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Forza Italia wants new law that allows construction of mosques banned

He wouldn't.

He is a loner who is disturbed and is socially awkward. He himself has admitted to having very few friends and what not.

Some of the best people I met in college have been Italians. My biggest white crush was an Italian-American girl named Maria...and she was so accepting and tolerant of other cultures.

@MarkusS is kind of an individual who has nothing going in real life--and draws his meaning of life from empty rhetoric of "defending his civilization" blah blah blah..

While the real world keeps marching on and he can not do anything against it.

Europe is on path to having 10% of all its population as Muslim by 2050. Markus will keep opening threads, keep supporting parties which spout racist/bigoted crap, and will waste his life away. Come 2050, Islam would be more widespread, more ingrained, more established, and more visible all around Europe..Inshallah!

And Islam is also on track to replace Judaism as the second largest religion in my country United States!

Mashallah to all of that..:cool::cheers::cheesy:
Shhh don't type such things, or he might never leave his house again
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To be honest such a law will then have to be applied to nightclubs, pubs, hostels, hotels, shops (off-licences), schools etc. All the mentioned place have a negative effect on house prices. It simply wouldn't work.
To be honest such a law will then have to be applied to nightclubs, pubs, hostels, hotels, shops (off-licences), schools etc. All the mentioned place have a negative effect on house prices. It simply wouldn't work.
Wait i havent read the whole article, so all the tantrum is because of housing prices? :lol:
Sry but a very lame excuse. :D
In 2008 the Lega Nord party already brought a similar attempt into the parliament. It said muslims can pray anywhere and a mosque is unitalian and should be banned. Many cities like Milan, Turino, Fireze, Lucca and Venice prevented the construction of mosques through communal law.

But Lega Nord planned to make it a complete ban in entire italy. It failed because the constitutional court said its discrimination.

Now our party goes another way. It doesnt even mention mosques in the proposed law text and makes it a sole financial issue.

The text proposes that if a new religious building is constructed, all people in its neighborhood have the right to let the value of their property guess by an expert comission. If this commission comes to the conclusion the values is lowered, then the person has the right to claim the loss of value from the group who wants to build the enw building.

Only when all claims are paid they would get a permission to move on in construction. That way its guaranteed there is no discrimination.

The idea is proposed by Mara Carfagna and i like this solution.


@Vergennes @waz @flamer84

I think this kind of proposal solves this specific problem quite elegant and would not damage our constitution. I think it would also be a possible work around for France, UK and other european nations.
you can do that obviously but don't you think the muslims have more tolerance and value the rights of the others more than you

please tell me what's the difference between you and the wahhabis? both of destroying the world alas!!.

all I said is directed to you and those like you who hate to see people live together in peace.
you can do that obviously but don't you think the muslims have more tolerance and value the rights of the others more than you

please tell me what's the difference between you and the wahhabis? both of destroying the world alas!!.

all I said is directed to you and those like you who hate to see people live together in peace.

I have never seen such an intolerant specimen among the European or American members of this forum.
I have never seen such an intolerant specimen among the European or American members of this forum.
You right europpean and the american are human like us they have no problem with muslims or other group of people.

we all live in america in peace.
you can do that obviously but don't you think the muslims have more tolerance and value the rights of the others more than you

please tell me what's the difference between you and the wahhabis? both of destroying the world alas!!.

all I said is directed to you and those like you who hate to see people live together in peace.

this is italy. Our country. How many churches are allowed in muslim countries? I mean new ones. How many new churches are build currently in iraq for example?

With all due respect but it is not Forza Italia that attacks people with trucks, or blows up muslim parties and concerts.

People are disturbed by this and worried and want solutions. Forza Italia offers solutions. If the people of italy dont want mosques in our country so be it. Thats democracy.
this is italy. Our country. How many churches are allowed in muslim countries? I mean new ones. How many new churches are build currently in iraq for example?

With all due respect but it is not Forza Italia that attacks people with trucks, or blows up muslim parties and concerts.

People are disturbed by this and worried and want solutions. Forza Italia offers solutions. If the people of italy dont want mosques in our country so be it. Thats democracy.
christines free to build new churches in Iraq actualy they built one in a city that has christines!
those who attach people in europe belong to the wahhabi sector who supported saudis the same you support.
this is italy. Our country. How many churches are allowed in muslim countries? I mean new ones. How many new churches are build currently in iraq for example?

With all due respect but it is not Forza Italia that attacks people with trucks, or blows up muslim parties and concerts.

People are disturbed by this and worried and want solutions. Forza Italia offers solutions. If the people of italy dont want mosques in our country so be it. Thats democracy.
3 months ago this new church for Istanbul/Yeniköy has been approved.

They why people are still migrating ...?? better go back to native ...
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