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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

Indeed after so much Sacrifices Civilian government and their supporters are still insecure from our general's greed. They always interfere in almost all matters like a boss of the state.
I would advise you to refer to the first communique released by the Armed forces released two days ago which clearly states their intentions.
Spot on. Almost every Muslim democracy has been mired in the same BS, endless trolling by divine protectors of Secularism, Nation or Islam (depending on the context).
Their is only one word coming in my Mouth . "Yeh Saray Haram ke Pillay hn". They have ruled 20 to 40 years and achieved nothing, We always have a new beginning after each and every such experience and when we civilians defeating after all sort Dictatorship , Terrorism and elects our government , then such oppositions always support Armies to Impose Martial law. What the fcuk is happening all around , Its seriously makes me to think that do we Muslim nations really need Armies or such institutions which hold its on Executive having strength to question civilian executive?

I would advise you to refer to the first communique released by the Armed forces released two days ago which clearly states their intentions.
Intentions? Intentions can only known by incidents , that statement was a clear checkmate.
No politician in Europe will stay in power if 20% of the country's population is in the streets against him,look at Bulgaria ,he left after a week of protests with no more than 150.000-200.000 people rallied.

Sometimes i think people here think demonstrations are for police training and not an expression of dissatisfaction with the way how things are going.
The consequences of such a rejection, good and bad, will follow for them too.

Consequences of adopting the sham constitution are not following them, they've been with them for the past year, discrimination, water, food, fuel, power shortages, clientelism of MB appointing it's own functionaries everywhere....
Consequences of adopting the sham constitution are not following them, they've been with them for the past year, discrimination, water, fuel, power shortages, clientelism of MB appointing it's own functionaries everywhere....

Yes, but how can you not consider the last 40 years in Egypt's history as the foundation for the events over the last couple of years?
Intentions? Intentions can only known by incidents , that statement was a clear checkmate.
The statement clearly stated that the Egyptian military will not seek power or get involved in the political process and that the transitional phase will be lead by a civilian council. The military as well as the protesters have learned from the experiences of 2011 which destroyed the image of the military in many Egyptians eyes. The opposition have provided a clear day after plan, if not met or agreement on a other plan doesn't happen the protesters will stay put.
Egypt army is proving itself to be bunch off retards and your comments are enough to show why something is happening to a certain community and it would be Egyptian army responsible for civil war

The real bunch of retards in Egypt aka the Islamist are on the verge of losing their elected seat of clownship!
The military will always be one of the greatest hurdles for the establishment and growth of democracy. It is irrelevant if the nations are Muslim or Middle Eastern, the dominance of the military and its role in destroying the nation it is sworn to protect is the overarching storyline through out world history. A government chosen by the people has no place for the ambitions of military men. It is then natural to expect an entity, that would only see its influence diminish under a real democracy, fight tooth and nail against any substantive change.

The Egyptian military exists as an extension of a bygone era. A present entity taking advantage of the respect its predecessors earned in bloody conflicts of the past. Egyptian problems are far more local in nature today. Domestic issues that require local law enforcement and wider infrastructural development, not soldiers in tanks. Were democracy to become entrenched within the Egyptian state, the military would find itself increasingly sidetracked by the needs of the people. Of course, as far as the military is concerned, how dare the needs of the Egyptian people take precedence over the military? There in lies the problem faced by most nations with a rich military tradition. When threatened, the military begins to take advantage of that reservoir of sympathy and respect and does so while reaching for its own goals, at the expense of the people.

For democracy to flourish, the military power has to be kept in check. Of course, a military which exists to protect its people will enjoy greater support than an elected leader who has to make hard decisions with limited resources. For that matter, if I stood on the sidelines and criticized Egyptian leadership, I would find my popularity increase too. The point is, it will take many years to fix the mess Egypt finds itself in and these problems will not disappear without pain and sacrifice. Concurrently the nation will need all that time to gain a grasp of what democracy means. A chance to learn what they want from their leaders and what qualifies one to be a leader. There will be bad leaders, terrible maybe, but the beauty of true democracy is that those leaders will never come into power again and stand as a vivid example of the type of figure the Egyptians will never elect again. For all this to happen, the military cannot be allowed to repeatedly take control by playing on the sympathy of the Egyptian people. A military dictator is forever, civilian incompetence is temporary. It is up to the Egyptians to decide what they prefer.
Yes, but how can you not consider the last 40 years in Egypt's history as the foundation for the events over the last couple of years?

High count of protestors is ~ 30 million, average count is ~ 17 million and you are asking for philosophical debate???????? You're not serious.

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