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How PUNJAB came to dominate the Army

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Better than 5,000 that continues to this very day lol

No they did not

Gujjars and Jats repeatedly plundered his convoys, Babur himself documented such

Whose convoys were looted and pillaged by Ahluwalia until they left the region
Which book?

Are you denying that punjabis were major part of the British army and that there were no major revolts in Punjab during British era??
Which book?

Are you denying that punjabis were major part of the British army
Are you denying that Pashtuns were not a part of the British army in big numbers? 10s of thousands
and that there were no major revolts in Punjab during British era??
Are you denying that you have amnesia and repeating the same thing over and over again that turned out to be incorrect?
No insurgency in KPK outside of waziristan ever matched the scale of the one's in Punjab , I gave you the details multiple times- but your amnesia starts kicking in, can't help you with that, can we?
Which book?

Are you denying that punjabis were major part of the British army and that there were no major revolts in Punjab during British era??

Battle of Jhelum? The insurgencies of people like Ahmed Khan Karral, Bhagat Singh or Nizam Lohar? The mass demonstration at Jallianwala Bagh? We've all seen the pictures of Azad Hind recruits, Punjabis were ridiculously overrepresented there too.

Stop insulting the largest ethnic group of Pakistan with blatant slander, as if the Khyber Rifles didn't exist too

Are you denying that Pashtuns were not a part of the British army in big numbers? 10s of thousands

Are you denying that you have amnesia and repeating the same thing over and over again that turned out to be incorrect?
No insurgency in KPK outside of waziristan ever matched the scale of the one's in Punjab , I gave you the details multiple times- but your amnesia starts kicking in, can't help you with that, can we?

It's concerning to see anti-Punjabi rhetoric find its way even into PDF, but this site has always been a wild one and just seems to have gotten much worse

Some of us, thankfully, grow out of it
Are you denying that Pashtuns were not a part of the British army in big numbers? 10s of thousands

Are you denying that you have amnesia and repeating the same thing over and over again that turned out to be incorrect?
No insurgency in KPK outside of waziristan ever matched the scale of the one's in Punjab , I gave you the details multiple times- but your amnesia starts kicking in, can't help you with that, can we?
No pushtoons were big part of army not denying that..

Again which rebellion against British are you talking about my knowledge is very limited on this topic

One word would be enough so I can read about it
Weren't all the Delhi sultanates either Turkic or Afghani? Which one was Punjabi? Maybe the Sayyid dynasty? But even that was a vassal to the Timurid empire!
No..punjabi as well.(syed dynasty)
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No pushtoons were big part of army not denying that..

Again which rebellion against British are you talking about my knowledge is very limited on this topic

One word would be enough so I can read about it
Bookmark it this time if your amnesia kicks in

Rai Ahmad Khan Kharal (80 at the time of the war of independence) was a Punjabi Muslim chieftain of the Kharal tribe. He led rebellion in the Bar region of Punjab against the British East India Company in the War of Independence of 1857

Lord Berkley who was the extra Assistant Commissioner of Gogera, called out all important personalities of the area, and Rai Ahmed Khan Kharal came. Berkley demanded all the leaders to supply men and horses to crush the revolt. On this, Rai Ahmed Khan Kharal said "Kharals do not share wife, horse and land with anyone" and left

Rai Ahmed Khan Kharal with help of Kathia, Wattoo, Fatayana and Joiya tribe started a guerilla campaign against British. According to Punjab government records the rebels numbered 20,000 to 30,000 men. According to John Cave-Browne book each time, these rebels took refuge in thick jungles and grass and attacked with 3000-5000 guerillas, the sound of drum beating was the sign that they would attack.The connection of Jhang to Lahore was completely cut.

2- The tribes of Murree had risen against the British but not all had been against British rule. Before British rule had been established in the area, the tribes had fought against the Sikhs. Under the command of the Pir of Plasi Mohammed Ali Shah, they had fought against the Sikh Army in Balakot – the troops here were commanded by Shah Ismail Shaheed and Syed Ahmad Shaheed

The attack on Britsh Garrison was led by Sherbaz Khan Abbasi. The masterminds of this plan of independence was Sardar Hasan Ali Khan Karlal & the two Syed brothers from Dhoke Syedan of Dewal Sharif. Sardar Hasan Ali Khan along with his tribe, and with the help of certain other tribes of Murree, tried to attack the Murree garrison. Immediately after the conclusion of the war of independence of 1857, the British Government constructed a road linking Galyiat and Muree and establish the five cantonments of Bara Gali, Nathia Gali, Dounga Gali, Changla Gali, and Kouza Gali and garrisoned them to protect any future incursion of on Muree Garrison

Although the British had managed to repulse the attack on Murree town, two neighboring heights were held by the tribesmen. The British in Murree were unable to send men to tackle the tribesmen in the hills as these were needed for the defense. For the whole of 2 September 1857 the heights around Murree were held by the tribesmen. It was not until 3 September with the arrival of reinforcements that the tribesmen were repulsed from the hills.

