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Gods live in temples, not churches or mosques, Subramanian Swamy says

are you saying performing these rituasl means god divine is in idel itlsf. ?
like ahsvamedha rituals.. kings own land.. by these rituals god come on earht ?
ritual does not mean god is established in idol...
ritulas are happnig since rigvedas.....
rituals was part of Brhamanic culture..
rituals is by human desgin by us not by him
how many really understnad what brhamnas say in pujas?
but we BELEIVE its holy .. so it all about belief
First of all Ashavamedha yagna mean giving up your ego and Medha sakthi which runs like a ashva=horse to the divine and total surrender.

The are specific reasons for these rituals and there is a lot of significance behind it.

Prana Prathistha means the Deity is welcomed to stay in the temple and take abode in that idol, once that is done.The temple forever becomes the abode of the deity.
What brahamical culture? Are you DMK chavunist?
This is the culture of Whole India, Yagnas can be performed by anyone.


It is not possible for everybody to do every kind of yagna, so there are three types of yagnas for three categories of people. (The scripture is so compassionate. That’s why it is called Veda Mata. Veda is mata, the mother — compassionate, considerate, kind, concerning, caring, and loving, with the spirit of accommodation.)

The first category of yagnas is for intellectuals and the priestly class — those who are committed to it. The rest of us have no time to commit totally like they do. We don’t belong to that priestly class. We may give priestly talks, but we cannot perform priestly acts. It will be too ghastly to live in society that way. So, the first category of yagnas is meant for the priestly class.

There are also three kinds of yagnas for the priestly class. The first is Avihavirva yagna. The second is Soma yagna. The third one is Paaka yagna. So, these three are for the priestly class, whose members can spend maximum time and have dedicated their lives to yagnas and whose job is to perform yagna. It’s not for everybody.

The second class is for rulers and kings. Those yagas we common-folk also can't do, because we need space—palaces and such, so many horses and chariots. But we don’t have space, not even car parking space! (Laughter) How about horses and elephants?

So, the second category is for kings and rulers, and for them, also, there are three yagas. One is Aswamedha yaga. The second is Raja Sooya yaga. The third is Sarvamedha yaga.

And the third category is for the rest of us, the householders—for every one of us here. For those who are middle-class, upper-class, lower-middle class, and classless!

Yagnas for householders

But you don't need any priest for these yagnas. You don't have to spend money. You don't need any specific place, any specific thing at all. You only need your mind to do it. You need a good temperament. You need a positive attitude.

What are the yagnas to be performed by every one of us? The first one is Deva yagna, an expression of gratitude to God. Why gratitude?

We usually don't feel like expressing our gratitude, as long as we are comfortable. But if you come across a blind man, you will understand the value of your eyesight. If you come across a deaf person, you will understand the value of your hearing. When you come across a dumb person, you will understand the value of the gift of speech and communication. We don’t understand the value of the heart unless it shows fluctuations in ECG. But because we are busy, unless an ECG tells us there is a problem, we don’t understand the heart’s value.

Therefore, my friends, we have to be very grateful to God for this beautiful gift of life
expressing our thanks to god is Deva yagna

To say thanks to Him is what we call Deva yagna. Deva yagna is an expression of thanks to God for this beautiful gift of life, body, and health.

following the teachings of our prophets is rishi yagna

The second yagna that we should all do is Rishi yagna. Rishis, or prophets, like Prophet Mohammad. Prophets gave us various holy scriptures. Prophets gave us most of our valuable doctrines. They gave us a dictate; they gave us our scriptures. We are very grateful for this heritage, the legacy, passed on to us. Without the scriptures, we would have been nowhere.

We can thank a rishi or a prophet by acting according to the scripture. A scripture is given to you by sages. Living according the scripture is an expression of thanks. How can a student thank me? Not by carrying me on his shoulders or by hugging me. A student can thank me by reading what I want him to read, and by getting the grade I want him to get: ‘O’ grade (Outstanding). That’s the way of thanking me. So, the way to thank a rishi is to act according to the scripture given to us by him. This is what we call Rishi yagna.

pleasing our parents is pitru yagna

And third, Pitru yagna, means expressing thanks to our parents

So how do we express our gratitude to our parents? By living up to their expectations, by obliging them, by following their command, by serving them, by looking after them in their old age. This is what we call Pitru yagna.

serving our fellow man is manushya yagna

The fourth householder yagna is Manushya yagna. Manushya means human being. As a human being, we have to perform this yagna.

