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Covering Ukraine: A mean streak of racist exceptionalism


Feb 28, 2019
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Covering Ukraine: A mean streak of racist exceptionalism

Western moral deformities are on an open display amid the war in Ukraine.

Patrick Gathara

Communications consultant, writer, and award-winning political cartoonist based in Nairobi.

Published On 1 Mar 20221 Mar 2022

[Patrick Gathara/Al Jazeera]

The conflict raging in Ukraine between Russian and Ukrainian Slavs, the latter with the support of a tribal coalition of nations across sub-Scandinavian Europe, has exposed much more than the fragility of peace on the disease-ravaged subcontinent. It has also revealed a mean streak of racist exceptionalism with which many Europeans, and people of European heritage, tend to regard themselves.

It has been impossible to miss the shock among Caucasian journalists covering the war, sparked by Russia’s invasion under the pretext of supporting ethnic allies in the eastern tribal enclaves of Donetsk and Luhansk, which it has recognised as independent states, at the idea that this could happen in Europe.

“They seem so like us. That is what makes it so shocking … War is no longer something visited upon impoverished and remote populations. It can happen to anyone,” wrote Daniel Hannan in the UK’s The Telegraph. “We are in the 21st century, we are in a European city, and we have cruise missile fired as if we were in Iraq or Afghanistan, can you imagine,” a commentator wailed on French TV.

Reporting from the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, Charlie D’Agata, a correspondent with CBS News in the US, declared Ukraine “isn’t a place, with all due respect, like Iraq or Afghanistan, that has seen conflict raging for decades … This is a relatively civilised, relatively European – I have to choose those words carefully, too – city, where you wouldn’t expect that or hope that it’s going to happen.” He later apologised.

The pearl-clutching is of course nothing new. When covering events in the US during the Donald Trump administration, especially the 2020 elections, reporters would regularly exclaim that such chaos was expected of the “Third World”, not the US. “America is a Third World country now” was a headline of Fortune magazine following the unhinged first presidential debate between Trump and his eventual successor, Joe Biden.

It all harkens back to Chinua Achebe who, in his 1977 review of British writer Joseph Conrad’s novel Heart of Darkness, noted that “for reasons which can certainly use close psychological inquiry, the West seems to suffer deep anxieties about the precariousness of its civilization” and needs constant reassurance by comparison with Africa. To Africa, we can add Iraq, Afghanistan and much of the Global South.

In essence, the journalists are seeking to affirm white European exceptionalism and virtue by outsourcing its ills to the “developing” world. What Achebe wrote, regarding Africa is true of much of the non-white world which “is to Europe as the picture is to Dorian Gray – a carrier onto whom the master unloads his physical and moral deformities so that he may go forward, erect and immaculate”.

Ironically, European moral deformities have been on open display since the Russian invasion, which is itself grossly immoral and unjust. The reported treatment by Ukrainian guards of Africans, Indians and other people of colour trying to flee the country remains an indelible stain on its otherwise heroic stand against aggression.

The warm welcome accorded to white Ukrainian refugees by Ukraine’s neighbours in the European Union is in sharp contrast to the hostile reception experienced by people of other races, from other places, on arrival at Europe’s doorstep. And the Europeans have not been shy about the reasons for the discrepancy.

Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov declared: “These are not the refugees we are used to. These are people who are Europeans, so we and all other EU countries are ready to welcome them. These are … intelligent people, educated people … So none of the European countries is afraid from the immigrant wave that is about to come.”

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki also said: “We will accept anyone who needs it. The Ukrainian society gets more afraid and stressed. We are ready to accept tens, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian refugees.” This is while his country continues to deny entry to mostly Iraqi, Afghan and Syrian migrants and asylum seekers on its border with Belarus.

In the UK, which has contemplated pushing back non-white refugees into the English Channel, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has reportedly said Ukrainians can go in visa-free if they already have family there.

It is worth noting that when the journalists shocked by the pristine continent’s descent into the muck which they believe is solely reserved for the rest of humanity, deign to mention the contradictory stances towards asylum seekers, they do so in passing. The word “racism” appears to be studiously avoided.

The irony of European powers taking in refugees created by Russia’s aggression while shutting out those generated by their own invasions and occupations is apparently also lost on them. As is the fact that while Russia is condemned as it should be for invading someone else’s country, the same countries shouting the loudest about international law and the UN Charter and resolutions are happy to ignore Apartheid Israel doing exactly the same thing to Palestinians. No calls for sanctions or isolation there. No celebration of the bravery of people in Gaza and the occupied West Bank in standing up for their freedom against a brutal occupier.

But then again, Israel did not invade a white European country, and we know they think certain behaviour is acceptable, and to be expected, when directed against people on other continents.

