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How Al-Zarrar MBT was destroyed

actually they were already phasing out t-59 and so the use of tow was simply a
write decision cause he ammunition does not explodes so that near by militants
die but single tow did it no militant fleed. :)
In the Battle for Bajour, last year 2008, around area of Loi Sam, a T-59 was destroyed. This destroyed tank was shown on a documentary movie prepared by AlJazeera, probably name of the program was "From the Frontline".
The documentary, was retelecasted by Geo TV in their program Geomentry. The programe also show live how a T-59 troop leading a convoy was ambushed by Taliban, and tanks took 180 degree turn and speed away. The troop leader was then shown (maybe an officer) talking on a wireless to his boss,that there is trouble ahead.

Insuch type of warfare, tanks can be easily targetted.
About the destroyed tank, the tank was actually left at the scene of attack, and crew left the tank. Then a Cobra helicopter was sent to take the tank out with a TOW, so that tank cannot be used by Taliban.

why were they doing so? T59's frontal armor is thick enough to against any type of RPGs available to the taliban. however T59's side and rear armor is as thin as 20-40mm, making it an easy target to be destoried.furthermore, a convoy lead is not supposed to flee the enemy, is it? :frown:
one way or the other tank has to be destroyed no matter what u made it with world best armour thing counts most how many that destroyed al khalid killed terorist if it killed 40 to 50 than it has done its job
one way or the other tank has to be destroyed no matter what u made it with world best armour thing counts most how many that destroyed al khalid killed terorist if it killed 40 to 50 than it has done its job

because the tank didn't have partners
Every tank in world can be destroyed the question is what is the damage ratio to your enemy

If 1 Tank can take out 500-600 enemy combatants then its done its job, if it can destroy a garrisoned building or post its done its job
ur taking my comments in wrong way way who guratee u that the tank never be destroyed the best tank abram destroyed in iraq war many times one way or other it has to be destroyed if u pay for someting and staright way it get destroyed u will say tooo many

if u buy a car and u used it for 5 years and after that it get smashed u will be hurt but not that much if u get ur car smashed on its first day how do u fell anyway al khalid still a work horse u dont know how many terrorist killed by that destroyed tank
Both Al-Zs were lost to enemy fire on two different ocassions. Out of the eight crew members, 4 were lost. Out of the four, one was lost to the direct effect of tank being destroyed. Remaining three were lost to allied incidents, such as being shot while evacuating from the burning tanks.
I can't divulge technical details here. My limitations. Only i can assure you is that I know. I was there.
A total of 3 three tanks have been lost to enemy fire in these years. 1 x T-69IIMP and 2 x Al-Zs. There have been a certain no of them disabled due to heavy potency IED blasts but all the tanks / crew were recovered safely and those tanks are all back in combat again.
hi everyone .. its almost a year since this incident took place..... and well we have taken a year to come to terms with this loss .... there are of course many versions to what had happened that day, not any of them is entirely accurate. I will not go in details of what and how things happened there. All i can tell you is that we actually lost three AZ tanks in this particular conflict. One was disabled due to a massive IED blast, but luckily the crew survived. The tank took the brunt of the blast. Its track was broken, lost the idler wheel, the diesel tanks ruptured due to the shock wave and the belly was practically bent front side.
remaining two tanks were lost to direct anti-tank rocket attack. In all speculations they were RPG-7s fired at a very close rage (range does not effect penetration but accuracy for sure!!!). In both the cases, the crew managed to come out alive, but (in both the cases), but the gunner and loader were lost due to subsequent reasons (burn wounds, gun fire)....

Tanks are very powerful machines, but at the same time, they are very vulnerable to close range attacks. therefore the dependence on infantry to protect them from close range attacks. If in any eventuality, the infantry leaves a gap in this protection, specially during a gun battle, that gap is exploited by the miscreants to attack the tank. That is exactly what had happened in the later two occasions when the tanks were fired upon by rockets from a very close range.
yaar in war you destroy some you loose some and with anti tank missile hits 3 any tank in the world can be destroyed
Old thread reborn..anyways id like to add some info on tali RPGs .they use RPG 9s not 7.
Guess now
Little workshop work and the tank is good as new can't say that about the dead terrorihist
Thanks for clarifying Zalmay. Hadn't seen the documentary myself so it seemed like a a pretty big deal.

My brother from armored core was leading the attack in Buner... I guess he explained what happened two years ago on this page as Iceman

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