mentally ill. Families fell apart. That's the side of Chinese capitalism you wont hear about. He is the Kruschev of China. The face of the RMB shouldn't be Mao, and definitely not Xiaoping, but rather the Chinese workers, and farmers who Xiaoping exploited to get his ill gotten fortunes. Indeed Mao had the right idea to put the pictures of the masses on the RMB. It proves that he stood with the people, and his successors stood against them.

Yah and what has the licensing socialistic raj done for India? Wwe enact policies which benefit us, if we are pro western, they would love us genius. Common sense right? Why do you lack this? Are you coherent at all? Sometimes you long for communism then you think Chinese are paranoid, then you think we have situational awareness problems, are you alright in the head? Or you have schizo attacks again?

Millions lost their jobs? Millions of jobs were created? I can't believe your ignorance. Families fell apart when we got richer, sure sure, I bet hunger brings you together right? that's why hunger is a choice in India? Japan and alot of industrialized countries were polluted during their industrialization period, and China is now pretty clean in the cities, much needs to be done in other places, but it was way better than before. So yes development does bring about pollution but sound policy and good governance can reduce it. India is not even industrialized and yet their pollution is worst, care to explain that? Or maybe they need a dose of Maoism?

Well exploited? nobody is pointing a gun for you to work, you are poor, you work and progress upwards. You use the money to better yourselves, in that case, I bet those Viets and Indians are pretty much exploited by their Chinese employers too right? Did we point a gun on their head? You want better jobs, you get a better skill, or you can continue farming since it is distributed anyway unlike India where you are a caste slave forever.

China sells cheap stuff to the west that China makes themselves. Go to the 99 cent store, and you will see what kind of stuff China sells to the west. On the other hand, all the stuff that the west sells to China are ALSO made by the Chinese, and ridiculously expensive. While the west does none of the work, the profits go to the west. The perfect example is the iphone. China gets $8 per iphone, and the west walks away with the rest of the profit. The phone is made by the Chinese themselves. Even an idiot can see that this is a lose lose situation for China. The Deng dynasty of course, has no problem with this, which is why the people turned against them in 89.
We also sell satellites, trains, power machines, port machinery, nuclear scanners, speciality chemicals, APIs, to other less fortunate countries like India and Vietnam. I reckon you didn't check the export basket right? Hell anything from cheap, to intermediate and expensive, we need to produce and sell it, we need jobs for a billion people. That's the reason India is a slum and we are not. We grab EVERYTHING!!! Lose lose? Look at the deficit and surplus we are earning, if it was a LOSE LOSE, the west wouldn't be complaining genius. The only real losers are turdworld countries like India and Vietnam at the mercy of others.

China can't be like Saudi Arabia, so all the women are dressing like call girls. It's a shame to see what China has become under the Deng dynasty. There once was a time when Chinese women were respectable. Those days are gone. Thanks to capitalism. The Chinese are becoming more and more corupted, and think exactly like their western masters. Dressing like a whore does not make you free. Neither does smoking, doing drugs, or getting drunk. That is decadence, plain and simple. It's precisely these capitalist lunatics who will try to equate getting high to freedom. It's so ridiculous how the Deng dynasty is obsesed with Chinese traditional culture, yet they can't stay away from the decadence. Moral decay happens without poverty, and that's what's happening in China today. Wow. This is how bad China has become. They seriously believe that materialism brings more spirituality. If you go to SG, you will find the people are like robots. They're not even like real people. It's like capitalism sucked the soul right out of them. The exact opposite is true of what you said. What you see in China is that capitalism has wrecked, and ruined families. During the comunist era, Chinese people had 2 hr lunches, and spent quality time with their family. They had week long vacations during labor day, and the Deng dynasty took that away from the Chinese worker. Capitalism ruined all that, and destroyed the Chinese family. Families are now split up where parents are working in one city, and the kids are living in home towns. Parents dont even know what their kids are doing. This is the ugly side of Chinese capitalism that shils dont want to talk about. Never before in human history have we seen the Chinese family so fragmented. You also see similar patterns in Japan where fathers hardly even see their children, thanks to capitalism.

My colleagues in Bangalore are also dressing like 'call girls', they get raped in India, not in China, we are definitely safer and less perverse than the average Muthu. It depends how you define morality btw, in that case the whole western world is a whore house.

Bhai, nice talking to you and your nonsense, you can wave your red book and establish a communist state in Kerala. Remember to feed the slumdogs.:china::china:

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