In fact, one feels towards the North in much the same way comedian John Oliver responded upon hearing that former US President George W Bush, who ordered the disastrous and murderous invasion of Iraq in 2003, was condemning Putin. “Hold on, George. Not from you,” he retorted on his show, Last Week Tonight. “You are not the guy for this one, because that statement only would have made sense if it ended with ‘Oh s***, now I hear it. Sorry. I’ll shut the f*** up now.”

Rather than shut up, perhaps it would be better if they showed a little awareness and a little consistency.

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera’s editorial stance.

Well - what can be expected of the poor of Eastern Europe. Uneducated sad little racist lumps living in $hitholes, which look great from the outside but are no better than the third world in a real sense.

Poverty makes every uneducated Eastern European a "cornered" racist and exceptionalist.

Their Eastern EU economies aren't really doing all that good. Ukraine, Bulgaria and Poland aren't Germany. What is saving their hide a little is their low birth-rate.

GDP of Bangladesh is nearing 400 Billion and going up, Poland is a little higher than that, but GDP of Ukraine is half that of Bangladesh, and let's not talk about Bulgaria. By being racist (and not even attempting to hide the racism), these idiotic countries are digging their own grave, and will be even bigger global Pariahs than they are now.

Ukraine is an odd place, a Neo-Nazi country with a Jewish president. What are the chances?

Nothing made in those countries will find a market in the Global South, we should make sure of it.

I don't know why we send our kids to be educated in this Eastern EU hellholes. Better to invest in medical colleges and technical institutes at home.

Stealing from the third world is getting harder and harder by the day for the West, the Baltic and Slavic countries are really feeling the pinch. These Eastern EU countries better straighten up and fly right, or they will all get to live in places like Romany camps in Romania soon.

When the South goes up the ladder of development, we must remember all this (we must NEVER forget).

Our day too - will come. China is already there.
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Except for the "Heroic stand of the Ukranians" I like the article.

PS : There should be a post react button for partial like.
I don't know why we send our kids to be educated in this Eastern EU hellholes. Better to invest in medical colleges and technical institutes at home.

In India medical education is quite expensive from what I read, let alone being free. It can cost up to one crore for a four year period ( or maybe five it was ) whereas in Ukraine the course takes just 17 lakhs plus 3.5 lakhs for accommodation etc.

And then our Brilliant Modi declares that medical students should study in India without thinking why these students go to Ukraine.
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A wounded African student from Zimbabwe being helped by an Arab student after being assaulted by racist Ukrainian Nazis. All the "colored" foreign students were even denied basic necessities like food and water and kicked off trains and buses. Some walked 100 kms to Poland .
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A wounded African student from Zimbabwe being helped by an Arab student after being assaulted by racist Ukrainian Nazis. All the "colored" foreign students were even denied basic necessities like food and water and kicked off trains and buses. Some walked 100 kms to Poland .

@Messerschmitt @Vergennes, you still want to propagate for the Ukrainian Nazi government ?

This forum has a lot of well informed people who can see through you, jhungary, gambit, Beijing Walker and few more.

JHungary is a pretender who claims to be a lot of things and having gone to a lot of places and know even Hugo Chavez.
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Bro why are your masters even wasting your energy in this Pakistani space?? 🤬

How about you stick with replying to the OP instead of getting yourself all triggered. If you can't help yourself after reading my posts and feel the urge to reply you can always put me in your ignore list to solve your problem.
How about you stick with replying to the OP instead of getting yourself all triggered. If you can't help yourself after reading my posts and feel the urge to reply you can always put me in your ignore list to solve your problem.
I'm not really triggered or anything just suggesting man. You wasting funds of whatever department you work for. Btw can you get me a job too. I'm doing cyber security from Purdue. I'd love to work from home.

Sounds like an easy gig. Just talk smack about China and brag how great white civilization is lol

You're essentially doing the same useless hearts and minds US civ-mil and NGOs did in Afghanistan. Teaching Afghan women about urinals and how to use toilet paper. When they consider it impure to use toilet paper.
I'm not really triggered or anything just suggesting man. You wasting funds of whatever department you work for. Btw can you get me a job too. I'm doing cyber security from Purdue. I'd love to work from home.

Sounds like an easy gig. Just talk smack about China and brag how great white civilization is lol

Can you do something useful with your time other than talking nonsense and focusing on accusing people of this, that, and the other??

Plus this forum is on a US server. If the US Government didn't like it they'd simply pull the plug and give the owner a hard time. He lives in Indianapolis.
I'm not really triggered or anything just suggesting man. You wasting funds of whatever department you work for. Btw can you get me a job too. I'm doing cyber security from Purdue. I'd love to work from home.

Sounds like an easy gig. Just talk smack about China and brag how great white civilization is lol

You're essentially doing the same useless hearts and minds US civ-mil and NGOs did in Afghanistan. Teaching Afghan women about urinals and how to use toilet paper. When they consider it impure to use toilet paper.
You went to Purdue. Very good engineering school. I went to UCB. You sound like a very sharp decent guy.

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