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Henry Kissinger meets China’s defence minister in surprise visit to Beijing

The Russian issue is not worth Kissinger's personal visit to China.

Kissinger's influence in China is a valuable political asset that the U.S. government possesses, and it is not worth expending on Russia.

Kissinger came for the dollar system.

That is correct.

But Russia really needs it or their economy will be truly blockaded, it's a total blow to Russia if China accepts USA offer.

How can China accept USA offer if USA is always behaving bad against China, and I don't see it will stop.

I think China is already disappointing with USA, prefer to take its own path.

China is already learned its lesson.

China saved USA and Europe economy during 2008 crisis, and it really cost a lot.

But instead of gratitude and appreciation, the West behavior is the opposite and even worse.

Is China friend or enemy? The message is already very clear, China learned its lesson in a hard way.
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The US policy making community is now firmly out of seeing itself as the only superpower. It’s an aspiration to achieve once again for many of them, but they know the next generation or two is firmly going to be about competition. Why two generations; demographics.

China's foreign policy towards the United States will be tougher, and the United States should not have an illusion that China will surrender.
China's foreign policy towards the United States will be tougher, and the United States should not have an illusion that China will surrender.
The US expects the rhetoric but what concrete steps is china going to do to fix its demographics? What steps is china going to do to build up friendly nations so it has a robust alternative to western and western allied markets to see it through any potential drop in exports to western markets, for whatever reason?

The lowest hanging fruit are nation’s politically primed for change that just need competent advisors, and located near already robust economics. The least developed nations in ASEAN is the first place to start; Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar. Next are the Central Asia nations; the “-stans” including Pakistan, and then the stablest of African countries on a path across the continent; Kenya and Ethiopia, then Uganda, part of DRC, CAR, Cameroon, finally Nigeria as the first trans-continental corridor.
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The US expects the rhetoric but what concrete steps is china going to do to fix its demographics? What steps is china going to do to build up friendly nations so it has a robust alternative to western and western allied markets to see it through any potential drop in exports to western markets, for whatever reason?

The lowest hanging fruit are nation’s politically primed for change that just need competent advisors, and located near already robust economics. The least developed nations in ASEAN is the first place to start; Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar. Next are the Central Asia nations; the “-stans” including Pakistan, and then the stablest of African countries on a path across the continent; Kenya and Ethiopia, then Uganda, part of DRC, CAR, Cameroon, finally Nigeria as the first trans-continental corridor.

China is building an international peaceful region, internally stable, and able to prevent external interference. At present, it seems hopeful to include China, Russia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia including pakistan, and the Middle East. And maybe parts of Africa and South America but not connected together with the block above.
According to the prophecy, there should be a nuclear war between USA and China.

Whatever prophecy from China and prophecy from Native American.

All of them say the same thing.
The Russian issue is not worth Kissinger's personal visit to China.

Kissinger's influence in China is a valuable political asset that the U.S. government possesses, and it is not worth expending on Russia.

Kissinger came for the dollar system.
Henry Kissinger: Ukraine Should Give Up Territory to Russia to Reach Peace

Not much difference than Chinese wanting peace by Russia winning the war (ceding/annexing parts of Ukraine = Russia winning).

Gold and silver as money, brings down their world completely. Destroys it irreparably. The good side wins by default. China is a Rothschild project and particularly a Kissinger project. As Rockefeller took Japan as a project with the Trilateral Commission.

If China wants to take down the dollar system, they have to do so before Trump returns in 2025, for obvious reasons.

DeSantis responsible for the ""white" nationalism" campaign, to gather any ""white" nationalist", then endorse Trump to gather ""white" nationalists" together in a group and then pass that to "candidate Trump" to vote for Trump.

RFK Jr. is responsible for the pro-Russia, anti-Ukraine, anti-vaxxers. To gather these together under an RFK Jr banner and then pass them to candidate "Trump" in an endorsement for RFK Jr. supporters to be on the bandwagon of Trump.

The cia writes the script of the news. For the purpose of merging as many morons to support Trump. 4 years of scripted news to get the return of Trump.

DeSantis is not going to be president. RFK Jr is not going to president. The only reason for them to exist is to rebuild the Trump campaign, to return Trump in 2025.

Have the yuan be gold and silver backed to Chinese nationals under sleepy joe. It would civil war their entire anglo system. China is regardless going to face conflict with the USA, after liberals are defeated in America and while Europe is in either US or Russian camp, gold or no gold backed yuan. These past 3 years have been the years for China not to support a war in Ukraine to make more foes, but to do a massive rearmament and go to gold and silver to back your currency. China does the role that is in the cia script. When China is invaded by the Anglo-America, the cia script for China would be to "blame whitey. Hate the whitey, not the anglo."

