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Ensuring Security from within.


Jul 20, 2009
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A country maybe visualized as a collection of geography and people.
People may further be visualized as a group of people sharing cultural, traditional and economical goals.
Pakistan's case, much like India is complicated as there are many cultures, languages, and thus ensuring
larger harmony amongst the general population isn't an easy task.
Religion as we have seen in Pakistan since early days, and India since of late has been the easiest adhesive
much akin to the most common opiate.

Keeping track of people, their births, relations, deaths, accidents, sickness and happiness is the first step to ensure
the aforementioned services maybe provided by the state to her citizens. Herein lies that most trivial clue to the
questions of governance that often begs answering.

Unlike most third world / developing countries Pakistan has failed to make much progress in identifying, classifying
and servicing her people. Since the belated inception of NADRA; must was hoped from that department.

Unfortunately since the departure of uniformed officers and NADRA's subsequent transition to civilian hands
has led to the same corrupt practices as are evident in any other department. NADRA has failed to integrated
  1. Birth verification system
  2. Death Verification System
  3. Marriage system
To add salt to injury, what is otherwise touted as computerized record, is actually based on documents furnished
through manual aka corrupt practices.

From a bird's eye, NADRA is a collection of records computerized for easy search and record keeping. By the
definition the record must adhere to some auditing and security parameters. However looking at NADRA's own
admission of fake record, and it's non compliance with passport, visa, and tax systems goes on to show basic
problems that Pakistan faces.

Until such time, that the state can accurately and efficiently numerate her citizens; any hope of receiving service
should remain a pipe dream at best.

The state of Pakistan cannot accurately plot the population density / metropolitan area, thus it cannot plan or
provide services such as
  1. Transportation
  2. Police
  3. Health
  4. Telecommunication
The failure to provide above basic services, tends to stress or even tear apart the fabric of society. this may be
visualized as a group of people competing for the basic services, thus treating each other as competition / enemy
as opposed to fellow countrymen who can help each other in progress.

It is thus reasonable to suggest that NADRA maybe run differently from other ministries and departments.
It must be ensured that the officers who are deputed in NADRA, stay in NADRA with almost as strict a pruning
process as those of SPD.

It is also reasonable to mandate all ministries, to validate their developmental plans based on data fetched from NADRA.

Such a transformation within NADRA will enhance not only the security environment by clubbing people's

communication, travel, business, financial and cultural records but it will have a larger positive effect
by reducing the overhead on justice system and other ministries.

the writer is me.
I am just an engineer.
If you think this is bad, medical records don’t seem to be kept at all for many people. They get a printout of their results and have to carry around their own medical reports when they need a follow up.
If you think this is bad, medical records don’t seem to be kept at all for many people. They get a printout of their results and have to carry around their own medical reports when they need a follow up.

There are a host of services which are dependent on, and won't function or are nonexistent.

But i didn't want to go in that direction, so not to dilute the root cause.

Once the foundation is put right, the rest follows.

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