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Gwadar: Can India Checkmate China? – Analysis

I had said that India is buying and also producing but not as equal to china. China is Producing and selling and even buying since they have better infrastructure and industry, no doubt. But in 1991 when there were economic reforms in India, many companies wanted to invest money and set up plants in India and provide all Industrial up gradation, but due to internal politics it got delayed and the world moved into China. Can't you get that?

By the end of the day, what matters is what acutally happened and not what did not happen. India didn't get its act together and lost in the manufacturing front while China did the right thing at the right time and reaps the fruits. Your whining makes you look like a sore loser. That's why I said: C'est la vie!
Götterdämmerung;3940261 said:
By the end of the day, what matters is what acutally happened and not what did not happen. India didn't get its act together and lost in the manufacturing front while China did the right thing at the right time and reaps the fruits. Your whining makes you look like a sore loser. That's why I said: C'est la vie!

It is not yet end of the day.

Meanwhile China is a communist regime they are not allowed to use any defence equipment from Europe or USA. They only have Industrial power but not innovative power. They are building what is existing by industrial espionage. Many critical technologies are still not available to China and there they need Russian assistance for that and even Russia hesitates to share it.

The difference is many countries are ready to share critical technology with India but not with China. We only lack in Industrial infrastructure and nothing else and it is going to revive within a decade.
go to make a chart of gdp (nominal) India vs China in 1991 ------ they were neck to neck similar!

Being the lapdog of BOTH USSR AND USA, India had ALL the time in the world to do manufacturing since 1947! But why India kept still until 1991??

Answer: to copy/paste China's national economic reform starting in 1991. :rofl:

Fact: India = copycat, a 3rd rate one. :rofl:

We made economic reforms but not Industrial reforms because to make Industrial reforms you need manufacturing plants and their upgradation and unfortunately when ever there is any plant being set up some anti development forces like, human rights, green revolution, etc etc do protest in the name of ecological degradation and displacement of people. And in a democracy you cannot ignore them they have the right to protest. To find the middle solution it takes years and this is one of the biggest reason why this happened. In China if such things happen Hu Jintao will arrest them within 3 hours and send them in jail.

In Uttarakhand there is a place old Tehri it is a big city and very old city but people were so nationalist they gave their city so that a dam can be made to produce electricity for the nation. It is not that every where is the same situation.

and FYI this dam is the 8th highest in the world and second Highest in Asia!!!
Götterdämmerung;3939496 said:
Well, it was your fellow Indian who spewed the nonsense that India is all about buying and selling while China is all about producing and thus India having an edge as a market for Europe. LOL

BTW, I just talked about the nonsense of the other Indian and now you are even more way off with your silly Chinese will overthrow their government, the government that made them a few times more wealthy than India. The government that should be overthrown for being inept and leaving million children starve to death even today is your govenrment, but I guess you guys have no spine.

No - there is no need to overthrow a government through a revolution when there is a peaceful transfer of power every 5 years. Clearly a concept difficult for someone from China to grasp.

Nothing is more despotic than the thuggish Indian regime still practising 15th century caste system. I guess the caste system is a trait of all fascist tyrants.
As for ever catching up to China in economic power, yea dream on kiddo, not happening this millennium let alone this century. I guess you can fantasise about it, since that's what your country is good at.

As for collapsing the communist party, why the hell would we do that? They helped China strip the pride and dignity of India in 1962.

Perhaps winning a minor scuffle where no side even formally declared war, nor was there any surrender or treaty of surrender is the pinnacle of Chinese military prowess. I don't blame them - after all, for the Chinese killing Buddhist monks is a sign of bravery. Of course, things are a bit different in the civilized world. Catching up with China??? Heck, I sure hope we NEVER catch up with China - in human right abuses and genocide.
It is not yet end of the day.

Meanwhile China is a communist regime they are not allowed to use any defence equipment from Europe or USA. They only have Industrial power but not innovative power. They are building what is existing by industrial espionage. Many critical technologies are still not available to China and there they need Russian assistance for that and even Russia hesitates to share it.

The difference is many countries are ready to share critical technology with India but not with China. We only lack in Industrial infrastructure and nothing else and it is going to revive within a decade.

Since non of us has a crystal ball that gives us a glance into the future accurately, I have to use past performance and current situation to make a judgement and for India it does not look good at all.

