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Gen Raheel says he is being singled out

ISLAMABAD: General (R) Raheel Sharif has been allotted about 90 acres of land in Lahore.

The land allotment has been unnecessary hyped by certain quarters in order to defame the ex Army Chief General (R) Raheel Sharif.

The land allotment has not been done now rather it was the case when he was 3 star and 4 star general serving in the Pakistan Army in 2014.

The aim of spreading such news at this times is to give an impression among the masses as he had made some deal with the government and was allotted this land as reward of the deal.

This is a normal procedure in the Pakistan Army that Army officers are rewarded with the agriculture lands in lieu of their services for their country.

General (R) Raheel Sharif has been allotted the land out of the normal procedure of the Pakistan Army and not because of any favour granted by the incumbent government.

According to government documents, the land was allotted on Lahore’s Bedian Road.

The total value of the allotted land is estimated at around Rs1.35 billion. According to the Record of Rights, the Cantt revenue authorities received the mutation orders from the Border Area Committee vide letter on Dec 24, 2014 for allotment of the said lands.

Sources said that Raheel Sharif has been allotted 50 acres of land under his right as a four-star general, and another 40 acres as the chief of army staff.

The land is situated in Mauza Rukh Bathant, located along western side of BRB Canal, adjacent to Mauza Heear.

The process of allotment of agricultural lands, commercial plots, DHA lands and distribution of other facilities among the army officers and officials is carried out directly by the General Headquarters (GHQ).
Wait: wasnt earlier it was reported tht he had donated the land alloacted to him to shuhada fund? Us ka ab zikr nahi? Was it a rumor only?
Yes , as per my understanding he has donated residential land allotted to him..This is agricultural land.Land own by Army itself.He is not the first one who has been allotted as such.

General Raheel deserves every bit of humiliation and degradation---he called it upon himself---he asked for it and got it with both the barrells.

He would have been the biggest idiot for not knowing in advance what was coming----.

He had the opportunity to fix the problem----Allah gave him all the chances to take care of the problem---but he shirked his calling---and Allah does not like that.

Allah put him in a position of power to do something for the poor and the weak of pakistan----and General Raheel just tried to save his ar-se and made himself look good---.

He should have kicked Nawaz out and held elections.

I agree to an extent...

I wonder ..why couldnt he understand the true nature of sharifs and not anticipate...what is coming for him? Esp after dawn leaks..he should have known tht sharifs could go to any length to save themselves, and play the victim card... Gen Raheel should have taken a firm stand on dawn leaks issue... I think he did not take a strict stand on tht issue, because he did not want to be seen as a conspirator, who wants to derail democracy so he let the sharifs get away with it.. If he thought tht by being lenient, with nawaz sharif and family..they will spare him and he will be able to lead a peaceful life after retirement..then i wonder why was he soo naive? Ater working with them, for 3 yrs..why he couldnt understand their malicious nature? It would have been much better and more honorable, if he punished real culprits of dawn leaks.. Nawaz sharif ..and his supporters are defaming him now also, when he did nothing against them... So it would have been much better if he had indeed punished culprits
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Some people here just get their asses burned when they hear anything positive about Raheel Sherif. Also his increasing frankness with saudi prince has made many people burn and they are trying their best to defame him.
It is neither the relation with Saudia or any thing else. Few factors in Pakistan are trying their best to put Pakistan in a drag between Iran and Saudi Arabia but on the whole we have good terms with both countries. Raheel shareef is being targeted for just being a good person. If he had put a cork in some political A** this would not have been the case. Nawaz ate half of the country and no one is making a issue and yet a person who is a true patriot is being dragged on the Media, Every one wants to use the situation for his own purpose. Raheel care for Pakistan interest more than Saudi and Irani. So get over the idea that Pakistan will ever fight Saudia for Iran or Iran for Saudia. Saudia never fought India for Pakistan and Iran never fought India for Pakistan. Raheel Sharif deserves that land more than any one and it should be given to him with out any questions and if any media channel barracks about it Pakistanis should change the channel and reply to that media in the same way we replied to Geo when it tried to hurt the integrity of ISI. Our soldiers protect us from foreign enemies and we should protect our soldiers from domestic enemies like media.
Standard of journalism in Pakistan is extremely low. Not long ago Mubashar Luqman used to have picture of the Geo-group owner on his desk in his TV show and spent most of the time mudslinging Geo group and its owner. Is this a matter of great public interest that ARY TV owners thought people want to see during one hour of prime time TV? Geo group is no different. People loved Raheel Shareef and Geo think that maligning his name will improve their ratings.