So, what is Manushya yagna? It implies two things: 1) Being a human by acquiring human values; and 2) Serving the fellow men. Service to man is service to God. This is Manushya yagna — service.

Consideration for other creatures is bhutha yagna

The fifth yagna is concern for other beings, like cats, dogs, squirrels, pets, birds, rabbits, ants, trees, and flowers. Just some consideration for our fellow creatures.

Therefore, my friends, we the householders are supposed to perform these yagnas: Deva yagna, thanks to God; Rishi yagna, following the prophets’ commands; Pitru yagna, gratitude to parents; Manushya yagna, service to fellow men; and Bhutha yagna, consideration to other beings.

Do you know any of these Yagnas ?

It is not about beliefs, There are specific yagnas everyone can perform.
I hope your ignorance about Hindu scriptures and Yagnas is gone by now.
It has become a fashion nowadays to criticise and mock anything Hindu or Hinduism related without knowing anything about it.
First of all Ashavamedha yagna mean giving up your ego and Medha sakthi which runs like a ashva=horse to the divine and total surrender.

The are specific reasons for these rituals and there is a lot of significance behind it.

Prana Prathistha means the Deity is welcomed to stay in the temple and take abode in that idol, once that is done.The temple forever becomes the abode of the deity.
What brahamical culture? Are you DMK chavunist?
This is the culture of Whole India, Yagnas can be performed by anyone.


It is not possible for everybody to do every kind of yagna, so there are three types of yagnas for three categories of people. (The scripture is so compassionate. That’s why it is called Veda Mata. Veda is mata, the mother — compassionate, considerate, kind, concerning, caring, and loving, with the spirit of accommodation.)

The first category of yagnas is for intellectuals and the priestly class — those who are committed to it. The rest of us have no time to commit totally like they do. We don’t belong to that priestly class. We may give priestly talks, but we cannot perform priestly acts. It will be too ghastly to live in society that way. So, the first category of yagnas is meant for the priestly class.

There are also three kinds of yagnas for the priestly class. The first is Avihavirva yagna. The second is Soma yagna. The third one is Paaka yagna. So, these three are for the priestly class, whose members can spend maximum time and have dedicated their lives to yagnas and whose job is to perform yagna. It’s not for everybody.

The second class is for rulers and kings. Those yagas we common-folk also can't do, because we need space—palaces and such, so many horses and chariots. But we don’t have space, not even car parking space! (Laughter) How about horses and elephants?

So, the second category is for kings and rulers, and for them, also, there are three yagas. One is Aswamedha yaga. The second is Raja Sooya yaga. The third is Sarvamedha yaga.

And the third category is for the rest of us, the householders—for every one of us here. For those who are middle-class, upper-class, lower-middle class, and classless!

Yagnas for householders

But you don't need any priest for these yagnas. You don't have to spend money. You don't need any specific place, any specific thing at all. You only need your mind to do it. You need a good temperament. You need a positive attitude.

What are the yagnas to be performed by every one of us? The first one is Deva yagna, an expression of gratitude to God. Why gratitude?

We usually don't feel like expressing our gratitude, as long as we are comfortable. But if you come across a blind man, you will understand the value of your eyesight. If you come across a deaf person, you will understand the value of your hearing. When you come across a dumb person, you will understand the value of the gift of speech and communication. We don’t understand the value of the heart unless it shows fluctuations in ECG. But because we are busy, unless an ECG tells us there is a problem, we don’t understand the heart’s value.

