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Extremly negative perceptions of refugees in Turkey

Looks like you didn't read my posts. Let me guess you read 1 post and saw a part that criticized an action of Turkey which irked you and this is ur reaction.
yes, you're right. My bad for jumping too quickly for the gun, i was annoyed (not because of you) at that time. I will delete my message as i feel it's out of place and inappropriate in hindsight.
According to an Ipsos Mori study, it can be said that Turkish people don't like refugees at all. They are even more suspicious of them than Europeans. Many are linking them to terrorism, loss of jobs and higher crime rates. Support for closing borders is overwhelmingly in Turkey.




Besides turkey adopting 3 million refugees Pakistan should also adopt 25 to 30 millions refugees there is plenty of barren land in Pakistan I hope we can also settle them. Turkey and Pakistan should set an example for whole world
Besides turkey adopting 3 million refugees Pakistan should also adopt 25 to 30 millions refugees there is plenty of barren land in Pakistan I hope we can also settle them. Turkey and Pakistan should set an example for whole world

Until you get a "arab problem" demanding to seperate from you and start terrorist attacks when you say no.
You could say the same about Iran,Iran sent fighters with the weapons so,lets point fingers in that direction to,shall we?
You think that if Erdogan did that,he did it without the US knowing or asking to do so?
I and many other Turks were always against interference in Syria ,from the beginning.
We should have stayed out of it but we didnt and we have to deal with the consquences,unfortunately.

But it was not Iran who armed random beardos to topple Syrian government. SAA doesn't even need that much arms. Your comparison is invalid.
Until you get a "arab problem" demanding to seperate from you and start terrorist attacks when you say no.

Have you ever had such problems with the 1.5-2 million Turkish Arabs who are natives of Southern and Southeastern Turkey? Who lived in Turkey before the Turks arrived to Anatolia and modern-day Turkey? I highly doubt that. I have seen Turkish users here who have visited Turkish Arab areas of Turkey or who know Turkish Arabs and they have only told good things about that community here on PDF. Whether they have lied I do not know about but I personally have never heard about any problems with that community and I know an Turkish Arab family who have lived in Adana since time immortal.

Of course you are going to have certain problems when you host 3 million war refugees and foreigners. What did you expect? Lebanon, Jordan and many other countries face similar problems despite being fellow Arabs.
You would have the exact same problems if you hosted that many people from any country. However if those people will receive citizenship one day (doubtful) they will assimilate like millions of non-Turkish people have done. You have millions of non-Turks be it Albanians, Bosnians, Circassians and many others. I am sure that when they first arrived that locals also complained but it is so long ago that the current generation does not remember it. It takes time for people to assimilate. Especially war refugees and people escaping from war. Just as there will be good and bad apples. You cannot generalize that many people.

Those people might become assets one day. You never know. Anyway you decide. If you don't want them I hope that they will return back to Syria or other Arab countries. If I had any power I would welcome all of them to KSA. We have PLENTY of space and people would welcome them as brothers and sisters.

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Have you ever had such problems with the 1.5-2 million Turkish Arabs who are natives of Southern and Southeastern Turkey? Who lived in Turkey before the Turks arrived to Anatolia and modern-day Turkey? I highly doubt that. I have seen Turkish users here who have visited Turkish Arab areas of Turkey or who know Turkish Arabs and they have only told good things about that community here on PDF. Whether they have lied I do not know about but I personally have never heard about any problems with that community and I know an Turkish Arab family who have lived in Adana since time immortal.

Of course you are going to have certain problems when you host 3 million war refugees and foreigners. What did you expect? Lebanon, Jordan and many other countries face similar problems despite being fellow Arabs.
You would have the exact same problems if you hosted that many people from any country. However if those people will receive citizenship one day (doubtful) they will assimilate like millions of non-Turkish people have done. You have millions of non-Turks be it Albanians, Bosnians, Circassians and many others. I am sure that when they first arrived that locals also complained but it is so long ago that the current generation does not remember it. It takes time for people to assimilate. Especially war refugees and people escaping from war. Just as there will be good and bad apples. You cannot generalize that many people.

Those people might become assets one day. You never know. Anyway you decide. If you don't want them I hope that they will return back to Syria or other Arab countries. If I had any power I would welcome all of them to KSA. We have PLENTY of space and people would welcome them as brothers and sisters.


It takes time I was actually thinking of the "kurd problem" we have.

Who lived in Turkey before the Turks arrived to Anatolia and modern-day Turkey? I

It was armenians, greeks, etruscans, trojans, assyrians and before them hittite people, not arabs thats for sure.

