What's new

For God sake , what we are doing

1. Yesterday on cable , Saudia offical channel was showing plazas and supermarkets of Riyadh and Jeddah crowded with thousands of young , old men , women with children enjoying McDonalds burgers, shopping , laughing , young girls some with burqas and some taking scarfs and many wearing only black abaya with glowing faces and laughs , Saudi youth enjoying coffee and pizza hut . Go to any gulf country like Kuwait , Dubai, Jordan,Damasqus,Egypt , scene is same with Girls wearing tight jeans and skirts in Egypt , Jordan and Damasqus bazaars, Dubai as Prostitution centre and all this happening there.And here in Pakistan TV was showing naked , torn bodies of women with full chaddar a in strict conservative NWFP atmosphere on the road of Peepal Mandi,Peshawar , burnt half naked bodies bodies of Girls sitting in Cafeteria or enrolled at Shariah Faculty of International Islamic University Islamabad.

2. This because those bastards dogs from Egypt,Saudia,Libya, Jordan,Iraq ,Afghanistan who we kept them as honourable guests for 20 years, made our country epicenter of Heroin and Kalashnikov for them , torn the religious,social,cultural fibre of Pakistan for them , ruined whole generation of youth specially from Southern Punjab for them , treated them as Royal Guests in Peshawar,Islamabad,Quetta,Miran Shah from 1988-2001 and onwards , kept 30 lakh Afghani as guests , ruined our country our everything for them are now making our daughters naked , burning their bodies by suicidal attacks in Bazars and University Campuses and our children being roasted in the mosques offering Juma Prayer and courtyard of Mosque became full of blood and pieces of innocent children.In countries of these Bastard Dogs , life is dancing in full colours and they have made our country a piece of hell on the face of earth. Petro-Dollars ,Ransom money,Poppy money , hundreds of young men from Saudia , Iraq , Egypt entering Paistan from Iran , Afghanistan borders , Petro-Shekihs funding billions of dollars to Al-Qaeda and TTP Animals and have ruined Pakistan completely.

3. One mad who kept on shouting like mad dog in 1991 Ummu-ul-Maharib Umm-ul-Maharib mean Armageddon s, his army raped hundreds of innocent Girls of Kuwait , killed 1,83,000 Kurds by gas attack first fought with Iran for 10 years and whole Arab World funded him and Deobandi and Wahabi Mullai under Zia-ul-Haq cover made him Saladin of 14th Century , brought this war into Pakistan making Laskhra-i-Jhangvi,Sipah-e-Sahaba and Sipah-e-Muhammad demolishing its socio-religious fabric, that mad man and his Gulf supporters destroyed not only his own country Iraq, 1000s of innocent children died of lack of food ,destroyed Iran,Pakistan,Kuwait and also destroyed his country from 2003 onwards by funding suicidal attacks on innocents civilians inside Israel.That same Umm-ul-Maharib hanged with him on gallows by his own people one morning not so far from his presendial palace !

4. Another mad the pseudo Amir-ul-Heroin of Afghnistan after genocide of Shias and Hazaras , destroying all schools,colleges and universities, opening training camps for Laskhra-i-Jhangi in Kandhar hosting Riaz Basra their to operate in Pakistan massacred his own country for few Arab Invaders who killed 2500+ innocent civilians on 9/11 , killed thousands of innocents in Tanzania,Nairobi,Yemen,Riyadh etc. Same case for Hizbullah by kidnapping 2 Israeli soldiers as a result half of Lebanon vanished from earth by Isarel bombing.Hamas pseudo Warriors throwing 3rd class pieces of iron pipes known as Missiles ( a joke indeed ! ) as a result killing their 1300+ people by Israel. Lion of Libya , Qazzafi once called Khalid bin Waleed(ra)of this century now begging in front of US and West and Marg Bar Amreeka ‘slogan warriors’ are helping US in Iraq fully and NATO+US in Afghanistan.They are far better than Saddam and Mulla Omar who ruined their countries, millions of people and everything in Wet Dreams and Romance calling them as Alexander or Napolean , killed millions of their countrymen.What happened to US or Isael or West. Nothing , not an inch change in their Global Socio-Economico-Political status of super power leaving 500 years behind whole Islamic World in latest cutting-edge technology and innovation where people are living happily,safely and enjoying life as compared to these mad dogs who destroyed Palestine,Lebanon,Iraq ,Afghanistan and finally Pakistan.Prophet(pbuh) welcomed Khalid bin Walid(ra) outside Madina and declared him as ‘Sword of God’ when he brought back his 2000 warriors safely from Battle of Mauta in front of 150,000+ Romans instead of fighting ! He signed Peace Treaty of Hudaibia accepting all terms of Kuffar and all historians agreed after signing this pact in just 2 years , no. of people accepting Islam is even greater than combined 20 years of Makkah and Medina preaching ! If Shadows of Swords had such impact , Indonesia/Malysia and specially our Indo-Pak region and etc would have made Shrines of Mahmood Ghaznavi,Aurangzeb Alamgir and Babar and Ghauris instead of Syed Ali Hajveri and Moeen-ud-Din Chishti !!