Therefore, my friends, we have to be very grateful to God for this beautiful gift of life
expressing our thanks to god is Deva yagna

To say thanks to Him is what we call Deva yagna. Deva yagna is an expression of thanks to God for this beautiful gift of life, body, and health.

following the teachings of our prophets is rishi yagna

The second yagna that we should all do is Rishi yagna. Rishis, or prophets, like Prophet Mohammad. Prophets gave us various holy scriptures. Prophets gave us most of our valuable doctrines. They gave us a dictate; they gave us our scriptures. We are very grateful for this heritage, the legacy, passed on to us. Without the scriptures, we would have been nowhere.

We can thank a rishi or a prophet by acting according to the scripture. A scripture is given to you by sages. Living according the scripture is an expression of thanks. How can a student thank me? Not by carrying me on his shoulders or by hugging me. A student can thank me by reading what I want him to read, and by getting the grade I want him to get: ‘O’ grade (Outstanding). That’s the way of thanking me. So, the way to thank a rishi is to act according to the scripture given to us by him. This is what we call Rishi yagna.

pleasing our parents is pitru yagna

And third, Pitru yagna, means expressing thanks to our parents

So how do we express our gratitude to our parents? By living up to their expectations, by obliging them, by following their command, by serving them, by looking after them in their old age. This is what we call Pitru yagna.

serving our fellow man is manushya yagna

The fourth householder yagna is Manushya yagna. Manushya means human being. As a human being, we have to perform this yagna.

So, what is Manushya yagna? It implies two things: 1) Being a human by acquiring human values; and 2) Serving the fellow men. Service to man is service to God. This is Manushya yagna — service.

Consideration for other creatures is bhutha yagna

The fifth yagna is concern for other beings, like cats, dogs, squirrels, pets, birds, rabbits, ants, trees, and flowers. Just some consideration for our fellow creatures.

Therefore, my friends, we the householders are supposed to perform these yagnas: Deva yagna, thanks to God; Rishi yagna, following the prophets’ commands; Pitru yagna, gratitude to parents; Manushya yagna, service to fellow men; and Bhutha yagna, consideration to other beings.

Do you know any of these Yagnas ?

It is not about beliefs, There are specific yagnas everyone can perform.
I hope your ignorance about Hindu scriptures and Yagnas is gone by now.
It has become a fashion nowadays to criticise and mock anything Hindu or Hinduism related without knowing anything about it.
let me be brief
ashwamedha .
its used for war.. who ever stop .. war with me .. if not surrender your terrosty me and acept me as king..
simple adn effecive way to win less damage ..
so this rirtual or trick ..
you said givng up ego and all .. how by kiling same ashwa ? good
Ashvamedha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ask any brahmas that can any one perfrom yagna .. NO..
stif.. sorry.. i even dont knwo that
Brhamanical culture
the socierty clsaified as king, brhama , viash, then untochuabel and dalits
bhrmana use their skill to connet god . (even god called as bhamans on ythat time )
king use brhamasn as to show they have auhority to tule as divin power
exa. see name of big kings and there name and waht we called them ..
Ashoka called as devapriya.. orrisa king of puri used to called ambsador of god .. and in south to many chola empir kings used to claled as demi god or ammsador of god
so it mutual gain stuff
i am not againt any ritual but agiant blind following nothing else
hindiism is surived and grown becuase it acdpt logic and change with time even it had its own issue but still mamage to float wiht its good qualiteies
let me be brief
ashwamedha .
its used for war.. who ever stop .. war with me .. if not surrender your terrosty me and acept me as king..
simple adn effecive way to win less damage ..
so this rirtual or trick ..
you said givng up ego and all .. how by kiling same ashwa ? good
Ashvamedha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ask any brahmas that can any one perfrom yagna .. NO..
stif.. sorry.. i even dont knwo that
Brhamanical culture
the socierty clsaified as king, brhama , viash, then untochuabel and dalits
bhrmana use their skill to connet god . (even god called as bhamans on ythat time )
king use brhamasn as to show they have auhority to tule as divin power
exa. see name of big kings and there name and waht we called them ..
Ashoka called as devapriya.. orrisa king of puri used to called ambsador of god .. and in south to many chola empir kings used to claled as demi god or ammsador of god
so it mutual gain stuff
i am not againt any ritual but agiant blind following nothing else
hindiism is surived and grown becuase it acdpt logic and change with time even it had its own issue but still mamage to float wiht its good qualiteies
You moron the real significance of Ashvamedha is The medha sakthi(brain power which runs like a ashva) of the King is to be sacrificed to god as Total Surrender to God as the almigthy, not horse sacrifice you idiot!There the significance of using a Ashva=horse as a symbol.
That is what you understand about yajnas and Hindu rituals when you read translated copies of Marxist and Western Indologist literature.

