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How PUNJAB came to dominate the Army

Whether you agree with me or not but The fact is that 65% of Punjab was conquered humiliated and forced to accept islam
There is no history of empires from Punjab and that’s the reason why claim that Mongolians were Punjabis , Afghans were punjabis , Arabs were punjabis and so on
5 footer bhaiya Pajeet behind this text seething like a beaach :rofl:

Mughals we're not punjabi but became part of larger south Asian Muslim identity- that's why thier notable generals, ministers, governor's, administrators came from Muslim of the region

Others in some dynasties of Delhi sultanate were - you didn't even have clan leaders in Bihar mate, Muslims were thier rulling down to the bare village level for centeries- tf you talking about lmao
5 footer bhaiya Pajeet behind this text seething like a beaach :rofl:

This false flagger clown 🤡 uses words like 'Daalkhor' and 'Kaaliya' for Punjabis.. Why would a Bihari call a Punjabi 'Kaaliya' :lol: ... His posts, just like the posts by the racist scum @SaadH, reek of typical Afghani racism
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Adina Beg allied with Sikhs and Marathas only to benefit Panjab Adina Beg possessed a brilliant mind which he used in good affect against Sikh raiders, Afghans and the encroaching Marathas, All this was for the unity of Panjab. Adina Beg was the first true ruler whom united Panjab mentioning a maurader like Banda Singh is an insult to Panjab its like glorifying all the massacres he committed upon the people of Panjab.

And for this Banda Singh was eventually hanged to death as a criminal should be.

Adina Beg, no doubt, was a great statesman, a brave soldier and a shrewd diplomat. He allied with Sikhs and Marathas to drive out Afghan dacoits from Punjab (which he successfully did). As for Banda Singh, he may or may not have been a marauder, but he had thousands of Punjabi Muslims in his Army. Punjabi Muslims mostly supported Gujjar Singh Bhangi and later Ranjeet Singh against Abdali marauders. Hundreds of Muslim Pushtoons fought along Guru Gobind Singh against the Mughals on the orders of Pir Badar ud din of Ambala. The Pir was later killed by Mughals. Banda Singh then avenged the Pir's death by killing the murderers. The point is, it hasn't been about the religion always as some would have us believe
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5 footer bhaiya Pajeet behind this text seething like a beaach :rofl:

Mughals we're not punjabi but became part of larger south Asian Muslim identity- that's why thier notable generals, ministers, governor's, administrators came from Muslim of the region

Others in some dynasties of Delhi sultanate were - you didn't even have clan leaders in Bihar mate, Muslims were thier rulling down to the bare village level for centeries- tf you talking about lmao
Yet Bihar remained 100% Hindu throughout the history , It’s 86% Hindu even today and the 14% Muslim population in Bihar is not original to Bihar either they came from Bangladesh and Myanmar there population increased because of higher fertility rate
you Daalkhor Kaliyas were humiliated and forced to accept islam , 65% of your Daalkhor race is Muslim thanks to Afghan and turk invasion
Gupta , Maurya or other empires which rouse from Bihar were original to Bihar they had no connection with any foreign power they conquered entire Indian Subcontinent but you Daalkhor Kaliyas shamelessly take pride in being enslaved by Mughals and Afghans:omghaha:

This false flagger clown 🤡 uses words like 'Daalkhor' and 'Kaaliya' for Punjabis.. Why would a Bihari call a Punjabi 'Kaaliya' :lol: ... His posts, just like the posts by the racist scum @SaadH, reek of typical Afghandu racism
Daalkhor Empire was the most powerful empire in the region
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5 footer bhaiya Pajeet behind this text seething like a beaach :rofl:

Mughals we're not punjabi but became part of larger south Asian Muslim identity- that's why thier notable generals, ministers, governor's, administrators came from Muslim of the region

Others in some dynasties of Delhi sultanate were - you didn't even have clan leaders in Bihar mate, Muslims were thier rulling down to the bare village level for centeries- tf you talking about lmao
Let's settle this debate.

