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Comsats University terminates lecturer over asking 'objectionable question' in quiz

While what he said is true on behavior analysis, I do think question about incest is a bit over the limit.

What he refers to is the moral dilemma scenario. Most of those are open question and was used for psychiatric assessment and law enforcement entrant exam.

One very famous question the FBI ask their potential applicant is the funeral question. And the question goes like this.

A pair of sisters attended their mother funeral, one of the sisters met a guy and fall in love, the funeral's over, and the guy left, the sister did not ask the guy number, a few days later the girl killed her sister. What is her motive?

The answer for this question is that sister think the man would attend another family member funeral, that's why she killed her sister. You will not get selected by the FBI if you answer anything other than this, because that is what true psychopath do.

But then incest.............I mean maybe in the south that would make sense...
There is no need to appeal to any 'moral dumbfounding' or even moral dilemma analysis to attach some relevance to the question. Consanguineous marriages are very common among Pakistanis and diaspora. This line of questioning may be a good opportunity to showcase why it is a bad idea. Consanguineous relations are incest to a lesser degree.
ISLAMABAD (Web Desk) – The Comsats University Islamabad (CUI) has terminated a lecturer who had allegedly asked an “objectionable” question in a quiz on the English composition of the Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (BEE) programme.

The CUI administration wrote to the Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) on Feb 2 to apprise that it had initiated [an] inquiry into the content of the quiz. The letter stated that the administration had already taken action and the services of the lecturer (visiting faculty) had been teriminated from Jan 5, 2023. The faculty member, it further stated, had also been blacklisted.

Students were “shocked” when they came across the question asking them to write 300 words on the topic.

Additional Registrar Naveed Ahmed Khan said when the rector called the lecturer to explain over the matter, he admitted his mistake which culminated in his termination. “He had plagiarised the question from Google,” he added. The quiz, he said, was retaken.

A faculty member took a dig at the examination system questioning why the matter had only to be taken into consideration after the students raised the issue. He doubted that the lecturer had been sacked after the ministry took notice of the incident.

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This is what happens when you become a lazy lecturer copy and pasting from other paper without a sense to read. I would be amazed if this idiot wrote this question himself. He deserves to be fired.
Actually this is a well known question, first posed by a Professor in the US many years ago, used to illustrate the concept of "moral dumbfounding" - but most people in India and Pakistan lack the critical faculty to appreciate it. I feel sorry for the COMSATS Prof. The poor guy was trying to teach a firang concept to his jaahil students but didn't realise the explosive blowback it would have.

Sometimes you Indians want to take a position just for the sake of taking a position, but you still come off stupid.

While what he said is true on behavior analysis, I do think question about incest is a bit over the limit.

What he refers to is the moral dilemma scenario. Most of those are open question and was used for psychiatric assessment and law enforcement entrant exam.

One very famous question the FBI ask their potential applicant is the funeral question. And the question goes like this.

A pair of sisters attended their mother funeral, one of the sisters met a guy and fall in love, the funeral's over, and the guy left, the sister did not ask the guy number, a few days later the girl killed her sister. What is her motive?

The answer for this question is that sister think the man would attend another family member funeral, that's why she killed her sister. You will not get selected by the FBI if you answer anything other than this, because that is what true psychopath do.

But then incest.............I mean maybe in the south that would make sense...

Well, it makes sense in India, considering their national hero Gandhi slept with his niece to see if he could get it up.
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my turn to do the exam hope i pass otherwise i be seeking asylum.

my conclusion: they both should have done it many times and with out pills or condom no rubber should come between their love. it should be skin to skin contact for true lovely memorable pleasure. however in a ideal world this would have been love jihad and she gets pregnant with beautiful twins.

Sir/madam did i pass? how about 100 rupee rishwat and love jihad as bonus.
Actually this is a well known question, first posed by a Professor in the US many years ago, used to illustrate the concept of "moral dumbfounding" - but most people in India and Pakistan lack the critical faculty to appreciate it. I feel sorry for the COMSATS Prof. The poor guy was trying to teach a firang concept to his jaahil students but didn't realise the explosive blowback it would have.
Exactly, one read and you know theres a psychology behind this but why the heck would the jahils wanna go in-depth with knowledge and the basis of how thinking can be differentiated with many roots that build up personal moralities.
I would have tried to explain but it is pointless. If you care, you can use google to find out why the question is deliberately provocative and actually has nothing to do with fornication or incest but it meant to illustrate the difference in reaction due to emotion and reason. The reaction it has received in Pakistan actually illustrates thr point that the person who first posed it was trying to illustrate.
Most Pakistanis aren’t capable of emotional control beyond that of a toddler. They wouldn’t get this scenario if it was posed to psychology students - HOWEVER, these are electrical engineering students and generally this is a poor scenario to present to them.