The reinforcements themselves were almost ambushed. They had to cross difficult country full or morasses and defiles. The tribesmen belonging from various tribes of Murree who had scattered into the forest laid an ambush to cut them off; However, the road on which the trap was laid became impassable from the rains. The force turned off, and not until it had passed the ambush spot.

Murree was garrisoned with extra troops and supplies of food; the British then burnt the rebellious villages, confiscated cattle and men were seized.

just the big ones others were smaller outlaws attacking and harassing British police and army garrisons - not major
Bookmark it this time if your amnesia kicks in

Rai Ahmad Khan Kharal (80 at the time of the war of independence) was a Punjabi Muslim chieftain of the Kharal tribe. He led rebellion in the Bar region of Punjab against the British East India Company in the War of Independence of 1857

Lord Berkley who was the extra Assistant Commissioner of Gogera, called out all important personalities of the area, and Rai Ahmed Khan Kharal came. Berkley demanded all the leaders to supply men and horses to crush the revolt. On this, Rai Ahmed Khan Kharal said "Kharals do not share wife, horse and land with anyone" and left

Rai Ahmed Khan Kharal with help of Kathia, Wattoo, Fatayana and Joiya tribe started a guerilla campaign against British. According to Punjab government records the rebels numbered 20,000 to 30,000 men. According to John Cave-Browne book each time, these rebels took refuge in thick jungles and grass and attacked with 3000-5000 guerillas, the sound of drum beating was the sign that they would attack.The connection of Jhang to Lahore was completely cut.

2- The tribes of Murree had risen against the British but not all had been against British rule. Before British rule had been established in the area, the tribes had fought against the Sikhs. Under the command of the Pir of Plasi Mohammed Ali Shah, they had fought against the Sikh Army in Balakot – the troops here were commanded by Shah Ismail Shaheed and Syed Ahmad Shaheed

The attack on Britsh Garrison was led by Sherbaz Khan Abbasi. The masterminds of this plan of independence was Sardar Hasan Ali Khan Karlal & the two Syed brothers from Dhoke Syedan of Dewal Sharif. Sardar Hasan Ali Khan along with his tribe, and with the help of certain other tribes of Murree, tried to attack the Murree garrison. Immediately after the conclusion of the war of independence of 1857, the British Government constructed a road linking Galyiat and Muree and establish the five cantonments of Bara Gali, Nathia Gali, Dounga Gali, Changla Gali, and Kouza Gali and garrisoned them to protect any future incursion of on Muree Garrison

Although the British had managed to repulse the attack on Murree town, two neighboring heights were held by the tribesmen. The British in Murree were unable to send men to tackle the tribesmen in the hills as these were needed for the defense. For the whole of 2 September 1857 the heights around Murree were held by the tribesmen. It was not until 3 September with the arrival of reinforcements that the tribesmen were repulsed from the hills.

The reinforcements themselves were almost ambushed. They had to cross difficult country full or morasses and defiles. The tribesmen belonging from various tribes of Murree who had scattered into the forest laid an ambush to cut them off; However, the road on which the trap was laid became impassable from the rains. The force turned off, and not until it had passed the ambush spot.

Murree was garrisoned with extra troops and supplies of food; the British then burnt the rebellious villages, confiscated cattle and men were seized.

just the big ones others were smaller outlaws attacking and harassing British police and army garrisons - not major
I know the role of Punjab in the last organized rebellion of 1857, it basically started in Punjab which would have succeeded had no back up support from other parts of india but nothing significant has come across my eyes after 1857 rebellion, alot of key political leadership and movements hailed from Punjab but no militancy was seen.

This is probably due to geography, it been unfavorable
Hindu Shahis
Khokhars (don't forget who killed Ghori)
Ahmed Khan Karral
Abdullah Bhatti
Adina Beg

Do I need to name more?

It's ironic that you mention it being on the westernmost edge as some sort of a trump card to explain its final collapse against the BE, you do realise the inverse is also true with the Islamic expansions, yes?

