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Discussion of Iranian support for Palestinian resistance groups


We were talking about the 90s. 1991-2003 Iraq sanctions.

Obviously Iraq isn't sanctioned anymore, yet ironically Iraq is a major shithole under the Iranian groups. Can't beat retardation more than these Iranian militias.

I addressed all that. Iraq is a mess due to the US occupation and its consequences.

That's right.

In Saddam's time you can't bribe a soldier or policeman, he will tear you a second asshole. Today bribing is the norm.

It's the norm as a result of the illegal American invasion, which deliberately tore down state institutions.

By the way, I was referring to the "smuggling" that was going on in contravention of the UN embargo on Iraq, in other words, the regime actually welcomed it since it helped circumvent the sanctions and import at least some of the goods urgently needed by Iraqis. And Iran was of major help in this.

Iran's regional growth is a byproduct of American policy.

Unintended byproduct. That's why careful strategic planning is needed at all times. Something Saddam failed to grasp, causing his downfall.

But there are other factors involved that you conveniently ignore, like Iran's economic and human development under the IR. Its bourgeoning defence industries, sound strategic decisions etc.

If they wish to do so Iran's infrastructure is crippled.

It's the political and military cost, stemming from Iran's retaliatory capabilities, which has them refraining from engaging in such an operation.

If you think my opinion is unpopular visit Iraq and see how done they are with you. Shias of Iraq today are missing Saddam. He's more popular than he has ever been.

Western propaganda works on Iraqis as much as it works on Iranians. They are all human.
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Alright Iranian, I need you a foreigner to tell me about my country. No one likes you in Iraq.

There's a reason Isis took over the entire north, people wanted to slaughter the Iranians in powe.
Western propaganda works on Iraqis as much as it works on Iranian. They are all human.

Disgusting narcissist you are, anyone who doesn't bow down to Iranian propaganda five times a day is fragile human lost to 'Western propaganda'. Of course there is no Iranian propaganda at all according to fanatic like you. I won't be surprised if you are the Dajjal the Prophet warned us about. If you are we will easily kick your @ss. I think you are a Jewish, I don't believe you are Muslim. Your attraction to Persianism is derived by your intent to commit vengeance against Islam and Muslims.
My Iraqi shroog are going to raid the majoos in due time. Take a seat, drink some beer and await the great revolt which is brewing.

Great Satan himself won't be able to stop it.
I blame Kadhimi with his useless arrests.

The major Iraqi pmu groups (kataib Hezbollah, asaib ahl Al haq) already reject Iran's orders. They don't give a shit about Iran.

It's a few small groups which need their *** torn in two.

Shia animals and their weak soft spot for Iranians. We used to gas hundreds of thousands in the old days of of the Arabization campaigns
Disgusting narcissist you are, anyone who doesn't bow down to Iranian propaganda five times a day is fragile human lost to 'Western propaganda'. Of course there is no Iranian propaganda at all according to fanatic like you. I won't be surprised if you are the Dajjal the Prophet warned us about. If you are we will easily kick your @ss. I think you are a Jewish, I don't believe you are Muslim. Your attraction to Persianism is derived by your intent to commit vengeance against Islam and Muslims.
@waz dear brother, why is this member allowed to insult other respected members of forum?
The nature of this forum is to discuss issues without flamebaiting, Personal insults and also avoiding Off-topic posts.

@SalarHaqq is only stating facts without going Personal but this well known member tries to divert the Issue of this thread through irrelevant posts and Personal insults.
Best regards.
@waz dear brother, why is this member allowed to insult other respected members of forum?
The nature of this forum is to discuss issues without flamebaiting, Personal insults and also avoiding Off-topic posts.

@SalarHaqq is only stating facts without going Personal but this well known member tries to divert the Issue of this thread through irrelevant posts and Personal insults.
Best regards.

It's equal what I'm doing

He's disregarding and ridiculing Iraqi casualties from militias. I am doing just the same
Nope, it's the truth.

US propaganda isn't "truth".

You are fuming.