This was most likely some alternative cheesed off fellow having a last laugh before he moved onto whatever he was really interested in

Exactly, one read and you know theres a psychology behind this but why the heck would the jahils wanna go in-depth with knowledge and the basis of how thinking can be differentiated with many roots that build up personal moralities.
It was a jibe based on a very philosophical question that was wasted on the target audience anyway because they neither have the educational, social nor exposure background to think along those lines.

It might have passed if targeted at philosophy majors from QAU in Karachi - not general rote learning electrical engineering grads of COMSATs
Most Pakistanis aren’t capable of emotional control beyond that of a toddler. They wouldn’t get this scenario if it was posed to psychology students - HOWEVER, these are electrical engineering students and generally this is a poor scenario to present to them.

This was most likely some alternative cheesed off fellow having a last laugh before he moved onto whatever he was really interested in

It was a jibe based on a very philosophical question that was wasted on the target audience anyway because they neither have the educational, social nor exposure background to think along those lines.

It might have passed if targeted at philosophy majors from QAU in Karachi - not general rote learning electrical engineering grads of COMSATs

Islamabad's COMSATS university lecturer asks students to write 15 marks eassay on brother n sister having sex.


Damn talk about extreme
She wants to seal off Comsat 🤣
As other members have already commented, this is actually a realtively well meaning question passage in the field of psychology. When you come out to make an actual argument against the case, you do struggle for actual justifications for your position.

Read the following article for a better understanding of the motive behind the passage, including why they were in France of all places.

BUT, this was a EE class, so probably not quite the most suitable audience for a critical thinking question such as this.

Perhaps the lecturer thought he would bring something new to the field and test student's minds, or he was just fooling around, this was never bound to end well in our country.

Even if you would have posed this question to actual psychology students, yehi reaction ana tha.
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Good action by the authorities. This sort of a questionnaire has no place in any civilised society let alone a society of pious Muslims.

I would have tried to explain but it is pointless. If you care, you can use google to find out why the question is deliberately provocative and actually has nothing to do with fornication or incest but it meant to illustrate the difference in reaction due to emotion and reason. The reaction it has received in Pakistan actually illustrates thr point that the person who first posed it was trying to illustrate.
How is something going to evoke emotion if it's considered normal? Maybe change incest to pedophilia? That's still considered bad in the progressive, non-jahil, non-third world West, isn't it?
How is something going to evoke emotion if it's considered normal? Maybe change incest to pedophilia? That's still considered bad in the progressive, non-jahil, non-third world West, isn't it?
The question is simply not suited to the audience - philosophy and psychology majors HAVE to go through the idea of emotional intelligence to socially unacceptable or inappropriate ideas to be able to gauge appropriate responses to them.

Electrical engineering undergraduates do not and especially Pakistani ones who cannot ever accept that their arz e pak has cases of not just incest but rampant pedophilia.
The question is simply not suited to the audience - philosophy and psychology majors HAVE to go through the idea of emotional intelligence to socially unacceptable or inappropriate ideas to be able to gauge appropriate responses to them.

Electrical engineering undergraduates do not and especially Pakistani ones who cannot ever accept that their arz e pak has cases of not just incest but rampant pedophilia.
That's my point, sir. Like you said, maybe even Pakistani philosophy and psychology majors would have trouble answering this particular question. And I am sure this is not the only question that could have been posed (refer to @jhungary 's post above) but ol Randy here is trying to shame us for not being open-minded because he's been to a few nude beaches and it wasn't awkward for him.
That's my point, sir. Like you said, maybe even Pakistani philosophy and psychology majors would have trouble answering this particular question. And I am sure this is not the only question that could have been posed (refer to @jhungary 's post above) but ol Randy here is trying to shame us for not being open-minded because he's been to a few nude beaches and it wasn't awkward for him.
He should try the same in IIT and see the response there - but the core idea is that it may not have the same knee jerk response in the US higher academic setting regardless of the major only because culturally the setting is to be objective rather than subjective.

It also separates the wheat from the chaff.. its like people making (Astagfirullah - Nauzubillah) accusations that the prophet(صَلَّى ٱللَّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ)was a pedophile based on incorrect history hoping to get an angry response while those that would delve into the historical context as to why that entire narrative is incorrect both in terms of interpretation of age vis a vis classical arabic to when Hazrat Aisha was actually sent to live with the Prophet. However, for the common person it will incite the response the one seeking fitna wants and that is why it succeeds in its purpose.
The question is simply not suited to the audience - philosophy and psychology majors HAVE to go through the idea of emotional intelligence to socially unacceptable or inappropriate ideas to be able to gauge appropriate responses to them.

Electrical engineering undergraduates do not and especially Pakistani ones who cannot ever accept that their arz e pak has cases of not just incest but rampant pedophilia.
That too in places like mosques.
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