The rest of your silly and desperate argument is laughable. You think it does not need crativity to build up the biggest industry in the world? Well, since India is so free and creative, where is your industry compared to oppressed China? Where are your crative companies that are visible here in Germany competing with the best of their sector? :lol:

Sharing critical technology? Are you crazy? Nobody shares critical technology with anyone, not even between Germany and the USA. As a matter of fact, the US is the biggest industrial spy in Germany. I think you speak some German, so just google USA and Industriespionage.
No - there is no need to overthrow a government through a revolution when there is a peaceful transfer of power every 5 years. Clearly a concept difficult for someone from China to grasp.

Oh, the same old argument again. If you lose in an argument, go ad hominem. :lol:

You see, what matters are the results, not the little cross on a piece of paper for the million poors of your country. Giving them the dignity not to see their children starve to death and giving them the dignity not to squat next to the rail track to peform natur's call. These are some of the most fundamental human rights!
India has the military presence in Oman and Recently we are building Fence there at the Oman - Yemen border. Indian Airforce also places some fighter jets in Oman.


In Iran we have a port.

Both are enough to block Chinese supplies in case of war :cheers:

Both are enough to block Chinese Supplies ? :blink:

Aren't those fighters & military presence (Read : Trainers, Advisers, Secondments etc.) there fore training purposes or do you expect to use them to target Gwadar or Karachi with it ? Assuming that the Omanis themselves would be willing to allow such a thing....what makes you think that Pakistan wouldn't respond in kind ?

Do you really want to fight a two front war by forcing Pakistan to step in in case of a Indo-China War ? I mean we'd be only too happy to do that seeing that we missed the chance to take Kashmir in '48 & then in '62 by playing the 'good guys' !
Both are enough to block Chinese Supplies ? :blink:

Aren't those fighters & military presence (Read : Trainers, Advisers, Secondments etc.) there fore training purposes or do you expect to use them to target Gwadar or Karachi with it ? Assuming that the Omanis themselves would be willing to allow such a thing....what makes you think that Pakistan wouldn't respond in kind ?

Do you really want to fight a two front war by forcing Pakistan to step in in case of a Indo-China War ? I mean we'd be only too happy to do that seeing that we missed the chance to take Kashmir in '48 & then in '62 by playing the 'good guys' !

That presence will help to secure the oil supply lines of India, or find an alternate route, Not to attack Gwadar.
Götterdämmerung;3941340 said:
These are some of the most fundamental human rights!

Guten Morgan/Abend bruder ! :cheers:

So am I talking to a Schalke fan or a Bayern fan ? :what:

That presence will help to secure the oil supply lines of India, or find an alternate route, Not to attack Gwadar.

You wrote 'Both are enough to block Chinese Supply lines in case of war' pray tell me how do you plan on doing that without confronting Pakistan at Gwadar ? :what:
Götterdämmerung;3941340 said:
Oh, the same old argument again. If you lose in an argument, go ad hominem. :lol:

You see, what matters are the results, not the little cross on a piece of paper for the million poors of your country. Giving them the dignity not to see their children starve to death and giving them the dignity not to squat next to the rail track to peform natur's call. These are some of the most fundamental human rights!

u c, it has been just 65 yrs since our independance......and if u consider the state in which the british left us, then we have achieved quite a lot in not even 1 generation.....though quite more needs to b done too...

our population is also big, so there's bound to b some poor, yet the middle class and rich in India is above 350 million greater than the population of USA......

u get the scenario & scale............right ??????
It is people like you that India should be worried about. "Chinese are good people & will do nothing to harm our Intrest" my foot!
You wrote 'Both are enough to block Chinese Supply lines in case of war' pray tell me how do you plan on doing that without confronting Pakistan at Gwadar ? :what:

Where is the question of Gwadar when the Indian prescence in beyond the Pakistani port??
Götterdämmerung;3941340 said:
Oh, the same old argument again. If you lose in an argument, go ad hominem. :lol:

You see, what matters are the results, not the little cross on a piece of paper for the million poors of your country. Giving them the dignity not to see their children starve to death and giving them the dignity not to squat next to the rail track to peform natur's call. These are some of the most fundamental human rights!

Fancy that - a German citizen of Chinese origin espousing fundamental human rights - kettle and pot.

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