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Hindu temple attacked with bullets

This is bad indeed. Australians are the most racial people ever. I have proves as my dad's friend ( Hate to call him family friend) moved (for good).
Australia is now, what UK was in the 70/80s.
Aussies should learn to integrate with the world, they usually act boisterous whether its cricket or Asiad games or even daily life.
I strongly condemen any attack on a place of worship be it of any religion Hindu or Muslim
We Muslim and Hindus are always fighting with each other not realizing that there are other threats to our religions then Then only extremist of both our religions Btw well said....
Australia is now, what UK was in the 70/80s.
Aussies should learn to integrate with the world, they usually act boisterous whether its cricket or Asiad games or even daily life.

that makes no sense aussies intergrate with the world inside there own country? the world is very different all around and clearly isnt "intergrated"

look at the facts and see who needs to intergrate in Australia
Australia is now, what UK was in the 70/80s.
Aussies should learn to integrate with the world, they usually act boisterous whether its cricket or Asiad games or even daily life.

That's not the fact, you can't blame the whole Aussies for some mis-happenings. Anti socials exists everywhere.
One of the problems of why in the west despite all its fantastic laws and police cover, hatred still exists is because of the lack of unity between faith rights activists. For that matter, seldom do Muslim activists work for the rights of non-Muslims as well... In the west if a Sikh is attacked because he is mistaken as a Mullah the first thing the Sikh community does is start an awareness campaign about the differences between a Sikh and a Muslim, rather than fighting the scourge of intolerance in itself.

This is not just a Hindu problem, because its a temple that was attacked, its everyone's problem.

Very well said. but the other day an NRI Indian member here on this forum was blaming Muslims for this attack sans any proof
Although I can see Asian in most part of Sydney I couldn't find any famous media characters with Asian background in the media The same happens to other minorities as well. The big media sites and newspaper are not interested in any multicultural development. All they talk about is their own politics which happen mostly in Canberra where most of the residents are ethnic white people. Also how some European guy or American guy may affect local culture, economy or policy. The minorities are simply ignored.

I am not so concerned about the content of the programming per se. Asians are fully Australian and the issues they discuss would also be core Australian issues. The subject matter would be the same regardless of the race of the media personality. It is the fact that mainstream commercial media in Australia is almost entirely white. Whether it's entertainment, news, documentaries...

The only two channels where minorities seem to get a break are SBS and ABC, which are fringe and government-sponsored, respectively.

How is the Australian media racist ive watched multicultural issues on 60 minutes the show shows both sides of the storys so because the main free to air channels have mainly white presenters and reporters its racist how about the fact that 92% of the australian population is white?

Like I wrote above, it is not so much the issues, but the actual personalities. Asians do well in all other spheres of Australian culture, so it's hard to believe that they are not 'qualified' for the commercial media.

You are right that Australia is 92% white, but the most ridiculous irony is that they showcase British blacks to add diversity. They still can't bring themselves to showcase Aborigines. The only Aborigine I know of in mainstream media is Deborah Mailman, and Jessica Mauboy of late.

and i never implied it was unique to lebanese i said middle eastern.

No dice. Almost all groups identify themselves by ethnicity or national origin, whether it's Italian, Greek, Chinese, Irish, Lebanese, etc. It's a very common thing in Australia.
Australia is now, what UK was in the 70/80s.
Aussies should learn to integrate with the world, they usually act boisterous whether its cricket or Asiad games or even daily life.

Most Australians are decent, but Australian culture is much more informal and permissive than some other cultures. When I first moved from the US, I was surprised at the kind of jokes and language that people use here -- that kind of stuff would be frowned upon in the US. But the Aussies don't mean it in a mean way -- they talk like that about everybody, including whites.
Why does Pauline Hanson hate Chinese people so much? Any particular reason?

Australia has a large European population and always viewed itself as an outpost of Europe. Starting in the 70s, the Australian government made a conscious decision to align Australia as an Asia-Pacific nation instead of a European nation. There was large scale migration, first of Vietnamese/Cambodian refugees, then of other Asians, notably Chinese. Also, the Japanese went on a real-estate buying binge, then the Chinese started buying up Australian companies. All of this led to talk of an 'Asian invasion' and 'Yellow peril' in the 80s and 90s, but most Australians are fine with Asians now. Especially in the urban areas, which hold 90% of Australia's population anyway.

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