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Gods live in temples, not churches or mosques, Subramanian Swamy says

Ashwamedha Mahayagya Anushthan | Bangalore Gayatri Pariwar

Ashwamedha Gayatri MahaYagya - is a grand spiritual experiment to promote happiness, peace, and prosperity of the nation. It is being performed to purify the subtle atmosphere of the whole nation.

Om Bhur Bhuvah Swah Tat Saviturvarenyam
Bhargo Devasya DhimahiDhiyo Yonah Prachodayat
Gayatri Ashwamedha Mahayagya, Bangalore

(A Spiritual Experiment to Make the Whole Nation Capable, Powerful and Prosperous)
Under the Aegis of
All World Gayatri Pariwar, Shantikunj, Haridwar
A Global Movement for Transformation of Thoughts
(Venue:) Bangalore
17-20 January 2014
When we Transform Ourselves, the Era will Transform Re-establishing the Golden Era
Facebook page: : GayatriAshwamedha
Bangalore branch: http://bangalore.awgp.org
Ashwamedha yagna
Ashwamedha yagna
  • Sep 16, 2014
  • 0
Homam – An influential method to achieve better things in Life
Sudharshana homam and ayush homam
Ashwamedha (horse sacrifice) was one of the most important royal rituals.Ashwamedha was one of the five rites forbidden in the kali yoga, present age.

Ashwa is the symbol of mobility, valour and strength and medha is the symbol of supreme wisdom and intelligence.Actually the natural meaning of ashwamedha is the combination of the valour and strength and illumed the power of intellect.It is the combination of these two for selfless and other centered motives.Which may create the ideal society and nation.This is the reason why the making is called the ashwmedha.

Ashwamedha yagna was performed by all the famous kings of lunar and solar dynasties.Yajna was a very grand and elaborate and prohibitively expensive to perform for a commoner.Only a king would undertake this yagna.And also it indicates the prosperity of ancient india since it have performed well.The yajna begins by releasing the ritual horse I spring season for the current year.The king also undertaken tough diksha every year.

The king may have fought many battles if needed to recover and protect the horse.


Ashwamedha was performed by yudhisthira.His brothers guarding the horse s it roamed into the neighbouring kingdom.Ashwamedha is intended to secure prosperity of the kingdom and its subjects.Arjuna defeats all the challenges.The ashwamedha is the highest expression of royal authority is a some sacrifice and incorporates other important sacrifices.

Bloody sacrifice that the domestic animals are killed and the non domestic animals are set free.The stature of the king was not related to the particular part of the world that might have been his kingdom.but in ancient times horse was considered as a noble anda also associated with the military class.

The ritual take place for three days preceded by the sage rishyasringa and vasista.The fat of the sacrificed is then burnt into the ritual fire and remaining parts of the body with spoons were made out of plaksha tree branches.

During the yaga the only offerings were made for the product of wilderness.Death takes the shape of the horse and includes an identification of ashwamedha with the sun.Agni is the sacrificial fire and ashwamedha sacrifice,and they are again one deity i.e. death.


Ashwamedha yajna is a ritual performed by the queen (particularly by the chief queen) for fertility and also to gain power in the kingdom. Ashwamedha yajna includes the slaughtering of horse and then follows the queen's intercourse in the horse and horse are cut into the pieces and cooked.However some Indus rejects these facts and are giving some interpretations.
this is dffnet dear than old ashwamedha yagna
Ohhh, so it is different than old Ashwamedha Yajna eh?
Yes, it is if you read translations of Marxists and White Indologists of yesteryears.

Yeah right. This must be a very special version. No point in joining issue with you on this. You obviously talk of a very "different" Ashwamedha Yagna.:rolleyes:
You said you read a lot on Ashwamedha Yajna.I present proof and you call it a different version.WOW!:rofl:
Ashwamedha yagna
Ashwamedha yagna
  • Sep 16, 2014
  • 0
Homam – An influential method to achieve better things in Life
Sudharshana homam and ayush homam
Ashwamedha (horse sacrifice) was one of the most important royal rituals.Ashwamedha was one of the five rites forbidden in the kali yoga, present age.

Ashwa is the symbol of mobility, valour and strength and medha is the symbol of supreme wisdom and intelligence.Actually the natural meaning of ashwamedha is the combination of the valour and strength and illumed the power of intellect.It is the combination of these two for selfless and other centered motives.Which may create the ideal society and nation.This is the reason why the making is called the ashwmedha.

Ashwamedha yagna was performed by all the famous kings of lunar and solar dynasties.Yajna was a very grand and elaborate and prohibitively expensive to perform for a commoner.Only a king would undertake this yagna.And also it indicates the prosperity of ancient india since it have performed well.The yajna begins by releasing the ritual horse I spring season for the current year.The king also undertaken tough diksha every year.

The king may have fought many battles if needed to recover and protect the horse.


Ashwamedha was performed by yudhisthira.His brothers guarding the horse s it roamed into the neighbouring kingdom.Ashwamedha is intended to secure prosperity of the kingdom and its subjects.Arjuna defeats all the challenges.The ashwamedha is the highest expression of royal authority is a some sacrifice and incorporates other important sacrifices.

Bloody sacrifice that the domestic animals are killed and the non domestic animals are set free.The stature of the king was not related to the particular part of the world that might have been his kingdom.but in ancient times horse was considered as a noble anda also associated with the military class.