Bihar and Panjab should go to war today.

Round up 10K warriors on each side. Let them fight it out.

Daalkhor Empire was the most powerful empire in the region
Dude, you are a literal Bihari, can you not see the irony here?

The cognitive dissonance
Let's settle this debate.

Bihar and Panjab should go to war today.

Round up 10K warriors on each side. Let them fight it out.

Dude, you are a literal Bihari, can you not see the irony here?

The cognitive dissonance
Whatever i have said is fact
Bihar and Punjab Regiment did come face to face in 1971 and the result is known to the world
You can translate the article to English
Whatever i have said is fact
Bihar and Punjab Regiment did come face to face in 1971 and the result is known to the world
You can translate the article to English
Bro just stop 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
tax is generated by consumption of goods not by collecting revenues at port. Now check oil consumption, electricity, cement etc Anything you will pick up 70% of share will be from Punjab and 30% from rest of Pakistan.

Retail hardly pay any tax including Karachi shops. Total retail shop tax collection is Rs200b, 46% from Karachi. Even Rs200b is hardly 2% of over all revenue collection.


Plus income tax is based on where company is registered. See per capita income tax of Islamabad, 8-10 times more then Lahore and Karachi. While GDP of Islamabad is like 10 times less.

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Dude, the problem I see it is the methodology you are opting to use.

It is a fact that Karachi collects the majority of tax revenue in the whole country. Okay, you say, that’s true but that is because it is a port city and this is true for all countries. And just a conduit of trade that occurs in the rest of the country.

I will say yes that’s true, but other countries for that precise reason pay a lot attention to their port cities and invest in their port cities. Has Karachi had that sort of attention? Before or after the 18th amendment? No.

Okay you might say but that’s not evidence that the rest of the country is not paying taxes and the Karachites are bank rolling the rest of us. But then we look at income tax- you give an outlier of Islamabad which has to be an outlier because a significant population there work for the govt jobs and I suspect their income taxes are withheld before the check (maybe someone working in a govt job can clarify how it works). Excluding Islamabad, Karachi pays more income tax (that is not corporate tax).

Okay you say that might just be more corporate level type jobs in Karachi which have better and more stringent HR that do some sort of tax with-holding. That might also be true.

But even on taxes that say markets pay, one or two single market bazaar in Karachi pays more taxes than all the markets in Lahore and Islamabad combined. Granted it’s a measly 200 bn rupees as you point out. But Karachi just has less tax noncompliance than others (although it’s still very high).

I don’t know, we, Karachites, might just be bitching here. We may be wrong about this. I read in a study that Karachi collects 70% of taxes in the country and generates activity for 20% in itself. Even 20% is a lot given the gross neglect. Can’t find the study right now.

That guy is not Afghani, he is Muhajir

KPK has no right to complain about drone strikes after being the primary source of terrorism and providing a safehaven for terror groups like TTP in the past, due to personal sympathies thereby keeping the country bogged down.

Pakistan is Muhajiristan.

Punjab has been screwed over as alleged by my post below:
Dude in any country, it’s the minorities who worry about genocide, not the majority. Especially if the majority are relatively privileged. In what sense is Pakistan, Muhajiristan? Have you ever visited Karachi?
Adina Beg, no doubt, was a great statesman, a brave soldier and a shrewd diplomat. He allied with Sikhs and Marathas to drive out Afghan dacoits from Punjab (which he successfully did). As for Banda Singh, he may or may not have been a marauder, but he had thousands of Punjabi Muslims in his Army. Punjabi Muslims mostly supported Gujjar Singh Bhangi and later Ranjeet Singh against Abdali marauders. Hundreds of Muslim Pushtoons fought along Guru Gobind Singh against the Mughals on the orders of Pir Badar ud din of Ambala. The Pir was later killed by Mughals. Banda Singh then avenged the Pir's death by killing the murderers. The point is, it hasn't been about the religion always as some would have us believe
Having muslim in armies is not some miracle invention that Banda Singh somehow conjured just like Ranjit Singh kept Muslim in his army for artillery purpose as Muhammadans were pioneers in Artillery and Cavalry. Banda Singh kept muslim because it was necessary for him to succeed if we are to base conclusions on mere having other religions among your armies then by far most open minded were muslim rulers be it from Jasrath khokhar to Aurangzeb they had by far the largest religious representatives.

