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Closest allies: Joint defence declaration of India and USA

They are friends only to themselves.......Indian govt. become crazy in weapons race...and they want to become superpower as soon as possible.....even on the otherside daily more slumdogs are creating.

you must ask your government that why did they spend billions of $ for cultivating terrorist against india instead of spending that amount on poor people in Pakistan. india spend these much money in defense only because of Pakistan and recently china. if pakistn didn't sponsor terrorism india doesn't have to spend these much money on defense.
@vostok mate

Can you show for an instance Russia declared USA as enemy or vice versa.

Or china declared USA as threat and vice versa.

This is just a declaration and there are no treaties. USA wants defence market of India for job creation and India wants defence toys for its defence simple as that.

Do not forget India supported Russia on Syria and that strategic crucial partnership will continue :cheers:
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If this is true, Russia got backstabbed by India. It's clear the US is shooting two birds with one stone, using the divide and conquer strategy to check China with India and to reduce Russian influence on India. If India is not playing this game correctly, India will face the wrap of China-Russia-Pakistan encirclement.

About the bold part of your post, "hindu banya" is very famous for backstabbing. Actually India and Western alliance have some common objectives so it mean common enemys as well, that's why they are moving to American block. And they certainly can't achive their goal alone or with Russians, where the need to "change" or get a new partner .
But Chinese have zero sense of political realism. I still can't figure it out why Chinese have even agreed to give India observer status at the SCO meets. Why do the Chinese tend to commit suicides whenever given an opportunity?

India will successfully sabotage the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and bring an end to it, once it is given the full membership. What the naive Chinese fail to see is how India will turn Russia and China into mortal enemies, creating mistrusts between them.

For Kautilya, nothing is immoral as long as it serves your imperial interests. A bloody war between Russia and China serves Indian interests because it will be easy for India to invade and occupy Tibet if Chinese are engaged in war with Russia. It is not a rocket science to understand this simple matter.

Lol. Your ambitions are as unbelievable and untenable as they are shameless. Really, the idea that you can drive Russia and China apart, and then have the capacity to invade and occupy our Tibetan provinces (!!!). Are you going supply your malnourished army with equipment made by your industrial sector, which is barely more than 1/10 of China's industrial sector? Or are you gonna do what you do best, import all your military needs from foreigners? I'm sure they'd love to receive all those rupees as payment :). And I'm sure prospective investors for your military expenditure would just love to buy war bonds denominated in rupees :). I'm giggling so hard right now.

I've noticed you in particular seem to be afflicted with severe mental delusions, which is no mean feat given the general levels of delusion that characterize your countrymen. You need medical assistance right now - this advice is for your benefit.

That would be the argument of a prostitute (to use your distasteful analogy) who has made too many enemies & is hoping to get rid of the competition. :lol:

Terrible counterclaim. China is an independent and sovereign country, and it has never, as part of its foreign policy tried to promiscuously court so many clients. Empirically, that shameful behaviour is exclusive to India.
Nehruvian socialism passed away with him. New generation Indians prefer imperialism over socialism. That is something Russians couldn't figure out.

Well, ideological discourses aside, rumor has it that Moscow is putting pressure on Beijing to give India full SCO membership. The world is indeed strange when it goes beyond common sense!

And of course China would wrangle concession from India if this is the case. If India indeed join SCO, it would hurt the bilateral relationship between US and India. I know that SCO is not a military alliance but the symbolism of SCO is a military alliance.
And of course China would wrangle concession from India if this is the case. If India indeed join SCO, it would hurt the bilateral relationship between US and India. I know that SCO is not a military alliance but the symbolism of SCO is a military alliance.

no brother USA will not sayanything against this as USA wants India to have good relations with all its previpous , present and potential compititors as no matter how your against someone you always need a mediator for emergency hope u get the point now
About the bold part of your post, "hindu banya" is very famous for backstabbing. Actually India and Western alliance have some common objectives so it mean common enemys as well, that's why they are moving to American block. And they certainly can't achive their goal alone or with Russians, where the need to "change" or get a new partner .

I would say Afzal Khan was an innocent victim who could not figure out how he was trapped.


In an engagement with the army of Bijapur in 1674, Shivaji feigned the desire to parley with their military leader, Afzal Khan ('khan' = 'general'). Shivaji secretly put on a chain-mail shirt under his clothing, concealing a dagger in his left sleeve and a bagh nakh in his right hand. When the two leaders met in a pavilion between their armies, they went to formally embrace each other in unarmed peace. At this point, Shivaji stabbed Afzal Khan in the stomach with the bagh nakh, then the dagger, and stole his sword as a trophy.

I say steal whatever possible tech you can from US LEGALLY...:D

whats wrong in getting advance tech. that too legally? Russia won't mind as India getting advance tech. is good for Russia also.

India can pass on the leanings from joint products to Russia later.