5. The beautiful religion known for its tolerance , equality,dialogue,debate , multi-cultural approach and attitude , diversity and great Sufia and the religion in which his Prophet(pbuh) happily allowing Christians of Najran (Yemen) to say their Sunday Prayers inside Mosque of Medina .The same religion now considered as symbol of terrorism,brutality,tyranny,fear,terror in whole world with shoes and belts are taken off at JFK and Heatrow and in whole world. The Indo-Pak region which embraced Islam by Great Sufia who preached love , equality and respect of every human being was hijacked by Wahabi/Salafi and Syed Qutub Ideology , Bringing Iran-Iraq war in Pakistan , heavy funding from Saudia,Iraq and Iran , Petro-Dollars , Al-Qaeda Kufr Idelogy,Takfeeri Group, suicidal attacks, bomb blasts in Pakistan , in mosques,universities by funding Lashkra-i-Jhangvi and TTP, killing 60 Sunni Tehrik leaders in bomb blast of Karachi as they were ‘Biddati’ celebrating Eid Milad-ul-Nabi according to these Bastard Arab Invaders in Pakistan.Thier shopping centres and mall are sparkling with lights and they have made our country Hell-Hole of darkness.Our Girls in Universities, our kids in Mosques, our Policemen, our Soldiers, our political leaders all ruined by these Kafir Arab Invaders who were invited , hosted,helped , supported and made as Heroes by these Traitors pseudo Islamic Parties who are doing Politics exploiting Islam to grab 6000 kanal lands in Peshawar , Diesel Smugglers, Ghudai of Jamata-i-Islami in Punjab University , Civil Lines Colleges and previously in UET attacking professors and breaking bones of those students who don’t boycott Examinations, Baisharam Bonapartist ISI Generals and all these Traitors Media Actors come every night on TV from 8:00 pm to 12:00 pm to prove that US and West is our biggest enemy and these Bastards are our Heroes of Islam who not even spare school children , people offering prayers in mosques, girls of university ,women ., spray gas and acids on their faces and cut throats of innocent people and hang them from trees after removing them from their graves.Who not even spared Iraqi innocent school children today here

Baghdad school bombing kills five

All those shameless traitors of Jamata-i-Islami , JUI-Fazlu , the Diesel Drinker ,Land Grabber and partner of General Yayha , Zia-ul-Haq and Musharraf , Deobandi Scholars of Karachi/Binoria who hosted these Barbarian Arab Invaders in Pakistan from 1979-2001 and onwards , Wahabi based Saudi funded terrorist organization Lashkra-i-Tayyaba killing 173 innocents in Mumbai including 38 muslims Baisharam Bonapartist Conquerers of ISI and Army , Hamid Gul , Aslam Baig , the Conqureres of Srinagar,Kabul,Central Asia and Red Fort Delhi plus all their supporting Columnists and Actors sitting in powerful Media Groups should be trial in Pakistan Apex Court under Article 6 of Constitution and hanged on Constitunation Avenue of Islamabad so that at 170 million people of Pakistan atleast get some sense of satisfaction that they should get same reward what these Traitors have done with our country and with its 170 million people in name of ‘Islam' .
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@ sehar

although you have many valid arguments - but your approval of drone attacks - defies my rationality. It is true that terrorists need to be checked but killing innocents in the process is not acceptable. If it takes more years, more effort, more money then be it - but no collateral damage. I think both USA and Pakistan should find better solutions to reduce collateral damage.

I request you to edit the para where you mention drone attacks. Thanks.

That is not even near feasible in war. The will always be collateral damage no matter how much you try to reduce it. Also it's funny how many on this board always rail on the U.S. about collateral damage. But they do not require the same standard for the Taliban Or the Pakistani Army.
Sehar Tauqeer,

W'Allah----I missed out on those posts of yours---thankyou very much for postings these----what an eye opener.

I don't think that I am in error---but to me, it looks like that out dear friend Sehar Tauqeer is not a man, but rather a girl----when was the last time any pakistani named their boy a Sehar---.

More power to you---keep posting. :pakistan:
1. The country whose streets echoed with high shrilled slogans of ‘Marg Bar Amrika’ from 1979 onwards.Who called US as ‘Shaitan-e-Kabeer’ and consider her as its worst enemy , made hostage its foreign officals in 1979 neglecting all ethical and conventional rules of the world.The same country , helped US , its worst enemy ,in every manner to stablize Iraq after Saddam Hussain,the scholars of Najaf and Karbala welcomed US troops and UK troops in Basra, helped Noor-al-Maliki in every field , sidelining the hardcore Saddam followers and Al-Qaeda Arab terrorists from Sunni Tribes , isolated them from Al-Qaeda terrorists like Al-Zarqawi and Umar Al-Baghdadi and sharp decline in attacks against US soldiers in 2007 onwards , urged them to take part in last elections which they boycotted in the previous elections, in reconstruction of Iraq alongwith US , did major investment , technical support , manpower in Iraq with US in public and private sector.The same country helped US and NATO in Afghanistan in Hairat and Balkh provinces , major construction companies and other support , backing Northern Alliance against Talibans and sealing its borders so that Talibans not infiltrate into its border.

2. The same country with its ultimate cleverness and diplomatic foreign policy , not only survived from sure Israel and US joint attack on nuclear installations ( bunker busters missiles were already supplied to Israel in April 2008) .Despite of severe pressure from Tel Aviv , just because of to Iran's geo-poitical games , Washington could not dare to attack Iran or allowed Israel to do so.Now Europe , US , Obama all talk about Dialogue , Peace Process this and that.Not only saved from attack and isolation , it emerged as the Powerful Political Player not only in Iraq and middle-east but also in Afghanistan.The same ‘Worst Enemy’ which was once called as Shaitan-e-Kabeer and reciprocatory term for Iran was ‘One of the Axis of Evil’ now helping each other interests in Iraq and Afghaistan.In 1986 , its take weapons from US against Iraq.If you visit any Research Group of world class universities in most innovative areas of Nanotechnology , Photonics , Quantum Computing , Supercomputing and Biomedical Engineering etc , you will find 100s of students of Iran mainly from Sharif University of Tehran or other universities.Even at MIT , Stanford , Urbana , Berkeley , McGill etc , 100s of girls doing their doctorate and post docs in US top universities.They are studying in that country which is its Worst Enemy , supported Shah of Iran and backing Israel.Nobody in Iran even Theocratic State Mullas running this country utter a single word about why they are helping US in Iraq and Afghanistan and why all these students are studying there. Some pictures of these students at world top universities like MIT and Stanford




