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Despite its problems, Xi’s China is a vast improvement from the past

This statement applies to each and every country and their respective leaders.


WhatsApp Image 2023-04-24 at 7.25.10 PM.jpeg
Most probably, his several predecessors registered similar curves, but one can argue they achieved them due to a low based, the bigger the economy becomes, the harder a high growth rate can be maintained.


Not everything is about GDP. China's growth model before Xi was unsustainable anyway. And China's labor force just happened to start shrinking under Xi's watch, which he is powerless against too.
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Not everything is about GDP. China's growth model before Xi was unsustainable anyway. And China's labor force just happened to start shrinking under Xi's watch, which he is powerless against too.
You sound like a broken western record, how long is sustainable ? China lifted over 800 people out of poverty in the past 40 years, half a century is not sustainable? how long of the history of Singapore all together?
You sound like a broken western record, how long is sustainable ? China lifted over 800 people out of poverty in the past 40 years, half a century is not sustainable? how long of the history of Singapore all together?

Why are you so mad? China's property price and household debt growth was already a growing problem before Xi. What has Singapore got to do with this?

Why are you so mad? China's property price and household debt growth was already a growing problem before Xi. What has Singapore got to do with this?

No, I just want to know what do you mean "unsustainable", is 40 years not enough? can you put a time limit on sustainability?
No, I just want to know what do you mean "unsustainable", is 40 years not enough? can you put a time limit on sustainability?




So Wen Jiabao is a broken Western record now?



I was not talking about any specific leader, leaders can also have their own personal opinions, I m asking about why you claim that China's development mode is not sustainable, what's the time limit for "not being sustainable"?

Why you avoid answering this simple question? what's the time limit for "not being sustainable"?

Why do I have to answer your question which makes no sense? When you say eating junk food is unsustainable, you have to give a timeline? I have already provided the reasons (from your leaders nevertheless) and the stats. The fact that China has to slow down to Poland/Malaysian levels of 4-5%+ GDP growth proves that the previous economic model was unsustainable, and has to transition to consumption-led growth.




Almost ~7x in housing loans in 9 years.





In Singapore, the annual median household income can buy you around 21.95 sqm of housing area (HDB).
In HK, the annual median household income can buy you around 1.94 sqm of housing area.
In Beijing, the annual median household income can buy you around 2.69 sqm of housing area.
In Shenzhen, the annual median household income can buy you around 1.77 sqm of housing area.

People are complaining about housing affordability everywhere in Singapore, and yet in Chinese first-tier cities housing affordability is like 10x worse. It's pretty obvious the Chinese real estate is in a huge bubble. You know it's a huge social issue when affordability is 10x worse than densely populated Singapore, and you can see why their fertility rate is only ~0.8 in the cities.
Why do I have to answer your question which makes no sense? When you say eating junk food is unsustainable, you have to give a timeline? I have already provided the reasons (from your leaders nevertheless) and the stats. The fact that China has to slow down to Poland/Malaysian levels of 4-5%+ GDP growth proves that the previous economic model was unsustainable, and has to transition to consumption-led growth.
You claim that China's development model not sustainable makes no sense, it's already been around for 40 plus years and lifted over 800 million people out of poverty, pushing China from one of the poorest countries to upper middle level group, so what's your definition for sustainability?
what's your definition for sustainability?

Not something like this.



And btw, I didn't say the whole 40+ years of growth was unsustainable. These investment and household debt growth started only after the 08GFC to prop up GDP growth.
You believe US economy is more sustainable than China's? are you kidding me?

Not something like this.

Then what? sustainability means how long it can last, it's already been around for over 4 decades, still not sustainable in your dictionary? so what 's your definition?

You think Singapore is sustainable?
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China would have still improved with or without Xi.

Xi saved China from the brink of a color revolution, anti-corruption is only part of it, so far it has not ended. Now that the financial system is being cleaned up, the propaganda department and the education system will be cleaned up.

This is the main reason why the United States has changed its face towards China. The United States has been preparing for the color revolution in China for decades, and they didn't worried about China's development at all.

Xi made America's plan a complete failure, and America found out too late.
Why do I have to answer your question which makes no sense? When you say eating junk food is unsustainable, you have to give a timeline? I have already provided the reasons (from your leaders nevertheless) and the stats. The fact that China has to slow down to Poland/Malaysian levels of 4-5%+ GDP growth proves that the previous economic model was unsustainable, and has to transition to consumption-led growth.



Almost ~7x in housing loans in 9 years.




So, Chinas development in the 40 years is like people eating junk food to you ? What is stupid comparison that is nothing but just want to put down anything Chinese and China has done is your mission.
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