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Faults of American society

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Let me ask you this.

Would arab countries allow africans and latinos to replace them and take over?
Would Greece or Korea let africans and latinos to replace them and take over?

Well US is going to be white minority nation in 2040 and white population is only going to diminish further and further because they have far fewer kids then blacks/browns and also because of immigration from 3rd world nations

When you replace the people who made you a superpower with refugees from the third world, you get all sorts of crazy beliefs alongside priviledged whites wanting to support non whites in hysterical ways.

Now days nearly everyone in the US wants to be bisexual, gay, lesbian, transgender, pansexual, weed smoker, BLM activists etc. The small minority who are not have become anti-vaxxing neo nazis. The country has gone into retardation with the demise of a dominant population group.
Most immigrants to the US are productive as **** and the US has a powerful ability to assimilate everyone after one or two generations. This means the US has an ever growing base of talent and production.

If homogeneity is so important, what happened to Japan? China is facing a demographic collapse.
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Let me ask you this.

Would arab countries allow africans and latinos to replace them and take over?
If Arab countries were to be filled with Latinos, it would be a great relief to the world. They have been sitting on a mountain of cash for century and have achieved nothing. They were mostly poor Bedouins before oil and will remain rich Bedouins for a while after that. There was a joke when U.S. troops were stationed in Saudi Arabia. What is the hardest work you have seen an Arab do? Lift money. Look at the conceit of UAE in this news:

UAE ‘sandwich maker’ job ad for nationals sparks local fury

If Arab countries were to be filled with Latinos, it would be a great relief to the world. They have been sitting on a mountain of cash for century and have achieved nothing. They were mostly poor Bedouins before oil and will remain rich Bedouins for a while after that. There was a joke when U.S. troops were stationed in Saudi Arabia. What is the hardest work you have seen an Arab do? Lift money. Look at the conceit of UAE in this news:

UAE ‘sandwich maker’ job ad for nationals sparks local fury

lived in the Middle East and this is 100% true.
I had a local once complain that he had to walk outside in the sun for 30 seconds during Ramada.
With all those faults, the thing we love most is liberty. I can pull out my credit card, spend $3,000 and put what you have written on a billboard on Interstate 5 here. People will look, chuckle and move on. But, if you somehow sneak in (definitely can't do it in open) and do it in Pakistan or any Muslim nation, you will be disappeared. That I think is inconvenient.

Please say it isn't so!

The world is supposed to stop and take notice of these brilliant flashes of wisdom from a pimply faced burger flipping teenage genius living in its parents basement. Otherwise it will not survive!

Faults of American society:

1) Alcoholism
3) Feminism
4) African Americans used to be whipped by the white man
5) School Shootings
6) Bill Clinton had his dick sucked by Monica Lewinsky
7) Going on imperial wars like the Iraq war, where their entire country was destroyed

Americans should be the last to teach anyone ethics especially from those people from the Middle East and Asia


Calling Hillary Clinton a bitch, that she is a bitch.

And there is a big rush in Middle East and in Asia to reject American culture.

And people started laughing well not culturally American.
Number 6 is a good thing
Number 6 is a good thing
Maybe for a pervert like yourself.

This imperial soldier bastard got his punishment:

And this bastard is even in published books.


Some people in the Middle East and Asia say don't even buy American shit products.
Maybe for a pervert like yourself.

This imperial soldier bastard got his punishment:
View attachment 904911

And this bastard is even in published books.

View attachment 904912

Some people in the Middle East and Asia say don't even buy American shit products.
Man, you are a very bitter 'Canadian' to taunt our wounded warriors. You can criticize our political leaders (we do that all the time, Sh*t on Bush if you want) and their decisions but calling soldiers who lost their limbs names is very low, whether you want to call yourself 'Canadian' or Pakistani.
Man, you are a very bitter 'Canadian' to taunt our wounded warriors. You can criticize our political leaders (we do that all the time, Sh*t on Bush if you want) and their decisions but calling soldiers who lost their limbs names is very low, whether you want to call yourself 'Canadian' or Pakistani.
Sorry but those soldiers are "bastards." They willingly volunteered to fight in unjust and wrong wars. Hence the soldiers are bastards.

