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GHQ Attack – India Strikes Again by Zaheerul Hassan

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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At about 1130 hours on October 10, 2009, a white color Suzuki Car tried to target General Headquarters of Pakistan Army located on Mall Road Rawalpindi. According to the witness the shooting began when a carry vehicle was intercepted by army personnel for routine checking at army check post near GHQ. Four miscreants wearing camouflage uniform opened heavy and indiscriminate fire while sitting in the vehicle. According to Major General Athar Abbas brave soldiers of Pakistan Security Forces killed the terrorist and brought the situation within one hour after sacrificing their lives. The current attack is a series of Indian proxy war against Pakistan and its security Agencies.

The proxy war started when Pakistan security forces achieved splendid victory against Swat militancy and were going to start Operation against Indian sponsored Taliban of Waziristan. It is notable here that it is third attack in two weeks or so. The current wave of sabotage activities are directly linked and sponsored by notorious South Asian agency RAW. There is a chance that RAAM is facilitating its master agency RAW. Earlier, on October 5, 2009, RAW trained terrorist blasted himself outside the UN’s World Food Programme offices in Islamabad and then again on 9 October, 2009 at least 50 people were killed and many injured in a suspected bomb blast near a market in the north-western Pakistani city of Peshawar. President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gilliani and Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani strongly condemned the blast and said Pakistan could not be deterred in its effort to fight extremism and terrorism and would continue its quest to bring peace by eliminating the terrorists.

By design, there is a strong perception that attack on Kabul Embassy was launched by Indian intelligence agency to malign Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) agency of Pakistan. The revealed opinion proved correct after listening Afghan Ambassador T Jawad comments to USA’s statement given to the PBS news channel on October 8, 2009. In that interview he mentioned that they are pointing the finger at the Pakistan intelligence agency, based on the evidence on the ground and similar attack taking place in Afghanistan. In fact it is a proven fact that Afghanistan and its intelligence agency with the tacit support of RAW is promoting terrorism in FATA, Balochistan and interior Pakistan too. It is mentionable here that Pakistan is facing horrible foreign sponsored militancy. As a result of war against terror more than a thousand of brave Pakistani soldiers and civilians have become victim of militancy. More than 2.8 millions Individuals were internally disabled. According to the sources, the Indian Air Force has stationed its MiG 29 aircrafts at Adampur near the Pakistani border to strengthen its air defence capabilities and minimise reaction time. The deployment of MIG-29 and troops revealed that India may intensify the sabotage activities in the interior Pakistan in the near future and likely to go for Air strikes in already marked areas around GT Road. It is mentionable that BBC, on October 27, displayed a documentary movie regarding the eighth anniversary of the US-led NATO invasion of Afghanistan. It stated that now this war is being fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, and “it will soon spread in Pakistan.”

New Delhi started this proxy war once Pakistan is on limelight as result of debate on Kerry-Luger Bill. Earlier India also rocked her Embassy at Kabul at the occasion of G-8 conference in July 2008. The nation (including Pak Army) seems united against the objectionable clauses related to Pakistan security. According to the sources John Kerry and Richard Lugar are visiting Islamabad shortly to discuss and remove the bugs and concerns of Pakistan over the bill. Hence, there are likely chances that Obama’s administration will re-evaluate and make it acceptable to Pakistani nation and security forces after removing the objectionable clauses. New Delhi never ever digested any success of Pakistani Intelligence agencies and security forces against foreign sponsored militancy and made another try to prove Pakistan as heaven for terrorists. If we visualise and read the South Asian security situation then we can say that basically India has proved herself South Asian Don and is continuously busy in storming terrorism in the region. The recent blasts point out to the Indian intelligence agency collaboration with RAAM and Mossad who collectively have seemed to plan the series of blasts in Afghanistan and Pakistan with a view to use pressure tactics and built opinion to force Washington to refrain from providing economic aid to Islamabad.