3. Turning 180 degrees from such manipulative ,clever and national intetest oriented foreign policies and games of Iran , in our unfortunate homeland Pakitsnan, some ‘intellectuals’ like Dr.Shireen Mazari ,Ansar Abbasi , Irfan Siddique , Nawa-i-Waqt Jihadi columnists living in fairly-land , Jamata-i-Islami Fanatics and JUI like Diesel Drinkers and Land Grabbers are jumping up and down like Jockers to prove to whole nation that some 2000 US marines are coming with hummers and tanks and soon after arrival , made a striking attempt on Khuta , Tarbela etc and soon a country of 17 crore people would be conquered by these 2000 Marines (which may come in invisible mode, I think !) , whole Islamabad is rented for them, Peshawar is too going under Yankees ! and soon according to these Alice Wonderland Story-Tellers , Red and Blue stars flag will be waving on Parliament, GHQ and 10 Corp HQ and Peshawar Corp HQ.All these people giving such baseless rather ridiculous facts and stories in such 3rd class sensanational manner that even flopped Punjabi Film cheap rated film will have better impact .Dr.Farrukh Saleem , famous for his facts and figures, proved in a wonderful manner in his Sunday Column about US Embassy and Staff enlargement and there need to buy homes in Islambad etc and other trade and economic issues with US.Here is an article of Dr.Farrukh


4. Iran is helping US in every manner , but these Jihadi Fanatics , who have ruined this country from 1988 and onwards , dreaming of conquering Europe and America .There 1000s of students are acquiring latest innovation and technology from US top notch universities and these are advising us to stand up against US and Europe , join that barbarians animals who have killed 4 shia school students in Orakzai today , who don’t even spare school going children , slice throats with knives and from backside of neck, hang people from their graves , raped Swati girls and forced them to marry them , throw poisonous gas and acid on school girls of Kandhar and Afghanistan, blast all schools and health centres .Just because they are fighting US and NATO , so they are our ‘Heroes’ who are doing ‘Jihaad’ for ‘Throne of Kabul’ as did in 1992-1996 by taking ransom , looting , poppy heroin Jihaad.Who have ruined Pakistan , bringing its GDP to 2 % , killing 5000+ innocents Pakistanis in suicidal attacks from 2004 , ruined its ecomics , industry,education,foreign investment,tourism ,hotel industry,Pearl Continental,Marriot , French Engineers, SSG Commandos Kohat , PAF bus Sargodha,ISI bus Rawalpindi, FIA,Sri LankaTeam,Police Academy and list goes on..These barbarian animals have done 36 billion dollars loss in 9 years but still according to these Media Jihadi Fanatics , they are ‘Heroes’ as they are fighting against US ! What a pathetic mentally frustrated approach !

5. Killing thousands of innocents in Pakistan anti-shia riots from 1995 onwards from Kabul based government , killing thousandsof shias in Afghanistan in Mazar Sharif , Heart etc, killing thousands in Tanzania,Nairobi,Saudia,Yemen , Iraq , these Fanatics killed 2500 innocents in WTC and brought US and NATO to this region and we are eating the fruits of proxy wars of different countries and shattering our economy .In 1965 . F-86 given by US after Korean war , performed exceptionally over Russioan hunters and still Russian Mig 21 is called ‘Flying Coffin’ in India.In 1971, US President urged Indhra Gandhi not to attack West Pakistan which was so easy for India at that time.From 1979-1988 , Generals made billins of Rs from US but still these Jihadi Fanatics give us hatred lesson day and night.Iran ,Egypt,Turkey,Jordan etc take every benefit of US and we , by blessings of these Fanatics , isolated us , ruined us and so called Ummah-Lovers did not get support over Kashmir ,India or any issue from them in 60 years.Until and unless these people are here , Pakistan is on its way of ruining,Ummah-Lovers Saudis , Egyptians , Sudanis are slicing our soldiers necks in tribal areas and these Jihadi Fanatics are singing songs of Ummah ,Jihaad , Destroy US , Destroy Europe blah blah

6. And now after running from Bajaur,Mehmand and Swat etc , these barbarian terrorists are in Quetta and killing Shias , Hazaras and Punjab Immigrants everyday, targeted killing , attacking NATO convoy recently which shows they are same Talibans , Anti Shia and Anti-US. They want to separate Baluchistan from Pakistan as they tried in Swat , Wazirstana nd Bajaur but failed inshallah.We have not threats from US , Europe but from inside .US and Europe are not our friends but look thier interests and Pakistan also have to look for thier interests and gain aximum benifit in fileds of educaion , free market economy and access to US and Europe markets for exports.But people like Dr.Shireen Mazari ,Ansar Abbasi , Irfan Siddique , Nawa-i-Waqt Jihadi columnists , Jamata-i-Islami Fanatics and JUI like Land Grabbers , doing hypocrisy by begging 1.5 billion dollars per year and other benifits in economic and millitary terms and still rant about Yahood-Hanood , US-Europe this and that.. May allah show them right path that how Iran and other countries played their games for their national interests and how these people are misleading Pakistani Nation by exploiting Pakistan Nation Emotions and playing with popular anti-american sentiments for thier petty political games.