Even Adina Beg had good number of Sikhs.

Punjabi muslims as a fact had it best under Khalsa and later on the british, who allowed local punjabi rule under their sovereignty unlike afghans and other warlords.
Punjabi Muslims were always thriving under their own rule Panjab on the eve of Mughal Decline was effectively run by small Muslim Kingdoms and chieftains all the way from Hazara Division to Upper Sindh am not even mentioning the countless Pahari kingdoms that were majority Muslim Rajputs from Bombas, Khakhas, Jarrals etc.
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Dude, the problem I see it is the methodology you are opting to use.

It is a fact that Karachi collects the majority of tax revenue in the whole country. Okay, you say, that’s true but that is because it is a port city and this is true for all countries. And just a conduit of trade that occurs in the rest of the country.

I will say yes that’s true, but other countries for that precise reason pay a lot attention to their port cities and invest in their port cities. Has Karachi had that sort of attention? Before or after the 18th amendment? No.

Okay you might say but that’s not evidence that the rest of the country is not paying taxes and the Karachites are bank rolling the rest of us. But then we look at income tax- you give an outlier of Islamabad which has to be an outlier because a significant population there work for the govt jobs and I suspect their income taxes are withheld before the check (maybe someone working in a govt job can clarify how it works). Excluding Islamabad, Karachi pays more income tax (that is not corporate tax).

Okay you say that might just be more corporate level type jobs in Karachi which have better and more stringent HR that do some sort of tax with-holding. That might also be true.

But even on taxes that say markets pay, one or two single market bazaar in Karachi pays more taxes than all the markets in Lahore and Islamabad combined. Granted it’s a measly 200 bn rupees as you point out. But Karachi just has less tax noncompliance than others (although it’s still very high).

I don’t know, we, Karachites, might just be bitching here. We may be wrong about this. I read in a study that Karachi collects 70% of taxes in the country and generates activity for 20% in itself. Even 20% is a lot given the gross neglect. Can’t find the study right now.

Dude in any country, it’s the minorities who worry about genocide, not the majority. Especially if the majority are relatively privileged. In what sense is Pakistan, Muhajiristan? Have you ever visited Karachi?

Karachi share in retail tax is 46% and income tax 42%. Thats far from 70% which likely include tax collected at port. And income tax include corporate tax which again mean tax isn't generated where company is located. Karachi should have seen more investment but thats on Sindh govt who got lion share of revenues post 18th amendment.

Dude in any country, it’s the minorities who worry about genocide, not the majority. Especially if the majority are relatively privileged. In what sense is Pakistan, Muhajiristan? Have you ever visited Karachi?
Not in Pakistan.

There's a Punjabi genocide going on. The other ethnicities have teamed up and the Urduistanis, liberals and wokes are all in on it.

There is an invasion of settler colonialism and cultural imperialism as well as colonial divide going on.
Having muslim in armies is not some miracle invention that Banda Singh somehow conjured just like Ranjit Singh kept Muslim in his army for artillery purpose as Muhammadans were pioneers in Artillery and Cavalry. Banda Singh kept muslim because it was necessary for him to succeed if we are to base conclusions on mere having other religions among your armies then by far most open minded were muslim rulers be it from Jasrath khokhar to Aurangzeb they had by far the largest religious representatives.

Even Adina Beg had good number of Sikhs.

