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If you can’t stop rape, enjoy it, says CBI director Ranjit Sinha

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One person said this therefore all Indians agree with this? Pakistani logic

He is not the first and he is not the last, many will justify the statement while other will try to drag Pakistan instead of condemning. As director of CBI, his statements should terrorize criminals not civilian - I don't know how he can suggest people to enjoy trauma.
It's a really wrong thing to say. A person in the governmental organisation should be careful of their words. I really don't see why this is turning into a troll fest.
"Director of the Central Bureau for Investigation"

nice..............very..nice :unsure: 
is there really a proverb 'if you cant prevent rape, enjoy it'? never heard such a thing.
look at the above comments by ur fellow comrades who started the thread on rape

and yes the fact remains that u do need 4 male witnesses in pakistan

and the fact remains that rape is becoming an epidemic in your country and rather than take a stab at the problem -- you bring up Pakistan

p.s. Council of Islamic Ideology in Pakistan recently has changed its stance and now suggests that DNA tests can be used as admissable evidence to help determine suspects in rape cases
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"Director of the Central Bureau for Investigation"

nice..............very..nice :unsure: 

and the fact remains that rape is becoming an epidemic in your country and rather than take a stab at the problem -- you bring up Pakistan

p.s. Council of Islamic Ideology in Pakistan recently has changed its stance and now suggests that DNA tests can be used as admissable evidence to help determine suspects in rape cases
rape is not epidemic in India, rather reporting about rape has improved. Pakistan has much higher incidents of rape for a smaller population (posted from a pakistani news source here) and off late even there, news agencies have started to post stories. Even that (5000 per year if I remember the news item correctly) cannot be considered epidemic in pakistan.

However your objection is correct, this is about India, hence bringing pakistan to debate is wrong.
Well the problem here is that Indians dont lioke negative publicity of their country as htey believe it is a perfect country. So when news like this come out, they attack others to hide their own shortcomings. Instead of condemning the guy, all Indians are now attacking Pakistan. Thats their way to deal with the situation.
The upholder of the law CBI director has this type of thinking, so imagine what the rapists in India will be thinking now. And girls would feel so much safe in India now.
I think India is about to become the only country in the world where rape is not only legal but also actually encouraged。

Enjoy it
How did this dim wit moron become the director of CBI?
Indian Clowns are now famous world-wide !!! :omghaha:
the mouse is trying to be manmohan singh..you fool ..you need to study in oxford to be manmohan singh ..not by weraing a turban like him!
While I believe that this statement made by a senior responsible official is really dumb and insensitive, the saying "When rape is inevitable, lie back and enjoy it" is actually based on medical fact.

It is commonly accepted medical and medicolegal fact that most if not all women get aroused and many actually achieve orgasm while being raped. There is a ton of literature and publications out there which says the same. So no need to again use this to bash Indian males as is the wont of some here. Give it a rest already!
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