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Global Tensions grow as Chinese Rocket Scientist Defects to the West : Express UK

So they are considered outsiders?

Not outsiders as in not Chinese. Heaps of Hong Kongers work and live on the mainland and mainland work and live on Hong Kong island.

It is just Hong Kong natives working in CASC on DF-17 in the 2000s when the weapon was developed is... unlikely. Like Muslim Indian working as India's defence minister or something. Just for many reasons. For obvious ones, CASC and PLA are both quite careful with security to the point that they favor northern Chinese people and industries.

Chengdu Aircraft Corp was often prejudiced against in small ways and Shenyang Aircraft Corp favored and privileged in the past just because of political affiliations and being a northern based and employing more northern Chinese. This changed with J-10 and then J-20. Now SAC is being considered lesser than CAC in some circles but with Hong Kong there is more distrust from political class due to its long lasting ties with foreign intelligence and for many decades being the base of American and British spying networks and NED organizations. Allowing the risk of these realities to be in charge of or a key player in you country's strategic weapons is unlikely.

Imagine Pakistan picking a Hindu Pakistani to develop newer generations of nuclear weapons and missiles. Or a Muslim Indian being picked by India to develop their nuclear missiles.

I posted on another thread on this same topic.

This is fishy because

1. AVIC doesn't do ballistic missiles, rockets, or develop and build HGV weapons. Maybe hypersonic aircraft and SSTO vehicles.

2. Top level employees in these types of projects only work in one area. For example, the engineers for F-117 while in secrecy, did only their own section e.g. landing gear system and the jobs are segregated in a planned way so even the people responsible for communicating between teams have limited knowledge.

3. Top level developers are kept on watch. SR-71 or Manhattan project developers were not allowed to travel at will without careful logistics planning. Certainly never allowed to go with family into an area they can be harmed, abducted, or defect together. During Soviet era, the USSR had many lookalikes for Sergei Korolev and doubles. Maybe this guy if any of this is even true, is not that high up or that important but still then his information is more limited.

4. Chinese guy who defected partly because he loves cricket sounds like something indian fake news or IT Cell paid trolls make up. It's roughly their level of cognitive understanding and general lack of awareness level.

5. Only one tabloid paper famous for fake news and wild conspiracy theories has reported on it. No gov acknowledgment at all which while not surprising is still one count against that because if true it is possible some affiliated government will mention it at least.

6. This "news" came from undisclosed indian sources from twitter.

Now it could be possible that if this is generally true, the guy isn't on DF-17 project but some other Chinese hypersonic project that AVIC is involved with which could be SSTO, hypersonic aircraft or something of that nature. They used DF-17 because it has pictures and is more well known.

Most people aren't aware that China has flown and landed hypersonic test aircraft or some reusable vehicle. This could be something AVIC is involved with.

The leakers or papers intentionally used DF-17 because that's what low knowledge and intelligent readers can grasp on because it is more well known and its existence well reported on.
So basically the story has too many holes?

the story is a non-starter.

the very fact that they said he works for AVIC and was a engineer on the DF-17.

AVIC does not make the DF-17 period. so its impossible for him to be a AVIC engineer working on the DF-17.

we don't have to care about cricket and how many people like it in china or where this scientist was from.
So basically the story has too many holes?
The sources come from Indian and British tabloids. You tell me. Spymaster Dong Jingwei was also claimed to have defected to the West last year, ended up showing himself publicly in China days later.
Us is still top the world in rocket science in most individual domain. A chinese scientist defectiom won't help us unless China is way more advanced.

China leads in system engineering.
One thing you don't know about China. Hongkongers are not allowed to be recruited into PLA(Chinese Army).
I thought China was free of the evil racism that is in the west. Did the thoughts of Mao and Xi leave that out? go check your little red book!! No I did not know they barred people from HK. So much for " One China". No wonder Taiwan wants to stay free

Not outsiders as in not Chinese. Heaps of Hong Kongers work and live on the mainland and mainland work and live on Hong Kong island.

It is just Hong Kong natives working in CASC on DF-17 in the 2000s when the weapon was developed is... unlikely. Like Muslim Indian working as India's defence minister or something. Just for many reasons. For obvious ones, CASC and PLA are both quite careful with security to the point that they favor northern Chinese people and industries.

Chengdu Aircraft Corp was often prejudiced against in small ways and Shenyang Aircraft Corp favored and privileged in the past just because of political affiliations and being a northern based and employing more northern Chinese. This changed with J-10 and then J-20. Now SAC is being considered lesser than CAC in some circles but with Hong Kong there is more distrust from political class due to its long lasting ties with foreign intelligence and for many decades being the base of American and British spying networks and NED organizations. Allowing the risk of these realities to be in charge of or a key player in you country's strategic weapons is unlikely.