I used to stay quiet or turn the other cheek, but no more, because Islam says to fight back. Otherwise you will constantly be harassed or insulted for no reason.

Turning the other cheek is only for idiots.


Afghan Taliban won the war. People who will be seeking revenge, THEY WILL BE SEEKING IT.

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you are 100% right!
The problem with western born/raised conservatives Muslims is that they have been so thoroughly brainwashed by their crazy religious parents. They legit HATE the westerns world while fully enjoying ALL the freedoms and liberties it has to offer. Hypocrisy is in their DNA and if confronted they just get childish and hurl insults. It's a self defence mechanism as they know they are being hypocritical but can't admit it.

So I am not Pakistani now? Do you have proof? Are you stalking me? Or are you lying like you typically are.
Why am I living in Canada?
I was brought here as a child by my parents. I was educated here, and I realize why Canada is such a wonderful place to live and why Pakistan is not.
It's because people like you are in charge of Pakistan and not in Canada.
Now, why are YOU in Canada? Why not move to an "Islamic" country since you hate Canada so much?
And blithering idiot, why not take advantage of the facilities and institutions of the West? Like their universities and hospitals. You idiot?
Sorry but those soldiers are "bastards." They willingly volunteered to fight in unjust and wrong wars. Hence the soldiers are bastards.

I used to stay quiet or turn the other cheek, but no more, because Islam says to fight back. Otherwise you will constantly be harassed or insulted for no reason.

Turning the other cheek is only for idiots.
Is that your preferred moniker also for Canadian troops who fought in the same battles and lost their limbs and also Pakistani (and other Muslim) soldiers who fought and lost their lives and limbs?

And blithering idiot, why not take advantage of the facilities and institutions of the West? Like their universities and hospitals. You idiot?
Seems like the mods are okay with low IQ posters like you degrading these forums.
And I did take advantage of it, I got an education, I travelled the world and I did some soul searching on why I had to leave my homeland to do all the things I did in this life.
The answer is that religious idiots like you have ruined Pakistan and made sure we have no future.
Now you want to do the same to this amazing country that has given us more than Pakistan ever could.

Also, isn't it funny that despite your childish taunts, I have answered your questions, but you can't rub 2 braincells to even try and answer a single one of my questions.
Makes sense tho, you only need one braincell to click that laugh button.

Is that your preferred moniker also for Canadian troops who fought in the same battles and lost their limbs and also Pakistani (and other Muslim) soldiers who fought and lost their lives and limbs?

This kid is most likely an edgy teenager who doesn't seem know what good taste is. He also doesn't understand that posting shit like disfigured American troops is a two way street. People can post disfigured Iraqis and Afghans. Thankfully people here have enough class to not do so.
This, again is the result of religious brainwashing.
This kid is most likely an edgy teenager who doesn't seem know what good taste is. He also doesn't understand that posting shit like disfigured American troops is a two way street. People can post disfigured Iraqis and Afghans. Thankfully people here have enough class to not do so.
This, again is the result of religious brainwashing.

it is sort of an insult to a teenager. some of them actually grow up into adults :enjoy:
2. Not a problem (why are you obsessed who strangers have sex with?)

Do you support kids being taught LGBT curriculum in public schools?

5. Actually a problem. Gun culture in America is a religion and religions always cause problems.

How is gun culture a religion?

If the state takes away guns from law abiding citizens it still means the bad guys still have all the guns.
Don't feed the troll, just report his post and move on.
1. Is a problem, including in Pakistan.

Prohibition ironically worked, but are there a lot of drunk driving cases in Pakistan?

Every now and then I hear a crazy story regarding a drunk driver and its extremely heart breaking.

Drunk driving accidents are responsible for 10,000 deaths every year, and about 1/3 of all traffic-related deaths, according to the NHTSA

Maybe for a pervert like yourself.

This imperial soldier bastard got his punishment:
View attachment 904911

And this bastard is even in published books.

View attachment 904912

Some people in the Middle East and Asia say don't even buy American shit products.

Chill with posting amputated people. What point does that even make?

You know TTP and BLA post videos of Pakistani soldiers and use the same talking points as you do. It doesn't make a point.
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