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Firing at a Gurudwara in US, several people shot

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The hospitals near the Gurdwara were asked to make preparation to accomodate upto 30. So the no. of hostages seem to be around 30.

Froedtert Hospital says it's already treating 3 male patients in critical condition

Most recent from CNN - 1 dead, 2 wounded. (not to confuse with 3 others admitted in the Froedtert hospital)

RIP to the dead.
Immigrants need to stick to the coasts to be safe. Middle America isn't a place I would ever want to go.
Because a Gurdwara isn't a "secular" place like a movie theater.

A Gurdwara is open to everyone regardless of colour, religion or caste- the emtimiy of secularism.

I bet it is more ignorant aholes confusing Sikhs and Taliban just like what happened after 9/11 in US and 7/7 in UK when ignorant idiots attacked Sikhs and Gurdwaras not realising Sikhs have NOTHING to do with Islam. The Sikhs are a peace lobing people who try to work hard and get on with everyone. Same goes for majority of Muslims, effing idiots- much more needs to be done to teach people the differences between religions and give an in-depth education about Sikhs. Hatred is borne from ignorance.
Its the people who is the problem, not the arms.

I'm sorry but the whole "it's not guns that kill people, people kill people" is utter BS used by gun activists to justify their views. What civilised nation allows civiians with little to no training to go around with guns strapped to their hips or with automatic assualt rifles in their homes or cars? Utter lunacy. Yes one can never rule out the fact that a certain percentage of people in a nation are always going to be prone to such acts of violence so coupling this factor with ridicuusly loos gun control is INSANE! No one needs
an assualt rifle or a high powered pistol or even a 9mm handgun it just isn't needed.

US is a joke in this sense, the number speak for themselves- in excess of 10,000 people killed by guns every yer in US, 60% of all guns made and bought in the world are bought in the US the list goes on and on.
^^ If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

As for gun ownership, every Swiss citizen is obliged to have an assault rifle stored in their home. How many gun related deaths are reported there?

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4 dead inside, 3 dead outside including the gunman.
Because a Gurdwara isn't a "secular" place like a movie theater.

a gurudawara is a secular place..............anyone can come , eat in community kitchen, stay for the night and even can do prayers of his own faith.

nobody will do anything
Its the culture...not people..not the guns.

I know people with guns who do not kill innocent lives
I know guns do not fire themselves

Its the culture.....
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