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EU warns against ban on Geo

I seriously want this ban to become reality and all pakistani stuff to be banned . This will give Indian export some boost .

And then these same people will cry here . How easy it is to say Go fck yourself Eu, Lick arse , ect ... but when reality comes from the window with pain and suffering then you do the same which is to Lick the boots of the West for money .

bwahahahahahahahahahaha they were showing Indian stuff
Unfortunately I didn't get to go there but a relative of mine used to live in a village/town called Blackburn near Virginia Tech (unless I'm mistaken) - Nice place he used to say ! :)

You stayed n NYC for 30 years ? :o:

How ? It looks like a concrete jungle ! :unsure:

Chicago, DC and Buffalo had more Open Spaces ! :agree:

Blacksburg, VA, in the Shenandoah Valley is where you mean. It's about 150 miles west from where I live now. No, not NYC, Upstate New York along the southern shore of Lake Ontario. Toronto was across Lake Ontario from me and we used to go to Toronto (3 hour drive around past Niagara Falls) for a big city visit. NYC was was a 6 hour drive.
For all those saying that if it was USA it wouldnt have been such an issue, plz google nayyar zaidi. He basically is a US citizen and journalist and coincidentally of jung group, who just wrote an article against CIA and now he is imprisoned for no idea how long.
you do that if that so pleases you, but just remember a war has two sides to it, & with this news cant grantee mine attention on it, because you see right I now I am busy celebrating because the EU has accepted our point of view, so common, be a sport now, & let us celebrate our victory
champagne is on me

Your TV channel the ARY ( A PPP channel ) lead this witch hunt on religious grounds. So bite them first before you get on to the next target. Then again if EU has issue, then so be it. They are free to, the majority in this nation sided with the ban. The same EU that has issues with burka? ( Though i do not agree with burka, but EU pretty much is denying civil rights ) Champagne? Wht is this an opening? An aged scotch would be more akin.

Your side unfortunately is a sellout. Sold out for a mere benefit. My side aint any better either. But we dont compromise on issues pertaining to religious sentiments and national integrity. I am glad we have seen enough of your side, incompetent at that are done for in the federal govt side. We are seeing the remarkable Sindhudesh festival and the subsequent neglect that resulted in death by droughts in your province. Shame innit?

You can bring war upon us, you just dont have the manpower or the knowledge.
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Yes, it does hurt when a member like you has no answer but to criticize and cry like a noob.

I did answer...But selective reading is common in people like you :coffee:

Exactly what was I supposed to reply in this crap? Was there anything worth replying?

I seriously want this ban to become reality and all pakistani stuff to be banned . This will give Indian export some boost .

And then these same people will cry here . How easy it is to say Go fck yourself Eu, Lick arse , ect ... but when reality comes from the window with pain and suffering then you do the same which is to Lick the boots of the West for money .

Maybe had you read my post and felt shame...wait that doesnt exist! This post is clearly reeking of jealousy and that is all I said...Tell what is the question in this post?

I did answer...But selective reading is common in people like you :coffee:

Exactly what was I supposed to reply in this crap? Was there anything worth replying?

Maybe had you read my post and felt shame...wait that doesnt exist! This post is clearly reeking of jealousy and that is all I said...Tell what is the question in this post?

Again like a noob you are trying to get attention . Poor you.
The day you can reply post 60, 72 and 75 would be the day I know you are worth a discussion till then


Again like a noob you are trying to get attention . Poor you.
Attention from a troll? Or maybe from one who cant even reply a single post but just pure words of jealousy but like I said what was your question? Nothing...thats what I thought!
This is so Humiliating . Follwo our orders or we take away GSP plus status . Follow our orders or no loans . Follow our orders or no soft loans .
This is so Humiliating . Follwo our orders or we take away GSP plus status . Follow our orders or no loans . Follow our orders or no soft loans .
And that is exactly how the rich rule the poor even in 3rd world countries! Same crippling mentality! Threats and more threats! All to suit their agenda nothing to do with the countries or people themselves!
Now we all can see from the money is flowing for JEW or JAI group, Aman ka tamasha from India & rest propaganda & lies from Europe & US.
You should see what they say about Feticide, endemic rape and caste system in your country ;)

P.S. Europeans are enjoying our mangos, having banned your entry

Intelligent move


Dear Sir is that any way related to topic, I know and may be evrn u know that any power in this world cannot upset India right now.
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