1.What is the meaning of Ashwa in spiritual context?

In the worldly usage the common meaning of Ashwa is taken as horse. But in the spiritual context of yagya, we will have to go into its basic explanation. Pay attention to the Sanskrit etymology of Ashwa - As + kvan. Asnute adhvnam, asnute vypnoti.meaning - one who possesses a fast speed, one who penetrates the road).Or Mahano bhavati ashwa bahu ti iti ashwa; (meaning one whose intake of food is large is Ashwa).
The gods of upright thinking and the demon animals of evil tendencies, both exist in the human body. They are shapeless in the human body, but when the evil tendencies, assume the form they become the animals of the visible world. When the animal-like tendencies become universal and assume the powerful shape as that of a horse, the Ashwamedha yagyas are organized. The mode of sacrificing these animal- like tendencies is called Ashwamedha Yagya.

2.What is the meaning of Medha?

The word medha is synonym of yagya. In its etymology, the word medha may be thought to be related to the following roots (in grammar) mith, mid, meth, med, etc. These mean - to meet, to combine, to know, to love, to hold,etc. The power of wisdom, the power of muscles, the yagya, etc have been called as medha.

3.What is the meaning of word Yagya?

The word yagya is constituted of three syllables ya, ja, and na which refer to three processes of every act we perform viz. utpadan, uparjan and vitarana i.e. production (ya), earning (ja), distribution (na).

The word yagya comes from the root yaj, meaning 'to offer'. It implies the offering of all things that are pious and auspicious, which nurture and sustain life and creation. This offering is made to the cosmic, universal, global energies and the shakti in order to sanctify the elements ; earth, water, fire, air and ether. The offering is made to charge the elements with nutrients, thus increasing the healing properties of the elements.

4.What is true meaning of ASHWAMEDHA Yagya?

As Ashwa is the symbol of mobility, valour and strength and the medha is the symbol of supreme wisdom and intelligence, the natural meaning of Ashwamedha can be taken as the combination of the valour and strength and illumined power of intellect. By assuming Ashwa as the symbol of muscle power and medha as the symbol of mental power, their combination makes a sacred and great deed of yagya. It is the combination of illumined thinking power and dedicated endeavors for selfless and other-centered motives that may create an ideal society and nation. This is the reason, why the making of a nation has been called Ashwamedha .

5.Why we do need to perform Ashwamedha Yagya?

In ancient times, simple yagyas used to play an important role in inner refinement and self-purification. The mahayagyas used to be performed to purify the social life. But, when the need for complete renovation of the nation (Rashtra) and that of the environment was felt, there was a tradition of Ashwamedha yagyas at the universal level. Thus, the yagyas have been classified into three categories; viz, yagya, mahayagya and Ashwamedha yagya. The magnitude of their results also increases in the same order. one of the important objectives of such large scale Ashwamedha yagya is also to awaken the dormant genius of the masses. It is the genius of man which makes him different from other living beings. It is on its basis that he, as a scientist, has explored the secrets of nature and is claiming to be the controller of the fate of all the living beings. It is the miracle performed by the human genius Medha to form the society and the methods of its governance, and to transform this earth into such an elegant and well-developed structure of culture and civilization.

The effort that is needed to awaken such geniuses not only in the society or nation but also on a global scale cannot be done by worldly or physical means. The desired results can be accomplished only through a well planned religious Anusthan conceived in the spiritual world.

6.What are the benefits of Yagya?