After a gold backed system...

Anglos can't turn Russia against China, that would force China back to supporting Europe and isolate Russia. China could easily flip against Russia and side with the EU once again.

Anglos can't have Ukraine lose, China would win the war "vs NATO" and have a gold currency.

Anglos can't turn against gold and silver without pro-gold and pro-silver libertarians turning on Trump.

Their whole global domination flips with gold and silver.

China can easily out maneuver the anglos with the currency war aftermath.

The best opportunity of the past 5 years to do a gold backed currency was pre-ukraine war, EU and China were a united front. And pre-COVID, China had more clout. My first year on PDF talking about gold and silver was China's missed easy opportunity. As the years draw out, things get more difficult to do and sustain. Now with biden in the WH, is the second best opportunity. Everybody knows the Ukraine war was staged by Washington to get Europe away from China and to expand US hegemony in Europe. Events such as these are planned, get a gold currency in China before more bad scripted cia events.

Of course, anglos would pull out industry from China, the whole reason for the kissinger project was to ship factories from Germany and EEC to China to control where the growth is, and when China got too uppity, then have a candidate such as Trump destroy China and loot China. That was the Trump agenda. The post Trump agenda is destroy the two factions that did not want to destroy China and blocked the Trump agenda to destroy China - (1) leftist woke Americans and (2) EU states that wanted the rise of a peaceful China. cia Pompeo said the most dangerous person globally was the American teachers union leader teaching wokeness to students. And the war in Ukraine is to weaken the enemies of Trump in Europe and strengthen Putin to finish off the liberal Europeans. The cia sees those two factions as standing in the way of a Anglo invasion of China - therefore the cia scripted year after year of cia news against wokeness. And Soros provides the boggieman. And cia script of war in Europe with cia asset Trump old pal Putin providing the war. Script, after script. China can break the script, and go gold. Of course, Anglos are going to try to destroy China with all they have, except Anglos are going to do this nonetheless. Don't go on the war path with Russia, go on the peace path with gold. Kissinger does not care if China says Ukraine should give up land for peace, Kissinger said the same exact thing. Kissinger is paranoid China would go gold and silver and destroy the Anglo banking system out of London, that controls the Federal Reserve and the rest of the banking system.

Ask yourself, if Putin was really enemies with America, would Putin tell Trump of a large invasion plan of Ukraine, years in advance. If the US were real enemies of Russia, would Trump keep that a secret and not inform the Ukrainians.

Trump: ‘Used to talk about’ Ukraine invasion with Putin​

Kissinger and Trump are old pals:


If China dominates what is money, they can dominate money, then the financial system, then commerce and industry, then military, then hegemony. The entire anglo system falls like dominoes.

Anglos hate losing. Get one or more Latin American socialist silver producing nations to support a chinese management led nationalization of mining to be the reply if anglos tit for tat. Send the silver to a Chinese exchange to dominate the silver market. Then expand to more Latin American nationalizations with full support of Latin American nations. It would cause a chimping out like you have never seen before. US would bomb UN nations. Take the matter to the UN.
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Henry Kissinger: Ukraine Should Give Up Territory to Russia to Reach Peace

Not much difference than Chinese wanting peace by Russia winning the war (ceding/annexing parts of Ukraine = Russia winning).

Gold and silver as money, brings down their world completely. Destroys it irreparably. The good side wins by default. China is a Rothschild project and particularly a Kissinger project. As Rockefeller took Japan as a project with the Trilateral Commission.

If China wants to take down the dollar system, they have to do so before Trump returns in 2025, for obvious reasons.

DeSantis responsible for the ""white" nationalism" campaign, to gather any ""white" nationalist", then endorse Trump to gather ""white" nationalists" together in a group and then pass that to "candidate Trump" to vote for Trump.

RFK Jr. is responsible for the pro-Russia, anti-Ukraine, anti-vaxxers. To gather these together under an RFK Jr banner and then pass them to candidate "Trump" in an endorsement for RFK Jr. supporters to be on the bandwagon of Trump.

The cia writes the script of the news. For the purpose of merging as many morons to support Trump. 4 years of scripted news to get the return of Trump.

DeSantis is not going to be president. RFK Jr is not going to president. The only reason for them to exist is to rebuild the Trump campaign, to return Trump in 2025.

Have the yuan be gold and silver backed to Chinese nationals under sleepy joe. It would civil war their entire anglo system. China is regardless going to face conflict with the USA, after liberals are defeated in America and while Europe is in either US or Russian camp, gold or no gold backed yuan. These past 3 years have been the years for China not to support a war in Ukraine to make more foes, but to do a massive rearmament and go to gold and silver to back your currency. China does the role that is in the cia script. When China is invaded by the Anglo-America, the cia script for China would be to "blame whitey. Hate the whitey, not the anglo."