When did it even become a source of shame for a people to embrace Islam rapidly?
i did mention the shahis, and sikhs came well after and I do mention them as the united force.

The rest are still localized and killing Ghori after he was done is what?

What is relationship of Islam to pointing out a disjointed people that preferred tribal loyalties to keep their fiefdoms? Is that your trump card?

All of them passed through Pashtun and Baloch areas first, and we know full-well just how many of them were eager beavers to be thrown as fodder

Don't be selective here
The Pashtun have more ethnic links to the invasions than anything - but I am not leaving them out.. but the Baloch?
This is empire - apart from being generally piecemeal - where did he rumpus all over the Baloch?

Do you even where Baloch lineage and tribes reign?

The first migration was of the Baloch tribes residing in the northern areas of what is now called Kurdistan. These Baloch are called Narui (Nara denoting north in archaic Balochi) and they settled in the areas now called Seistan, Zabol in present-day Iran, Helmand valley in present Afghanistan and Chagai plains in present Pakistani province of Balochistan. The second migration took place a few hundred years after the first migration. In this batch, the migrating Baloch tribes ofMount Elburz in the south of Caspian Sea settled in what is now called central Balochistan in Pakistan. The third and most important of all is the migration of the remaining Baloch tribes said to be living in Aleppo who first settled in Kerman, then Makuran and finally to the plains of Sibi and Kachchi in the Pakistani province of Balochistan. This occurred during 12th century AD.

So wither resistance?
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Bottom line--> Both Punjabis and Pashtuns like fighting. It's in their genes. But where they have success, they also have weaknesses. They lag behind others in regards to education, social and economic progress and this affects the modern state of Pakistan as well because they have no desire to be competitive and they literally make up 70% of our population.
How many sq foot of land has brave army has liberated since 1952
I mentioned 1952 becasue India was done , taking over the land it wanted which were Prime Land rich with resources

1 km ?
2 km ?
10 km?

It's time to focus on present and stop living on your ethnic superiority complex

All the random medals folks put on the chest and claim honor and valor. How many battles they have won ?

Go do a full research , 1947 to Present and list all the land won which was stolen from India

200 meter ? May be

The Ukraine war , see how quickly the Russians entered in in modern battle field

Those good old days of Major Aziz Bhatii are gone , 1 man holding off thousand soldiers

Modern warfare , the enemy will put a Laser target on your *** and drop a smart bomb
fired from Aapache Helicopter
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i did mention the shahis, and sikhs came well after and I do mention them as the united force.

The rest are still localized
So tughlaq, Sayyeds of khokhars are localized even though they controlled a much, much bigger area than anyone you mentioned , khokhars playing King makers in the middle ages were localized but others were not - ok

B- Even Hindu shahis were Rajput clan kingdoms so even they were "localized" lol
and killing Ghori after he was done is what?
Fought him multiple times, so did other clans but khokhars were fighting him throughout the land's whenever they gathered enough people but were defeated cause Turks had better horse Archery, they were going throughout the world conquering left and right - shit happens, I'll celebrate their valour
And in the end took care of buisness
What is relationship of Islam to pointing out a disjointed people that preferred tribal loyalties to keep their fiefdoms? Is that your trump card?
Yes cause that was frickin middle ages, that's how societies were world over- only time clans gathered were probably Arabs with Muslims, Turks and mongols than they created empires other than that middle ages people never ever joined forces, that was thier thing
Only couple centeries ago we see people gathering around nationalities, relgion, ideologies

To judge a medieval society through that lens is laughable

Since muhajirs like to complain so much about Punjabis - what were y'all doing except for inventing Mughal cuisine for Mughal kings? If someone else was complaining I wouldn't laugh at it but seriously? Y'all? (And for some reason y'all do it the most even on other SM platforms LMAO, like to complain about racism but are racist towards us(talking about the Karachi one's not the one's up north) dk whether to cry or laugh at it)
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Stick to modern warfare , 1952 to Present

Land / Sq KM won

And the list Bangladesh Sq KM lost

Even in 1948 , were losing the battle until the Trible people came to help liberate 50% of Kashmir

No real major accomplishment, or land recovery

Go do a Google search and check the India/Pakistan border The army has not even bothered to put a border wall with India

India is extracting oil and gas from regions where our Army does not even want to go close and put a border wall

Go ahead open browser go google map and check , the vast area within Pakistan is "Un developed" mean while if you look at the land on India side it is fully developed with roads and factors and oil / gas extraction

Did any decision was taken to buid a wall , what is the fear ?