I will request all these people that dont mislead the Nation , we have seen all this drama from 1971 when same Mullas became part and parcel of Yayha Khan , then Zia-ul-Haq and then with Musharraf and in 17 Amendment and not dissolving NWFP assembly in Musharraf Presendial elections and also remained in NS and BB governments.Instead of Wasting our time in Alif Laila type stories , write about Sugar Scandal , Flour Scandal , PIA,Steel Mill, EOBI, Cement Scandal all sitting in Senate and National Assemblies.Write about 9 Universities which Musharraf Government was building and present government stopped this and all funds to Universities and Reserach program. Write about those 200 Fulbright Scholars go every year to US for MS and PhD, the largest program of US with Pakistan in the world, to further increase the scholarships and other British Chevening and Common Wealth Scholarships.Write about opening US and European Markets to Pakistani Exporters. We have seen this drama of Religious Blackmailing and Yahood Hanood Conspiracy Theorists for 62 years .Stop this bullshit and think about 17 crore poor people who want education, sugar,flour,food ,fruits , reasonable life not this US-Europe Yahood Hanood hatred slogans.

The estabilishment keep leasing Pakistani land and men to all foreign countries the so called friends i,e : us-saudi-iranis they are fighting their proxy wars as they either lacks guts to face each other and scared to go for an all out war or they enjoy their cowboyish adventures on our land after all what is the cost to them few Dead Pakistanis , well who really gives a sh*T if Pakistanis dont . They are al in their drawing rooms sippin jin or juice watching tele ,switching channels
1. The country whose streets echoed with high shrilled slogans of ‘Marg Bar Amrika’ from 1979 onwards.Who called US as ‘Shaitan-e-Kabeer’ and consider her as its worst enemy , made hostage its foreign officals in 1979 neglecting all ethical and conventional rules of the world.The same country , helped US , its worst enemy ,in every manner to stablize Iraq after Saddam Hussain,the scholars of Najaf and Karbala welcomed US troops and UK troops in Basra, helped Noor-al-Maliki in every field , sidelining the hardcore Saddam followers and Al-Qaeda Arab terrorists from Sunni Tribes , isolated them from Al-Qaeda terrorists like Al-Zarqawi and Umar Al-Baghdadi and sharp decline in attacks against US soldiers in 2007 onwards , urged them to take part in last elections which they boycotted in the previous elections, in reconstruction of Iraq alongwith US , did major investment , technical support , manpower in Iraq with US in public and private sector.The same country helped US and NATO in Afghanistan in Hairat and Balkh provinces , major construction companies and other support , backing Northern Alliance against Talibans and sealing its borders so that Talibans not infiltrate into its border.
It's not that simple.
You should now that there was the leader Khamenei and the president Khatami with all his ministers. Khamenei hatred Khatami because he wanted to change Iran for good. For Khatami it was needed to speak/communicate with other civilisations.
USA didn't understand how much he wanted to stop the problems between the two countries and Khatami was doing everything to help.
But now it is quite opposite. There is no cooperation.
About Afghanistan i know some family there and they are in private companies. Business is business and business is a part of Iranian culture. Where you can make money is good to go. As well we have good relations with afghans. don't forget 1.5 million officially lived in Iran.

Now Europe , US , Obama all talk about Dialogue , Peace Process this and that.Not only saved from attack and isolation , it emerged as the Powerful Political Player not only in Iraq and middle-east but also in Afghanistan.The same ‘Worst Enemy’ which was once called as Shaitan-e-Kabeer and reciprocatory term for Iran was ‘One of the Axis of Evil’ now helping each other interests in Iraq and Afghaistan.In 1986 , its take weapons from US against Iraq.
Ahmadinejad is saying in Iran that he succeeded to make all countries to be agree with him. He is making this propaganda .
Obama is weak. He wants to calm things. He didn't care about Iranians but more to save the worst that could come when USA are not able to do any more war.
About Iraq seems yu didn't know much of our history sorry to say: ater the hostages Iran asked weapons to help Iran to defend against oppressive Iraq, which should i remind you invaded our country and killed so many people . It is all about hostages crisis these weapons. But most of our weapons came from Russia. So it is about Iraq too if you check on wiki ;)

If you visit any Research Group of world class universities in most innovative areas of Nanotechnology , Photonics , Quantum Computing , Supercomputing and Biomedical Engineering etc , you will find 100s of students of Iran mainly from Sharif University of Tehran or other universities.Even at MIT , Stanford , Urbana , Berkeley , McGill etc , 100s of girls doing their doctorate and post docs in US top universities.They are studying in that country which is its Worst Enemy , supported Shah of Iran and backing Israel.Nobody in Iran even Theocratic State Mullas running this country utter a single word about why they are helping US in Iraq and Afghanistan and why all these students are studying there. Some pictures of these students at world top universities like MIT and Stanford
wow you never tried to understand this?
the regime of mullahs they didn't want the big brain to stay in Iran especially the ones who could criticiez the regime. They give money to leave the country and most of them never go back to Iran. 99% of them would like se the country change deeply.

i stop there because you are totally ignorant of my country
if you want to believe in this fake stories you are saying to yourself believe me it is not good for you.

