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Egyptian Armed Forces

Says the secular murtad, you can't take anyones ideology from them and MB is not substitute for Islam. MB in Palestine follows Shafiee Sunni Madhab and MB in Egypt follows Hanafi. Political/social ideology will never go away since it is right.
murtad and anti sunni ? all this because he is anti MB and then you try to teach me about democracy
murtad and anti sunni ? all this because he is anti MB and then you try to teach me about democracy

Are you dumb? You think all he is anti-MB? No he is not anti-MB, he is against the values they stand for. And he's also against all Islamic principles/values. I love you think you can attack Islam under guise of attacking 'MB' which is not an organization but a social movement.

And the last thing you guys is know democracy. MB does know democracy and democracy is irrelevant here. The people that use every illegal method to overthrow elected parties are the so called 'democratic' ones while the ones who achieve results through legal means are anti-democratic, lol.

Anyone that is pro-Israel is a murtad, there is no question about it. And you never responded to my posts on the other thread because I made you look like an idiot.

During the Prophet's time and afterwards there were people classified as murtads. Because they clearly stood against Islamic values. If you don't like Islam leave it, don't give me this nonsense that every non-secular that prays 5 times a day and isn't pro-Israel is an extremist and 'Muslims' will get rid of them. Your guy is from a place run by monarchy and wants to declare war on Muslims.
Are you dumb? You think all he is anti-MB? No he is not anti-MB, he is against the values they stand for. And he's also against all Islamic principles/values. I love you think you can attack Islam under guise of attacking 'MB' which is not an organization but a social movement.\
and what values the MB stand for ? coming to power no matter how many dead fall or make deals with mubark while teaching their young members the value of sacrifice
do you think islam is your religion alone i am a muslim like millions of muslims who dont like MB or other groups with the same ideology
And the last thing you guys is know democracy. MB does know democracy and democracy is irrelevant here. The people that use every illegal method to overthrow elected parties are the so called 'democratic' ones while the ones who achieve results through legal means are anti-democratic, lol.
they were involved in terror attacks in Egypt in the past this is nothing new since the days of the king in Egypt they killed a prime minster try to kill abd el nassar and the list goes on
Anyone that is pro-Israel is a murtad, there is no question about it. And you never responded to my posts on the other thread because I made you look like an idiot.

it is so easy for you to call someone murtad or kaffer you should know if you call someone kaffer and he is not then you bacame one i am sure you know the hadith
no one can make me look like an idiot i responded to your posts the real idiot is someone who attacks the west on his computer all day while living there you know that your taxes help fund and arm isreal yet you stay in the west not in your country why is that

During the Prophet's time and afterwards there were people classified as murtads. Because they clearly stood against Islamic values. If you don't like Islam leave it, don't give me this nonsense that every non-secular that prays 5 times a day and isn't pro-Israel is an extremist and 'Muslims' will get rid of them. Your guy is from a place run by monarchy and wants to declare war on Muslims.
dont judge you are not perfect to judge we will all be judged in the end you should worry about yourself

Look up the names, which command they were under will be detailed. Look up initial contact reports published by the media. Look up photos of the areas attacked. Look up the blood donation drives around the area of the incident. Look up reports by the media as events unfolded and the body count went upwards. Everything is there for you.

Again, you live in a delusional world where MB is behind everything and summoning Libyans to claim such things. Ordinary Libyans have claimed so. And no one thinks Morsi will return to power, he was overthrown illegally.

Source: Egyptian Armed Forces | Page 104

When have I ever said everything is the MBs fault? Never. Ordinary Libyans require a source for their information, they can not all be first hand witnesses of events, and so far there has been zero evidence of direct military intervention from the Egyptian or Algerian forces. There are people who will still believe he and his cabal of friends will be back, if you haven't encountered them then you are not as aware of the retarded situation in Egypt as you think you are.

If Sisi has balls tell him to open Tahrir Square since you're so confident that the population prefers.

Was Tahrir open on the 28th of January 2011? No. The MB and Islamists are not able to draw a fraction of the masses that were present on the ground 30th of June and beyond, even the Rab3a encampment was puny in comparison. The same goes for the liberal and leftist parties.

Because they're beginning on one side of the city.

So it's a gradual process, which gives people time to get settlements and leave, the first houses to be demolished were the first evacuated.

So now Wikileaks is a credible source to you? :lol:

So if I quote other wikileak articles would you take them as that? :lol:


Egyptian guard dies in clashes over Gaza aid convoy | World news | The Guardian

Stop laughing, you turbo thunder****.

Keep your bullshit Hindu Bollywood movies to yourself. Bediouns despise the Egyptian military and have been oppressed by the government for decades. The tunnels were controlled by the ministry and no armed men are allowed to go through.

COIN 101 get the local pop to fight with you. Sinai 101 local pop have killed many ABM militants of their own accord and are coordinating with Military Int. so I guess they must really hate them. Plus the chiefs and elders that were assassinated by ABM for working with the military or supporting their efforts must have hated them too. So if all the tunnels were controlled by the ministry does that mean the ministry is ultimately responsible for the drug trade in the Gaza strip? Are they responsible for allowing Taramadol and opiates or controlled substances into Gaza?