Thanks for being open about the Indian deception. I'm certain that US is taking notes.
You can not be friends with Russia and the United States at the same time. If India is going to strengthen cooperation with the United States - cooperating with Russia will strart to reduce.
U.S. adhere to the ancient rule - divide and conquer. The more the U.S. influence on India, the greater tensions in the relations with its neighbors, there will be local conflicts, terrorism will increase, and so on.
United States - the successor of the British Empire, and Russia - the successor of the Soviet Union. Let the Indians themselves think, with whom they had better be friends.
russians are old friends of indian. russian are our friends bye heart not by arms deal. bye the way i will ask russians why they are selling defence technoloy like su 35 and fighter engine and more others to china while knowing that china is a threat to india. he is also making india and china as friends then why india can not accept friendship to america if he is sending friend request.
I would say Afzal Khan was an innocent victim who could not figure out how he was trapped.


In an engagement with the army of Bijapur in 1674, Shivaji feigned the desire to parley with their military leader, Afzal Khan ('khan' = 'general'). Shivaji secretly put on a chain-mail shirt under his clothing, concealing a dagger in his left sleeve and a bagh nakh in his right hand. When the two leaders met in a pavilion between their armies, they went to formally embrace each other in unarmed peace. At this point, Shivaji stabbed Afzal Khan in the stomach with the bagh nakh, then the dagger, and stole his sword as a trophy.


every thing is fair in love and war and survival is the biggest war and we indians have been fighting it for the longest period in the recorded history and still are going strong even the pakistani national poet wrote this about us almost a century ago


russians are old friends of indian. russian are our friends bye heart not by arms deal. bye the way i will ask russians why they are selling defence technoloy like su 35 and fighter engine and more others to china while knowing that china is a threat to india. he is also making india and china as friends then why india can not accept friendship to america if he is sending friend request.

The Su-35 is sold without the exchange of technology, just as a product. That is why the delays - Chinese interested in the drawings, especially in the engine.
If you just trade with the United States - is one thing, but if you go to the pro-American camp - it is quite another matter.
That is bad scenario for India, Russia, China for future anti-American fight and for humanity as well.
USA is a spent force, and its Western allies are militarily dead. USA at this point is a dangerous "friend" to have. It will fire the Gun from India's shoulder.

What is the commonality of interests between India and USA in Military matters? None...... USA's need to contain China is far more than India's need in this regard. USA thinks that China is akin to Germany, and they want a Balance of Power in Asia. It would be useful for India to learn lessons from World War II. If war comes, India, China and Russia will be battlefields, while the USA will cheer from the sides as it did in WW II (relatively speaking)

Russia has far more stakes in Asian game since it is present here. For the USA its a power game. Ultimately China has to be controlled through a Russia- India-Japan-Vietnam group. USA has no stakes.

Historically, Russia is rock solid and reliable. USA did help India on the Kashmir issue but turned opportunistic after that. Russia is also a mature country with long history. Indians and Americans, both being immature tend to gravitate together.

The end game is a resource grab, especially oil. America would like to starve China and it may come to war. India has no stakes in such power games, and neither has capacity. But American stooges ruling India at the moment cannot but do America's bidding.
Lol. Your ambitions are as unbelievable and untenable as they are shameless. Really, the idea that you can drive Russia and China apart, and then have the capacity to invade and occupy our Tibetan provinces (!!!). Are you going supply your malnourished army with equipment made by your industrial sector, which is barely more than 1/10 of China's industrial sector? Or are you gonna do what you do best, import all your military needs from foreigners? I'm sure they'd love to receive all those rupees as payment :). And I'm sure prospective investors for your military expenditure would just love to buy war bonds denominated in rupees :). I'm giggling so hard right now.

I've noticed you in particular seem to be afflicted with severe mental delusions, which is no mean feat given the general levels of delusion that characterize your countrymen. You need medical assistance right now - this advice is for your benefit.

Lol Bit by bit, part by part, you were eaten up, first Ladakh, then South Tibet, then Sikkim, then Bhutan and it goes on. The only difference is that the penetration has been slow and that you could do nothing while being raped by a country, one third of your size.

And now you are pregnant as India holds an Exile Tibet government and nuclear missiles ready to strike China, you can only go for maintaining a status quo and the burning example of a national territorial integrity and encouraging others to occupy more Chinese lands.
Lol. Your ambitions are as unbelievable and untenable as they are shameless. Really, the idea that you can drive Russia and China apart, and then have the capacity to invade and occupy our Tibetan provinces (!!!). Are you going supply your malnourished army with equipment made by your industrial sector, which is barely more than 1/10 of China's industrial sector? Or are you gonna do what you do best, import all your military needs from foreigners? I'm sure they'd love to receive all those rupees as payment :). And I'm sure prospective investors for your military expenditure would just love to buy war bonds denominated in rupees :). I'm giggling so hard right now.

I've noticed you in particular seem to be afflicted with severe mental delusions, which is no mean feat given the general levels of delusion that characterize your countrymen. You need medical assistance right now - this advice is for your benefit.

Terrible counterclaim. China is an independent and sovereign country, and it has never, as part of its foreign policy tried to promiscuously court so many clients. Empirically, that shameful behaviour is exclusive to India.

He is not talking about SCS , is he??

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