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French Interior Minister Calls For 'Dissolution' Of Some Mosques


Dec 3, 2011
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France has deported 40 imams since 2012 for "preaching hatred"
Nick VisserReporter, The Huffington Post
Posted: 11/15/2015 08:29 PM EST | Edited: 11/15/2015 08:31 PM EST
STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN via Getty Images129 people dead across Paris. Bernard Cazeneuve made the comments during an interview on French television, according to a report by MSNBC.

The minister has long been an advocate for addressing the concerns of the country's five million Muslim residents, particularly after January's attacks at the Charlie Hebdo office. But Cazeneuve has also made significant efforts to curb homegrown extremism. France increased surveillance at religious and cultural centers earlier this year and has been cracking down on supposed radicalization in prisons.

Around 7.5 percent of the country's inhabitants are Muslim, but some 60 percent of prisoners are, according to a 2014 report.

France has also deported 40 imams -- Islamic spiritual leaders -- since 2012 for "preaching hatred." Nearly a quarter of those deportations happened in the first six months of this year.

“Foreign preachers of hate will be deported [and their mosques] will be shut down," Cazeneuve told Agence France-Presse earlier this year.

Marine Le Pen, the leader of France's far-right National Front Party, tweeted out a hashtag that translates to "IslamicTerrorist" following the attacks as other leaders have urged for a reevaluation of the European migrant crisis. Nicolas Sarkozy, the former president and current leader of the country's main opposition party, called for a new foreign policy. He urged President François Hollande to rethink immigration policy and tighten laws against those who visit radical websites or travel to international jihadist sites, the Financial Times reports.

Muslims around the world have stood in solidarity with the victims of Friday's attacks and defended themselves against a massive spike in Islamophobia. A group of imams gathered outside the Bataclan concert hall Sunday morning to pray and sing the French national anthem with mourners.

Analysts have warned that a backlash against refugees could be exactly what the Islamic State wants.

“Anti-Muslim and anti-refugee sentiment really play into ISIS' hands," Shadi Hamid, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, told The WorldPost. “The more that happens, the more French Muslims feel alienated and are susceptible to extremist recruitment.”
France allows public medias to insult muslims and spread hatred to mulims and call it freedom of speech,while banning mosques which spread hatred.Is this double standard and an open insult to freedom of speech?
France allows public medias to insult muslims and spread hatred to mulims and call it freedom of speech,while banning mosques which spread hatred.Is this double standard and an open insult to freedom of speech?

Nope.As far as i know,no Charlie Hebdo writer or reader(non muslim) has blown himself in public as of yet.Mosques who spread hatred create Kouachi brothers ,satirical magazines create laughs or ,at the most,controversies.
let us remember that egypt government some months ago ordered the closure of thousands of mosques which were small and these possibly were extra to the one or ones already present in a certain locality and could possibly have been used by the ikhwaanis to spread terrorism.

pakistan also has taken a similar step, if i remember correctly.

so there should be no objection to france doing this... in fact, it is these european mosques which were used by nato to incubate terrorists who were then used by nato in the invasion of libya and syria.

the sins of the french government were sadly borne by innocent french citizens.
Nope.As far as i know,no Charlie Hebdo writer or reader(non muslim) has blown himself in public as of yet.Mosques who spread hatred create Kouachi brothers ,satirical magazines create laughs or ,at the most,controversies.

Charlie Hebdo may be a satirical magazine but other media outlets in the US and Europe constantly demonize and advocate anti-Muslim sentiment which creates a systemic policy of discrimination against Muslims. Those same people then vote for policies that are geared at bombing Muslim countries (e.g. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria etc). So yeah, they don't blow themselves up directly, they do it indirectly with bombs and hate filled media which is on a far grander scale.