Punjabi Muslims were always thriving under their own rule Panjab on the eve of Mughal Decline was effectively run by small Muslim Kingdoms and chieftains all the way from Hazara Division to Upper Sindh am not even mentioning the countless Pahari kingdoms that were majority Muslim Rajputs from Bombas, Khakhas, Jarrals etc.

Yes, and that exactly is what I am saying. The imagined paradigm of eternal conflict between Punjabi Muslims and Punjabi Sikhs/Hindus on religious basis is a myth.

Punjab armies, whether Sikh Army or Adina Beg's, were multiethnic and multi-religious armies who kept switching sides and changing allies and enemies based on ever-changing geopolitical dynamics. Historically, Punjabi hinterland had been inhabited by unruly tribes where tribes acted as independent entities, and there was no concept of a united Punjabi state or nation. Adina Beg probably was the first one who united Punjabis, and later on, the emergence of the sovereign state of Punjab in 1799 under Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a moment of crowning glory in the evolution of a distinctive Punjabi identity.

Punjab bore the brunt of partition and it was divided along religious lines in 1947. This consolidated 'Punjabi Musalman identity' (exclusively Pakistani) staunchly opposed to/distinct from Punjabi Hindu/Sikh identity (exclusively Indian). These 'clear demarcation lines' were much more blurred in the past. From a historic point of view, Afghans were marauders and they were as cruel (if not more) towards Punjabi Muslims as the indigenous Sikhs. But as Afghans were Muslims, Pakistanis/Punjabis tend to hail them as heroes and all non-Muslims as villains, and they look at all the wars/battles of the past through a religious lense. Sikhs/Hindus do the opposite
sovereign state of Punjab in 1799 under Maharaja Ranjit Singh
Completely false that the rule which Ranjit Singh established was a Khalsa State nowhere in any historical reference do we find the direction of Ranjit Singh to be of a Sovereign Punjabi State it was always mentioned as Khalsa Raj but we have this delusional state of thinking that somehow Ranjit Singh who persecuted Muslims and banned the Azaan and the sacrifice of animals on Eid was somehow a secular ruler, Ranjit was always accountable to the Akhal Takht in Amritsar just the way he was lashed for marrying a Muslim girl from Heera Mandi, in front of the Golden Temple.

Punjabis never hailed Afghans it only started during the cruel Sikh rule which stripped Punjabi Muslims of their lands, especially in Majha, Punjabis had been fighting the Afghans long before the Sikhs.

All this hatred for each other eventually boiled over during the 1947 Partition the thing is Punjabi Muslims and Sikhs are two different ethnoreligious communities the leading cause for this violence was Sikhs wanting the old Khalsa Raj of Ranjit which unfortunately was a far-fetched dream Master Tara Singh one of the leading proponents.

Sikhs are just an arm of Militant Hinduism no more or less Punjabi Muslims suffered the most during the partition we lost Gurdaspur, Ferozpur, and Batala districts and somehow Sikhs get to play the victim card, we need to focus on our indigenous identity.
No Punjabi leader ever nationalised peoples private business, even schools and handed them over to his cult , a sindhi shagoofa however did that . So who did "sir" shahnavaz betrayed to become what he became over night ?
If your father get murdered what you will do that what shah Nawaz did I'm not against punjabis but their policy makers who ate entire balouchistan resources how would you defend that
If your father get murdered what you will do that what shah Nawaz did I'm not against punjabis but their policy makers who ate entire balouchistan resources how would you defend that
Balochistan resources.. that's funny Punjab is home to more Baloch than Balochistan itself, did Punjab kidnap them as well. The thing is uneducated fools like you are in abundance and there is no way to beat idiocy out of an idiot.

Punjab gives Balochistan gives food, and access to water through canals yet we are looting Balochistan :D, some Pakistanis generally are no better than braindead Indians.

But I guess you might be a Karachite who probably has not been past his bedroom and DO Talwaar.

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