Imagine Pakistan picking a Hindu Pakistani to develop newer generations of nuclear weapons and missiles. Or a Muslim Indian being picked by India to develop their nuclear missiles.

I posted on another thread on this same topic.

This is fishy because

1. AVIC doesn't do ballistic missiles, rockets, or develop and build HGV weapons. Maybe hypersonic aircraft and SSTO vehicles.

2. Top level employees in these types of projects only work in one area. For example, the engineers for F-117 while in secrecy, did only their own section e.g. landing gear system and the jobs are segregated in a planned way so even the people responsible for communicating between teams have limited knowledge.

3. Top level developers are kept on watch. SR-71 or Manhattan project developers were not allowed to travel at will without careful logistics planning. Certainly never allowed to go with family into an area they can be harmed, abducted, or defect together. During Soviet era, the USSR had many lookalikes for Sergei Korolev and doubles. Maybe this guy if any of this is even true, is not that high up or that important but still then his information is more limited.

4. Chinese guy who defected partly because he loves cricket sounds like something indian fake news or IT Cell paid trolls make up. It's roughly their level of cognitive understanding and general lack of awareness level.

5. Only one tabloid paper famous for fake news and wild conspiracy theories has reported on it. No gov acknowledgment at all which while not surprising is still one count against that because if true it is possible some affiliated government will mention it at least.

6. This "news" came from undisclosed indian sources from twitter.

Now it could be possible that if this is generally true, the guy isn't on DF-17 project but some other Chinese hypersonic project that AVIC is involved with which could be SSTO, hypersonic aircraft or something of that nature. They used DF-17 because it has pictures and is more well known.

Most people aren't aware that China has flown and landed hypersonic test aircraft or some reusable vehicle. This could be something AVIC is involved with.

The leakers or papers intentionally used DF-17 because that's what low knowledge and intelligent readers can grasp on because it is more well known and its existence well reported on.
Or a Muslim Indian being picked by India to develop their nuclear missiles.

Wow!! Have you not heard of Abdul Kalam! A muslim Indian considered the father of Indian Nukes who later their president. Even being from Texas, I know that!! LOL! the great firewall of China must completely filter the news there.

Btw, Communists fleeing to the west is nothing new to us. We just screen them and watch them. I remember back in the cold war days ( you were probably not even born back then), a Soviet pilot defected to Japan with a MIG-25 which back then was considered to be the super duper secret plane. Turned out to be quite a dud.
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I thought China was free of the evil racism that is in the west. Did the thoughts of Mao and Xi leave that out? go check your little red book!! No I did not know they barred people from HK. So much for " One China". No wonder Taiwan wants to stay free
Check #22
More like HKers themselves think they are outsiders. HK doesn't pay tax to Chinese government and HKers don't have obligation to serve in Chinese army. Which were requested by HKers themselves as privileges. And HK has a totally different education system from China mainland. They don't have loyalty to China in the first place.
Maybe true, but you guys are actively changing HK laws so only the ones that pledge loyalty to CCP will have any say so in how things are done. How that making it a part of China? like I said before, Taiwan is watching all this and simply thinking CCP speak with "forked tongue" as they say here
Maybe true, but you guys are actively changing HK laws so only the ones that pledge loyalty to CCP will have any say so in how things are done. How that making it a part of China? like I said before, Taiwan is watching all this and simply thinking CCP speak with "forked tongue" as they say here
Bullshit. Chinese government didn't want to break status quo but US backed HK traitors used government tolerance to instigate color revolution in HK. HKers being so anti-China after 20 years since HK returning China is a solid proof that Chinese government barely interfered HK internal affairs. Now they got security law. They deserve it.

No one asked HKers to loyal to CCP. They don't loyal to the country in the first place.
Bullshit. Chinese government didn't want to break status quo but US backed HK traitors used government tolerance to instigate color revolution in HK. HKers being so anti-China after 20 years since HK returning China is a solid proof that Chinese government barely interfered HK internal affairs. Now they got security law. They deserve it.

No one asked HKers to loyal to CCP. They don't loyal to the country in the first place.
That's not what the Human Rights Watch says... ( here is another chance for you to chalk this up to "western propaganda" - which you will no doubt)
(New York) – The Chinese government has systematically dismantled human rights in Hong Kong following the imposition of the draconian National Security Law one year ago, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The authorities’ crackdown on Apple Daily, one of Hong Kong’s most popular newspapers, resulting in its closure on June 23, 2021, exemplifies the speed and intensity with which rights are being erased in the city.

