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Ex general released from prison

So guys this is the harsh reality of our judicial system. Worst traitors in uniform are released while patriots like arshad sharif are getting murdered. One institution has hijacked the whole country.
Next time keep this in mind when you file your tax to FBR.

The spying General will flee to his owners in America, while Pak Army will receive some perks, hotel stays and dollars for this service.

Mother Pakistan has such a children who rule over her.

Whole countries comprised.

Going by news this last week

You have to be corrupt a crook or a prostitute to achieve anything .

From your newspapers .

This is a crime against Pakistan, the nation, and the people

There is no justification or room for leniency in treason

Apparently, this was part of the deal-of-the-devil that Bajwa made during his meetings (as an outgoing COAS) with the CIA in DC. They wanted their people promoted to ensure continuity of their policies --- hence the extraordinary promotions seen right before Bajwa left --- and their asset (this Gen) sprung from jail, apparently.

IF this Gen was apparently in jail because of a grudge by Bajwa, then Bajwa should be tried instead... oh wait, this is a banana republic!
That is very true. I've no chacha in ISI but a lot of neutral journalists claim that he was put to the fate by Gen Bajwa who is a third class admi with no character at all.

What caused the fissure between the two men? I'm not to familiar with the accused character.
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Anyway, the crime nature is different.

The question is that if Bajwa framed him, will bajwa be arrested? Lt Gen Shoaib raised the same Q in a different manner that why he was sentenced 14 years then reduced to 5 years? Either the first verdict overestimated (injustice) or the 2nd verdict followed 'law of necessity or 'matti pao'

What kind of 'robust' system is that!

What caused the fissure between the two men? I'm not to familiar with the accused character.
No one knows. Maybe some journalist with a source may reveal but I'd trust least on PDFers with their far relative being a source except @Irfan Baloch whom I find the best among all here.

Bajwa was a low effort officer who never deserved to be at this place, without his sasur's lobbying who's a well known Rtd General and is a one stop shop guy. You need to get anything done, you go to the Gen Sab and he'll get that done with a cut, ofc.

Now coming to the point, he might have criticized Bajwa on upper level. Bajwa is a lowlife who can't handle any opposition at all. Just the way he got a general's son behind bars for criticizing his extension.
As i always say, these generals are of same breed. They will always protect the ones of their own breed. They will not let harm come to one of their own, even if that involves being a traitor.
The brigadier was hanged, while general was sentenced for the nearly same nature of crimes and now he is released.
This should tell you why i say they protect their same breed brothers.
@Irfan Baloch why doesn’t he also get negative rating bro? He is saying the same as those who you gave negative rating, which is a bit unfair

his case is different. general or no general . there is no leniency. generals sons are drummed out of PMA on the last day for misconduct. rank is no protection if the charges are real.

Laymen like myself are ignorant of the armed forces’ procedures for uphold orderly conduct and disciplinary action which can lead to misplaced resentment. Whilst these won’t guarantee treachery/incompetence won’t pollute the institution, it would be a good starting point for us to learn about them to prevent complete alienation

I would really appreciate if you have the time to mention good starting points (on forum/elsewhere) for research into understanding armed force’s inner workings regarding aforementioned procedures
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once again,
I urge you not to humiliate yourself. do some research before your snide one-liners, and paint brushing everything together without a bit of fact checking.
your shit commentary on army will have more traction if there is some truth on the allegation.

don't bundle up everything together. this general was never accused of spying. there are 2 other cases that are unrelated where the spies did get death sentence.

he wrote article and participated in a meeting to sit as an observer in an international wargaming. he claims he had notified the GHQ and sought approval but in the end never participated in the exercise.
but he was charged for misconduct and uncharacteristically punished for 14 years due to some old unrelated grudge Gen Bajwa held against him.
he had served 2.5 years already and had a review of his case where it was found that the punishment for the alleged misconduct was too excessive.

thanks for caring to watch that video. I had already explained that to another poster who ordered me to delete my post because it fell in the category of treachery. a friends son is working in GHQ Jags branch and had told us that the review case was being sent back constantly by Gen Bajwa while he was still in service.
this guy was never ever charged for spying. his issue was possible misconduct and carelessness due to a participation in a meeting with a think thank and a company that runs realistic but game based wargaming on a global scale where there are hundreds if not thousands of participants.
he has already served 2.5 years, had a dishonorable discharge and all his pension and benefits taken away. he is done. whether or not he is eventually wound innocent and his punishment excessive and unjust, it doesn't matter. the kind of media trial he has faced at the hands of Qazis and judges of the internet and the type of shit his family had to face , I wont be surprised that he will have mental and physical illness until his death,
Your statements are not consistent with each other.
If bajwa is such a grudgy piece of crap then why do you defend him in other threads.
@Irfan Baloch why doesn’t he also get negative rating bro? He is saying the same as those who you gave negative rating, which is a bit unfair

Laymen like myself are ignorant of the armed forces’ procedures for uphold orderly conduct and disciplinary action which can lead to misplaced resentment. Whilst these won’t guarantee treachery/incompetence won’t pollute the institution, it would be a good starting point for us to learn about them to prevent complete alienation

I would really appreciate if you have the time to mention good starting points (on forum/elsewhere) for research into understanding armed force’s inner workings regarding aforementioned procedures
Read the difference in posting.
the prior 2 posts are flame bait one liners and a rant.