Everyone knows that's a lie, even when your government tried hilariously claiming the 'assailants' by naming them and all of them were in Israeli prisons or killed from years ago. No one takes a government like the corrupt one in Egypt seriously. You think your government is credibile but your country is a shithole that only survives because it's doing favors for Israel. You need to hear the truth for once.

The truth is I have a country....and that is good enough for me.

@WebMaster @Horus

Can you please get rid of the flame war on the previous pages please. I will delete this post in a bit.
and what values the MB stand for ? coming to power no matter how many dead fall or make deals with mubark while teaching their young members the value of sacrifice

Go Google their values, I'm not wasting time with basics. MB is not the way you describe it to because facts tell us so. And facts tell us the things you describe are characteristics of the Sisi administration and their supporters.
do you think islam is your religion alone i am a muslim like millions of muslims who dont like MB or other groups with the same ideology

You're twisting my statements, a Muslim has principles and values. And in general MB sympathizers stand up for Islamic values more than the other side does. And I have no clue who taught you Islam, Islam does not state that we should watch our society decay and our brothers/sisters being humiliated.

they were involved in terror attacks in Egypt in the past this is nothing new since the days of the king in Egypt they killed a prime minster try to kill abd el nassar and the list goes on

Those were defectors, and MB doesn't support violence.
it is so easy for you to call someone murtad or kaffer you should know if you call someone kaffer and he is not then you bacame one i am sure you know the hadith

No it is not easy, being pro-Israel makes you a murtad. Do you think otherwise? You need are lost yourself.

no one can make me look like an idiot i responded to your posts the real idiot is someone who attacks the west on his computer all day while living there you know that your taxes help fund and arm isreal yet you stay in the west not in your country why is that

I don't pay any taxes to support America and I live here out of my will. Because I have to study for my family overseas, if they were capable of providing for their selves I wouldn't be here. And refusing to pay taxes here will get you prison time, it's not possible. I don't sit on my computer all day, I post a lot more than all you do within a certain time period. I am on FBI suspect list as well, that's how much hypocrite I am right.

dont judge you are not perfect to judge we will all be judged in the end you should worry about yourself

No, you're wrong. Once again you display that you have no knowledge on Islam. In Islam we are encouraged to generalize. And we have set of beliefs to evaluate this. I can generalize that pro-Sisi people in the Arab world don't stand up for Islamic principles. There is nothing wrong in that, as long as I provide evidence for this and there is plenty. Just because you play your game of interpreting in the way you want doesn't justify it.
Look up the names, which command they were under will be detailed. Look up initial contact reports published by the media. Look up photos of the areas attacked. Look up the blood donation drives around the area of the incident. Look up reports by the media as events unfolded and the body count went upwards. Everything is there for you

I don't take unverified reports that are full of speculation. And if it is true then it is true. It's odd that Libyans would claim that. But, of course reports on Raba3aa don't matter to you.

When have I ever said everything is the MBs fault? Never. Ordinary Libyans require a source for their information, they can not all be first hand witnesses of events, and so far there has been zero evidence of direct military intervention from the Egyptian or Algerian forces. There are people who will still believe he and his cabal of friends will be back, if you haven't encountered them then you are not as aware of the retarded situation in Egypt as you think you are.

How can they not be witnesses?

Was Tahrir open on the 28th of January 2011? No. The MB and Islamists are not able to draw a fraction of the masses that were present on the ground 30th of June and beyond, even the Rab3a encampment was puny in comparison. The same goes for the liberal and leftist parties.

Then prove us so, and Islamists aren't the only people who disagree with current approach.

You are dumb and don't know geography of area around the border which is closed off to the city. There is only one building near the border which is the travel ministry building and there are no armed Palestinians there. Egyptian soldiers are also in plain sight heavily armed. They regularly cross both sides to communicate to with each other, the Egpytian and Palestinian officers. It's not clear where the shots were fired from and that doesn't sound credible.
COIN 101 get the local pop to fight with you. Sinai 101 local pop have killed many ABM militants of their own accord and are coordinating with Military Int. so I guess they must really hate them. Plus the chiefs and elders that were assassinated by ABM for working with the military or supporting their efforts must have hated them too. So if all the tunnels of were controlled by the ministry does that mean the ministry is ultimately responsible for the drug trade in the Gaza strip? Are they responsible for allowing Taramadol and opiates or controlled substances into Gaza?

Your analogy makes no sense, tramadol is smuggled through sophisticated ways and they are not caught every time. They can also come from Israel. They are smuggled with gas jars, inside rubber of fridges and many other ways and are prevented when found. Smuggling pills isn't the same thing as smuggling people. And of course yes people did travel through those tunnels because the border was closed the whole time and some are banned from leaving. There's no way armed people can go through them. Salafists don't have such tunnels, Hamas and Islamic Jihad do and they are not used to travel into Egypt.