What happened to the recon plane that went over to water way shared between India-Pakistan

It was shot ? What did brave Army do ? NOTHING

Recent Missile strike , it was stated it was a malfunction

Any general with Ground experience ? Real Battle ? None
Calling clearing out of 200-300 random people from some hills called it a massive operation

Destroyed all own infrastructure with heavy bombardment in Swat , made own people homeless

Military battle experience ? 0

Mean while demanding 50% of Budget

Security Guard duty at QATAR WORLD Cup is not military accomplishment, state bank claims they did not even get the money deposit god knows where that 2 Billion Dollar went

Did Bajwa left a note where is the 2 Billion Dollar ? Ya Bori main dal ker bhag giya
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What is relationship of Islam to pointing out a disjointed people that preferred tribal loyalties to keep their fiefdoms? Is that your trump card?

The hidden assumption here is that "not fighting enough" against any Islamic invaders is indicative of some sort of cultural capitulaion syndrome, which is simply nonsensical to apply given the religious beliefs of Muslims and Islam as not just a religious but also a historically political ideology.

Punjabis wouldn't be unique in their tribalism, just look at the neighbouring ethnic groups (especially the Baloch and Pashtuns), perpetual feuding. This is simply how such societies work.

The rest are still localized

Every rebellion is "localised" in some respect, what do you even mean by this?

The Pashtun have more ethnic links to the invasions than anything

They only got conquered and absorbed into the Islamic empire first, when Punjabis experienced the same you had the Khokhars, Gakkhars, Kambohs, Toors, Arains and others all integrated into the political system the exact same way, spreading the religion further east.

There's no additional reason for them to "kang" over Turkic-origin dynasties.

Do you even where Baloch lineage and tribes reign?

The first migration was of the Baloch tribes residing in the northern areas of what is now called Kurdistan. These Baloch are called Narui (Nara denoting north in archaic Balochi) and they settled in the areas now called Seistan, Zabol in present-day Iran, Helmand valley in present Afghanistan and Chagai plains in present Pakistani province of Balochistan. The second migration took place a few hundred years after the first migration. In this batch, the migrating Baloch tribes ofMount Elburz in the south of Caspian Sea settled in what is now called central Balochistan in Pakistan. The third and most important of all is the migration of the remaining Baloch tribes said to be living in Aleppo who first settled in Kerman, then Makuran and finally to the plains of Sibi and Kachchi in the Pakistani province of Balochistan. This occurred during 12th century AD.

So wither resistance?

Clearly you're quite rattled :lol:

Baloch capitulated to various empires throughout the region numerous times and never had a single one of their own, they also still to this day are locked in civil conflict because of tribal feudals. Doesn't sound much better than the Punjab to me, especially considering how much poorer and backwards it is.

Since muhajirs like to complain so much about Punjabis - what were y'all doing except for inventing Mughal cuisine for Mughal kings? If someone else was complaining I wouldn't laugh at it but seriously? Y'all? (And for some reason y'all do it the most even on other SM platforms LMAO, like to complain about racism but are racist towards us(talking about the Karachi one's not the one's up north) dk whether to cry or laugh at it)

I find it extremely weird to see non-Punjabis try to focus on a spec in our eyes, as opposed to a log in theirs
Punjabi genocide is real. Punjabi hatred is real. The Punjabis have been neutered. The Muhajirs, Pashtuns, Baloch and Sindhis are teaming up against the Punjabis in a multi-pronged and multi-directional attack on both kinetic and non-kinetic front.

Your province is being invaded, your taxes are being siphoned, your identity, language and culture is under direct dehumanisation and the liberals are playing their full part to justify it politically. Lahori elites and the woke activists are the allies of the enemies of Punjab. Imran Khan is playing his part in Punjabi genocide and had planned to flood Panjab with "masoom" Afghanis, and the liberal woke brigade would justify it.

It's not long left till Punjab will be renegaded to something similar to Karachi, where everyone else will demand authority and perks in the land and the natives will be sidelined. There will be discussion on who it truly belongs to - the Punjabis or the countless soft invaders changing the demographics?

Has Punjab fallen already, or is there still time to save it? @Maula Jatt

I fear the people are right to assume Punjabis as the political "white people" of Pakistan, in the sense that we all know the white people in the west are correct in reality but just not politically, but we know they couldn't defend their land from the cultural invasion and demographic altering. Punjab's time is next.
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