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Fifth column: Remember Kashmiri Pandits?

Facts? With Idiots like you? Its like a Oxymoron.! Go troll somewhere. Do not like wasting times with likes of yu

Then why did you reply me retarded bhaya? Idiots like you cant debate properly.

they are not some north Indian. they are the people of kashmir.
who were mercilessly butchered by terrorist. :hitwall:

Not really, these pandits were north indian hindus who moved to Kashmir. And unlike retarded baniya who lied and got exposed. Their population was 5% in 1981 before they started to move back in to India.
celibacy what do you mean by that...
if he lives in celibacy.. who will carry his legacy..everybody needs a family.they are pundits not sanyasi..:tup:
Arent pundits monks? Monks live in celibacy and have students to carry their legacy

no idea what is sanyasi!
Arent pundits monks? Monks live in celibacy and have students to carry their legacy

no idea what is sanyasi!

kashmiri brahmins are called kashmiri pundits.....all pundits or brahmins arent monks......
its not necessary to live in celibacy to be called a monk.......
brahmins do their religious things but most of them donot live in celibacy
sanyasi is one who lives in celibacy
kashmiri brahmins are called kashmiri pundits.....all pundits or brahmins arent monks......
its not necessary to live in celibacy to be called a monk.......
brahmins do their religious things but most of them donot live in celibacy
sanyasi is one who lives in celibacy
ok...I always thought pundits live in celibacy...thanks for clearing that bit
Arent pundits monks? Monks live in celibacy and have students to carry their legacy

no idea what is sanyasi!
see. in hindu there are 4 varnas
brahman(who do the learning) ....Kshtriya(who fight for society) ....vaishya(who works in field)...sudra(who do the all other work and help other 3 in work)..
so pundits are brahman..they can have family and all other stuff but are supposed to be least indulged in worldly activity and work for god in society..
where as Sanysi are those( can be of any varna) who give up worldly life and meditate...pray and only work for god..
now again Varna are interchangeable..it's not on your birth but on your karma ..
hope this will help...If you have heard of Swami Vivekananda ..he was a Great Sanyasi(monk)..:tup::tup:
see. in hindu there are 4 varnas
brahman(who do the learning) ....Kshtriya(who fight for society) ....vaishya(who works in field)...sudra(who do the all other work and help other 3 in work)..
so pundits are brahman..they can have family and all other stuff but are supposed to be least indulged in worldly activity and work for god in society..
where as Sanysi are those( can be of any varna) who give up worldly life and meditate...pray and only work for god..
now again Varna are interchangeable..it's not on your birth but on your karma ..
hope this will help...If you have heard of Swami Vivekananda ..he was a Great Sanyasi(monk)..:tup::tup:

Thanks for the explanation though in many books and accounts it is written based on your birth....you are born into a varna and it is not interchangeable at least not in this life but maybe in later life if you do good you go up a stepping ladder...

All that aside....least indulged in worldly affairs yet are involved in rape? How does that work out?
ok...I always thought pundits live in celibacy...thanks for clearing that bit

pandits defination....
a Hindu scholar learned in Sanskrit and Hindu philosophy and religion, typically also a practising priest.

for example.....in hindu mythology....ravan(dashanan) was a pandit but he was married and had kids......
in hinduism....those who live in celebacy are called sanyasi......they are sadhus,aghoras.......
Thanks for the explanation though in many books and accounts it is written based on your birth....you are born into a varna and it is not interchangeable at least not in this life but maybe in later life if you do good you go up a stepping ladder...
look.. it was never meant to be rigid..neither it is rigid..Hinduism is highly misinterpreted..though in later stages ..in 8-10 century many ill crept into the society and and because brahmans wanted to always preserve hem in top order tried to make it rigid..

All that aside....least indulged in worldly affairs yet are involved in rape? How does that work out?
I don't know from where it is coming..If you want to make fun of my religion then it's your wish..:tup:
look.. it was never meant to be rigid..neither it is rigid..Hinduism is highly misinterpreted..though in later stages ..in 8-10 century many ill crept into the society and and because brahmans wanted to always preserve hem in top order tried to make it rigid..
Just yesterday someone did tell me it had rules like you cant worship Jesus and call yourself Hindu and stuff like that...It was someone with Indian and German flag...forgot the guys name...

I don't know from where it is coming..If you want to make fun of my religion then it's your wish..:tup:
Not really making fun...cant seem to add the 2 together...plus i never claimed to know Hinduism...only read a little bit about it and am asking my questions based on that...not on assumptions or throwing criticism towards it...
Then why did you reply me retarded bhaya? Idiots like you cant debate properly.

