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Drone strike in Kunar hits Pak Taliban HideOut

I don’t know how credible this Afghan Newspaper is.

Pakistani militants among 10 killed in NATO airstrike in Kunar - Khaama Press (KP) | Afghan News Agency
Pakistani militants among 10 killed in NATO airstrike in Kunar
By Ghanizada - Tue Jun 10 2014, 2:28 pm

At least ten Taliban militants were killed following a NATO airstrike in eastern Kunar province of Afghanistan.
According to local authorities, the airstrike was carried in Khas Kunar district.

Provincial security chief, Gen. Abdul Habib Syed Khel, said at least four Pakistani militants were also among the ten militants killed following the drone strike.

The anti-government armed militant groups have not commented regarding the report so far.

Kunar is among the volatile provinces in eastern Afghanistan which shares a border with the tribal regions of Pakistan.

The anti-government armed militant groups including Pakistani militants are actively operating in its various districts and frequently carry out insurgency activities.
Now who did that Pak drone or US drone? I hope it's Pak Drone. Just keep killing these bastards.

probably the Americans....

I've advocated PAF coordinated strikes across the Durand Line but our govt. is probably trying to remain off Afghan "radar" before their elections - lest their public sentiment goes against our favour

saves us ammo too....i just hope they really were TTP targets

I don’t know how credible this Afghan Newspaper is.

Pakistani militants among 10 killed in NATO airstrike in Kunar - Khaama Press (KP) | Afghan News Agency
Pakistani militants among 10 killed in NATO airstrike in Kunar
By Ghanizada - Tue Jun 10 2014, 2:28 pm

At least ten Taliban militants were killed following a NATO airstrike in eastern Kunar province of Afghanistan.
According to local authorities, the airstrike was carried in Khas Kunar district.

Provincial security chief, Gen. Abdul Habib Syed Khel, said at least four Pakistani militants were also among the ten militants killed following the drone strike.

The anti-government armed militant groups have not commented regarding the report so far.

Kunar is among the volatile provinces in eastern Afghanistan which shares a border with the tribal regions of Pakistan.

The anti-government armed militant groups including Pakistani militants are actively operating in its various districts and frequently carry out insurgency activities.

if they were residents of FATA who belong to TTP then they would be Pakistani militants

TTP has men hailing from both sides of Durand Line

as long as they are TTP - i say good riddance

at the same time, i wouldnt take afghan "news agencies" too seriously about 99% of the time
@Stealth - So in short Americans are happy with Afghanistan Taliban. They are ready to give free hand to Afghanistan Taliban and Pakistan Intelligent Agency in Afghanistan whereas they are ready to kill so called American supported Pakistan based Taliban outfit. No wonder if they carry out one more drone strike in Pakistan administered area you will be the first one blazing your gun on America. United States always said (it is in records too) that they don't trust Pakistan on WOT, Why are they going to do this for you when they blame that most of the terrorist attack carried out on American or NATO Forces are done by your Intelligence agency support ? Don't tell me that they are doing all this for exit only. If you do belive this then either you don't know much about them or you don't know know about your Government.
Only going to comment on the american interactions with the taliban in Afghanistan. And they have been negotiating with them, may be not directly but indirectly they have done it. Just look at the soldier swap.
Still no other media outlets are reporting on this story.

But in the past the US has killed top TTP commander in Kunar province.

Mullah Dadullah killed in drone strike - thenews.com.pk
Mullah Dadullah killed in drone strike

August 25, 2012

KUNAR: Mullah Dadullah, chief of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Bajaur Agency along with his 12 comrades has been killed in drone strike by NATO forces in Afghanistan’s Kunar province.

Governor Kunar, Syed Fazlullah Waheedi, informed that NATO forces carried out drone strikes at the hideouts of militants in the mountainous region of district Shigal of Kunar resulting 13 militants including Mullah Dadullah and his assistant were killed.