The truth is I have a country....and that is good enough for me.

You hurt my feelings.

Can you please get rid of the flame war on the previous pages please. I will delete this post in a bit.

Why are you against compromise? We can both delete our posts and continue conversation. I'm against the irrational hatred in Egyptian media against Palestinians.
Says the secular murtad, you can't take anyones ideology from them and MB is not substitute for Islam. MB in Palestine follows Shafiee Sunni Madhab and MB in Egypt follows Hanafi. Political/social ideology will never go away since it is right.

MB is a completely different religion/ideology made up by a morrocan homosexual " hassan el Banna " , there is nothing that relates you with Egyptians and they have every right to kill and eliminate anyone from your sect since you all work on destroying their country .
I don't take unverified reports that are full of speculation. And if it is true then it is true. It's odd that Libyans would claim that. But, of course reports on Raba3aa don't matter to you.

How can they not be witnesses?

Then prove us so, and Islamists aren't the only people who disagree with current approach.

You are dumb and don't know geography of area around the border which is closed off to the city. There is only one building near the border which is the travel ministry building and there are no armed Palestinians there. Egyptian soldiers are also in plain sight heavily armed. They regularly cross both sides to communicate to with each other, the Egpytian and Palestinian officers. It's not clear where the shots were fired from and that doesn't sound credible.

Your analogy makes no sense, tramadol is smuggled through sophisticated ways and they are not caught every time. They can also come from Israel. They are smuggled with gas jars, inside rubber of fridges and many other ways and are prevented when found. Smuggling pills isn't the same thing as smuggling people. And of course yes people did travel through those tunnels because the border was closed the whole time and some are banned from leaving. There's no way armed people can go through them. Salafists don't have such tunnels, Hamas and Islamic Jihad do and they are not used to travel into Egypt.

You hurt my feelings.

Why are you against compromise? We can both delete our posts and continue conversation. I'm against the irrational hatred in Egyptian media against Palestinians.

Hatred against MB/isis elements in Gaza not palestinians .
Hatred against MB/isis elements in Gaza not palestinians .
Hamas are basically the only Palestinians active. The PLO are finished, the only thing keeping them in power is foreign money. With extremists dominating on both sides there is probably no hope of a peace deal for another generation.
MB is a completely different religion/ideology made up by a morrocan homosexual " hassan el Banna " , there is nothing that relates you with Egyptians and they have every right to kill and eliminate anyone from your sect since you all work on destroying their country .

I don't know how a troll like you isn't banned. :lol:
@WebMaster @Horus

Again, can you please delete the previous few pages of flame war.

Indigenous Temsah APC/MRAP with cage armour and signal blocking EW system in the Sinai.


New EAF digital uniform.


Tier One Egyptian Navy Special Forces Brigade operators.


Navy SF Brigade








Interior Close Protection/VIP Protection.

Tier One Egyptian Navy Special Forces Brigade operators.

View attachment 149726

I really this camo/fit. It's a shame that the Egyptian army is dedicated to serving Israel's interests with regards to their Palestinian brothers in the Resistance. It's also un-Islamic and unfamiliar with Arabs. Hopefully this army has wiser leadership in the future that promotes solidarity with an occuipped people who have dedicated and suffered much for their people
Well , since the Moderators don't want to interfere and stop this nonsense ;

Seriously .. what brothers and what resistance you're talking about ?!!
Hundreds of Security and Army members got killed by whom you calling brothers !!
The country has been inundated with armaments coming from Libya and Gaza ..

And we won't forget .
All involved shall pay the ultimate price with utter pain .

MB no more in power .. and they never been even when they were in the Presidential Palace !
So , it just a matter of time to wipe you all ..
And in the end , we'll be victorious .

We have no choice but doing that.

That or no more Egypt ..
The country and the people that have been sticking together all these millenniums
Well , since the Moderators don't want to interfere and stop this nonsense ;

Seriously .. what brothers and what resistance you're talking about ?!!
Hundreds of Security and Army members got killed by whom you calling brothers !!

This is your problem, you're lying and you know it. We never killed Egyptian soldiers or security officers. Egypt's current grudge against Gaza is not related to affairs with Gaza but rather regional alliance which the party in power has to make in order to keep itself in power and fund its brass. All the money coming from Saudi Arabia and UAE is coming for a reason, for Egypt to align itself with their interests and that means aligning themselves with Fatah.

The country has been inundated with armaments coming from Libya and Gaza ..

Libya has nothing to do with Gaza, and arms come from your own black market too. Gaza does not have enough weaponry to pass out, on contrary they are willing to pay thousands of dollars for just one assault rifle. Gaza needs weapons. And you have no proof of this claim either.

Palestine has nothing to do with your dispute with Egyptian MB and your sayings are full of nonsense. You are not speaking from an Egyptian perspective but an Israeli one.

That or no more Egypt ..

More nonsense from you.

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