edit: i am green and i wish the regime change. And that our countries will have friendly relations to be strong in the world. We are just puppets right now . being strong means we respect each other and we are not playing in this game "make people divided to master them".
You do a good job in your country . Wish we can do the same soon in Iran.
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Alhumdullilah , by grace of God another scumbag and enemy of innocent human beings, children and enemy of Pakistan who declared war against Pakistan issuing fatwa of declaring Pakistan Army and Government as Infidel ,Kafir Regime and must be overthrown. Salute to US , its scientists, and all those people who carried out such a wonderful attack. In recent months, Al-Qaeda and TTP backbone has been shattered by successful drone attacks killing Baithullah Mehsood, Yayho,Tahir Yaldashev , Abu yazid al-libi and finally the greatest enemy of Pakistan and islam, follower of Takfiri Ideology and main planer and funding figure in countless suicidal attacks on Pak Army,Police and innocent civilians of Pak. in recent years. We 170 million Pakistanis salute US super weapon Drone for eliminating these dirty ****** animals who burn out sisters , women in suicidal attack and innocent children in mosques offering prayers. Inshallah , there will be more Drone Attacks , more ****** Pigs will be eliminated from face of Earth , more peace in world. Just like before few Media Jockers were jumping for KLB but by grace of God , nothing happened and it is smoothly accepted by Pakistan. Similarly Ghairat Group which is actually Watan Farosh,Traitor and Baighairat Group will keep on shouting like mad against KLB or Drone , nothing will happen as 170 million Pakistanis dont care about them at all. Thanks once again for such a successful Drone attack.

Shaykh Abu Yahya al-Libi on Pakistan’s Criminal Army

Sharpening the Blades in the Battle Against the Government and Army of Pakistan :

Jamestown- Shaykh Abu Yahya al-Libi on Pakistan’s Criminal Army - Arrahmah.com

Swat: Victory or Martyrdom by Sheikh Abu Yahya Al-Libi

As-Sahab Urdu - Swat: Victory or Martyrdom by Sheikh Abu Yahya Al-Libi Video

Line has Drawn : Muhammad Amir Khakwani

The problem of Iranian government is that they want to be different from everyone else. They see only Shia's as Muslims, only Iranians are Persians in their eyes, they consider Farsi and Dari to be copied from 'their' Persian. In order words; Everything should start and end with them and them only. That's the reason their people had enough of their government and that's the reason why Afghanistan parted from them in first place. They wanted us all to Persianize and convert to Shia sect of Islam, no wonder that decades ago huge number were Sunni's who are now all Shia's and nor wonder despite if 60% of the country being Persian 100% of them are forced to call themselves Persian. Iran is digging it's own grave, none and nothing else is to blame for their situation today.
The problem of Iranian government is that they want to be different from everyone else. They see only Shia's as Muslims, only Iranians are Persians in their eyes, they consider Farsi and Dari to be copied from 'their' Persian. In order words; Everything should start and end with them and them only. That's the reason their people had enough of their government and that's the reason why Afghanistan parted from them in first place. They wanted us all to Persianize and convert to Shia sect of Islam, no wonder that decades ago huge number were Sunni's who are now all Shia's and nor wonder despite if 60% of the country being Persian 100% of them are forced to call themselves Persian. Iran is digging it's own grave, none and nothing else is to blame for their situation today.
i never met someone in a forum who have a so low knowledge of Iranians and speak like he is an expert. what a self confidence.
^ I am talking about your government, not people. And sure, enlighten us about facts and correct every single word I used. I can accept corrections and would love to increase my knowledge.
^ I am talking about your government, not people. And sure, enlighten us about facts and correct every single word I used. I can accept corrections and would love to increase my knowledge.

the Iranian government: what is it? you mean since Ahmadinejad? or the leadership (real power) of Khamenei?

If so about persian culture they try to destroy persian history and culture. they even always tried to avoid the persian new year ;) No they want Iran to be only Islam history but history is history... we have roots like any country.

In Iran we consider afghan farsi to be pure farsi when us we speak corrupted one.

They didn't want to convert to Shii and Shias are not in a sect version of Islam. Our prophet is the same and if some governmental people think they are superior it is their own sick minded problems.

No we never ask jews to be persians, we never ask in Esfahan the armenians rooted people to feel persians and be muslims, we never say azeris are persians or kurds. they are iranians ; we are all in one country with all our differences.
^ Once again, I was talking about your government and not your people. Is it even a surprise so many Iranian youngsters are against your government? I have seen some programmes and some Iranian Sunni's have visited Afghan programmes where they showed what Iranian politicians actually think of Sunni's, and their views were simply disgusting. I had an Azeri friend who only speak Farsi and he and many Iranians like him have told me what their government is actually doing to their people, and especially to minorities.
Sehar Tauqeer,

Your posts are awesome. If you are a young woman, it is like our old friend "muse" here at the PDF has been re-incarnated and returned with an angrier but oh so just voice. Pakistan would be light years ahead of where it is now if even 10% of your country"persons" had the combination of interest in and knowledge of Pakistani politics and the faculty of clear-headed critical reasoning that you show in your writings. Thank you so much for joining us here and adding so much needed wisdom to the "debate" over "whither Pakistan?"
After Armed Forces successfully crushing the Last Hope and Safe Heaven of Al-Qaeda+TTP+Sectarian organizations, the Waziristan , 'Media's Taliban' Tension is increasing !

1. Latest Drama is going on in the media by some of Talibans Lovers is that Drone Attacks is the real root cause of all suicidal attacks in Pakistan.Poor Girls of Islamic University, Meena Bazar of Peshawar Residents, All those beheaded in Swat etc were actually providing thier house ceilings as Drone landing facility.700+ Maliks of Tribal Areas who killed from 2001-2004 mostly of Mehsud and Wazir tribe were also killed due to Drone.This Political Vacuum of Tribal Area was filled by Al-Qaeda and Talibans of Afghnaitsna who came here after US attacked Afghnaistan.41 Shia Doctors killed from 1999-2001and many of them left Pakistan forever and hundreds of othres shias in Lahore,Khanewal , Multan etc were also killed due to Drone as Mulla Omer was hosting Riaz Basra , Akram Lahori and other top leadership of Lashkra-i-Jhangvi as Royal Guests in Kandhar and atleast 3 training camps were operational in that area because it was thier common goal as they did Shia Genocide in Mazar Sharif in 1996.

