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Egypt's Sisi to resign as minister, pave way for presidential bid-report

There will be international observers.

That's the same thing Bashar Al Assad says, international observers but if you vote against him later that night your family will be massacred.
He made some mistakes, but, Iraq was one of the most scientifically advanced nations and even some of the first to do open heart surgeries.

Yes, before Saddam rule ( 1979 ).

I understand you're sentence but it's wrong, Saddam used something powerful and destroyed it, those kind of dictators are always famous and well known like Hitler, however few people know the leaders before Hitler & Saddam though those were the ones that built the country.
He opposed foreign intervention and collaboration
he did not iwhen did he oppose foreign intervention
he opened the border wit Gaza which helped Egypt's tourism.
this did not do any good to egypt this did harm to Egypt
He also introduced Islamic reform, which all Muslims should support
like what ? i want you to talk about facts
not enough arable land, high population and massive corruption over the past decades. What were you expecting to be done within a year
every one knows the situation in Egypt if he is unable to do any good why did he enter the elections and why did he fight not to leave Egypt rule
f Siis rules for a year and everything gets worse should I come here and do the same thing you're doing ?
you are not Egyptian but ok we will see what wil he promise and will he keep his word or not

That's the same thing Bashar Al Assad says, international observers but if you vote against him later that night your family will be massacred.
Egypt is a country of 90 million so the police will track every voter
Yes, before Saddam rule ( 1979 ).

I understand you're sentence but it's wrong, Saddam used something powerful and destroyed it, those kind of dictators are always famous and well known like Hitler, however few people know the leaders before Hitler & Saddam though those were the ones that built the country.

Internally he wasn't the best when it came to domestic affairs. As a leader though he was going to turn Iraq into something amazing, of course he needed to reform domestic policies. Still, you need to look at the larger picture, he was doing something no Arabs ever dared to do in decades.
I'm not lying or twisting any 'facts', if I am, please tell us what exactly I'm lying about. That's how debating works, I caught people lying here and proved they're liars.

You were lying, that's a fact. You get to choose, either you were being an imbecile or just lying.
Let him become president, Egyptian people have no patience and no clue as to where to head their country. And his constant propaganda all over the media 24/7 is a good part of the reason as to why he has support. Egyptians don't know any better, one taxi driver was telling me Hamas sent a whole brigade to Egypt literally during the 2012 war with Israel to attack the Egyptian miltary. Obviously people there believe fuvked up out of this world lies.

Your stupidity is irritating. Now, it's people who want him because they don't know any better. You my friend know better.

Somebody shoot me in the eye please :cuckoo:
You guys want another military regime go for it, it's not going to get us Arabs anywhere yet again. More occupation, more terrible economic state, more anti Palestinian dictators, more poverty, it's going to be the same old thing. And I'm going to judge him just as you guys judged Morsi, so next June I will give my evaluation on him and you guys better accept that since you use that argument against Morsi.

He made some mistakes, but, Iraq was one of the most scientifically advanced nations and even some of the first to do open heart surgeries.
Help me out here, is he a dictator, or an elected president by people who don't know any better?
he did not iwhen did he oppose foreign intervention
this did not do any good to egypt this did harm to Egypt
like what ? i want you to talk about facts
every one knows the situation in Egypt if he is unable to do any good why did he enter the elections and why did he fight not to leave Egypt rule
you are not Egyptian but ok we will see what wil he promise and will he keep his word or not

Egypt is a country of 90 million so the police will track every voter

I'm not saying they will, there are ways around international observers. Even in the United States which is a lot less corrupt elections were rigged. You make it sound like its impossible, and yes I will judge after one year just as you people have judged Morsi after one year.
What did you expect from "Arab" revolution! :D Wuss's..... :whistle:
so this was joke revolution of great Egyptians ? remove husni instal al-sisi cost you thousands lives . stupid people :(
ever since morsi was kicked out i enjoy seeing people like you burn you are not even worth insulting you back
You were lying, that's a fact. You get to choose, either you were being an imbecile or just lying.

Your stupidity is irritating. Now, it's people who want him because they don't know any better. You my friend you better.

Somebody shoot me in the eye please :cuckoo:

Help me out here, is he a dictator, or an elected president by people who don't know any better?

Point out my lies if I'm lying, you're facetious. I didn't say that, I said Egyptians are naive and believe government sponsored media because they don't know any better. He would have been elected if he waited for the election, he toppled an elected president. Therefore, he resembles a dictators especially after arresting 16,000 Egyptians since the day Morsi was ousted. You will get attacked and persecuted if you protests against the military regime.
Dude, why would I burn? I don't even know who that fool is..... I mean I have a general sense of what's happening, however, it's not worthy of my attention. Egypt is way too much irrelevant to think about. Saudi / Iran on the other hand, because they are both pure evil, need by utmost attention! :D

ever since morsi was kicked out i enjoy seeing people like you burn you are not even worth insulting you back
He's not burning, your nation is burning thanks to corruption.
my nation cant and will not burn as long as the Egyptian armed forces are here they protect Egypt from people who want Egypt to burn for their interests or idelogy
How can a general in the army to become president ???
what party he will represent ???

The military runs Egypt, there was never a point in time where a party ran Egypt.

my nation cant and will not burn as long as the Egyptian armed forces are here they protect Egypt from people who want Egypt to burn for their interests or idelogy

Egyptian army isn't protecting anything, it's not anything physical. It's about economic failures and massive corruption which got Egypt into this mess and which is burning it to this day.

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