Today yes there are arabs and kurds in south east, but not in history if you go way back. It was Anatolian people the hittites even the oldest human religious place is in Göbeklitepe, which means there was always people in Anatolia.

I don't care for arabs that embrace being Turkish in Turkey, for me their like Bosniaks and Albanians and all the others calling themselves Turkish. I have a real problem with the syrians waving Syrian flags in Turkish demonstrations these days.

They run away from war, we let them in and when we protest the coup they wave syrian flags and not Turkish flags.

That in my eyes is a warning sign that they are no different than the kurds.

I also don't think all "arabs" are the same, but it's difficult to seperate them because it's so many countries.

I have a simple rule, if Turkey saves you and you live in Turkey then you become Turkish. If you wave around the syrian flag you can go back to Syria, the very country you ran from like a coward.

Imagine Turkey has a war with Russia tomorrow, these cowards will run to some other country instead.

What makes a country a country is the blood spilled on the land, not just moving there. Our grandparents and ancestors fought hard to make Turkey what it is, we aren't giving it away to some kurds or arabs without a fight.
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It takes time I was actually thinking of the "kurd problem" we have.

It was armenians, greeks, etruscans, trojans, assyrians and before them hittite people, not arabs thats for sure.

Today yes there are arabs and kurds in south east, but not in history if you go way back. It was Anatolian people the hittites even the oldest human religious place is in Göbeklitepe, which means there was always people in Anatolia.

I don't care for arabs that embrace being Turkish in Turkey, for me their like Bosniaks and Albanians and all the others calling themselves Turkish. I have a real problem with the syrians waving Syrian flags in Turkish demonstrations these days.

They run away from war, we let them in and when we protest the coup they wave syrian flags and not Turkish flags.

That in my eyes is a warning sign that they are no different than the kurds.

I also don't think all "arabs" are the same, but it's difficult to seperate them because it's so many countries.

I have a simple rule, if Turkey saves you and you live in Turkey then you become Turkish. If you wave around the syrian flag you can go back to Syria, the very country you ran from like a coward.

Imagine Turkey has a war with Russia tomorrow, these cowards will run to some other country instead.

What makes a country a country is the blood spilled on the land, not just moving there. Our grandparents and ancestors fought hard to make Turkey what it is, we aren't giving it away to some kurds or arabs without a fight.

I am not sure what the "Kurdish problem" has to do with Arabs in Turkey as the 1.5-2 million native Turkish Arabs have not caused any problems from what I am aware of. Please educate me or show proof of that being the case if I am wrong.

I never said that they are natives but that they have lived longer in modern-day Turkey than ethnic Turks which is true. Also quite a few cities, towns and villages in Turkey were established by Arabs, have an Arabic origin (name) and before that the same was the case by quite a few related Semitic peoples such as the Assyrians.

Actually Semitic people, which Arabs belong to, have a very long history in Anatolia. You should read about this if it interests you. People of Turkey are also genetically closely related to many modern-day Arabs.

I don't know about the details that you describe but you should have in mind that there will always be difficulties when we are talking about such a big number during an already chaotic time in Turkey and the region. Most are war refugees. They are not economic refugees.

As for them being cowards. I don't agree with that necessarily. By far the vast majority of Syrians have stayed but it is easy to call families trapped in ISIS strongholds (where people are starving and can be killed any moment) or cities, towns and villages that are carpet bombed by Assad, a superpower like Russia, US and the international coalition. In every war, everywhere in the world, there have been refugees. It was no different during the Balkan War for instance. That is why you have large communities of Bosnians, Albanians, Serbs, Croats etc. in most of Western Europe.

None of the Syrians that are present in Turkey today are citizens. They do not know what their future has in store for them. Not even if they will be allowed to stay in Turkey for the next, say 2 years. They probably have quite a few restrictions like all refugees everywhere as well.
So you cannot compare them with Kurds who are citizens and have been that since modern-day Turkey was created in 1920.

I agree that it would be a problem if they waived Syrian flags if they were Turkish citizens.

I don't understand why you group Arabs with Kurds. I don't see any Arabs in Turkey trying to separate from Turkey (Hatay for instance) nor do I see Syrians killing Turks expect for a few instances of ISIS related terror but native Turks have been involved in that too. Non-Turks and non-Arabs as well. I recall a large terror attack in Turkey being conducted by some Chechens and Uzbeks for instance. That attack in Istanbul Airport if I am not wrong.

Lastly I seriously doubt that Erdogan or future Turkish rulers will give citizenship to those Syrians. Maybe only to counter the demographic rise of Kurds in Eastern Turkey. A handful of them as well, not all. But what do I or you know? We will see.