2. Dr.Farrukh Saleem after research said that from 1st January,2001 to 10th September ,2001 , there were 45 Bomb Attacks across the whole country.Talibans in 2000-2001 were infiltrating in Orakzai and Parachinar and massive killings of Orakzai Shias already started in 2000.Musics shops and barbers shops were also attacked in Orakzai Agency in 2001 before 9/11.After destroing all schools there , they were slowly creeping into Pak society and thier Takfeeri Ideology and Tribal Culture wrapped up in name of Islam was already began in tribal agencies in 2000 much before 9/11.

Aiman Al-Zahwari who masterminded the first suicidal attack of Pakistan history in 1995 on Egypt Embassy and all top leadership of Al-Qaeda + Central Asian terrorists came Pakistan in 2001.They used to hate Pakistan from 1992 when Government under intense pressure from Gulf/Arab countries sent many of them to thier countries as they were involved in crimes,terrorism and many social crimes like raping in thier countries.Al-Zarqawi who killed thousands of innocents including women and children in bazars/mosques/shrines in Iraq remained in Jail of Jordan for rapping charge agianst a girl.In whole world including Egypt/Jordan/Qatar/Kuwait who are close friends of US and first 2 even recognize Israel , not a single attack on Danish Embassy of thier countries but Al-Qaeda did this in Pakistan only for thier hatred towards this country.Saudi young men video reciting Quran before his Honda Car in Islamabad was issued by Al-Qaeda but not a single attack by these Mujhaids in Qata/Egypt/Jordan/Kuwait/Saudia licking boots of US from decades !

3. Neo-Khwarij organization who believe in Takfeeri Ideology like Kufr is also seen in glimpses of Islamic History when Khwarij used to fight with Hazrat Ali(ra) and used to give open abuses to Aisha(ra) , Talha(ra) ,Zubair(ra) and Amr bin Ala's(ra) like great Sahabas.

This Kafir Organization is a Amalgum of Wahabi/Salafi + Syed Qutub ideologies who declare all muslims except themselves as Deviant/Biddati/Mushrik and Shias as Kafirs and great reward and thing to kill them shortest route to Jannah.Killing innocents Christians,Jews,Hindus or any faith declaring them Infidels is matter of great pride and honour in this Ideology.This Kufr Ideology allows innocents killings as permissible , adopt ever mean to achieve so called 'islamic target' either you have to do suicidal attacks and kill innocents.Thats why 14/19 in 11th September attacks were Saudis and most of the terrorists who destroyed Iraq after US invasion were Saudis/Egyptians and also in Pakistan they are the largest in number .

4. Killings thousands of innocents mulsims and others in Tanzania , Nairobi ,Riyadh , Bali , Newyork,London,Madrid.After killing thousands of innocents with Petrol Tankers in Bazars and Shrines of Iraq killing women and children , on police stations, Hotels , Government Ministry recent bombing killing 196 in Baghdad , burning women/children bodies with petrol tankers attacks, attacking innocent civilains in Pakistan , on police academies , killing innocent Girls of Islamic University and killing 118 mostly women in Bazar 2 days ago Peshawar.This is Al-Qaeda hallmark of its Kufr Ideology and implementing this in Pakistan when after clearing Swat,Malakand,Mehmand,Orakzai,Khyber , thier Last Home Waziristan is under attack from Pak Armed Forces.

Saudia Great Scholars issuing Fatwas of Killing innocents and policemen in Iraq (Compare it with Pak Police and innocents !)

ckU6T-34Tug[/media] - Saudi Terrorist tells of Saudi Fatwa Permits Killing Iraqis

Sunni Tribes of Iraq started fighting with Al-Qaeda

KtElLz7YKfA[/media] - Islamic Army Fights Al-Qaeda ????? ???????? ????? ???????

Horible Video of Al-Qaeda's Pakistan Hatred and Training in Pakistan with Saleem Safi:

Watch Jirga – 29th October 2009

Al-Zahwari declared Armed Forces and thier Supporter( 170 million Pakistanis) as Apostate

Al-Qaeda's second banana lashes out against "apostate" Pakistani military - Jihad Watch

Still Media's Talibans are in great tension as they were jumping up and down to have peace deal with them as they used to say during Swat Operation , doing propaganda of Drone Attacks just because these dangerous weapons have shattered Al_Qaeda to the bottom and creating soft corners for those shameless barbarians who not even hesitant in killing innocent Girls of Islamic University or innocent Women shopping in Peepal Bazar of Peshawar. Al-Qaeda after destroying Iraq , Afghanistan is doing same in Pak bringing its GDP to 2.5% with largest Capital Flight and 0% investment and Conpiracy Theorists have more tension about Drones or 2 US caught with guns in Islamabad .Al-Qaeda is about to shatter Pakistan as it did in Iraq and destroyed Afghanistan by killing 2500+ innocents on 9/11 and inviting US/NATO to our region and they are discussing KLB as matter of Prestige.Huh, Prestige of Beggars . Shame on you 'Media's Talibans' !

Hats off to you sister……..

That was awesome…..I am convinced all is not lost for Pakistan if there are people like you there. I wish more people read and listen to you and understand the truth as you have described. I don’t know who you are and where you are but you have hit the nail on its head.

Appreciate the forum and its members for giving her the opportunity and many have thanked for your posts. Be proud of Pakistan and save its honor and dignity by standing up for your generation of Pakistanis and ending the years of misrule by the generals in Pakistan.