The ritual take place for three days preceded by the sage rishyasringa and vasista.The fat of the sacrificed is then burnt into the ritual fire and remaining parts of the body with spoons were made out of plaksha tree branches.

During the yaga the only offerings were made for the product of wilderness.Death takes the shape of the horse and includes an identification of ashwamedha with the sun.Agni is the sacrificial fire and ashwamedha sacrifice,and they are again one deity i.e. death.


Ashwamedha yajna is a ritual performed by the queen (particularly by the chief queen) for fertility and also to gain power in the kingdom. Ashwamedha yajna includes the slaughtering of horse and then follows the queen's intercourse in the horse and horse are cut into the pieces and cooked.However some Indus rejects these facts and are giving some interpretations.
The website you quoted never did a Ashwamedha Yajna, They are just posting translated versions on web.
While the one i showed did Ashwamedha Yajna. One was in Hyderabad in 2008 and now in Bengaluru.
Like i said, don't spread Misinformation about Hinduism when you don't practise it nor understand it.

accept as you wish...
i go with my version you g with urs
Stop spreading Misinformation, That is what Marxists do. You know you have no answers to my posts so take the escape route or shift the goalpost
You neither practice Hinduism or it's, rituals. ADARSH LIBERAL A
You said you read a lot on Ashwamedha Yajna.I present proof and you call it a different version.WOW!:rofl:

Quit while you are ahead chap or in your case, since you aren't ahead here, just quit. I didn't join issue with you, just asked what you think happened. You got all excited & accused me of spreading disinformation etc... maybe you should pause for a bit & look at what you know. Read more, it will do you no harm and I say this with no malice or sarcasm.
Quit while you are ahead chap or in your case, since you aren't ahead here, just quit. I didn't join issue with you, just asked what you think happened. You got all excited & accused me of spreading disinformation etc... maybe you should pause for a bit & look at what you know. Read more, it will do you no harm and I say this with no malice or sarcasm.
You should quit and stop spreading Misinformation about Hinduism as truth in a International forum.
You call it a different version of Ashwamedha Yajna.:lol:
You should learn from people who performed a REAL Ashwamedha Yajna instead of quoting translations.
Tell me is Practical more real or Theory?

You should read more. And not just what reinforces your already held opinion.
You should read more. And not just what reinforces your already held opinion.
You ever been in a Ashwamedha Yajna?
You only read online translations, I have seen and participated in it.So which is more authentic, the one who just reads translated versions of Western authors or those actual practitioners who actually perform those rituals and Yajnas on the ground,according to Vedic rites and rituals?
Who did Ashwamedha yajna in recent times?
You should contact Gayatri Parivar its in Bengaluru,They will clarify your doubts about Ashwamedha Yajna.
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You ever been in a Ashwamedha Yajna?
You only read online translations, I have seen and participated in it.So which is more authentic, the one who just reads translated versions of Western authors or those actual practitioners who actually perform those rituals and Yajnas on the ground,according to Vedic rites and rituals?
Who did Ashwamedha yajna in recent times?
You should contact Gayatri Parivar its in Bengaluru,They will clarify your doubts about Ashwamedha Yajna.

So you refuse to read......:lol: How then do you know that what is being shown as actual practice is the same as what is said in the Yajurveda itself? Or whether the practices vary as per the description in the Shatapata Brahmana?

Read. It doesn't hurt.
So you refuse to read......:lol: How then do you know that what is being shown as actual practice is the same as what is said in the Yajurveda itself? Or whether the practices vary as per the description in the Shatapata Brahmana?

Read. It doesn't hurt.
Do see how it is performed.
When you have never performed it in your life, how do you know it was performed in such a way?
Reading about performing a simple Havan at home is very different from performing one at home.
why is hinduism preaching is allowed, when some mods. don't like of Muslims showing evil in hinduism?
Technically ( say applied theology ), Swamy was not wrong but as a political leader,
he should have shown restraint in the way of expressing himself ( not sole culprit by far ).

God does not live in mosques and churches, that is correct. In our religions, these are place of worship.
God comes down to the humans inside the holy place not to idols in them.
From that , one derives that you "only" need the religious authorities to desacralize the building to allow removal.
So that yes, mosques and churches have been demolished by Muslims and Christians respectively on occasion

In Hinduism, it varies a lot more. The bases were animist and some of it remains. The complete view however is a system of values that borders on humanist philosophy. I have friends who are much closer to the latter than the former and would not be shocked by a temple being relocated while I know of others whose beliefs are quintessential including the presence of the divinity in an idol to whom demolition of the temple would be akin to murdering "God" itself.

A sensible middle ground would be to turn to hebraism.
A synagog is akin to a church. When Ariel Sharon gave back Gaza to the Palestinians in 2005, some freshly built synagogs were desacralized and turned over to be used as hospitals and schools.
The Temple was Yahweh's home. When the Romans destroyed it in 70, Hebrews took it as a blaspheme. The event ( as that concerning the first Temple ) is still commemorated annually today.

The sole difference here is animism: the belief in God incarnating in things … vs the Christian belief that God incarnated "only once" in human form or the Muslim one that only his Word was incarnated through the Prophet.

Whatever the belief, a proper politician who works mainly and ideally only in the reality sphere, mundane aspects of life,
should in my opinion avoid dealing in these differences and follow a common set of laws to deal with his/her citizens as holistically ( puns intended, sorry ) as possible, keeping civil affairs … fair?
And politics, by nature dirty, away from Faith, IMHoO.

That is where Swamy's comment was improper in my view.

Best of day to all, Tay.

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