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German envoy Martin Kobler 'disappointed' over Mazari's refugee statement

America is such country who is running in the opposite direction while Canada taking in some 10,000 is expecting the world to bow at that number! Pakistan a poor country can take million why cant rich countries with high GDP?!
Instead of looking out for interest of Pakistan, all our previous government has done is bow down to the wishes of some other nations. They really are traitors in my eyes.
Instead of looking out for interest of Pakistan, all our previous government has done is bow down to the wishes of some other nations. They really are traitors in my eyes.
third world countries have certain limitations .they can't disobey superpowers.
Instead of looking out for interest of Pakistan, all our previous government has done is bow down to the wishes of some other nations. They really are traitors in my eyes.
They bow so low that now any minister taking a stand is seen as a shock / afraid to hurt the West's "relations"...

1 sided relations shouldnt be accepted!
I didn't say that Germany was wrong to issue that statement. I said this situation is easily FIXABLE by Mizari issuing a second statement rectifying it.

You missed my point. Mizari issuing a statement saying that Germany is exempted from their statement about EU, will only worsen it because Germany values EU.

It is a human rights problem ...Human rights minister has rights to say so ESP when she is told repeatedly Pakistan violates human rights decrees....How is showing the mirror wrong? They spent billions in media to show us in bad light when we told NGO to pack up!

You forgot. An NGO is not a country, you cannot attribute the actions of an NGO to the entire European Union. To generalize and put blame on the whole European Union, you are putting at risk any good relations you have like with Germany, and that is stupid, how difficult is it to call out the countries rather than the whole Union which consists of countries with whom we hold good state relations. It's beyond me.
You forgot. An NGO is not a country, you cannot attribute the actions of an NGO to the entire European Union.
You forgot that EU countries were 1 of the first to go violent on this decision followed by USA!
Many countries look for faults in other govts to hide their own shortcomings!

To generalize and put blame on the whole European Union, you are putting at risk any good relations you have like with Germany, and that is stupid, how difficult is it to call out the countries rather than the whole Union which consists of countries with whom we hold good state relations. It's beyond me.
EU is a union and if any country in that union makes a mistake, the EU as a whole shouldnt feel offended if they dont fall in the category! However, I dont see the shameless nations who have been "BANNING" refugees and issuing whatnot about refugees/ failing to take responsibilities feeling the least bit offended!

If it was 1 country, Mizari would have said so! Sadly it is more than 1 country. Yet the EU passport stands strong, their index on different platforms is not deterred by their attitude and behaviour ...But Pakistan has to watch its toes on every move! How is that not hypocritical? Why are we questioned and shown in bad sight when their refugee crisis isnt any better than ours despite having technology AND money?! Why feel offended / disappointed instead of doing something about it? The "REFUGEE CRISIS" has been discussed in the EU since 2015 and we have just started 2019 and there is still no changes?!

If they claim they dont interfere in other's business...Questioning about a stand in human rights group is interfering! Considering some of these NGO are also linked to govts of some of the EU states...

third world countries have certain limitations .they can't disobey superpowers.
It is not about 3rd world, it is how you have been bowing to the said "superpower" it is your attitude that made them superpower while not being able to show them the mirror!
Germany maybe an exception but her statement is true about rest.
Not sure why he feels disappointed. Germany was not singled out. Certain EU nations have been instrumental in overthrowing, funding and supporting regime changes across North Africa and the Middle East and those nations are the loudest about bashing refugees making their way to Europe. Of course EU (particularly German) is infinitely better than the US, but it does not excuse the colonial mindset that still exists in certain countries.

Pakistan having accepted millions of refugees have every right to call them out.
to be fair EU is Germany. They are the powerhouse on the continent.

Being a power house does not mean you are the sole responsible for the entire continent of many countries.
China is the powerhouse of Asia, so is whole Asia same as China and starts and ends with China?
Can we say the same about US in America?

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