The slogan in Chinese on the flag, “Liberate Hong Kong, the Revolution of Our Times,” was a common chant during the 2019 protests. But since the imposition of the National Security Law, Hong Kong authorities have prohibited both the chant and pro-democracy protests have been prohibited in Hong Kong. The group that has long organized peaceful marches, Civil Human Rights Front, is also no longer functioning and its convenor has been in custody since.

Dismantling a Free Society

Hong Kong One Year after the National Security Law

Dismantling a Free Society: Hong Kong One Year after the National Security Law” highlights the Chinese government’s key steps to reshape multiple sectors and institutions in Hong Kong to bring them under Beijing’s control. Chinese authorities are decapitating the pro-democracy movement by arresting prominent leaders, pressing Hong Kong people – including schoolchildren – to publicly express loyalty to the Chinese government and the Communist Party, and increasingly turning the police and judiciary into tools of Chinese state control rather than independent and impartial enforcers of the rule of law.

“Hong Kong people are watching the Chinese government take rapid-fire steps to destroy their democratic society,” said Maya Wang, senior China researcher at Human Rights Watch. “They used to talk about politics, run for office, and criticize the government, but that’s not just off-limits now, it’s punishable by up to life in prison.”

Beijing is systematically erasing the civil and political rights people long enjoyed, including freedom of expression, association, and peaceful assembly, access to information, and academic freedom. Citizens no longer have the right to participate in free and fair elections and to run for office. The authorities are shutting down the free media, cutting off funding for the pro-democracy movement, and depriving those accused of political crimes of their fair trial rights. Impunity for police abuse is expanding.

Beijing’s efforts in Hong Kong are coordinated and comprehensive and appear aimed to transform a mostly free city into one that follows the Chinese Communist Party line. Pro-Beijing politicians and individuals, along with the state-owned news media Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po, shame and intimidate Hong Kong people, making them fearful to exercise their rights and pro-democracy activities.

The escalating government oppression has not stopped Hong Kong people from demonstrating support for human rights. June 4, the anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre, would normally be marked by a mass candlelight vigil in Victoria Park. Since the imposition of the National Security Law, Hong Kong police have banned the vigil, preemptively arrested the vigil organizer, and closed off the park, warning people that they would be arrested if they entered. Yet hundreds commemorated the anniversary outside the park, raising their cellphone lights to mimic the traditional candles, while many more marked the occasion in churches and other locations.

“Beijing should not underestimate the tenacity and creativity of Hong Kong people in their struggle for democracy and human rights,” Wang said. “Other governments should support these efforts by imposing sanctions on abusive Hong Kong officials, and by protecting Hong Kong people’s freedoms abroad.”
I can post dozens of links, I am sure every single one will be dismissed as "western propaganda", "lies", "wrong thinking" etc. For you to dispute that in a public forum, but hamper your "social credit", I know. There is obviously a reason people flee regimes like CCP. I have nothing against the Chinese people and feel sorry that they have to be subjected to this sort of thing.
I can post dozens of links, I am sure every single one will be dismissed as "western propaganda", "lies", "wrong thinking" etc. For you to dispute that in a public forum, but hamper your "social credit", I know. There is obviously a reason people flee regimes like CCP. I have nothing against the Chinese people and feel sorry that they have to be subjected to this sort of thing.
The main way of propaganda is to constantly release false information and never take responsibility for it. You can keep Posting thousands of links, but repeating a lie a thousand times doesn't make it true.

You should prove at least one of your claims and not send garbage repeatedly.

Will you prove that you really want to talk about it, or will you continue to repeat the garbage? We're all waiting.

Sorry, I forgot you're American. Do you understand the meaning of the word "prove"?
I can post dozens of links, I am sure every single one will be dismissed as "western propaganda", "lies", "wrong thinking" etc. For you to dispute that in a public forum, but hamper your "social credit", I know. There is obviously a reason people flee regimes like CCP. I have nothing against the Chinese people and feel sorry that they have to be subjected to this sort of thing.
Lol your kind must be coping hard to sink to using Indian blogs and twitter accounts because even mainstream media doesn't touch this with a 15 foot pole.

I just have to ask you this: if things are going soooo great in America and sooooo bad in China how come people in the US generally feel pessimistic? How come retail sales are flat, birthrates are dropping like a rock, crime is up, suicide is up, drug deaths are up?

If things are going so great wouldn't your life be awesome and you'd want more kids and more stuff? Wouldn't people get clean from crime or drugs if they saw a better future in doing so?

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