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I don't think the govt lied through its teeth!

The hole in the head of Benazir could have been due to anything since no post mortem was done.

They only said it was not caused by wounds and they are not wrong.

The hole could be due to anything since the post mortem was not done.

If the amateur videos were not sent to the media, none would be wiser!

These videos are what has caused the confusion and the flap that is making it appear that there was a deliberate effort to sweep the whole thing under the carpet!

why her autopsy was important was i hate to say this but guess i have to i know it is not some Bollywood movie plot or something but there is a possibility that she might not died of the bullets or lever but probably got injured and went unconscious and later someone killed her in the hospital or way to hospital thats why it is important to do that autopsy..that is why its always important to get these facts.......its possible think about it..
why her autopsy was important was i hate to say this but guess i have to i know it is not some Bollywood movie plot or something but there is a possibility that she might not died of the bullets or lever but probably got injured and went unconscious and later someone killed her in the hospital or way to hospital thats why it is important to do that autopsy..that is why its always important to get these facts.......its possible think about it..

In pakistan there is great reluctance on the part of the relatives to hold an autopsy. This is on account of their belief that it some how pains the soul of the person. It becomes even more important when some bigwig is involved, and short of a forceful action this would not have been possible in BBs case due to the political implications. However, a CT scan of her head, even done Post her demise would have answered all the conspiraciy theories as it would definitely have proved/disproved the bullet theory. I dont know whether the facilities were there or not. Perhaps they were not.
All in all ,I am afraid to say that PPP is getting the maximal political mileage out of it. They are using every reason to malign the Government and the opposition. i am no fan of the ruling party either, but unfortunately they are being given a political whacking and have no option but to grin and bear it.

Indians generally looks smarter than the Pakistani. Is that what you wish to convey on the suit issue?

No, I meant his physical look reminds me of an Indian. But I don't deny that it could well be a Rawalpinidian person. Pakistani Taliban, not a chance, or if he is, he must be one of the rare Indian looking Pakistani Taliban. Al Q again generally are Uzbeks or Arabs..and he doesn't look very Arab or Uzbek to me. Could pass for MQM or someone.
That guy looks exactly like an agent from a hollywood movie!! I really can't believe i'm seeing something like this.

Possibly, the terrorists wanted to dress up the suicide bomber so that he looks distinguished, and people around don't get suspicious. In such crowdy places, people tend to move aside for someone dressed in a suit to pass through, thinking that he must be some important person.

Maybe he was an ISI agent, but that would be too easy!!
No, I meant his physical look reminds me of an Indian. But I don't deny that it could well be a Rawalpinidian person. Pakistani Taliban, not a chance, or if he is, he must be one of the rare Indian looking Pakistani Taliban. Al Q again generally are Uzbeks or Arabs..and he doesn't look very Arab or Uzbek to me. Could pass for MQM or someone.

You don't like the Mohajirs it appears.

And you don't think Moahjirs are Pakistanis?

Man, you are just the type who is doing more damage to Pakistan than any "agents" of countries that your fertile imagination suggests is out to destroy Pakistan!

Time you learn to accept all who have opted for Pakistan as their homeland to be Pakistanis.

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