So don't worry, no Arabs will overrun Turkey.
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But it was not Iran who armed random beardos to topple Syrian government. SAA doesn't even need that much arms. Your comparison is invalid.
The FSA was called moderate opposition,the weapons were sent to them and not to the some random beardos you talk about.
SAA was losing until Iran came into the picture,thanks to the weapons and fighters,the SAA started to gain ground,or am i wrong?
Fact is that both sides got help.
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People of Turkey are also genetically closely related to many modern-day Arabs.

None of the Syrians that are present in Turkey today are citizens. They do not know what their future has in store for them. Not even if they will be allowed to stay in Turkey for the next, say 2 years. They probably have quite a few restrictions like all refugees everywhere as well.
So you cannot compare them with Kurds who are citizens and have been that since modern-day Turkey was created in 1920.

I agree that it would be a problem if they waived Syrian flags if they were Turkish citizens.

Lastly I seriously doubt that Erdogan or future Turkish rulers will give citizenship to those Syrians. Maybe only to counter the demographic rise of Kurds in Eastern Turkey.

First of all Turkey is not closely related to arabs, we are a very mixed nation with the main element being the hittites:


Then the Syrian issue, Erdogan wants to give them citizenship, that is why I care about what flag they wave. They need to show they deserve turkish citizenship by showin solidarity after the coup attempt, instead they wave syrian flags.

Already the majority in Turkey doesn't want them as citizens, but if they showed they were good Turkish citizens people would start accepting them, instead they go wave syrian flags, that is like poking us Turks in the eye saying "Look we are same like kurds".

On Turkeys part I don't think this is a race issue, because we know about our history such as the Ottoman empire, so we could live together no problem. But the problem arises when we already see separatist moves by the syrians we helped.

If they like Syria so much they can go back, and if you Saudi Arabia like them so much you can take them all. instead of preaching from your moral high ground on forums.

You are arabs they are arabs, take them. End of story no buts or ifs!
First of all Turkey is not closely related to arabs, we are a very mixed nation with the main element being the hittites:


Then the Syrian issue, Erdogan wants to give them citizenship, that is why I care about what flag they wave. They need to show they deserve turkish citizenship by showin solidarity after the coup attempt, instead they wave syrian flags.

Already the majority in Turkey doesn't want them as citizens, but if they showed they were good Turkish citizens people would start accepting them, instead they go wave syrian flags, that is like poking us Turks in the eye saying "Look we are same like kurds".

On Turkeys part I don't think this is a race issue, because we know about our history such as the Ottoman empire, so we could live together no problem. But the problem arises when we already see separatist moves by the syrians we helped.

If they like Syria so much they can go back, and if you Saudi Arabia like them so much you can take them all. instead pof preaching from your moral high ground on forums.

You are arabs they are arabs, take them. End of story no buts or ifs!

We can always discuss the degree of the relation but it is there and significant which is hardly a surprise when Arabs and Turks (as in people from Turkey) live next to each other. Anyway that is not the topic here.

As I told I do not know anything about your example but as long as they are not Turkish citizens I do not really see a problem with them waiting their own flags. Would you have a problem with Turks doing the same in their situation?

Do you know if your grandparents wanted millions of Bosnian, Albanian, Circassian and other migrants when they first arrived? Do you believe that everything went perfect when it comes to integration and that there were no unfortunate incidents?

Which moral high ground? I am not telling you to accept them or lecturing you about anything. I already wrote that if I had a say I would accept them all in KSA. Either that or for them to return to a future peaceful Syria.
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We can always discuss the degree of the relation but it is there and significant which is hardly a surprise when Arabs and Turks (as in people from Turkey) live next to each other. Anyway that is not the topic here.

As I told I do not know anything about your example but as long as they are not Turkish citizens I do not really see a problem with them waiting their own flags. Would you have a problem with Turks doing the same in their situation?

Do you know if your grandparents wanted millions of Bosnian, Albanian, Circassian and other migrants when they first arrived? Do you believe that everything went perfect when it comes to integration and that there were no unfortunate incidents?

Which moral high ground? I am not telling you to accept them or lecturing you about anything. I already wrote that if I had a say I would accept them in KSA. Either that or for them to return to a future peaceful Syria.

As I told I do not know anything about your example but as long as they are not Turkish citizens I do not really see a problem with them waiting their own flags. Would you have a problem with Turks doing the same in their situation?

Yes I would, the people are RIGHT NOW discussing the citizenship for syrians in Turkey but they wave those syrian flags, instead of showing us they can be part of our society without causing problems in the future like the kurds.

