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China's nominal GDP will hit $15 TRILLION in 2018

LOL! He’s married to a Chinese woman so they aren’t going to kick him out.

Plus after an impressive trip to the US (driving cross-country in a Corvette and loving every minute of being in a developed country) he had to reassure his nervous Chinese/worldwide fans that even though he loved it here he can’t emigrate here (like the 40,000/year from China that do) because of his South African background and the insane waiting list.

BTW he was back here again on his THIRD trip a few weeks ago. He just can’t get enough.:-)
Your mass shootings will eventually scare them away...
If Wilson like US more than China, then he should move to America. Why do he needs to reassure his fans for that? Nobody can say NO to him if he has the intention to do that.

He’d love to but the waiting list is probably 25 years for South Africans. He had to tell his fans it was not feasible. His American friend in China with the motorcycle is moving back here with his wife and kid.
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If the whole China GDP per capita can beat United States of America, then they are not to be considered as the richest country in the world anymore. But more than that.
China is better than Europe for Quality of Life?:lol: . I like China and admire it for its transformation but it's not Europe yet in anyway. There is a reason European countries despite being so small get large number of immigrants. Even in Pakistan where the Chinese love is quite high I don't remember anybody going to China for Quality of life.
For ordinary convinence of people life ,CHINA is definitely far ahead than europe,i have been there my bro,european public transport is shit,maybe better in paris ,london,burlin but generally speaking can only eat dust behind China....
and i do not need a wallet to pay almost anythings!
i can book a taxi and 1 or 2 minute later it is already around the corner of my community with reasonable price...
He’d love to but the waiting list is probably 25 years for South Africans. He had to tell his fans it was not feasible. His American friend in China with the motorcycle is moving back here with his wife and kid.
You equated the wrong person.

Sure China is. Just Check Quality of like Barometers like Mercers, Monocole, Economic intelligence cities quality of life and HDI. If Skyscrapers made you more developed than Mumbai would be more developed than Zurich
The whole europe means only half of china,care to compare china to a more suitable countey like india? which i am sure is your homeland!

That's why they all come,people go where they can make more money.

Ten Best Countries to Work in Abroad for After Tax Income
  1. Hong Kong – about $235,000
  2. the UK – about $225,000
  3. Singapore – about 210,000
  4. Japan – about $195,000
  5. the UAE – about $191.205
  6. Switzerland and the USA – just over $190,000
  7. China and Korea Republic – just below $190,000
  8. Saudi Arabia – about $172,000
  9. Turkey – about $170,000
  10. Argentina – just over $160,000
Hongkong is just a SAR of CHINA !!!Idiot!
The whole europe means only half of china,care to compare china to a more suitable countey like india? which i am sure is your homeland!

Hongkong is just a SAR of CHINA !!!Idiot!
Don't bother, buddy, he is probably a Pakistani. By being a Pakistani, it does not mean he will be friendly, especially some of those western media brainwashed overseas Pakistani, are even more annoying than indians trolls. You can tell from their rhetoric, same as the typical anti-China troll here.
P.S 不要伤了友军,兄弟,使用英文资料总会中这些坑。。。
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The Best Talent in the world goes to the West/Europe or Australia/Newzealand. That is exactly the reason they are quite ahead. If you talking in pure numbers that isn't exactly something to be proud off. Oxford Cambridge admits much lower applicants but are of higher quality compared to other universities. . What % of chinese population is immigrants exactly? Compare that to Portugal or even some eastern European country.

The soccer stars coming to China are all those that are about to retire and are past their prime. How many of those stars are in their prime?The ones at their peak are employing their trade in European leagues.

The best talent goes anywhere they want.

They arent restricted by false premises subjected by you.

People who are of no talent like you, arent going anywhere. Learn from your other indians folks and try your luck with a fake degree maybe someone will take you in.

I have already explained that to you won't repeat it again. It's because of the Population and nothing more. A country with bigger population will always create more jobs. Why would one leave out A 3 times higher paycheck in Europe compared to China? While people come to China for a job it isn't exactly considered a place where people would like to settle permanently for the rest of their lives. Majority of the Chinese Millionaires go and settle in US , Canada , Australia , UK , Germany, Singapore permanently.

Dont be a dumbass. Rich people are move anywhere they want. They have the cash on hand.

Your mentality shows that you are poor and probably dont even have a passport to travel out and meet real people offline :omghaha:
The comparison is between China and Portugal where did India or Pakistan come from? So that means Portugal has salary twice as big, GDP per capita thrice bigger, Much better health indicators like Life expectancy, Cleaner Air, Food and Sanitation and People have higher Median/Mean Schooling in Portugal. What is the issue here? Its obvious Portugal has a higher quality of life. Chinese posters are confusing Manufacturing with Quality of life for its citizens.
I admire your patience. Let’s the Chinese believe to whatever they like. Nobody will stop Chinese pack their stuffs in poor and primitive Europe and return to rich and modern China.
I admire your patience. Let’s the Chinese believe to whatever they like. Nobody will stop Chinese pack their stuffs in poor and primitive Europe and return to rich and modern China.
Here comes another Vietnamese beggar.
Just because there are skyscrapers in China doesnt make it more developed than Portugal. The most developed and advanced countries in the world Norway , Switzerland and Iceland rarely have skyscrapers . GDP per capita of Portugal is thice that of China and the Quality of life is much higher there.

No one made the case that China as a whole has higher per capita income than Portugal. OP clearly was talking about the city of Beijing, which has a comparable population like Portugal.
He’d love to but the waiting list is probably 25 years for South Africans. He had to tell his fans it was not feasible. His American friend in China with the motorcycle is moving back here with his wife and kid.

Then what is so special about his motorcycle friend come back to America?
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