After a gold backed system...

Anglos can't turn Russia against China, that would force China back to supporting Europe and isolate Russia. China could easily flip against Russia and side with the EU once again.

Anglos can't have Ukraine lose, China would win the war "vs NATO" and have a gold currency.

Anglos can't turn against gold and silver without pro-gold and pro-silver libertarians turning on Trump.

Their whole global domination flips with gold and silver.

China can easily out maneuver the anglos with the currency war aftermath.

The best opportunity of the past 5 years to do a gold backed currency was pre-ukraine war, EU and China were a united front. And pre-COVID, China had more clout. My first year on PDF talking about gold and silver was China's missed easy opportunity. As the years draw out, things get more difficult to do and sustain. Now with biden in the WH, is the second best opportunity. Everybody knows the Ukraine war was staged by Washington to get Europe away from China and to expand US hegemony in Europe. Events such as these are planned, get a gold currency in China before more bad scripted cia events.

Of course, anglos would pull out industry from China, the whole reason for the kissinger project was to ship factories from Germany and EEC to China to control where the growth is, and when China got too uppity, then have a candidate such as Trump destroy China and loot China. That was the Trump agenda. The post Trump agenda is destroy the two factions that did not want to destroy China and blocked the Trump agenda to destroy China - (1) leftist woke Americans and (2) EU states that wanted the rise of a peaceful China. cia Pompeo said the most dangerous person globally was the American teachers union leader teaching wokeness to students. And the war in Ukraine is to weaken the enemies of Trump in Europe and strengthen Putin to finish off the liberal Europeans. The cia sees those two factions as standing in the way of a Anglo invasion of China - therefore the cia scripted year after year of cia news against wokeness. And Soros provides the boggieman. And cia script of war in Europe with cia asset Trump old pal Putin providing the war. Script, after script. China can break the script, and go gold. Of course, Anglos are going to try to destroy China with all they have, except Anglos are going to do this nonetheless. Don't go on the war path with Russia, go on the peace path with gold. Kissinger does not care if China says Ukraine should give up land for peace, Kissinger said the same exact thing. Kissinger is paranoid China would go gold and silver and destroy the Anglo banking system out of London, that controls the Federal Reserve and the rest of the banking system.

Ask yourself, if Putin was really enemies with America, would Putin tell Trump of a large invasion plan of Ukraine, years in advance. If the US were real enemies of Russia, would Trump keep that a secret and not inform the Ukrainians.

Trump: ‘Used to talk about’ Ukraine invasion with Putin​

Kissinger and Trump are old pals:


If China dominates what is money, they can dominate money, then the financial system, then commerce and industry, then military, then hegemony. The entire anglo system falls like dominoes.

Anglos hate losing. Get one or more Latin American socialist silver producing nations to support a chinese management led nationalization of mining to be the reply if anglos tit for tat. Send the silver to a Chinese exchange to dominate the silver market. Then expand to more Latin American nationalizations with full support of Latin American nations. It would cause a chimping out like you have never seen before. US would bomb UN nations. Take the matter to the UN.

China does not support Russia's annexation of Ukrainian territory, and we have not recognized Crimea as belonging to Russia until now.

The Ukrainian govt is a Nazi govt and Russia is an aggressor. Both of these are facts.

Russia should withdraw from the territory of Eastern Ukraine, and the Ukrainian Nazi govt should withdraw from Eastern Ukraine, where the Russian nation is in the majority. The eight eastern Ukrainian regions could form a new state.
China does not support Russia's annexation of Ukrainian territory, and we have not recognized Crimea as belonging to Russia until now.

The Ukrainian govt is a Nazi govt and Russia is an aggressor. Both of these are facts.

Russia should withdraw from the territory of Eastern Ukraine, and the Ukrainian Nazi govt should withdraw from Eastern Ukraine, where the Russian nation is in the majority. The eight eastern Ukrainian regions could form a new state.
USA imperialism bad, white settler colonialism bad. Though Russian imperialism and settler colonialism "good".

Ethnic map of USSR, which 8 non-Ukrainian regions, these Ukrainian lawfully owned 8 regions were populated by substantial majorities of Ukrainians less than a century ago:


Where Ukrainians once populated before the worst of Russian settler colonialism against Ukrainians:


confirmed by pre-USSR maps of where Ukrainians lived:



Ukrainians know where Ukrainians lived in majorities, not simply in Ukraine proper, much beyond. And in Crimea, Russians were not in the majority until WWII and the expulsion/genocide of the Tatars.