Amidst the fascinating achievements of the modern era of science and technology in improving our comfort levels, stress and pollution have posed the major challenges for our well-being. The world is beginning to realize that the comforts provided to us by modern science and technology do not necessarily always make life happier. In fact apart from stress and tension, more and more unknown diseases, untold anxiety and fear are caused by the highly polluted environment and ecological imbalances. This has raised alarm bells for rethinking and changing the life style and mode of healthy management. Yagya appears to be a godsend gift of the ancient Indian sciences for achieving this purpose. Yagya is a boon of ancient indian sciences and it is a scientific tool designed by our Rishis ancient scientists to create desired effects in physical, environmental,ecological and spiritual levels.Click here to read more about science of yagya

Yagya- is a Sacrificial ritual symbolizing selfless service to all.The various material and offerings in the Yagya have some medicinal/chemical attributes. These oblations coupled with the chanting of the vedic mantras spread molecular waves in the atmosphere that lead to the purification of physical and astral environments.

The Yagya (sacrificial fire) exercises a very positive influence on the body and psyche (mind and consciousness) of persons involved and sitting around. It leads to transformation of human towards divinity. The effect of yagya is psycho-somatic.

7.How can we contribute to this large scale yagya?

Ashwamedha yagya is a large scale yagya which involves lot of man hours & resources.We humbly request everyone to contribute either your time or resources or both generously for this noble cause.we may come from different cultures, backgrounds, beliefs yet we are all connected with each other and share this beautiful place called Earth.As a Global citizen it is our responsibility to share our resources and time for the activities for world peace and harmony.It is a divine opportunity bestowed upon us in making the dawn of this bright era a visible reality by organizing and participating in the Yagyas and mahayagyas of this Mission.Let us work collectively to create a heavenly atmosphere.

According to the Atharva Veda Hymn to the Earth (Bhumi-Sukta)

"We are birds of the same nest. Wearing different skins, speaking different languages, believing in different dharma (religions), and belonging to different cultures yet we share the same home, our earth. Born on the same planet, covered by the same skies, gazing at the same stars, breathing the same air, we must learn to progress happily together or miserably perish together. For humans can live individually but can survive only collectively.Indeed, the ancient texts seem to suggest that we all owe a responsibility to the environment not only for ourselves but also for the sake of those around us".


Did you even read what i posted? or are you pulling things again from your Arse?
Do read about what i posted about various types of Yajnas which can be performed by Householders.
Don't spread Misinformation about Hinduism or its rituals without knowing them.
Last edited:
You moron the real significance of Ashvamedha is The medha sakthi(brain power which runs like a ashva) of the King is to be sacrificed to god as Total Surrender to God as the almigthy, not horse sacrifice you idiot!There the significance of using a Ashva=horse as a symbol.

Are you suggesting that the horse wasn't sacrificed? Along with large number of other animals?
Asked a specific question. (and btw, I have read quite a bit about the Ashwamedha Yagna)
I have posted my reply, Do read it.Instead of spreading Misinformation.
if you read a lot about Ashvamedha Yajna,then you wont be asking me the same question again.
I have posted my reply, Do read it.Instead of spreading Misinformation.
if you read a lot about Ashvamedha Yajna,then you wont be asking me the same question again.

How did I spread disinformation? By asking you a question? I see you didn't answer......
How did I spread disinformation? By asking you a question? I see you didn't answer......
Ashwamedha Yajna is performed even today by Gayatri Parivar in India.
Infact, they performed it in Hyderabad long time ago and in Bengaluru recently in 2014.
So stop spreading misinformation.No horse or Animal was sacrificed in those Yajnas.
Ashwamedha Yajna is performed even today by Gayatri Parivar in India.
Infact, they performed it in Hyderabad long time ago and in Bengaluru recently in 2014.
So stop spreading misinformation.No horse or Animal was sacrificed in those Yajnas.
LInk please..
Does BJP issue a quota for the 'stupid remarks' that swamy has to fulfill every week?
LInk please..
Ashwamedha Mahayagya Anushthan | Bangalore Gayatri Pariwar

Ashwamedha Gayatri MahaYagya - is a grand spiritual experiment to promote happiness, peace, and prosperity of the nation. It is being performed to purify the subtle atmosphere of the whole nation.

