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COAS Calls on Corps Commanders Conference - Will go to last limit to defend Country

what is the logic behind todays call of meeting?
You questioned the meeting today not me. You suggested that the meeting should have happened yesterday before NSC meeting, even though that makes no sense and what ever was decided upon in NSC meeting will be communicated in this meeting.
You need to explain your point of view not me.
Yes it is happening after the NSC. It is not that urgent. Pakistan has a lot more options than anyone can imagine. Your concern is welcome but do not let your emotions get better of you. Keep your spirits high. You would be needed.

Unfortunately, this country is replete with "Darshani Pehlwans" and this includes many of our PDF posters as well. They really think that war is a joke.
What options does Pakistan have, realistically, to deal with this situation ?
An all out war is simply impossible, so what other cards are on the table?
we have less strategic depth than india and any violation by india impacts us more than india and discourages business activity in Pakistan.Indian economy is much bigger than ours and the world is very different now than in Past.In previous wars we have no such threat of terrorist attacks like today so it was easy to deal with india than today
Similar things have happened in the past. We have had 3 wars. Response from Pakistan should be based on logical thinking and not on emotional mumbo jumbo.
Yes it is happening after the NSC. It is not that urgent. Pakistan has a lot more options than anyone can imagine. Your concern is welcome but do not let your emotions get better of you. Keep your spirits high. You would be needed.
Bro I am in all high spirit , moral all time high .. We are very close to resolving Kashmir issue ….
Only waiting for outcome..
My guess is Pakistan will have Jammu-Kashmir(Valley) and india will have Ladakh ….. Both will have face saving ..
2nd option is all-out war (any insurgency will also lead us to this) …….. This options not only destroy subcontinent but also take world with it..
Core Commander Conference is too late, according to some respectable posters. I agree with them. Had it been yesterday, we would have, by now, conquered Delhi.:p::p::p:

Pakistan military should only bomb delhi to ashes, no need to occupy that sh1th0le or any other part of india.
we have less strategic depth than india and any violation by india impacts us more than india and discourages business activity in Pakistan.Indian economy is much bigger than ours and the world is very different now than in Past.In previous wars we have no such threat of terrorist attacks like today so it was easy to deal with india than today
What the F does strategic depth have got to do with the topic at hand. You are not making any sense and have not answered any of my question.
You questioned the meeting today not me. You suggested that the meeting should have happened yesterday before NSC meeting, even though that makes no sense and what ever was decided upon in NSC meeting will be communicated in this meeting.
You need to explain your point of view not me.
it is you who asked about the logic ….. and I said after the NSC meeting please read . . so first read then explain your logic point..
Bro I am in all high spirit , moral all time high .. We are very close to resolving Kashmir issue ….
Only waiting for outcome..
My guess is Pakistan will have Jammu-Kashmir(Valley) and india will have Ladakh ….. Both will have face saving ..
2nd option is all-out war (any insurgency will also lead us to this) …….. This options not only destroy subcontinent but also take world with it..
Dear the nation has to decide. Armies fight with their nation's support.
What options does Pakistan have, realistically, to deal with this situation ?
An all out war is simply impossible, so what other cards are on the table?

Long shots (never going to result in anything actually happening)
We can do the lip service of UN, international community etc.
We can ask friendly nations to sanction India/end trade with India.

Realistic option
  • support Kashmiri freedom fighters with weapons and supplies.
  • increase cross border firing and target Indian checkposts / provoke the Indians to start limited conflict.
  • Use conflict as cover to push in more irregulars across border.
  • In long term start supporting anti India proxies, particularly those who already are setup. Stretch their security infrastructure, like they have done with us for nearly 2 decades.
These are the only terms India talks peace on, when war is losing you votes.
my point is that indian continuous violations of ceasefire cannot be tolerated for the country like Pakistan and we should inflict heavy damage to them so they not dare to violate ceasefire next time,the fact they are violating ceasefire repeatedly shows that there is some weakness in our response
What the F does strategic depth have got to do with the topic at hand. You are not making any sense and have not answered any of my question.
Economically,our condition is pathetic.expect zero action.we can't afford war against india.too much corruption,failed diplomacy,failed strategies.it is so sad that we are now at this stage where we have to beg for money and beg for peace.defensive policies can win you a noble prize but on the ground,it is harmful.what Khan has achieved through defensive policies? Army itself is defensive because there is no money.

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