Taimi has put some effort like you and many other posts with substance for counter points.

you can't debate a ine liner troll. or an insult.
I removed the X on your request just see that such posts bring down the quality of discussion and down to insults.
So guys this is the harsh reality of our judicial system. Worst traitors in uniform are released while patriots like arshad sharif are getting murdered. One institution has hijacked the whole country.
Next time keep this in mind when you file your tax to FBR.
On behest of ARmy !
Laymen like myself are ignorant of the armed forces’ procedures for uphold orderly conduct and disciplinary action which can lead to misplaced resentment. Whilst these won’t guarantee treachery/incompetence won’t pollute the institution, it would be a good starting point for us to learn about them to prevent complete alienation

I would really appreciate if you have the time to mention good starting points (on forum/elsewhere) for research into understanding armed force’s inner workings regarding aforementioned procedures

our military code of conduct is based on the British military. just keep in mind that military men no matter how disciplined and restricted and bound by code , are human beings (I will come back to that later), they come from the same pool of people that makes up our country. there is no online copy available to share it.

there is a saying (in army) that we eat our own. to climb the ladder or settle scores the army men do everything and nothing is off the table as long as that person can get away with it.
in war we are all brothers but in peace we will use every trick of trade to use the face of a person to climb to the next level.

there is no claim of nobility and piousness, it is a known fact that bad apples exist in the military but they are filtered out and system corrects itself or else it will degrade itself into factions of warlords like in Somalia or Afghanistan. some challenged posters here who selectively pick up my posts to build an argument demand of me to explain "contradiction in my posts". there are none no explain if they read the posts completely and do not ignore or conveniently forget those (posts) where I criticize the military leadership.
Gen Bajwa is an example of a successful officer who was not outstanding in his career, he didn't do anything outstanding academically, his appointments at different positions don't suggest he did some sterling work there but he was the one that got the helpful push forward and finally made it to the top. no sword of honor winner has made it to the COAS yet and not every sword of honor winner and Sandhurst graduate has made it to the general (to my knowledge) your courses, your abilities and your performances on the fields and prize postings are not a sure short way to guarantee ascension to the top slot. Lady luck comes handy, a little good word, lobbying and favoritism does work as well. but good officers (ticking the boxes of good courses postings, performances) are not overlooked and do get rewarded as well.

coming to the point that the army is made up of human beings., and these people are vulnerable to common vice and shortcomings they would exhibit those one way or another when in power. they are not angels they are not prophets so I never defend the indefensible. So I have time and again questioned their apologetic and soft approach towards TTP and trying to sell it as a political manifesto which is a fail from start because the society is radicalized and you cant make everyone happy. I call out those who I would support and prefer and this habit of mine even extends to politicians even if I voted for them. some PTI cult fans translate my criticism of Imran (who is not a god in my view, he is not an angel or a saint) as an unqualified support of GHQ leadership which is not only stupid and wrong but disappointing. maybe its the comprehension issue or just outright zealotry that blocks the oxygen flow to the brain depriving them the ability to comprehend that criticizing one is not an automatic approval of another. Also criticizing or calling out one doesn't mean a complete write off.

when the Imran Khan Govt was ousted through an engineered VONC, I was one of many posters who was dejected and very critical of Gen Bajwa I rejected every reasoning he made to engineer that VONC. but I was also less than impressed with Imran Khan for his shambolic performance and failure to fulfill the promise he made. stories of incompetence, corruption and shambolic diplomacy were hard to hide behind his stunning personality and passionate speeches. I never cared about his sexual exploits behind closed doors. But I did hate it when he gave us religious lectures and equated himself with Riyasat Medina. his opponents who are professional thieves and masters of dirty politics just needed one or two mistakes and they pounced on it and used it on him (watches). again, no justification for Gen Bajwa to topple him.

I had to correct the title of this thread. the OP is an emotional blowhard and ranting purely on hateful emotions is not the right way to go when details and facts are missed out. which are.

1. this General was not charged of treason or spying.
2. his case was not related to spying cases of two or more other people.
3. He sought permission from GHQ to attend a western think thank meeting.
4. He didn't keep this articles secret from GHQ.
5. he didn't try to escape or cover up anything.

its up to his defence and review plea to argue if Gen Bajwa's personal grudge was at play and his punishment was excessive. if there was any traction to the charges against him then there was no chance for him to be released from Jail.

PS: this is the response to all one liner posts to me.

What caused the fissure between the two men? I'm not to familiar with the accused character.
Its just a speculation that the said General spoke up few times against Gen Bajwa who throughout his career is known to have kept grudges. whether its true or not is down to the military court to decide specially when its not under the pressure of party who has retired.
on the face of it . the charges didnt match his alleged misconduct. and the charges were never spying. the dimwitted blowhards and parroting the same word over and over again in this thread not realizing that his case was not related to spying charges of 2 other cases.
his case is different. general or no general . there is no leniency. generals sons are drummed out of PMA on the last day for misconduct. rank is no protection if the charges are real.

Spying is not the only charge to be considered a traitor under the constitution every army officer takes oath. From what I know, they also take oath to not be involved in politics.

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