Om Bhur Bhuvah Swah Tat Saviturvarenyam
Bhargo Devasya DhimahiDhiyo Yonah Prachodayat
Gayatri Ashwamedha Mahayagya, Bangalore

(A Spiritual Experiment to Make the Whole Nation Capable, Powerful and Prosperous)
Under the Aegis of
All World Gayatri Pariwar, Shantikunj, Haridwar
A Global Movement for Transformation of Thoughts
(Venue:) Bangalore
17-20 January 2014
When we Transform Ourselves, the Era will Transform Re-establishing the Golden Era
Facebook page: : GayatriAshwamedha
Bangalore branch: http://bangalore.awgp.org
You moron the real significance of Ashvamedha is The medha sakthi(brain power which runs like a ashva) of the King is to be sacrificed to god as Total Surrender to God as the almigthy, not horse sacrifice you idiot!There the significance of using a Ashva=horse as a symbol.
That is what you understand about yajnas and Hindu rituals when you read translated copies of Marxist and Western Indologist literature.

1.What is the meaning of Ashwa in spiritual context?

In the worldly usage the common meaning of Ashwa is taken as horse. But in the spiritual context of yagya, we will have to go into its basic explanation. Pay attention to the Sanskrit etymology of Ashwa - As + kvan. Asnute adhvnam, asnute vypnoti.meaning - one who possesses a fast speed, one who penetrates the road).Or Mahano bhavati ashwa bahu ti iti ashwa; (meaning one whose intake of food is large is Ashwa).
The gods of upright thinking and the demon animals of evil tendencies, both exist in the human body. They are shapeless in the human body, but when the evil tendencies, assume the form they become the animals of the visible world. When the animal-like tendencies become universal and assume the powerful shape as that of a horse, the Ashwamedha yagyas are organized. The mode of sacrificing these animal- like tendencies is called Ashwamedha Yagya.

2.What is the meaning of Medha?

The word medha is synonym of yagya. In its etymology, the word medha may be thought to be related to the following roots (in grammar) mith, mid, meth, med, etc. These mean - to meet, to combine, to know, to love, to hold,etc. The power of wisdom, the power of muscles, the yagya, etc have been called as medha.

3.What is the meaning of word Yagya?

The word yagya is constituted of three syllables ya, ja, and na which refer to three processes of every act we perform viz. utpadan, uparjan and vitarana i.e. production (ya), earning (ja), distribution (na).

The word yagya comes from the root yaj, meaning 'to offer'. It implies the offering of all things that are pious and auspicious, which nurture and sustain life and creation. This offering is made to the cosmic, universal, global energies and the shakti in order to sanctify the elements ; earth, water, fire, air and ether. The offering is made to charge the elements with nutrients, thus increasing the healing properties of the elements.

4.What is true meaning of ASHWAMEDHA Yagya?

As Ashwa is the symbol of mobility, valour and strength and the medha is the symbol of supreme wisdom and intelligence, the natural meaning of Ashwamedha can be taken as the combination of the valour and strength and illumined power of intellect. By assuming Ashwa as the symbol of muscle power and medha as the symbol of mental power, their combination makes a sacred and great deed of yagya. It is the combination of illumined thinking power and dedicated endeavors for selfless and other-centered motives that may create an ideal society and nation. This is the reason, why the making of a nation has been called Ashwamedha .

5.Why we do need to perform Ashwamedha Yagya?

In ancient times, simple yagyas used to play an important role in inner refinement and self-purification. The mahayagyas used to be performed to purify the social life. But, when the need for complete renovation of the nation (Rashtra) and that of the environment was felt, there was a tradition of Ashwamedha yagyas at the universal level. Thus, the yagyas have been classified into three categories; viz, yagya, mahayagya and Ashwamedha yagya. The magnitude of their results also increases in the same order. one of the important objectives of such large scale Ashwamedha yagya is also to awaken the dormant genius of the masses. It is the genius of man which makes him different from other living beings. It is on its basis that he, as a scientist, has explored the secrets of nature and is claiming to be the controller of the fate of all the living beings. It is the miracle performed by the human genius Medha to form the society and the methods of its governance, and to transform this earth into such an elegant and well-developed structure of culture and civilization.