We in India look forward to healthy, wealthy and if possible friendly Pakistan.
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1. We 170 million Pakistanis don’t know till when we have to eat fruits of these ‘Ruiners of Pakistan’ the so called ‘Islamic Right Wing’ propaganda war machines , which Ayyaz Amir recently called them Laptop Warriors , pseudo Islamic Parties which Saleem Safi recently exposed their sons and daughters studying Medicine,Business Manegement here and abroad and preparing to grasp the ‘political throne’ of their dads in near future while burning whole Pakistan in this fire and ruining us .Raheela Qazi of Jamata-i-Islami recently got US citizenship. Ridiculously, these so called “islamic’ send 50 curses on Isarel, 100 on India and 200 on US daily before their breakfast to become ‘Intellectual’ in society which is woven by these Alice Wonderland Story Tellers around Wikepedia Articles , few clicks on Google blended with some spicy Conspiracy Theory , some terms of MOSSAD , RAW , CIA ,BlackWater, Jews ,Israel and their ‘Wonderful Analysis’ is ready which is ‘Un kai Mutabiq’ the final verdict from Sky. Wikepedia and Google Scholars , exploietrs of innocent Pakistanis emotions in name of religion,fake stories tellers, Yellow Journalism Followers, Go America Go slogans warriors and boot lickers of US from 1979-1988 sending heir own children to US for higher studies and obtaining its citizenship, Partners of General Yahya,Zia and Musharraf, Diesel Smugglers , Land Grabbers , wants Prado instead of small cars in Ministry of Tourism, Gundai who ruined Pakistan Educatiuonal Instituions and Universities, used to break hands of those intelligent students who don’t boycott examinations and tear the papers before 1997 in UET Lahore and Punjab University.

2. We Pakistanis don’t know that we should laugh or weep at this fact that these Diesel Smugglers and Land Grabbers were not involved in ‘Sin of Making Pakistan ‘, Jinnah used to be Kafir-e-Azam in 1947 for them, whole Muslim League used to be ‘Apostate’ in their eyes , still they have eaten and looted so much of this country and still bark againt it and its founder and still in their courses , declare Hussain Madni ‘s ideology binding upon them , enemies of Pakistan who handed Swat and Malakand from 2002-2008 virtually to barbarians to do whatsoever they want to do , their Commissioner used to send SSG commandos and armed men to be slaughtered by Talibans.When Baithullah Mehsud killed in Drone, JUI-F Leader Mufti Kifayatullah used to come everyday on TV announcing that TTP has chosen new leader in Shura .Abbas Athar Sahab has rightly said that they also provide Funds and Money to TTP , each innocent burnt in Peepal Mandi Peshawar, Moon Market Lahore,each innocent Girl killed in Lower Dir yesterday or Islamic University Peshawar, each child killed in Prade Line Mosque and 20,000 innocents Pakistanis,soldiers,policemen killed from 2002-2010 , these Diesel Smugglers, Ghundai of JI, their payed Yellow Jounalists , Jihadi Columints are 100% responsible for their blood.On judgement day, the little innocent Girl Students of Lower Dir would hold their collars why they being killed , for what sin , for what mistake who were busy with their books , copies and pencils because these shameless Traitors ruined their own country for Ummah Love and Thaikdars and Exporters of Global Terrorism.who are taking revenge of their defeat of 1947.

3. Who declared Quaid-e-Azam as Kafir-e-Azam enjoyed Ministries, Diesel Smuggling and Land Grabbing from 1947-2010 and a brilliant Genius who presented Kashmir case of Pakistan wonderfully in UNO, became First Judge of International Court from Muslim World, just by his religious difference not offered Jinnah’s Funeral , declared him Traitor and Worst Creature.What a ridiculous thing, what a irony ! Dr.Salam who completed his Doctoral Thesis in 6 months,a record in 900 years history of Cambridge University, started SUPARCO and Atomic Energy Commission in Pak and wanted to build state-of-art Theoratical Physics Centre in Pakistan like that in Italy, was kicked out brutally from his own country. These Shameless Right-wing Traitors did such losses to our country that cannot be explained in words as in their eyes everyone in Traitor and only these are so called patriots . Qadianis are Traitors ,Christians are Traitors, Shias are Kafirs, Ismailis who built Aga Khan Medical University like world known university and Hussain Ebrahim Jamal Research Institute Chemistry in Karachi are Traitors , Dr.Pervez Hoodbhoy oppose them with facts and figures so he is Traitor.When Mubashar Luqman and Altaf Hussain raised voice against this discrimination about Qadianis , these fanatics started giving them death threats.Still today, In Government Engineering Universities , they are not even allowed to enter Hostel Mess and their meal is served in rooms ! Such shameless attitude by these Ruiners of Pakistan ! If we tell these shameless fanatic people about that man who has raised Federal Borad of Revenue Taxes to record level in 62 years history , one of the brilliant Genius of Punjab Bureaucuracy ,ex-Commisioner Bahawalpur and now Chairman FBR praised by Asian Development Bank and World Bank and Supreme Court of Pakistan for his outstanding reforms and hardwork , that he also belongs to the same lineage of Genius like Sir Zafarullah , MM Ahmed , Dr.Salam , we fear that these Barbarians Shameless Ruiners of Pakistan will even attack him and start their Dirty Yellow Journalism , posting shameless fake stories about him who is serving his Motherland so well despite of all discriminations and ills.Salute to all these Minorities who belongs to this great country and facing all hardships by little group of Traitors of this country from 1947 to this date.