It's like Turkey wanting Visa free travel in the EU, if we would let the refugees flood europe, do you really think they would give us Visa free travel? You need to show you are worth it to get something. They can't wave syrian flags in turkish anti coup demonstrations if they want to become turkish citizens.

It's out country it's our rules, they don't like it they can go to Saudi arabia.

But I'm sure you wouldn't let your fellow arabs in.

Do you know if your grandparents wanted millions of Bosnian, Albanian, Circassian and other migrants when they first arrived? Do you believe that everything went perfect when it comes to integration and that there were no unfortunate incidents?

The older generations in Turkey only cared about muslim or not, nationalistic feelings mostly came after Ataturk.

Which moral high ground? I am not telling you to accept them or lecturing you about anything. I already wrote that if I had a say I would accept them in KSA. Either that or for them to return to a future peaceful Syria.

Saudi arabia isn't taking them, yet you are telling me what I can think as right or wrong regarding syrians in Turkey.

I can do whatever I want Turkey is my country, if you like syrians so much why don't you take them, your country obviously doesn't take them in like Turkey does and we aren't even arabs!

Imagine tomorrow a war breaks out in Turkmenistan, 3 million Turkmen refugees go to Saudi arabia and Turkey will only take in a few thousand. Then I come here to this forum and tell you the Turkmen can wave the Turkmen flags in Saudi arabia as much as they want.

That is what you are doing, telling me what is ok and what is not ok in my country.

Take your fellow arabs and live with them, we don't want them. Turkey is NOT your country to decide over.
Yes I would, the people are RIGHT NOW discussing the citizenship for syrians in Turkey but they wave those syrian flags, instead of showing us they can be part of our society without causing problems in the future like the kurds.

It's like Turkey wanting Visa free travel in the EU, if we would let the refugees flood europe, do you really think they would give us Visa free travel? You need to show you are worth it to get something. They can't wave syrian flags in turkish anti coup demonstrations if they want to become turkish citizens.

It's out country it's our rules, they don't like it they can go to Saudi arabia.

But I'm sure you wouldn't let your fellow arabs in.

The older generations in Turkey only cared about muslim or not, nationalistic feelings mostly came after Ataturk.

Saudi arabia isn't taking them, yet you are telling me what I can think as right or wrong regarding syrians in Turkey.

I can do whatever I want Turkey is my country, if you like syrians so much why don't you take them, your country obviously doesn't take them in like Turkey does and we aren't even arabs!

Imagine tomorrow a war breaks out in Turkmenistan, 3 million Turkmen refugees go to Saudi arabia and Turkey will only take in a few thousand. Then I come here to this forum and tell you the Turkmen can wave the Turkmen flags in Saudi arabia as much as they want.

That is what you are doing, telling me what is ok and what is not ok in my country.

Take your fellow arabs and live with them, we don't want them. Turkey is NOT your country to decide over.

Ok, I can see that you are not reading what I am actually writing but what you want me to write. Nor do I understand your hostile attitude.

KSA has actually welcomed Syrians (around 500.000) but I agree that KSA and many other Arab countries should have done more here, although Lebanon and Jordan host by far the most Syrian refugees per capita, despite being small countries with limited resources. However most Syrians want to go to Western Europe.

Also we have 300.000 Saudi Arabians (citizens) of Uzbek origin and we also host one of the largest Uyghur communities in the diaspora. We have no problems with them waiving their symbols and our Uzbeks are citizens although they are now fully assimilated (many having intermarried too) and have been here for a long time.
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The FSA was called moderate opposition,the weapons were sent to them and not to the some random beardos you talk about.
SAA was losing until Iran came into the picture,thanks to the weapons and fighters,the SAA started to gain ground,or am i wrong?
Fact is that both sides got help.

Bro, SAA didn't have any shortage in manpower for at least 3 years, neither any shortage in arms. Except some armed and recon drones, sniper rifles, few mortars and tank weapons, we gave nothing to them. We just send many advisers. Even fighters didn't go there after 2-3 years.
Bro, SAA didn't have any shortage in manpower for at least 3 years, neither any shortage in arms. Except some armed and recon drones, sniper rifles, few mortars and tank weapons, we gave nothing to them. We just send many advisers. Even fighters didn't go there after 2-3 years.
Who gave them the weapons then?
Who gave them the weapons then?

Syria had an army of 300,000 with 4000 tanks, armored vehicles etc and literally everything (among the top in ME). It wasn't some rag tag militia, it was an army, it doesn't need arms. Would Turkish army need arms in a similar scenario? But it's a guerrilla war and a war of attrition.

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