Pakistan now has so many channels that each channel wants to keep the audience entertained thru scandalizing and insulting people who can’t answer back? Media follows the policy of “Hit the man when he is down”. This habit is not limited to the media but endemic in society in general.

I also watch some News programs on TV but barely believe 10% of what is propagated. That is why I have dismissed the allegations altogether. Historically everywhere Army commanders were rewarded with titles and land grants. In the UK they are knighted and the most successful one made Lords. Mughal kings of India made their successful commanders Nawabs. Raheel Shareef got 90 acres of border land; so what?
I agree to an extent...

I wonder ..why couldnt he understand the true nature of sharifs and not anticipate...what is coming for him? Esp after dawn leaks..he should have known tht sharifs could go to any length to save themselves, and play the victim card... Gen Raheel should have taken a firm stand on dawn leaks issue... I think he did not take a strict stand on tht issue, because he did not want to be seen as a conspirator, who wants to derail democracy so he let the sharifs get away with it.. If he thought tht by being lenient, with nawaz sharif and family..they will spare him and he will be able to lead a peaceful life after retirement..then i wonder why was he soo naive? Ater working with them, for 3 yrs..why he couldnt understand their malicious nature? It would have been much better and more honorable, if he punished real culprits of dawn leaks.. Nawaz sharif ..and his supporters are defaming him now also, when he did nothing against them... So it would have been much better if he had indeed punished culprits


I have no issues with the Land element for Gen Raheel. I have issues with what he did not do when he was in power.

If Gen Raheel was as much a reader of history and understood it---he would not be in this position today.

Newly sworn Sec Def Gen Mattis is on record and states that wars and battle strategies have not changed over the centuries---. Wars are fought on the same principals---only the technology has changed---and that is so true.

And in a similar manner---this is applied to governance as well. Bad governance destroys the nation---bad governance is like a cancer---it spreads fast and destroys the character of the nation.

The examples of bad governance are in front of all of us---if we chose to read up on history---. We have all read about the destruction of fine and well nations when bad rulers came into power---and the successes of those nations who got good drulers.

And as pak army has been in power for over 2/3rds of the time since independence---it just simply cannot take itself out of the loop---it has to direct and control some part of the govt so that it keeps its direction straight---.

Gen Kiyani started it and Gen Raheel took it to the limits---. Kiyani was a coward---Gen Raheel made too many threats and did not follow thru---.

The payback is for those threats.

Good men have to take action to preserves their national sanctity---. Just because some failed inthe past---does not mean that the process needs to be stopped.

How many of you stop doing things in your lives once you have failed in endeavors 3 times or more---.
Wait: wasnt earlier it was reported tht he had donated the land alloacted to him to shuhada fund? Us ka ab zikr nahi? Was it a rumor only?

The land under discussion here was allotted to Gen Raheel after the retirement as per his medals, Sitara(s) and Tamgha(s) he got. The land U are talking about here was the one he had actually paid for when he got some plots during his service just like any other Officer/Jawanor who knows it was his ancestral land (I wud only confirm the last part if I had solid info but in any case it was his personal property to be precise).
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Don't have balls to face the man when he was in his position , now they are barking behind his back and make his character controversial .. Bloody losers
How sad the person who attain tremendous achievement for Pakistan now we are barking on him.
So for all those retards who are saying he deserve his malign
If you have no idea how rules and what benefits are allocated, then kindly don't make statements about moral justifications.

He was the same guy who gave away his prime plots to army welfare fund for the martyrs.

Please do explain rules and procs.
I was talking at a different plane though.
Rules and procs can be adopted to benefit some interests, but morals are perpetual.
To lead nation you need moral high ground.
Rumors were he will come to politics and lead this miserable nation, then he has to show above BAU type leadership. If he is like all other elitist people then i dont care he is allotted 90 acres or 180 aces. Play golf, smoke havana cigars and if time permits give us sermons during prime time tv.

We will sculpt another idol, and when his aura will be evaporated, image shattered, and ideals flamed, we will build another, then another.......

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