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Fake pesticides rife in Europe

Dhruv V Singh

May 18, 2011
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Counterfeit pesticides that can ruin crops, as well as farmers' reputations, are finding their way into European fields with increasing regularity. According to the European law enforcement agency Europol, which earlier this month published a set of recommendations for stamping out counterfeits, the trade is on the rise.

The illegal trade in pesticides is worth hundreds of billions of dollars globally. Europol has released figures indicating that as much as a quarter of the pesticides bought and sold in some European countries are counterfeit. Although it would not provide detailed growth figures or comment on which member states are being worst hit, a spokesperson for the agency tells Chemistry World that 'production, mostly originating from Asia, has increased in recent years'. Last October, the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture announced it was taking action against the illegal pesticides trade. Europol suggested criminals were using the internet to glean information on how to make counterfeit pesticides, as well as to market their products.

Europol, which gathers intelligence on the illegal trade and coordinates ongoing investigations, says it is aware of seizures of counterfeit pesticides imitating very famous brands: 'In those cases, the goods were stopped from entering the legal market according to the regulations on the intellectual property right infringements.' More worrying are those that contain banned chemicals such as endocrine disruptors - which interfere with hormones - or those that are transported without due care and attention to health and safety.

According to Phil Newton, senior manager of communications at the European Crop Protection Association, many counterfeit pesticides are made in China and transported to depots in Eastern Europe, but the problem is pervasive across the whole of mainland Europe. In one example, he says, 'enough herbicide to completely de-forest Hungary' was seized from a passenger plane arriving in Budapest from China - it was marked emulsifier and had a flashpoint near room temperature.

Under the counter

So, do farmers know what they're doing when they're covering crops in illegal chemicals? Some do, some don't, says Newton. 'There are the ones that are duped - who pay full price for what they think is a brand name product. And there are others who might ask the question, "Haven't you got anything a little cheaper?" and the distributor reaches under the counter and grabs a bottle and says, "Well, you can use this and I can give it to you for half price."'

Hans Muilerman, chemicals coordinator for pressure group Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe, thinks farmers are given too much slack. He claims some rose farmers are guilty of using illegal mixtures, produced in Russia, that contain six or seven active ingredients, because it is easier than identifying the pest and finding a specific chemical to deal with it. Meanwhile, enforcement is weak, he says. 'The enforcement bodies know about it, but they are not allowed to fine the farmers, says Muilerman. 'And the fines are not high enough - they're fines from 20 years ago when we had small farmers and small growers.'

Europol's recommendations for slowing the spread of counterfeit chemicals include cross-border investigations, increased cooperation in enforcement and research into the traceability of hazardous materials used in illegal pesticides. It also recommends developing a 'comprehensive picture' of the legal framework governing the EU pesticide trade.

Criminal loopholes

Newton claims it's the legislation that's to blame - a minor change to the law, he argues, would allow customs officers to carry out proper checks on suspicious containers at the border. He says criminals are taking advantage of a loophole that means customs officers can only impound and destroy bottles and labels, which are often transported separately to containers filled with the chemicals. Fighting counterfeiting at national borders has proven the 'most effective tool' in protecting farmers, according to a study by IPR Business Partnership, which works with anti-counterfeiting organisations and contributes towards enforcement initiatives.

Besides wreaking havoc in the field, counterfeits that mimic well known brands are causing problems for legitimate pesticide producers. In 2009, BASF, Bayer CropScience and DuPont all won cases against counterfeiters operating in Europe, but only after long, drawn out legal battles. To add insult to injury, legitimate companies are often charged with destroying the copycat products.

Fake pesticides rife in Europe
Usual suspect once again. All the countries who import pesticides from China should be careful, and farmers should avoid using made in China pesticides. They might be cheap, but they can be lethal for crops and human life.

Usual suspect once again. All the countries who import pesticides from China should be careful, and farmers should avoid using made in China pesticides. They might be cheap, but they can be lethal for crops and human life.


Thanks for ur post mate.

Yeah chinese is harming whole world in one way or the other.
EU have to take strict actions on it.

And the fake export from china are not limited to the EU only.
now some Indian posters should know why sometimes Chinese posters lost their temper and did something bit of drastic.

those two guys(or maybe one guy) keep talking to themselve with the clear intention of fanning some flames.
:lol: Why does it bother you so much? Does it change the fact that fake pesticide is being exported from China?
now some Indian posters should know why sometimes Chinese posters lost their temper and did something bit of drastic.

those two guys(or maybe one guy) keep talking to themselve with the clear intention of fanning some flames.

That's very cute. Read Roybot's reply.
every country has fake stuff,and India also has fake liquor that killed many people very recently.at least we dont persistently talk to ourselves after posting something bad and very determined to make some trouble out of it.
Indian fakes dont get exported....'cause they dont clear censor.

In communist china, manufacturing/exporting fake goods is one of the biggest drivers of economic growth.
Indian fakes dont get exported....'cause they dont clear censor.

In communist china, manufacturing/exporting fake goods is one of the biggest drivers of economic growth.

that accusation is so funny,you think the whole world are idiots?? the whole world buys up Chinese products for a reason,they dont have to,it is their choice to buy Chinese products and import more and more Chinese products and it is also their choice to not buy Indian products.don't think all the people,all the traders are idiots.
Indian fakes dont get exported....'cause they dont clear censor.

In communist china, manufacturing/exporting fake goods is one of the biggest drivers of economic growth.

You have hit the bulls eye. It have the biggest margin of all because in the crime you gets huge margin.
You have hit the bulls eye. It have the biggest margin of all because in the crime you gets huge margin.

Indians really need to use their brains more,if you buy a fake thing and get tricked would you do that again??the whole world keeps buying up Chinese things for a reaon,it's their choice,no one force people buy Chinese goods,Chinese goods sell around the world is because more and more people choose to buy them.why no one buys Indian goods?all things happen for a reason.
that accusation is so funny,you think the whole world are idiots?? the whole world buys up Chinese products for a reason,they dont have to,it is their choice to buy Chinese products and import more and more Chinese products and it is also their choice to not buy Indian products.don't think all the people,all the traders are idiots.

Not many think 'long term'...when buying chinese goods. Its like toilet paper......use and throw.

Corporates like cheap labour, absence of unions and employing people with small voices ( metaphor ).

Consumers like cheap goods.

Connect the dots buddy.
Not many think 'long term'...when buying chinese goods. Its like toilet paper......use and throw.

Corporates like cheap labour, absence of unions and employing people with small voices ( metaphor ).

Consumers like cheap goods.

Connect the dots buddy.

China exported much more value added products than before,mostly machines and civil engineering,China is also the world biggest IT product exporter.but anyway,short term or long term,why did people around the world dont buy things from other countries?they made their choice to buy Chinese,no one force them to do that,and they havent altered their choice for 30 years,not a very short term.
Usual suspect once again. All the countries who import pesticides from China should be careful, and farmers should avoid using made in China pesticides. They might be cheap, but they can be lethal for crops and human life.


Did you read the part where it said that the source of fake pesticides was Russia?

Hans Muilerman, chemicals coordinator for pressure group Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe, thinks farmers are given too much slack. He claims some rose farmers are guilty of using illegal mixtures, produced in Russia, that contain six or seven active ingredients, because it is easier than identifying the pest and finding a specific chemical to deal with it. Meanwhile, enforcement is weak, he says. 'The enforcement bodies know about it, but they are not allowed to fine the farmers, says Muilerman. 'And the fines are not high enough - they're fines from 20 years ago when we had small farmers and small growers.'

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