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French police make woman remove burkini on Nice beach

My family is not so stupid to dress in a burkini in a French beach. Sorry, but that is the reality.

Yes let me know when you actually get to France. Secondly i asked you a simple question which you obviously find hard to answer.
uncalled for...

you can't expect all people from around the world would wear a bikini on the beach.
France does not allow dissent?

uncalled for...

you can't expect all people from around the world would wear a bikini on the beach.
It looks that its a norm on US, UK and EU to jail for having religious beliefs, especially Muslims. I used to believe people living there are progressive, but alas, only in surveys. In reality they are the most bigoted people on earth.
Nuns are an official religious order,that woman is a common citizen.If she finds it unbearable to show her hands at the beach she best be moving on from European society.We don't need extremists in here.

So, when are you moving on then!

My answer was simple, short and apt. Not hard at all.

Yes you seems to be expert on french laws.
Someone call the French authorities - look at this non assimilating prick....


Again...people need to stop calling what she's wearing a burqini - IT IS NOT.
I know you hate people with other belief. That is nothing unusual. That is the norm. Nobody is complaining.

Nothing like that will happen. They have seen much worse times. They fought each other. They have experience. If they make a resolve, they will kick out the undesirables in a clean sweep.

You will leave? That would benefit them greatly if many Muslim immigrants leave. The other religious minorities of Europe are very well integrated and it is a mixed culture. The only demography that resists assimilation may leave. And that is good for Europe.

Not at all. Europeans are extremely civilized people and they take racism very seriously. Which is why they have been putting up with so much crap thrown at them on their own soil for so long.

Irrelevant. :)

Her clothes remained.

She was not stripped. She must have been asked to leave or abide by rules. She removed her clothes herself.

In any case - 'right or wrong' should be left to the French to decide in France.

The French respect their culture. Like the Japs and the Chinese. You can't expect every nation to be as confused like India.

On the contrary, Europe was finished after WW2 it was only the cold war and the two super powers that saved it.

Followed by a few decades where the 3rd worlds resources were plundered for pennies

This is no longer the situation a European lurch to the right alongside a blood bath will elicit strong reactions especially from nations from whom the minority populations come from, Europe dosent have the population, resources or sway without superpower support.

Muslims are hardy and will not walk away, we are one of the fastest growing populations in Europe and we will adhere to our faith come what may

You are confused However a European lurch to the right will effect all the population including the whites, and your brown *** regardless of how much whimpering sucking up hindus might do will still be attacked if the European situation deteriorates.

The lady in question was NOT wearing a burkini, she was wearing a blue top the law as I see it enforces a fine, whilst she was forced to take a non banned item if clothing off, there is a lawsuit there
Muslims are hardy and will not walk away, we are one of the fastest growing populations in Europe and we will adhere to our faith come what may

You are confused However a European lurch to the right will effect all the population including the whites, and your brown *** regardless of how much whimpering sucking up hindus might do will still be attacked if the European situation deteriorates.
Well, what can I say. We will see how hardy you are. :)

The attacks on Hindus is possible, but the chances are low. Hindus live among European areas or cosmopolitan areas, as opposed to Muslim dominated ghettos/neighborhoods. Plus, the average European is much more educated in cultural differences. If you notice the right wing West European movement - you will know that the buzzwords they use say this - 'Multiculturalism has not failed. Islam has.' Like it or not, that's what the right say. And many blacks, browns, even ex Muslims are part of it.

So I will repose my faith on the law abiding Europeans on this matter. They are the ones who have hit the hardest against their own nutjobs. It is safe to expect them to maintain that. :)

And the 'fastest growing' phrase is utterly disgusting, but expected and almost routine now. Don't take this as an insult, but just an appreciation of how sick it sounds. You are human beings, human beings should consider progressing, not become breeding machines to outnumber Europeans and draw borders there.

In the end, as a non Muslim there are lines of compromise that I will not cross. So in this case, it should not come across as a surprise that most of us (non Muslims) would support the Europeans.

lol...love that line. Defines a pathetic situation that india is in. India has given whole lot new definition to "secularism".
India has never been secular.

We are cowards. Secularism is a nice ideal we use to hide our cowardliness. This is primarily true for Hindus and Buddhists.
The anti KSA.....

KSA forces women to wear abayaz

France forces women to take off their clothes...

Both are at the same extreme level of intolerance just in the opposite direction
That's a bit fucked up.
Isnt it similar to mandatory abayas in Saudi?

If it was India there would have been international news 'India striped Muslim woman' with a lot of outrage and that India is so intolerant. Foreign news agencies justify all sorts of bans, killings and arrests in EU and US while double standards elsewhere.
This is very similar to what the Saudi Mutawas and Shurtis do

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