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Focus on training new generation, set up girls’ schools, AIMPLB tells Muslims

Focus on training new generation, set up girls’ schools, AIMPLB tells Muslims

The AIMPLB alleged that the Karnataka government took a stand that went against the community

Mohammed Safi Shamsi, DHNS, Kolkata,
  • MAR 31 2022, 22:06 IST
  • UPDATED: MAR 31 2022, 22:12 IST

Representative image. Credit: PTI photo

Muslims should not fall prey to negative propaganda against All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) and should instead encourage a pardah (veil) in Muslim society and focus on training of the new generation, a statement issued by AIMPLB general secretary Maulana Khalid Saifullah Rahmani on Thursday said.

The Muslim body that represents views of a broad section of Indian Muslims also asked Muslims to establish more girls’ schools, and consider education as a service rather than a trade. “For success in litigation, organise dua (prayer). If you adhere to Sharia (Islamic law), no power can take your religious identity from you,” the statement added.

The Board’s general secretary has said that when the issue (hijab) arose in some educational institutions of Karnataka, the board immediately took note of it and contacted state’s responsible individuals, representatives of organisations, and its own associates. The efforts, however, failed.

The Board alleged that the Karnataka government took a stand that went against the community, and the issue spread across the state.

Consequently, the Board approached Supreme Court. “Hijab is an integral part of Sharia, it is obligatory for every Muslim woman to cover her head, and violating it is a grave sin,” the board’s secretary stated.

“Attempts are being made in some quarters to spread propaganda and misunderstandings against the board and an impression is being offered that the board is a mute spectator on this issue. Muslims should never fall prey to this propaganda,” the statement added.


Jamahir's comment : LOL, what kind of idiots are these AIMPLB mullahs who call themselves Muslims but are anything but ? They call for duas ( prayer sessions ) for success in legal cases especially when most of the people in the Indian legal profession are not Muslims and these mullahs should have instead called for the reform in the Indian legal system via political and socio-economic radical change. And if such prayer sessions would have worked then this girl wouldn't have died last year in Kerala state in South India :
An 11-year-old girl in Kerala’s Kannur district succumbed to fever after her parents’ alleged superstitious beliefs led to a delay in proper medical treatment.

Fatima, a seventh standard student from Naluvayal in Kannur, died after her parents refused to get her treated due to their religious beliefs. Her parents have been identified as MC Abdul Sattar and MA Sabira.

Police have registered a case of unnatural death following a complaint by a relative.

According to reports, Fatima had a high fever for the past three days. But locals alleged that the disease was treated through occult practices instead of proper medical treatment.

On Sunday morning at 3 am, Fatima was rushed to a private hospital in Kannur. But the hospital authorities declared the girl brought dead.

Locals told India Today that a year ago, another member of Fatima's family had died after being denied medical treatment.

Kannur City Police said they would take further action after receiving the post-mortem report.
And the AIMPLB are now calling for transferring the female student population from co-ed schools and colleges to girls schools like would happen a hundred years ago but 100 years ago it happened to get females into schools because of South Asian anti-progress attitude. Even Saudia now has a co-ed university - KAUST - and has allowed restaurants with mixed-gender customer patronage but these Indian mullahs are taking Indian Muslims to a more regressive time in the region. And this all started because of those foolish, misinformed and misguided burqa girls from Shimoga, in particular Angry Indian Burqa Girl Muskan who screamed out her lungs for the burqa yet did not do anything about this girl :

I am becoming indifferent to any travails of the mullahs and the burqa fanatics. If they want to do civil war with the Hindutvadis they are welcome to do so. They don't contribute positively to Islam and to humanity so...

@Naofumi @xeuss @Joe Shearer
Like I said, these so-called Muslims like Muskan deserve the Hindutvadis. Both are alike. They brought their troubles in on themselves by self-otherizing and ghettoizing themselves instead of raising themselves politically and socio-economically and did not participate in the bettering of Indian society and thus left the field open to the Hindutvadis to have a resurgence. Our Indian Muslim @xeuss often calls Indian Hindu society a "depraved society". Aren't Muskan and her Muslim supporters in India equally depraved ? Many Indian Muslims simply are embarrassments to Islam and to humanity in general. Please again go through the OP and my comment there.

The only embarrassment to society is you. Don't tag me again.
The only embarrassment to society is you. Don't tag me again.

You cannot order people around if you are on a discussion forum including if you cannot answer rationally. And if people like me are called embarrassments as per you then that society needs rebuilding. Remind me where did you and Muskan build an advanced, evolved and harmonious society. The rational, progressive Muslims of the world need to do hijrat to sensible places like Bangladesh, Syria, Russia etc and you and Muskan need to go to the "I"EA as that suits you. Go there and everyday do your "Pehle hijab, phir kitaab". Leave USA please.

@Joe Shearer, will you trust such a person as him ?
You cannot order people around if you are on a discussion forum including if you cannot answer rationally. And if people like me are called embarrassments as per you then that society needs rebuilding. Remind me where did you and Muskan build an advanced, evolved and harmonious society. The rational, progressive Muslims of the world need to do hijrat to sensible places like Bangladesh, Syria, Russia etc and you and Muskan need to go to the "I"EA as that suits you. Go there and everyday do your "Pehle hijab, phir kitaab". Leave USA please.

@Joe Shearer, will you trust such a person as him ?
What happened? Let me take a look at the posts before I react.
If Pakistan trained, deployed, protected, and promoted the Taliban, they have to bear responsibility for their discretions too. Whether is the massacre of the Hazaras, burqas and beating for women or the destruction of Bamiyan buddhas. All by tacit approval of Pakistan.
Hindus are so obsessed with Muslims, they can't even discuss their beastly brethren harassing and barring young Muslim women from their education without talking about an unrelated country. What's more, they are so obsessed with the lucky Muslims who escaped their beastly clutches and gained sovereignty, they can't help but blame them for what's going on in another unrelated country.

I wonder everyone vocal about choice might have spared a thought to Pakistan backed taliban regime in afghanistan which has imposed the penguin cosplay on to all women there.

Ever wonder that maybe the unflinching obsession you beastly people have for us is why some Muslims have started being vocal?

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