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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

I'm sorry but where has the US ever indicated a willingless to sell the F-22 production line to India? AFAIK it has consistently refused to sell it to its closest allies UK/Japan or the rest of NATO. How would it sell the F-22 to India, who not only purchases a bunch of Russian weaponry but also is not in any alliance with the US?

As for the second paragraph, I fully concur.

Meant the F-21, and they offered the production line to India as well, F-21 was ideal for India as a backup fighter and would have been better than most of the aircraft in the Indian inventory, India is the biggest joke on the planet.
Great weapon systems from France, but alas For a Few Dollars More the French forget all their humanitarian principles. Making money and selling weapons to nations when they are on the brink of War is immoral, i guess Western principles are redundant in these situations and Stoking the flames is the need of the hour.
wasn't the deal signed a long time ago ?
If Indians think this will stop the chinese, than they are living in a fools paradise.
If they went after Hammer after rejecting it in the past, it means IAF Spice doesn't give a required or specific capability which forced it to reconsider buying under emergency. Israel should work further on Spice even if its price has to be increased so that it can satisfy its clients.
You missing the bigger picture here. India indirectly confirmed that spice 2000 used in balakot missed their target. Their pilots are also shit but weapon wasn't less of a turd too.

Congratulations to the Indian Air Force ! Bon Vent as we say!



India should have got the F-22 as a backup, its a pretty useful aircraft, the US was willing to sell the production line to India as well.

But Indians and strategy is a long-running joke, the CCP is massed all along the border, Galwan is now under Chinese control and India has lost so much territory it's not even funny anymore.
since when us started to offer production line of f22? american don't even sell this plane to japan after repeated request.
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