The governor claimed that seven Pakistani militants were also injured in the attack and were shifted to district hospital Asadabad.

According to sources, Mullah Dadullah was also involved in kidnapping of 30 students of Bajaur Agency a year ago.
don't think Pakistan has the capability of UCAV's.
Sir they have. Although accuracy is not much but with a volley of missiles from close ranges it is possible. And for surveillance purpose they are widely used now.

Well no news on Pakistani channels yet let see if it is true or not

Sir G ask any expert here @Aeronaut @Oscar @Fulcrum15 @Slav Defence andd others
@tarrar see my post above. Pakis have the tech but they lack in two things. One is durability and second is precision. They need to come very low and closer to fire with accuracy. But they do have limited strike ability
PressTV - US-led airstrikes leave 13 dead across Afghanistan

US-led airstrikes leave 13 dead across Afghanistan
Tuesday Jun 10, 201407:58 PM GMT

At least 13 people have been killed as a result of two separate US-led airstrikes in Afghanistan’s provinces of Kunar and Nangarhar, Press TV reports.

Local officials in the northeastern province of Kunar said 10 Taliban militants, including three Pakistani nationals, were killed in an airborne assault in the Khas Kunar district of the province, situated some 150 kilometers (90 miles) northeast of the capital, Kabul, on Tuesday.

The Taliban have not yet confirmed any casualties, and made no comments on the air raid.

Meanwhile, three militants were killed and three others injured in another air assault in the eastern province of Nangarhar.

The US-led forces have recently increased their air attacks against civilian areas of Afghanistan.

On Monday, at least seven militants, among them three Pakistani nationals, were killed when foreign forces carried out an air raid in the country’s central province of Maidan Wardak.

On June 1, another US-led air assault claimed the lives of 18 people in Kunar province. The attack also injured seven people.

At least eight people were also killed after US-led forces carried out an airstrike in the southeastern province of Paktika on May 29.

On May 17, eleven people were killed when foreign forces launched an air raid in the Andar district of Afghanistan’s eastern province of Ghazni.

Civilian casualties have long been a source of friction between the Afghan government and US-led forces, and have dramatically increased anti-US sentiments in the country.

The United States and its allies invaded Afghanistan in October 2001 as part of Washington’s so-called war on terror.

The offensive removed the Taliban from power, but insecurity continues to rise across the country, despite the presence of thousands of US-led troops.

I have checked at the CNN & BBC website. Only news about Afghanistan is that 5 US soldiers have been killed by “Friendly” fire in Zabul province. Nothing about any drone attack.

The News highlights “Pakistani militants”. I would not believe the biased Afghan News agency until such time any third country or Pakistani news agency confirms the news.
1. It was not a Pakistani airstrike but an American

2. The drone stroke the area when Afghan army commanders asked for it, because they feared another major ambush on a little afghan base was on its way.

3. No one knows if it was TTP or AT, typical media trying to escalate every situation.
I hope this is true.

Drone away.....


Makes me think of this song.

If true then I have to say this to the TTP B@starts ...

Hun Kidher Nasoo Gy ( where will you run now ).
The Game is on... thats what i said many times..

US right now just face-saving policy - Withdrawal (Hint) they are not interested to involve btw Afghan India VS Pakistan.... Centcom & NATO chief visit green single to PAkistan for do whatever you want

Last week gunship strikes inside Afghanistan by Pakistan army (Hint).

ANA want revenge on that strikes and request US but US refuse to do any kind of help. Look US not even say single statement against or in favor of that surgical strikes conduct by Pakistan Army Gunships inside Afghanistan.

US want just "NASOOO" Policy.... India is fear of back-fire similarly Afghan ANA because of Talibans + ISI nexus. Pakistan already made it clear that PK will accept Indian hegemony in the region. So @ Last after withdrawal India will lose the US umbrella in Afghanistan.

