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COAS Calls on Corps Commanders Conference - Will go to last limit to defend Country

We need to make a long term strategy regarding Kashmir utilizing all possible options.

Intensifying the freedom struggle in IOK should be a start..

No that’s not right. Kashmiris will only suffer more rapes and murders.

It is down to us to do the real heavy lifting now. it’s time is now come for Pakistan nation and our army and to say enough is a enough. Your filthy occupiers. going to boot you out

Like 1947. Men in thousands will come to Kashmir to liberate it join properly with pak army.

I’ve seen Pakistani army in areas They are ready can do it.

Kashmiris can not. Indians threaten there families !
COAS seems more interested in siasat than any other thing.
We cannot invade indian occupied territories... There are too many forces there and civilians might die... Surely will die.

We can't invade india this time, we might have to wait for a better oppertunity.... Lets see how indian held kashmiriz handle the situation lets keep a close watch. If there is an oppertunity by all means go for it...

I hope we habe a good plan before attacking india.

But we can create a situation diplomatically and militarily where world can understand that Kashmir is truly a Nuclear flash point and all will burn in subcontinent due to this issue.
Honestly not really confident with this group of military "commanders". This army hasn't seen a major war with a large adversary in 40+ years. Don't believe the whole battle hardened sales pitch, Zarb e Azb was mostly COIN ops with available air superiority, with no real major pitched battles against an equally massive and equipped army.

The feeling amongst most Pakistanis is that the Pak Army is mostly a business now. They run real estate, cement factories, food processing and even a f*cking fertilizer plants. Does a professional army really conduct itself this way?
When push comes to shove, does this group of soft, paper pushing Corps Commanders really have the motivation to give up their cushy five star livelihoods and jump in a foxhole to fight a long protracted war against an enemy 5 times its size?

Someone convince me otherwise
Honestly not really confident with this group of military "commanders". This army hasn't seen a major war with a large adversary in 40+ years. Don't believe the whole battle hardened sales pitch, Zarb e Azb was mostly COIN ops with available air superiority, with no real major pitched battles against an equally massive and equipped army.

The feeling amongst most Pakistanis is that the Pak Army is mostly a business now. They run real estate, cement factories, food processing and even a f*cking fertilizer plants. Does a professional army really conduct itself this way?
When push comes to shove, does this group of soft, paper pushing Corps Commanders really have the motivation to give up their cushy five star livelihoods and jump in a foxhole to fight a long protracted war against an enemy 5 times its size?

Someone convince me otherwise
If that was the case the Indians would have attacked us long time ago.
Stuffs, done in haste, are messed up by Satan - a Turkish proverb

He who stands up in anger sits down in a loss - a Turkish proverb

Don’t disturb the enemy when he is making mistakes - Confucius

Stay hungry - Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Computers

Only the paranoid survives - Andy Grove, one of the founders of Intel Inc.

Without putting Afganistan under the firm control any moves against Hindustan would be suicidal!!! Please read history for it contains the Hakikat to project on the future..

India may have the watch, but Pak has got the TIME....

Everything in this world revolves around the evolution of time, which isn’t without its MASTER....

India is angry, and Pak is hungry....

02-26/27/28 have shown the phase of Jelalet is on India, and the phase of Jemalet is on Pak....

A man without the knowledge of history isn’t truly civilized...
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