Relaxing like never before.

You are suffering from delusions of grandeur. And other delusions in general which is evident by the crazy stuff you're writing.

I don't randomly attribute places of residence to other users.

You live in alternate reality which is being kept up Iranian regime knows how to play game for PR purposes. If they put their rhetoric/lies into practice, your alternate reality will be shattered very easily. This is why they just sit on the side and watch while Hamas lead the pro-active resistance and jihad against Israel. And Iran and allies just kill Muslim babies.

Hamas only retaliate with Iranian-supplied rockets when 9 Palestinian children are murdered and Al-Aqsa raided. Otherwise they don't lift a finger, even though 90% of their land was stolen.

As a matter of fact, right now as we speak, Palestine is illegally occupied and Hamas aren't even throwing a firecracker at their nation's occupiers.

ISIS, Nusra and other such groups, who among other "feats"behead Palestinian children, are no "babies" by any measure.

You are jealous liar that is jealous of Hamas and hates Hamas.

I am not like the author of this slanderous comment, who harbors grudge and hatred for a partner in the Resistance.

And wanting to take credit for their Jihad and Sacrifice.

Nah, simply setting the record straight as to Iran's part in the common effort.

Hamas is the only pro-active Resistance group in the world, whether you like it or not.

Hamas follow the exact same rules of engagement as all other groups in the Resistance.

They never limited their cause to defending Gaza, and are active in defending all of Palestine.

Fallacious conceptual slip. There is no country named "Gaza", the country is Palestine and Hamas view themselves as defenders of Palestine as a whole. It's like saying Hezbollah never limited their cause to defending the southern suburbs of Beirut.

You advocate national defense policy which is no different than any other country in region.

And no different from Hamas either. Their nation is Palestine, not Gaza. They never partake in any conflict outside of their nation, that is Palestine.

And are against initiating Jihad against Israel.

Hamas is against initiating any military action against Isra"el" as long as Tel Aviv doesn't start murdering Palestinian children or raiding Al-Aqsa. Even while +90% of Palestine remains occupied. The absolute epitome of passivity according to the quoted user's own logic. But not according to ours.

You are a Zionist by heart.

Says he who plays into zionist hands by posting drivel against the main backer of the Palestinian Resistance, and dismissing statements by their leaders as a dishonest show. In addition to using zionist-approved sprlling norms.

Who hates Muslims and wants Iran to continue killing Muslim babies in region to achieve Persian domination.

A Muslim does not hate Muslims. ISIS, Nusra and company are on "babies". "Persian domination" is an alien concept to the glorious Islamic Republic.

Your jealousy towards Hamas will not change anything. They will drag you into war if it is reignited again, against your will. And your alternate reality will be shattered.
@waz dear brother, why is this member allowed to insult other respected members of forum?
The nature of this forum is to discuss issues without flamebaiting, Personal insults and also avoiding Off-topic posts.

@SalarHaqq is only stating facts without going Personal but this well known member tries to divert the Issue of this thread through irrelevant posts and Personal insults.
Best regards.

Ah no, he is delusional/deranged narcissist. We are not going to ignore lives of people in region just to not offend these crazy guy. People's lives are more important than your vpn using friend who lives in US and breaking forum rules. He is also calling people all kinds of names.
Just kill the majoosi militias all my shroog need to be radicalised

We need to see a big campaign against these Iranians groups
US propaganda isn't "truth".

Nope, you didn't get to call reality 'US propaganda' so you can dismiss it and save face.

Relaxing like never before.

Sure, lol.

I don't randomly attribute places of residence to other users.

Exposing your use of VPN and your real location(USA) does not amount to having delusions of grandeur. You on other hand are delusional person and deliberate liar who shills for Iranian regime. If it was in your hand you'd kill/rape/torture any opposition activists to Iran's agenda in whole region.

Hamas only retaliate with Iranian-supplied rockets when 9 Palestinian children are murdered and Al-Aqsa raided. Otherwise they don't lift a finger, even though 90% of their land was stolen.