Since this is Ukrianian land stolen by Russian genocidal settler colonists, Ukraine should keep their land and annex the old Ukrainian territory in Russia.
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So China needs to be broken up by this logic of Chinese, because Chinese Han never populated Manchuria in majorities, nor in Tibet, nor in Xinjiang. Lubansk and Donetsk were once Ukrainian dominated regions. Before Russian settler colonists.

The persecution of pro-Russia Ukrainians since 2014 has been against traitors. If USA wages a war on China and it pauses, Chinese believe persecution of pro-American Chinese in China can constitute a justification for war on China by the USA, since they believe this true about Ukraine. To re-enter China in a full scale war to end the persecution of Chinese that support Washington. This is China logic. Because this is retarded Russian "logic".

USA says there is oppression in China, war! Putin lies after lies are far less believable, considering the entire war reasons for Russia are total jokes. It is a lie to play the victim, when you are the aggressor. Supporters of the aggressor can face persecution when that aggressor seeks to wipe out that targeted people once again. 5-6 million Ukrainians died from Moscow in the 1930s. Moscow genocided Tatars. When Russians are repeating persecutions, it is a repeat of aggression/violence.

And the mix of Ukrainians and Russians vote for pro-Ukraine leaders in majority in each Ukrainian province, except Lubansk and Donetsk.

Here is the first round voting of the 2019 presidential election.


Look at the pie charts. The two blue candidates Boyko and Vilkul were options for pro-Russians in Ukraine. Only won two provinces, barely by a majority. The rest of the Ukrainian provinces voted in majorities for well known pro-European, pro-Ukrainian, anti-Russian candidates. Less than 17 percent of Ukrainians supported mild or stronger pro-Russian candidates. And the Chinese want Ukraine to cede 8 provinces. Since the full scale war, a majority of Ukrainians moved staunchly pro-West. So that 17% has decreased.

The vote supportive of a clearly unified Ukraine was passed in 1991 Ukrainian independence referendum by all provinces too.


Where there were pro-Russian options in the presidential election of 2019. Only two provinces voted in majorities for pro-Russia or non-alignment candidates. Only two provinces of Ukraine voted in majorities for soft Russophilia or strong Russophilia. The rest of the Ukrainian provinces were clearly pro-Ukrainian, and rejected Russia.

Crimea is the same as Israel, genocidal settler colonist occupying the natives, persecuting the natives. There is a monumental difference between persecuting traitors that want you wiped out, and the persecution of natives by genocidal occupiers.
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There are no pro-Russian or pro-Ukrainian factions in China, only pro-American or anti-American factions.

Russia's aggressiveness is a historical issue, while US hegemony is a real threat. The wars or color revolutions after the Cold War were all provoked by the United States and the West.

Chinese and Ukraine are friendly, whether they are part of the Soviet Union or independent as a country.

We understand the security concerns of European countries, but Europe's security issues should include Russia's security, which is realist politics.
China does not support Russia's annexation of Ukrainian territory, and we have not recognized Crimea as belonging to Russia until now.

The Ukrainian govt is a Nazi govt and Russia is an aggressor. Both of these are facts.

Russia should withdraw from the territory of Eastern Ukraine, and the Ukrainian Nazi govt should withdraw from Eastern Ukraine, where the Russian nation is in the majority. The eight eastern Ukrainian regions could form a new state.

It's impossible.

The West is pointing gun to the head of Russia.

Definitely Russia will not sit idle waiting the West to pull the trigger.

The purpose is to kill Russia or enslaving Russia.

We should not forget the reason why Russia must invade Ukraine.

Beside of saving Russian people from the fascist government of Ukraine.

Ukraine is very guilty for prosecuting Russia people, systematically remove all Russia elements in the society.

The same thing is happening in Taiwan and HK, remove the Chinese identity and replace it an idea that Chinese and China are garbage.

During the process, punching and kicking all mainlanders who visiting those places by the people who you used to call them brother.

Of course, it's extremely unacceptable!

Behind the smiling face of the West, the bad intention is way too great.
There are no pro-Russian or pro-Ukrainian factions in China, only pro-American or anti-American factions.

Russia's aggressiveness is a historical issue, while US hegemony is a real threat. The wars or color revolutions after the Cold War were all provoked by the United States and the West.

Chinese and Ukraine are friendly, whether they are part of the Soviet Union or independent as a country.

We understand the security concerns of European countries, but Europe's security issues should include Russia's security, which is realist politics.

Right now...

China and Russia are systematically being wiped out.

Even India knows it.

That is why India is taking a side with the West.

So does South Korea and Japan.

Just look at their behavior, it seems like it is hard to convince them to be friendly, isn't?

Because why should being friendly to a loser side.

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