4. Amir Mir, following Yellow Journalism as usual, at start of year posted that in 2009,Drones killed 14 Al-Qaeda and Talibans and 738 innocents ! such baseless ,absurd rather funny stories one should not want even jokes and comics after this that 738 were innocents ! About 500+ were Talibans top and middle level leaders , Punjabi Talibans , Afghani Talibans, Uzbeks, Tajiks,Arabs , and rest 200+ were their local tribal supporters where they were residing in their houses , sheltering them , giving them secrets compounds,rooms and residences to stay and when Drones attacked them , suddenly by this Yellow Journalist and his followers , they became innocents , Haha what a joke ! One brother is official auto-biographer of his Pir-o-Murshid , Shiekh Osama bin Laden , taken Bay’t from Pir-o-Murshid in some cave of Afghanistan while interviewing him , considered him Saladin of 14th Century ! who and his folowers killed thousands of Innocents in Pakistan ,Iraq ,Afghanistan , Spain, Bali , Spain,London , Tanzania, Nairobi,Yemen,Riyadh,2500+ innocents in WTC, burnt thousands of Women and Children in Iraq with Petrol Tankers Suicidal Attacks , attacked Holy Shrines of Sahabas and Aulias and made Islam like Religion a black dot , shame and symbol of Brutality in whole Globe.Such a dangerous and successful weapon which has shattered Al-Qaeda to its roots , who can catch voices from height and by GPS , shoots missiles even on running cars like Hakimullah Mehsud was hit or hit Qari Hussain recently , who have defeated these Barbarian Terrorists as Army has successfully captured South Waziristan , their last safe heaven and now they are dispersed in North Waziristan , Mehmand , Orakzai and Drones are shooting these Running Rats easily as no-one from Tribal areas giving them shelter and security.But these Traitor Group is busy in their Times Old Proganda of Sovereignity, Violation , Flana Tamkeena etc etc.

5. Such wonderful and innovative technology which their Scientists build in Lawrence Berekely Labs , MIT Lincoln Labs and DARPA Labs is not given so easily to everyone as Reverse Engineering is our main expertise instead of Innovation and Creation ! China and few other can get this from us which US don’t want at all.Secondly , there are still some rogue elements in Armed Forces having dreams of Strategic Depth like Bakwas which will leak real time informations to Talibans before attack on them. Thirdly, Drones are 100% carried out by wonderful co-ordination b/w ISI and CIA Ground and Aerial Intelligent Systems Co-ordinations and Communications and we can claim that it was done by US but if Pakistan started carrying out attacks of its own , all Tribals will rise against Pakistan State and Talibans would expoit this wonderful opportunity to rise them up against Pakistan.We don’t know why this Ghairat Group not even understand and busy in childish cries of Sovereignty and Space Violence. The lands where Drone happens are no more in Pak Control and hijacked by these bastards Arab Terrorits and their Local Followers.Now which :Sovereignty you are talking about !

If you had so much pain for Drones , you would have funded Pak R&D Institues , Labs , Scientific Labs and Universities so that our Scientists can make Drones themselves but no , this Ghairat Group , their follower Jihadi Columnists and Diesel Smugglers and Ghundai made our Univesrities Recruitment Centre to Conquer Kashmir , waving Green Flag on Red Fort of Dehli and conquering Kabul and Central Asia as a result now we have 0% Investment , 2 % GDP , 300% increase in prices , Petrol and Diesel out of range and transport-strike even today.Brainwashed Youth specially of Southern Punjab and NWFP who ruined themselves before these Fanatics now blowing themselves in frustration as Saleem Safi said yesterday as they have no war-theatres in Kashmir and Afghanistan more. If we have invested on such people and projects in SSE LUMS , NUST , AWC ,GIKI , UET , NESCOM etc , we would have made Drones and Un-manned Aerial Vehicals long ago but no , we want to Conquer West and US by exporting and investing on Terrorism Industry in whole world, why we need Science ,Education, R&D Institues , Innovation and thinking. Just click on Google Search Engines or Wikipedia , pick up first 7 or 8 links , put some spices of Yahood-Hanood Conspiracy Theories , RAW , MOSSAD links, and try to befool 170 million Pakistan and play with their emotions who belive you ‘’Intellectuals’ , Huh , Google intellectuals , you have ruined us 170 million and our country !

Research - CYPHYNETS


If you had so much pain for Drones , you would have funded Pak R&D Institues , Labs , Scientific Labs and Universities so that our Scientists can make Drones themselves but no , this Ghairat Group , their follower Jihadi Columnists and Diesel Smugglers and Ghundai made our Univesrities Recruitment Centre to Conquer Kashmir , waving Green Flag on Red Fort of Dehli and conquering Kabul and Central Asia as a result now we have 0% Investment , 2 % GDP , 300% increase in prices , Petrol and Diesel out of range and transport-strike even today.Brainwashed Youth specially of Southern Punjab and NWFP who ruined themselves before these Fanatics now blowing themselves in frustration as Saleem Safi said yesterday as they have no war-theatres in Kashmir and Afghanistan more. If we have invested on such people and projects in SSE LUMS , NUST , AWC ,GIKI , UET , NESCOM etc , we would have made Drones and Un-manned Aerial Vehicals long ago but no , we want to Conquer West and US by exporting and investing on Terrorism Industry in whole world, why we need Science ,Education, R&D Institues , Innovation and thinking. Just click on Google Search Engines or Wikipedia , pick up first 7 or 8 links , put some spices of Yahood-Hanood Conspiracy Theories , RAW , MOSSAD links, and try to befool 170 million Pakistan and play with their emotions who belive you ‘’Intellectuals’ , Huh , Google intellectuals , you have ruined us 170 million and our country !

Its like you are reading my mind .. who will listen to you .. They set up a system that people have to struggle on the basics everyday .. why do you think its easy for them to divide and keep coming back under a false umbrella of democracy everytime ... its a vicious grinder .. you can raise your voice and your questions.. unfortunately ..noones listening. But yeah if you write about buying some planes and submarines .. you will get a lot of thumbs up ..

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