Concluding, I must say that World community should ask India to stop backing Hindu Taliban who are playing with the lives of Innocent people. She must know that Pakistan Security Forces are alert enough to meet any kind of potent threat. We salute our forces and those soldiers who scarified their lives for the nation and their Gazi comrades.
Zaheer is a good writer. But i think India cant be directly involved.

Its another matter that communication equipment and funds are being provided by India to these terrorists in Pakistan
Zaheer is a good writer. But i think India cant be directly involved.

Its another matter that communication equipment and funds are being provided by India to these terrorists in Pakistan

Jana its not bad if you point figure towards India, but not accepting realty would trouble you later.

India accepted that Naxals are internal problem and investigate reveal that they get money from local sources, NGOs, Loot, etc.

So similarly, this talibani gets funds from NGOs, Loot, tax on minority, etc.

Problem is now that Naxal cannot be compare with Taliban. Taliban has grown bigger while Naxal is growing. Both nations have to completely remove both this evils and if they do not they will go to hell.

So, if you want to say India Attack not en problem.
Jana its not bad if you point figure towards India, but not accepting realty would trouble you later.

India accepted that Naxals are internal problem and investigate reveal that they get money from local sources, NGOs, Loot, etc.

So similarly, this talibani gets funds from NGOs, Loot, tax on minority, etc.

Problem is now that Naxal cannot be compare with Taliban. Taliban has grown bigger while Naxal is growing. Both nations have to completely remove both this evils and if they do not they will go to hell.

So, if you want to say India Attack not en problem.

Arihant read my post again i am not at all pointing fingers at India because India cant be directly involved as we have many locals and bigger players in shape of US funded terrorists.

India indeed is party to this but a small player who indeed is providing funds.

These terrorists have many other sources of funds as you pointed but these are not that huge.

The kinds and quantity of weapons and fine communication system used by these terrorists which even is not available to Pakistan army, is clear indication they have many international backers.

Being an enemy it is India's right to exploit the situation in Pakistan in any way be it direct or indirectly.
Arihant read my post again i am not at all pointing fingers at India because India cant be directly involved as we have many locals and bigger players in shape of US funded terrorists.

India indeed is party to this but a small player who indeed is providing funds.

These terrorists have many other sources of funds as you pointed but these are not that huge.

The kinds and quantity of weapons and fine communication system used by these terrorists which even is not available to Pakistan army, is clear indication they have many international backers.
Being an enemy it is India's right to exploit the situation in Pakistan in any way be it direct or indirectly.

Pointing India is not acceptable. The same TTP had an agreement with GOP earlier in SWAT valley and GOP has violated it to eradicate it. Don't u think these are the retaliation attacks to avenge the death of BM.
you are dead right(absolutley right). and in this attack we also face to big loss like a brigediar.lt.col and four soldiers martyred..... i m really very sad about it...wht you say about it frnd
Pointing India is not acceptable. The same TTP had an agreement with GOP earlier in SWAT valley and GOP has violated it to eradicate it. Don't u think these are the retaliation attacks to avenge the death of BM.

yes retaliation by terrorists is indeed there coupled with desparation as they know now they are going to be grilled in waziristan too.

Besides the Afghan Taliban and local groups have refused to side with TTP terrorists so they are blowing up right left.

But amid all this all anti-Pakistan forces are indeed siding with the terrorists and its a normal norm among the enemies and rivals the world over.
you are dead right(absolutley right). and in this attack we also face to big loss like a brigediar.lt.col and four soldiers martyred..... i m really very sad about it...wht you say about it frnd

its very sad that some brave soldiers are martyred in the process
eradicating terrorism.
Jana its not bad if you point figure towards India, but not accepting realty would trouble you later.

India accepted that Naxals are internal problem and investigate reveal that they get money from local sources, NGOs, Loot, etc.

So similarly, this talibani gets funds from NGOs, Loot, tax on minority, etc.

Problem is now that Naxal cannot be compare with Taliban. Taliban has grown bigger while Naxal is growing. Both nations have to completely remove both this evils and if they do not they will go to hell.