Not really, these pandits were north indian hindus who moved to Kashmir. And unlike retarded baniya who lied and got exposed. Their population was 5% in 1981 before they started to move back in to India.

these pandits werent north indian hindus....they were kashmiri from birth and from many generation
acc. to british census....the percentage of hindus(kashmiri pundits) in kashmir was 20 percent in 1941......which was reduced to 15 percent in 1947.....and after land accords in for of muslims further reduced to 5 percent in 1981 was you said.......

so he was right there about 20 percent population......

regarding they were from north india.....
in the first half of millenium,it became an important centre of hinduism and later off budhism
in 1349 mir shah became the first muslim ruler
muslims ruled that place for around 500 years
in 1820....sikhs under ranjit singh annexed kashmir.....

the pandits are the residents of kashmir..........they are not from north india
Just yesterday someone did tell me it had rules like you cant worship Jesus and call yourself Hindu and stuff like that...It was someone with Indian and German flag...forgot the guys name...
who ever told you that must be knowing nothing of Hinduism..you can be hindu even if you are atheist..you can be hindu if you follow one god..you can be hindu if you follow thousand of god..no other religion is as liberal as it.
I have gone to church,visited gurudwara,have been to mosque and temples..

Not really making fun...cant seem to add the 2 together...plus i never claimed to know Hinduism...only read a little bit about it and am asking my questions based on that...not on assumptions or throwing criticism towards it...
where did you read of rapes are allowed in hinduism...it's a henious crime which must be condemned in every form..and if you are insulting hinduism then you are insulting your own forefathers..:tup:
these pandits werent north indian hindus....they were kashmiri from birth and from many generation
acc. to british census....the percentage of hindus(kashmiri pundits) in kashmir was 20 percent in 1941......which was reduced to 15 percent in 1947.....and after land accords in for of muslims further reduced to 5 percent in 1981 was you said.......

so he was right there about 20 percent population......

regarding they were from north india.....
in the first half of millenium,it became an important centre of hinduism and later off budhism
in 1349 mir shah became the first muslim ruler
muslims ruled that place for around 500 years
in 1820....sikhs under ranjit singh annexed kashmir.....

the pandits are the residents of kashmir..........they are not from north india

Yes but they are not original people of Kashmir like Dardic speaking muslims. Thats what i said, and it was 5% before they started leaving. Kashmiri pandits moved from North India many centuries ago to Kashmir, while Dardic speaking population was already there and now mostly converted to Islam. Kashmiri muslims dont have North India ancestry unlike kashmiri pandits.
Thanks for the explanation though in many books and accounts it is written based on your birth....you are born into a varna and it is not interchangeable at least not in this life but maybe in later life if you do good you go up a stepping ladder...

All that aside....least indulged in worldly affairs yet are involved in rape? How does that work out?

see technically modern world is also not different

politician son is politician

business man kid prefer to do business

star Kidd prefer to join film

doctor and engineer Kidd prefer to follow same profession .....i am talking majority of %

so technically cast was based on karma.....but letter on become by birth

today it by birth 100%(our constitutions recognized it by birth only)
who ever told you that must be knowing nothing of Hinduism..you can be hindu even if you are atheist..you can be hindu if you follow one god..you can be hindu if you follow thousand of god..no other religion is as liberal as it.
Is it even a religion then?

a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.

Religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence. Many religions have narratives,symbols, and sacred histories that are intended to explain the meaning of life and/or to explain the origin of life or the Universe. From their beliefs about the cosmos and human nature, people derive morality, ethics, religious laws or a preferred lifestyle.
Religion is something organized not something random like when you go to a buffet...sorry couldnt think of any other comparison of choose and mix...

I have gone to church,visited gurudwara,have been to mosque and temples..
Going to a place of worship means nothing...I have been to many churches and a Chinese as well as a Hindu temple..my dad and his uncle used to go to one just coz they were curious...didnt make them Christians nor did they mix anything new in Islam....

where did you read of rapes are allowed in hinduism...it's a henious crime which must be condemned in every form..and if you are insulting hinduism then you are insulting your own forefathers..:tup:
1st I never used to word allowed...I just asked if the Brahmins are the highest and as you said
least indulged in worldly affairs
why did they do mass raping?

Lastly, how do you know what my forefathers were?

see technically modern world is also not different

politician son is politician

business man kid prefer to do business

star Kidd prefer to join film

doctor and engineer Kidd prefer to follow same profession .....i am talking majority of %
Your point being?
Ofcourse pakistani members start whining about religion, ethnicity , and everything under the earth rather than accept the fact that Kashmir is just another of tyhose places where muslims have terrorised the natives.

I'd rather drive out these teroorsist scum to their land of the pure and relocate the pandits back.

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