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Dutch Parliament Member: We Must Close All Mosques & Ban Islam


Apr 18, 2013
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The Netherlands have had the voice of Geert Wilders speaking out against the Islamization of the Dutch country for years. Another member of Geert Wilders’s Party for Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid, PVV), Machiel de Graaf, spoke out and saying, "We must close all mosques and start deporting Muslims.”

"Without Islam, the Netherlands would be a wonderful country," Graaf began. "I have heard very few speakers yet on this subject, although everyone is of course concerned with their own issues during the budget."

Graff provided some vital statistics on how the Netherlands is paying for its own destruction by bringing in the followers of Muhammad.

“Without Islam, the Netherlands would not be losing $7.2 billion [Euros] per year on mass immigration,” he said.

"Without Islam there would not be any mosques in the Netherlands and people would not be confronted every day by Islamic headscarves and djellabas, ‘hate beards’ and minarets," he continued. "A country without all the symbols of Islamic domination – wonderful!

"What a country the Netherlands would be without Islam. We wouldn’t have to deal with the policy of population replacement, nor with the policy of Islamic colonisation, nor with the settlement policy in more and more districts in large and small cities."

More here....Dutch Parliament Member: We Must Close All Mosques & Ban Islam - Freedom Outpost

Now this is getting beyond silly. WTF is going on? Though we ARE talking about one idiotic politician's opinion on Muslims here, Islamophobia especially in Europe seems to be catching on and needs to stop! Tarring all with the same hate brush is despicable to say the least!
This will start the cycle.Europeans hating Muslims in return Muslims will hate Europeans
This will start the cycle.Europeans hating Muslims in return Muslims will hate Europeans
& that's why ISIS was created by USA?

Far right parties are making huge gains across Europe , even in historically more tolerant countries like Sweden .
This whole concept of ISIS by CIA is bound to bring NWO ,day by day ,minute by minute its coming , one govt of elites ruling whole world .
This whole concept of ISIS by CIA is bound to bring NWO ,day by day ,minute by minute its coming , one govt of elites ruling whole world .

And the PDF in-house conspiracy squad strikes again . Why is it so hard for you to believe that there are some people who share your faith and do bad things? That makes you to come up with out of the world conspiracy theories which you learnt watching 240 p videos at the rear end of youtube where all the til foil army congregates .
Now this is getting beyond silly. WTF is going on? Though we ARE talking about one idiotic politician's opinion on Muslims here, Islamophobia especially in Europe seems to be catching on and needs to stop!
It is not silly. The politician is not idiotic at all. Compare the Nederlands of today with the Nederland of 30 years back and see for yourself.

Far right parties are making huge gains across Europe , even in historically more tolerant countries like Sweden .
Imagine how far they tolerated it.
Far right in Europe has always been critical , when they see any other alternative group winning elections. So they often resort to "forced evacuations" or extremist views - which they call "Intolorence instead of extremism

If they count racial crimes (hate crimes) in Europe the numbers would be 1000-10,000 daily easily across Europe

Democracy is a flawed system , as when the minority group starts to gain population figures there is always a clash of groups prior to any key election so laws are made to keep minority groups under control
And this is also against the UN charter of freedom of people to follow what ever religion they want too.
Also its against the basic human rights ..

And that's what Hitler did to the Jews - nothing different.
Also these people have also done the same to Muslims in Spain ..

history repeating it self.. but the question remains the same...??

Hitler was Christian by religion -- so should we say Christian killed XYZ number of jews ??
list is too long....
And this is also against the UN charter of freedom of people to follow what ever religion they want too.
Also its against the basic human rights ..

And that's what Hitler did to the Jews - nothing different.
Also these people have also done the same to Muslims in Spain ..

history repeating it self.. but the question remains the same...??

Hitler was Christian by religion -- so should we say Christian killed XYZ number of jews ??
list is too long....

Hitler did not kill in the name of religion-He wanted a pure-bred Germany -jews.
ISIS and other Islamist group kill in the name of Islam,citing verses from Quran to justify it.
And the PDF in-house conspiracy squad strikes again . Why is it so hard for you to believe that there are some people who share your faith and do bad things? That makes you to come up with out of the world conspiracy theories which you learnt watching 240 p videos at the rear end of youtube where all the til foil army congregates .

Who share what you don't know Sh!t. Wahhabis are planted in Arab region with house of Saud taking control of Hijaz. It's a long story and a huge investment of the time which is paying back to them. Your statement shows that you yourself are a youtube researcher and even that you didn't do properly but been feed and brain retarded.
Who share what you don't know Sh!t. Wahhabis are planted in Arab region with house of Saud taking control of Hijaz. It's a long story and a huge investment of the time which is paying back to them. Your statement shows that you yourself are a youtube researcher and even that you didn't do properly but been feed and brain retarded.

Take a deep breath and respond with a coherent reply so that i can provide a rebuttal for you . Many thanks .
Hitler did not kill in the name of religion-He wanted a pure-bred Germany -jews.
ISIS and other Islamist group kill in the name of Islam,citing verses from Quran to justify it.
Because that's the only uniting factor they can find. Language, culture and ethnicity differs from Morocco to Indonesia.

A Christian terrorist is the same as a Muslim terrorist which is the same as a Buddhist terrorist and a Hindu terrorist.
Far right will come in power in many countries across the world. I don't see governments standing for extremism and tolerance when other follows by different rules.. If ISIS and other muslim extremists push along with some other non muslim retaliatory attacks then I fear there will be large scale civil wars all over the globe and a full on clash of civilizations. Hopefully, people don't lose their shit over imaginary fairytales..
And the PDF in-house conspiracy squad strikes again . Why is it so hard for you to believe that there are some people who share your faith and do bad things? That makes you to come up with out of the world conspiracy theories which you learnt watching 240 p videos at the rear end of youtube where all the til foil army congregates .

The answer to your point is that indeed there are quite a few who claim to be Muslims but are engaged in severe acts of terrorism and barbarism ...... but so is the fact that many many are simply dumb enough to get used by 'influential' forces with loads of resources, both financial and technological. Most of the fanatics, on either side, are engineered, brainwashed and used by western machinery, mostly the US agencies.

And whomever so denies the absolute fact that ISIS was created, trained and funded by USA & Saudi Arabia is either in extreme denial or absolutely incapable of putting 2 and 2 together. It is the same ISIS that the US is now fighting in Iraq and supporting in Syria, the only difference is that one action is overt and the other covert.

Hitler did not kill in the name of religion-He wanted a pure-bred Germany -jews.
ISIS and other Islamist group kill in the name of Islam,citing verses from Quran to justify it.

Does it really matter in what reason Hitler killed the Jews, if he did that at all? Killing is killing, no?

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