The effort that is needed to awaken such geniuses not only in the society or nation but also on a global scale cannot be done by worldly or physical means. The desired results can be accomplished only through a well planned religious Anusthan conceived in the spiritual world.

6.What are the benefits of Yagya?

Amidst the fascinating achievements of the modern era of science and technology in improving our comfort levels, stress and pollution have posed the major challenges for our well-being. The world is beginning to realize that the comforts provided to us by modern science and technology do not necessarily always make life happier. In fact apart from stress and tension, more and more unknown diseases, untold anxiety and fear are caused by the highly polluted environment and ecological imbalances. This has raised alarm bells for rethinking and changing the life style and mode of healthy management. Yagya appears to be a godsend gift of the ancient Indian sciences for achieving this purpose. Yagya is a boon of ancient indian sciences and it is a scientific tool designed by our Rishis ancient scientists to create desired effects in physical, environmental,ecological and spiritual levels.Click here to read more about science of yagya

Yagya- is a Sacrificial ritual symbolizing selfless service to all.The various material and offerings in the Yagya have some medicinal/chemical attributes. These oblations coupled with the chanting of the vedic mantras spread molecular waves in the atmosphere that lead to the purification of physical and astral environments.

The Yagya (sacrificial fire) exercises a very positive influence on the body and psyche (mind and consciousness) of persons involved and sitting around. It leads to transformation of human towards divinity. The effect of yagya is psycho-somatic.

7.How can we contribute to this large scale yagya?

Ashwamedha yagya is a large scale yagya which involves lot of man hours & resources.We humbly request everyone to contribute either your time or resources or both generously for this noble cause.we may come from different cultures, backgrounds, beliefs yet we are all connected with each other and share this beautiful place called Earth.As a Global citizen it is our responsibility to share our resources and time for the activities for world peace and harmony.It is a divine opportunity bestowed upon us in making the dawn of this bright era a visible reality by organizing and participating in the Yagyas and mahayagyas of this Mission.Let us work collectively to create a heavenly atmosphere.

According to the Atharva Veda Hymn to the Earth (Bhumi-Sukta)

"We are birds of the same nest. Wearing different skins, speaking different languages, believing in different dharma (religions), and belonging to different cultures yet we share the same home, our earth. Born on the same planet, covered by the same skies, gazing at the same stars, breathing the same air, we must learn to progress happily together or miserably perish together. For humans can live individually but can survive only collectively.Indeed, the ancient texts seem to suggest that we all owe a responsibility to the environment not only for ourselves but also for the sake of those around us".


Did you even read what i posted? or are you pulling things again from your Arse?
Do read about what i posted about various types of Yajnas which can be performed by Householders.
Don't spread Misinformation about Hinduism or its rituals without knowing them.
your version seems be diffrent from my reading..
let me give you links of my readng
Subramanium Swamy is on a rampage against Pakistan and China and of course no one other than muslims left there. His comments only fuel the fire of religious conflict.
Ashwamedha Mahayagya Anushthan | Bangalore Gayatri Pariwar

Ashwamedha Gayatri MahaYagya - is a grand spiritual experiment to promote happiness, peace, and prosperity of the nation. It is being performed to purify the subtle atmosphere of the whole nation.

Om Bhur Bhuvah Swah Tat Saviturvarenyam
Bhargo Devasya DhimahiDhiyo Yonah Prachodayat
Gayatri Ashwamedha Mahayagya, Bangalore

(A Spiritual Experiment to Make the Whole Nation Capable, Powerful and Prosperous)
Under the Aegis of
All World Gayatri Pariwar, Shantikunj, Haridwar
A Global Movement for Transformation of Thoughts
(Venue:) Bangalore
17-20 January 2014
When we Transform Ourselves, the Era will Transform Re-establishing the Golden Era
Facebook page: : GayatriAshwamedha
Bangalore branch: http://bangalore.awgp.org
this is dffnet dear than old ashwamedha yagna

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