In current situation US will do whatever Pakistan want specially at this time till withdrawal. If Pakistan want US drone use against TTP ... US will use that against TTP. TTP is completely in the hands of Raw-Indian and Afghan ANA + ANA Intel. No CIA or US behind further.

Time changing.. Game changing... situation changing and India and Afghan Govt particular will see the consequences of 10 years of terrorism inside Pakistan.

Series of Events

1, Ajit Doval - spymaster and covert warfare specialist gets appointed by Narendra Modi as National Security Advisor. Well aware of afghanistan than any other Indian.

2, Indian consulates in Afghanistan boost their security.

3, ANA seek revenge from Pakistan, through US, for retaliating against terrorists in Kunar. But US not interested because they needs Pakistan at this point in time for a face saving withdrawal (Hint: US CENTCOM chief & NATO Chief visit recently).

4, Grand Jirga in Waziristan requests government for time because of final meeting with TTP by Jirga.

5, Government of Pakistan gives Two weeks ultimatum

6, After Airport attack - Dialog suspended.

i think a decade on - the Americans realize that Pakistan simply wont renege or bend to the wishes of the Northern Alliance or the "other side" - which has always been hell bent on reducing our influence and interests in the region. I wont go into specifics but I am willing to if people dont understand the obvious. This has frustrated the NATO at times but frustration and media blame games and pressure applied still failed.

Their new strategy is the same one that Pakistan is using: favours for favours in exhange for certain understandings (e.g. keep the GLOC open from our end and facilate an honourable exit for NATO, and in exchange Pakistan do all in its power to promote Afghan reconciliation and the upcoming elections - which we have been doing)

the single worst event for ANA, Afghan intel and the indian and pro indian rodent elements is the dismantling of the TTP and the infighting taking place (I think ISI has played a significant role here). With a little nudge, they are now killing eachother. The TTP still needs to show that it can still inflict harm - and that is why they attacked the airport (and failed while doing so). The challenge will be to contain not just TTP but also other indian sponsored terrorist groups like the BLA (which the world by now knows who is supporting them even without the 'smoking gun'). Turns out Bahadur & Mehsud tribes are working now with govt. of Pakistan - unlike in the past

the attacks on indian consulates were a message so of course they would bolster security....its an open secret that the proxy games will be in full swing as everyone hedges their bets. Quite frankly - I think Pakistan only cries crocodile tears at the news of attacks on indian installations simply b/c the intelligence community has already gathered enough proof that these "consulates" arent doling out tourist visas to Afghans.

Pakistan can not afford to be seen as a hindrance to the Afghan election process....therefore our PR machine if we have one - needs to go into over-drive. The taleban/Islamic Emirate etc. need to be supportive as well. If they are against the bilateral security agreement they should make it known verbally, not through violence.

some elements in Afghanistan may be frustrated with Pakistan - epecially the Amrullah Saleh SOB types who live and breathe to malign ISI/PA.....however they should know that as long as Afghan soil (any iota of it) is used against Pakistan, it's only natural they should expect a response. They lack the military capability and the will to take on Pakistan head-on - and it seems that NATO's patience in Afghanistan theatre has run out.

public opinion in NATO countries has turned against the war/adventure there....so its in their interests to cooperate with Islamabad before taking any major policy/directional decisions.

as for the PA Aviation attack on Afghan soil - Pak Mil warned the Afghans it would start taking more preventative action if NATO or ANA failed to keep a check on our enemies who are inflicting harm on Pakistan - especially the people of FATA who are also increasingly angry over fighters from Afghanistan creating disturbances and engaging in criminal/deviate activity
US drones will attack the terrorists wherever they may hide on either side of the border. There will be no sanctuary safe for them.
US drones will attack the terrorists wherever they may hide on either side of the border. There will be no sanctuary safe for them.

curiously it was Internal Services Intel "mis" intelligence that caused them to drone Hakimullah Mehsud

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