Nope, Hamas rockets are produced in Gaza. And nope once again, Hamas is a pro-active Resistance group engaging in Jihad and Sacrifice against Israel. Which Iran and allies don't do. Just watch on side and kill Muslim babies in Syria/Iraq/Yemen.

Hamas follow the exact same rules of engagement as all other groups in the Resistance.

Nope, Iran and allies got struck by Israel in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and never responded. Meanwhile Hamas gets in routine engagements and showdowns with Israel, almost on a monthly basis.

Gaza is an isolated Palestinian territory. So, yes, it is same as comparing to Lebanon. They don't need to defend Palestinians in West Bank, but they did Jihad and sacrifice on their behalf, and Gaza beared the brunt of war. This is called pro-active Resistance, which Hamas is leading.

Says he who plays into zionist hands by posting drivel against the main backer of the Palestinian Resistance, and dismissing statements by their leaders as a dishonest show. In addition to using zionist-approved sprlling norms.

You are a Jewish guy interested in Persian domination of region. You are not anti-Zionist by any stretch. You actively promote against initiating Jihad against Israel all over this forum. Do not expect us to crown you just because you market yourself as anti-Zionist guy when all you do is support killing Muslim babies and argue against war with Israel.

A Muslim does not hate Muslims. ISIS, Nusra and company are on "babies". "Persian domination" is an alien concept to the glorious Islamic Republic.

Spoken like a true fascist.
Alright Iranian, I need you a foreigner to tell me about my country. No one likes you in Iraq.

There's a reason Isis took over the entire north, people wanted to slaughter the Iranians in powe.

It's Iraqis whom ISIS murdered there. Not Iranians.

My Iraqi shroog are going to raid the majoos in due time. Take a seat, drink some beer and await the great revolt which is brewing.

Great Satan himself won't be able to stop it.

Stop it? It's a Soros-funded, CIA orchestrated "revolt". And you think it will do your country any good? Don't be as naive as those who brought down Saddam's statue and welcomed US occupation troops.

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I won't be surprised if you are the Dajjal the Prophet warned us about. If you are we will easily kick your @ss. I think you are a Jewish, I don't believe you are Muslim. Your attraction to Persianism is derived by your intent to commit vengeance against Islam and Muslims.

He is Pakistani Jewish ... probably related to Al-Dajjal.... I will deal with this Dajjal....

Enjoy the spoils of war.

@WebMaster @waz @LeGenD

See, gentlemen, how this user is back at throwing insults, issuing takfiri-types of ad hominem comments, using threatening language despite the fact that I stuck to forum rules?

Please take appropriate action. Thank you.
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@WebMaster @waz @LeGenD

See, gentlemen, how this user is back at throwing insults, issuing takfiri-types of ad hominem comments, using threatening language despite the fact that I sticked to forum rules?

Please take appropriate action. Thank you.

Mods need to ban you for using VPN and having multiple accounts. Also hiding your real location(which is United States).

Don't assume you can on this forum and act like God, dismissing everyone's perspective as US propaganda and trying to enforce a domination of non-Iranians on this forum. You are against initiating Jihad against Israel and have argued against war with Israel all over the forum. We have a right to suspect you are a Dajjal as long as you continue employing deception all over this forum.
It's Iraqi whom ISIS murdered there. Not Iranians.

Soros-funded, CIA orchestrated "revolt". And you think it will do your country any good? Don't be as naive as those who brought down Saddam's statue and welcomed US occupation troops.

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@WebMaster @waz @LeGenD

See, gentlemen, how this user is back at throwing insults, issuing takfiri-types of ad hominem comments, using threatening language despite the fact that I sticked to forum rules?

Please take appropriate action. Thank you.
Who cares about forum rules or getting a ban, I'll welcome it. The important thing is to get rid of the majoos.

Your language is feminine and gay, I don't want to hear it when I walk in Karbala

The GCC needs to deport you, the Arabization campaigns have to re-emerge. Racism is to be taught especially to Arab shias

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