So, if you want to say India Attack not en problem.
The title of this thread should be amended to " GHQ attack - Pakistan Struck Again "

Pointing India is not acceptable. The same TTP had an agreement with GOP earlier in SWAT valley and GOP has violated it to eradicate it. Don't u think these are the retaliation attacks to avenge the death of BM.
Its scary how many people here are in denial. You have to acknowledge the problem before you can find a solution, blaming India might make you feel better, but it won't end the nightmare. These are your people (Pakistanis) and they are killing you. India would be the last country on earth to support the Taliban. We have dealt with Islamic militants far longer than anyone else has, we know better. Pakistan spent billions financing the Taliban and spreading their ideology and now you want to blame Hindus/Jews/Americans for your troubles.

What a joke, Hindu Taliban!? is this what it has come down to now? is the Pakistani populace really this gullible/defensive. Have some faith in yourselves and your ideals. Fight these people head on instead of concocting garbage to sooth your soul.

Pakistan needs to reform its society, rubbish articles such as this will only confuse and demoralize an already plagued society. Extremism has taken such a stranglehold on the country that they lash out at other religions and people instead of finding real answers. Take on the mullahs today so Pakistan still stands a chance tomorrow.

A pity really.
India would be the last country on earth to support the Taliban.

I'm sure you are right about that, but india wont mind creating and supporting an anti Pakistan group and calling it taliban that way they can kill two birds with one stone. On top of that you are doing some "humanitarians work" in Afghanistan, so you are in panchon unglian ghee main situation.
practically and technically speaking, GHQ has a less advanced security system...the things we saw on TV were flares.... there were two teams inside. the director MI got killed , and 35 people got hostage, it as a disaster as far as security is concerned. a complete blunder.

first time i felt like i am not proud of pakistani army.....every average apartment building in the developed countries is run through swap cards.... why cant the ******* GHQ can think of it...

our jawans are so loyal, but the stupid officers never gave them any SOP....i wonder why this happened so late... and we should thank Allah that they didnt tke out any one from COAS secretariat....they had a RPG!!

pakistani army should stop rellying on the purely solid islamic jazba and learn some advancements (electronics , LIC equipments/tactics) as well.... we just cant let lose our jawans who are pearls of islam....

the ISI and MI are not blinded of blackwaters...they are letting those homo sexuals roam like dawgs, who consider the pakis as second grade citizens and on other hand army is killing 50 percent of true jihadis , just for the sake that USA is calling the shots.

this is the lesson that army should learn from this incidence.i think we should have a bloody martial law now.

shame on senior army officers. seriously. it hurts a lot. but its true.i love and respect the army with soldiers of Allah not traitors of Satan.

ps : i love pakistani army, it bred me, and i get so hurt when i see the generals being sold.May Allah bless all the martyrs and their families with His best blessings and rahmat.....
How u can say that this was a security lapse, I don’t think so. Practically, terrorist have the advantage of surprise. At every check post the standard procedure is when a vehicle arrives, one or two security persons have to go there and check the vehicle and people, but in this case I think when terrorist reached there they just opened fire instantly and didn’t gave anytime to our “jawans” to load or unlock their weapons. The jawans at first post actually were baits to expose if any threat arrives. The actual defense is at second post and terrorist didn’t pass that. Jawans at second post intercepted the terrorists and killed 4 of them, other terrorists scattered and then later sheltered in a nearby compound where they made some people hostage. Normally the staff or people inside the offices didn’t carry weapons so they became easy target for hostage situation. The actual building of GHQ is some distance away from these checkpoints. I personally think, no office or people should be allowed near checkpoints and if necessary then they should have weapons to prevent future hostage situations.

U cannot put ur whole security on swap cards because if anyone somehow manages to surpass it then ur whole security will collapse.
Security system at GHQ is not as bad as member has suggested. It is a multi layered security system and it worked that is why loss of life was less.

Army personnel that got killed were at level one of the security. Terrorists did not manage to get pass beyond that. So the system worked.

A detailed investigation shall be done and fault if any shall be removed.

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