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End to US drone hits if military launches North Waziristan operation

India doesnt figure in this equation at all. But the way i look at it, there is no good cancer. If you let it fester and not treat it thinking it wont spread, its a fool's paradise tbh.

Again, we need more resources than we currently have, otherwise the operation becomes a nightmare.
Improper methods of treating the disease makes the situation worse.
Pakistan is busy flexing its muscles's jets. I think 2015 is the new day for PAF to shoot down retarded drones at last..

Can't shoot unless the government gives the go-ahead and declares them an act of aggression.

Anyways, we should find targets and hit them ourselves. Drones operated by Pak Military won't find much opposition from the public just like the action against terrorism doesn't find many critics anymore.

It's the foreign control of the drones that is objectionable and needs to stop.
Again, we need more resources than we currently have, otherwise the operation becomes a nightmare.
Improper methods of treating the disease makes the situation worse.

wow if resources are the issue *wink wink* - then India should have a cake walk over your country. This is no resource or capability issue, its ISI again playing age old games, hedging its bets because of India centric paranoia and to the detriment of its own citizenry.

They don't want haqunni network attacked because they want to use them in the proxy wars against Afghanistan and India ( specially India in Afghanistan)
If Pakistan is playing a proxy war against India via Afghanistan, why do you not say India is playing a proxy war against Pakistan via Afghanistan?
although we should launch north wazirstan operation (at our own convenience), this US promise is nothing more than a deception.

also the reason why Pak-US relations have gone so low is bec it was found from Davis that CIA is behind some the bomb blasts which took place in Pakistan. This evidence was shown to Mullen and other american diplomats by Gen. Kayani.
* I cannot reveal the source (very close to Kayani) and also have got nothing to prove it. However, I do believe in this statement but obviously will not force others if they do not want to take it home.
A lot of foreigners and foreign agents are involved in attacking Pakistan, killing its people and raising anti-federation sentiments. Our government's unwillingness to acknowledge the issue and start developing the area is adding fuel to the fire.

Agree with ajpirzada, no need to rush into another conflict. Let us complete the current operations and focus on reconstruction first and then think about further consolidation.
wow if resources are the issue *wink wink* - then India should have a cake walk over your country. This is no resource or capability issue, its ISI again playing age old games, hedging its bets because of India centric paranoia and to the detriment of its own citizenry.

They don't want haqunni network attacked because they want to use them in the proxy wars against Afghanistan and India ( specially India in Afghanistan)

Proxy wars ? Please refrain from making the situation in Afghanistan Pakistan-centric. Afghanistan and Pakistan are neighbours and we want to see peace in the region.
As for India, it has been trying to use Afghanistan as a base for anti-Pakistan activities. Sadly for India though, your friends in our NW areas who were trying to destablize Pakistan are facing defeat after defeat.
wow if resources are the issue *wink wink* - then India should have a cake walk over your country. This is no resource or capability issue, its ISI again playing age old games, hedging its bets because of India centric paranoia and to the detriment of its own citizenry.

They don't want haqunni network attacked because they want to use them in the proxy wars against Afghanistan and India ( specially India in Afghanistan)

If you read people's posts here, the issue isn't against the Haqanni network. The issue is that the Pakistanis are wanting a similar operation on the other side of border when they conduct theirs. That way, either side will capture terrorists on the run. India's involvement in Afghanistan and the lobby there paying the Afghanis has worries the Pakistanis and for the right reason as you guys support terrorism into Pakistan.
If I was to believe that these Talibastards were so technologically advanced that they had most recent imagery and a full plan taking its financial district hostile for a few days at the least without help from the Afghan or the Indian agencies, I'd be stupid.

IMO the best way to deal with this is this. At this point, the operation has become a necessity more for Pakistan than anyone else. Pakistan should launch the operation and clean up the area. Once that's all done, then they should sit down with the US and put the cards out on the table as everything should be straight at that time. In that card show, Pakistan need to put out the issue of terrorism onto its soil with credible evidence. I think the threat of terrorism faces everyone equally. If Pakistan gets too much of these incidents, I am sure the ISI would want to retaliate. So where would it go from there? No where!!!
Its time that all parties sit down and discuss to stop this drama into each others territory. You can't put about 1.5 billion people's lives and future at risk by supporting terrorism into each others house that will cause a war that'll burn this region

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