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Imran Khan sentenced to 3 years in Jail

I don't get it, how could people still be passive and sit at their homes? w
Where is the slogan "Imran hamari red line" now?
Imran messed this up himself. He thought he could win via protests. You can't dislodge the deep state without spilling blood. Imran was afraid of spilling blood despite the fact that some supporters already died in the cause. If you think the corrupt generals will let go of power without a street fight with lots of blood, you are kidding yourself.

Imran should have called a nation-wide protest long ago and never call it off until election date is fixed accordingly. He kept playing politics with them, giving them time to find ways to weaken the party and sow doubts in the hearts of his supporters. They jailed most of his party leaders who could have organized such a protest.
People did come out everytime Khan gave a call, mar khai, jail ga main still in prison in fact more then 10,000 workers still in prison including females. Question is every time people came out, Khan backed out. He did not had the stomach for confrontation as he is passive in that manner and does not want to pick fight with the wardi junta. People are also tired of this. Remember many of his followers are middle class, the only class which is hit the hardest by these clowns. People also have to make a living.
this is exactly what happened. He doesn't have the nerve to spill blood which is what must happen to dislodge the deep state. Erdogan did the same during the coup attempt.

Imran Khan: Pakistan ex-PM given three-year jail sentence​

Imran Khan

By Carrie Davies & Aoife Walsh
BBC News, in Islamabad & London

Ex-Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has called for nationwide protests after he was handed a three-year jail sentence over corruption allegations.

Mr Khan was found guilty of not declaring money earned from selling gifts he received in office. He denies the charges and says he will appeal.

After the verdict, Mr Khan was taken into custody from his home in Lahore.
In a pre-recorded statement posted after the verdict, he urged supporters to fight against the ruling.

"I have only one appeal, don't sit at home silently," he said in a video address posted to X, formerly known as Twitter. "I am struggling for you and the country and your children's future," he added.

The former cricketer-turned-politician, 70, was elected in 2018, but was ousted in a no-confidence vote last year after falling out with Pakistan's powerful military.

Mr Khan is facing more than 100 cases brought against him since his removal - charges he says are politically motivated.

Saturday's verdict centred on charges that he incorrectly declared details of presents from foreign dignitaries and proceeds from their alleged sale.

The gifts - reported to be worth more than 140m Pakistani rupees ($635,000; £500,000) - included Rolex watches, a ring and a pair of cuff links.

"His dishonesty has been established beyond doubt," Judge Humayun Dilawar wrote in his ruling. Outside the courthouse, some pro-government demonstrators chanted "your show is over Khan".

Judge Dilawar said police had been instructed to arrest Mr Khan immediately. Within 15 minutes of the verdict, footage began to circulate on social media showing a line of police cars and trucks taking him away.

Imran Khan's lawyer, Intazar Hussain Panjutha, told the BBC the trial had been conducted by "a kangaroo-type court" in which "the accused was never given the opportunity to defend himself".

Police officers lined up outside Mr Khan's home

Police officers outside Mr Khan's home after he was handed a three-year jail sentence

"As a consequence of today's conviction, he has been barred to take part in the politics for five years," Mr Panjutha said.

"But if the sentence and the conviction is suspended as we are hoping by the superior courts, he will then be able to come back to politics."

Mr Khan will be sent to Adyala jail, a central prison in the city of Rawalpindi, south of Islamabad.

For months he had avoided arrest, with his supporters at times fighting pitched battles with police to keep him out of custody.

In May, Mr Khan was arrested for not appearing at court as requested. He was then released, with the arrest declared illegal.

When he was last arrested on 9 May, there were protests across Pakistan.

Since then, Mr Khan and his political party have faced a dramatic crackdown, with many of his senior leadership arrested, before announcing they were leaving the party.

Thousands of his supporters arrested were alleged to have been involved in the protests. Some will face trial in military courts, despite an outcry from many in human rights groups.

When questioned by BBC HARDTalk as to whether he had created an atmosphere of hostility to the military resulting in violence, Mr Khan said he and his party had never advocated the use of violence and had a record of peaceful protest.

Mr Khan said the army in Pakistan was "petrified" of elections which his party would win "hands down" and, for that reason, "they're dismantling a democracy".

Pakistan's army plays a prominent role in politics, sometimes seizing power in military coups and, on other occasions, pulling levers behind the scenes.

Many analysts believe Mr Khan's election win in 2018 happened with the help of the military.

In opposition, he has been one of its most vocal critics, and analysts say the army's popularity has fallen.

Since being ousted, Mr Khan has been campaigning for early elections.

Conviction would disqualify Mr Khan from standing for office, possibly for life.

Pakistan's parliament will be dissolved on August 9, leaving a caretaker government to take over in the run up to the elections.

No election date has been announced, although constitutionally they should take place by early November.

However, on Saturday the country's law minister said the new elections would have to take place after the results of a new census were implemented.

Azam Nazeer Tarar told Geo News TV that it could take about four months to produce new constituency boundaries based from the count, potentially delaying the election by several months.
I have said before, some of Khan's advisors are traitors. Every bit of advice given to him, whether it was granting Bajwa an extension or dissolving assemblies to give PDM a free hand to do whatever they want, has harmed him.

Nothing is permanent in politics. Khan will be out. This government will bankrupt again since they know only how to beg & spend, not increase exports. Asim Munir will eventually be gone. But one thing is certain, my disgust for people of Pakistan and their sheep mentality will always remain.
Imran messed this up himself. He thought he could win via protests. You can't dislodge the deep state without spilling blood. Imran was afraid of spilling blood despite the fact that some supporters already died in the cause. If you think the corrupt generals will let go of power without a street fight with lots of blood, you are kidding yourself.

Imran should have called a nation-wide protest long ago and never call it off until election date is fixed accordingly. He kept playing politics with them, giving them time to find ways to weaken the party and sow doubts in the hearts of his supporters. They jailed most of his party leaders who could have organized such a protest.

Yes. But even if IK wants to have street fight, Generals would have won that street fight as well. You cannot defeat the deep state militarily.
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This is true, I would be too. But generally, nation's have a large portion of cowards, and minority of brave men that lead the change, looks like Pakistan* only has cowards.

by cowards I mean we "accept" this... I don't expect any one to risk their lives against a thug state.. however I do expect them at least do civil disobedience/ boycott , etc
I have said before, some of Khan's advisors are traitors. Every bit of advice given to him, whether it was granting Bajwa an extension or dissolving assemblies to give PDM a free hand to do whatever they want, has harmed him.

Nothing is permanent in politics. Khan will be out. This government will bankrupt again since they know only how to beg & spend, not increase exports. Asim Munir will eventually be gone. But one thing is certain, my disgust for people of Pakistan and their sheep mentality will always remain.
All the borrowing they are doing will kick the can down the road 3-5 years tops, if they don’t make real reforms.

Indeed many in Pakistan will disengage from the system, try their best to survive however and or try to get out. the diaspora will no longer be willing to sacrifice for Pakistan. Some may even stop marrying people from Pakistan and assimilate more into their adopted nations.
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