You can't have it both ways by actively discriminating against a group and then expect them to reciprocate with hugs, kisses and roses. If France and other places want to be fair, they should afford the same hate speech protection to Muslims that Jews get.
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France has deported 40 imams since 2012 for "preaching hatred"
Nick VisserReporter, The Huffington Post
Posted: 11/15/2015 08:29 PM EST | Edited: 11/15/2015 08:31 PM EST
STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN via Getty Images129 people dead across Paris. Bernard Cazeneuve made the comments during an interview on French television, according to a report by MSNBC.

The minister has long been an advocate for addressing the concerns of the country's five million Muslim residents, particularly after January's attacks at the Charlie Hebdo office. But Cazeneuve has also made significant efforts to curb homegrown extremism. France increased surveillance at religious and cultural centers earlier this year and has been cracking down on supposed radicalization in prisons.

Around 7.5 percent of the country's inhabitants are Muslim, but some 60 percent of prisoners are, according to a 2014 report.

France has also deported 40 imams -- Islamic spiritual leaders -- since 2012 for "preaching hatred." Nearly a quarter of those deportations happened in the first six months of this year.

“Foreign preachers of hate will be deported [and their mosques] will be shut down," Cazeneuve told Agence France-Presse earlier this year.

Marine Le Pen, the leader of France's far-right National Front Party, tweeted out a hashtag that translates to "IslamicTerrorist" following the attacks as other leaders have urged for a reevaluation of the European migrant crisis. Nicolas Sarkozy, the former president and current leader of the country's main opposition party, called for a new foreign policy. He urged President François Hollande to rethink immigration policy and tighten laws against those who visit radical websites or travel to international jihadist sites, the Financial Times reports.

Muslims around the world have stood in solidarity with the victims of Friday's attacks and defended themselves against a massive spike in Islamophobia. A group of imams gathered outside the Bataclan concert hall Sunday morning to pray and sing the French national anthem with mourners.

Analysts have warned that a backlash against refugees could be exactly what the Islamic State wants.

“Anti-Muslim and anti-refugee sentiment really play into ISIS' hands," Shadi Hamid, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, told The WorldPost. “The more that happens, the more French Muslims feel alienated and are susceptible to extremist recruitment.”

Good job, those Mosques which preach hate and add to the growth of radicalization must be brought down, Muhammad (SAW) did the same to one Mosque.
But, same must be done to neo-nazis and people like Charlie hebdo.
Nope.As far as i know,no Charlie Hebdo writer or reader has blown himself in public as of yet.Mosques who spread hatred create Kouachi brothers ,satirical magazines create laughs or ,at the most,controversies.
Then they should arrest those terrorists and who advocate them to kill people.Why deport people have nothing to do with the attack?One cannot say they hate western countries in French mosques?Isn't that ridiculous?

Good job, those Mosques which preach hate and add to the growth of radicalization must be brought down, Muhammad (SAW) did the same to one Mosque.
But, same must be done to neo-nazis and people like Charlie hebdo.
Don't you think france should also ban those people who insult muslims too?Isn't it unfair?
Then they should arrest those terrorists and who advocate them to kill people.Why deport people have nothing to do with the attack?One cannot say they hate western countries in French mosques?Isn't that ridiculous?

Don't you think france should also ban those people who insult muslims too?Isn't it unfair?

I allready explained why.
Let's hope there is not another attack of same magnitude on European soil . France is the most accommodating one .
Nope.As far as i know,no Charlie Hebdo writer or reader(non muslim) has blown himself in public as of yet.Mosques who spread hatred create Kouachi brothers ,satirical magazines create laughs or ,at the most,controversies.

your views are one-sided... how do you plan to bring back all those libyans who were killed by french military's involvement in libya?? 150,000+ libyans and non-libyans were killed by 40+ militaries of nato and its thousands of terrorists... in mid-2013, french military would have been part of the nato invading force in syria.

and please read my previous post.
Then they should arrest those terrorists and who advocate them to kill people.Why deport people have nothing to do with the attack?One cannot say they hate western countries in French mosques?Isn't that ridiculous?

Don't you think france should also ban those people who insult muslims too?Isn't it unfair?

Yes ofcourse I do, its really unfair.
This will encourage EU muslims to take up arms against France

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