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Getting religion in our bloodstream By Ayesha Siddiqa

we will come out on top and when we do, we'll just dust ourselves and start again on the road to progress.
Nuff Said........
Good! It's never too late! But what can you do seeing that you're saddled with a lame duck government? Have you anyone in mind who's got the balls to set things right and get good governance going? :coffee:
Wasn't the ISI Chief very recently grilled by the parliamentarians right in the democratic HQ, that is the parliament & even asked the parliamentarians that he is willing to resign if they ask ??

I have read way back, infact the most interesting article I found is this:

In-camera session: ISI chief shot back at

Nothing major where one Parliment member (playing the anatoginst game, you know the good cop and bad cop) asking for favors to Pasha, and Pasha will only talk of the record about him and his favors..... While Gen Kayani is smoking, since He is a chain smoker, so to avoid any questions.....

And ISI can not be made into a fully civilian organization as it has certain roles to play which out civilian infrastructure may not be able to do effectively.

To me, I know what those roles are.... And that is why foreign presence will be there for a long time as well as India's presence in Kashmir....

But here is my problem, this is not a viable/strategic future, since it has died with OBL now, why persue it as a military option.......

And on the other hand, also hope that our parliamentarians grow up and become mature enough

You reap what you sow, Look at America today, no matter what they do, they cannot hire people who are capable of saving money... Likewise, Pakistan populace cannot hire moderates who can take back there country into modernization....
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