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In Germany, are anti-Muslim terrorists the real threat? - Washington Post

If i understand,you are a part of the "expect it back" ? Aren't you ?

He is close to Greek, he mentioned in some thread, if religion is not considered. But expect it back, in europe will be lethal for all. I have seen football hooligans on street and once they are out even police has to do a lot of hard work.

Let me make this clear to you. My previous reply was directed against the intended recipient namely Flamer. If you also hold his view my reply to you is "ditto" as post I gave prior.

If you do not hold views like Flamer take my apology if any unintened hurt was caused to you.
In this age of communication, news travells really fast. It's not only Europe, it's world over phenomena . Daily dose of terrorist attacks in various part of global village is shaping up a non-muslims perception. World over right wing parties are gaining strength.

It's a downward spiral.

We in Europe and West involve ourselves in the Middle East. Cause all hell to break loose there... Thousands of refugees show up at our doorstep and thousands more immigrants. We lose lives over there, and our involvement claims lives, we end up hating them, they end up hating us. Some idiots in the west commit acts of terror here in the name of Islam, we blame all Muslims, further adding a divide. Getting more right wing parties support to curb immigration, part of which we created or made worse, treat minorities worse, and then claim, 'look, why can't they like us?'.

And round and round we go in a circle, biting each others' heads off.

Let me make this clear to you. My previous reply was directed against the intended recipient namely Flamer. If you also hold his view my reply to you is "ditto" as post I gave prior.

If you do not hold views like Flamer take my apology if any unintened hurt was caused to you.

I have the same PoVs as @flamer84 and compared to me,he's less 'violent'...
So ?
On the immigration front there are far more Indian's pouring into Europe and America then Muslim's ...
After al there is no shortage of them ..
Ask the Australians and see how they get on with the Indians ...
Well news for you boy. This is conquest as well. In war there are no rules. It is war by other means ..
You did not spare any inch to those Natives did you?
Well now expect it back ..
Have a war ...
Happy now ...
I thought you were one of the sane members. I am not an European and stay here only for studies. Given by your logic, Arabs and Mongols should also take also take a large number of immigrants. Arabs for instance was a group that only lived in Arabian peninsula but with conquest they spread out to countries like Syria, Iraq and Lebanon and destroyed the indigenous civilisations and their traditions of science and technology. The ripples of that invasion is still felt today. Arabs are responsible for all sorts of destruction that's going on in the middle east. But will you ever accuse Arabs in a similar way. If you are fighting a war, you should fight properly, not by taking advantage of enemy's tolerance.
.When they'll have enough you'd see what a war means and all the crocodile tears in the world won't make it right again.
We have already seen that 75 years ago....
Anyways with people like you in the majority it looks like its again building upto that.
If there are any Europeans here, if you voted (or supported), for any of these parties. I congratulate your stupidity:

National Democratic Party and Pediga (Germany), BNP - UKIP - EDL - Britain First (UK), Golden Dawn with ties to neo-Nazis (Greece), Freedom Party (Austria), National Front (France), Sweden Democrats (Sweden), Jobbik (Hungary), Geert Wilders PVV (Netherlands).
If there are any Europeans here, if you voted (or supported), for any of these parties. I congratulate your stupidity:

I do and i'm proud of it !
Why should i be ashamed ?
Am i an idiot because i support the only party that defends,our people our history,our culture,our traditions first against alien populations ?
Then,ok i'm stupid.
Controlling immigration is completely separate from deionizing a specific group of people in your OWN country.
If people wish to control immigration, fine, leave the EU, close your doors.

My beef with it is, that almost ALL the parties that are anti-immigration are also far right in everything else...

Far right economic policy.
Hate rhetoric for immigrants (not just opposition).
Hate for some minorities.
Claiming to stand for freedom and civil liberties, while simultaneously asking us to remove such liberties for a specific group.
Some of them have links to Nazism, former fringe parties of the past.

Here's what part of that looks like:

National Democratic Party and Pediga (Germany), BNP - UKIP - EDL - Britain First (UK), Golden Dawn with ties to neo-Nazis (Greece), Freedom Party (Austria), National Front (France), Sweden Democrats (Sweden), Jobbik (Hungary), Geert Wilders PVV (Netherlands).

These all represent a seismic shift in European political spectrum. Most of the support is due to poor economic condition and easy scapegoats in immigrants, Muslims, the EU, etc...

Don't get me started on this.

You don't understand it,do you ? Extreme parties are not the main issue,people are anti immigration.The goverments keep ignoring people.Sure,many of them don't like Eastern European immigration either but they're stomaching it barely,but they're totally anti non European immigration.And it's not like immigrants just arrived,they keep coming for years ,it's just that the glass is full by now,people want for this to stop but it doesn't stop.When do you think it should stop ? I often ask this....when Europeans are 60% majority in their countries ? when they are 10%? when they all die out and they're outbread in their lands ? Personally,nobody told me that while being in the EU i should receive African immigrants,didn't see in the EU Charta either but i did find out today from a newspaper that some pencil pusher in Bruxelles awarded my country a 2380 immigrant quota in 2015 .I mean i know it's not quite a scientifical question but WTF ?
On the immigration front there are far more Indian's pouring into Europe and America then Muslim's ...
After al there is no shortage of them ..
Ask the Australians and see how they get on with the Indians ...
BTW Indians in Australia are high-skilled immigrants who mix well with the society. Europe's problem is the pouring of unskilled refugees who have nothing much to offer.

You don't understand it,do you ? Extreme parties are not the main issue,people are anti immigration.The goverments keep ignoring people.Sure,many of them don't like Eastern European immigration either but they're stomaching it barely,but they're totally anti non European immigration.And it's not like immigrants just arrived,they keep coming for years ,it's just that the glass is full by now,people want for this to stop but it doesn't stop.When do you think it should stop ? I often ask this....when Europeans are 60% majority in their countries ? when they are 10%? when they all die out and they're outbread in their lands ? Personally,nobody told me that while being in the EU i should receive African immigrants,didn't see in the EU Charta either but i did find out today from a newspaper that some pencil pusher in Bruxelles awarded my country a 2380 immigrant quota in 2015 .I mean i know it's not quite a scientifical question but WTF ?
Not the case in the UK. Biggest source of immigrants are from EU and there is a huge support to leave EU in UK.
No guy's they are going do jacksh*t.
The reality is we don't go f*ucking around in 'their' lands, they do to ours. Check out French in North Africa, Middle East, to Afghanistan, Iraq on some flimsy excuse they come.
China is rising and they will need the muslim World as bulwark.
European governments unlike these two genius here know that China parked on North Africa coast across France would be a strategic disaster or for that matter Chinese move on Middle East.
So these muppets can sob all they like in the grand scheme of things every day China rises the more will NATO try to secure the flanks.
In this age of communication, news travells really fast. It's not only Europe, it's world over phenomena . Daily dose of terrorist attacks in various part of global village is shaping up a non-muslims perception. World over right wing parties are gaining strength.

It's not just that.

In times of hardship, people move from their norms, and they become more vulnerable to more extreme ideologies. The great depression comes to Germany, Hitler made Chancellor. In Germany before that, poor conditions in 1919-1923 Hyperinflation, reparations payment, war guilt, invasion of the ruhr, meant that people supported Freikorps like organizations and Communists. Anytime there is hardship, the political spectrum shifts, for Europe, it tends to shift right. In America, it shifts left, Obama in response to Bush, more left-ish policies.

Once the economic conditions of Europe improve, these people and their hate campaigns will become less effective.

It is NO COINCIDENCE that the rise of the far right in Europe occurred after the the meltdown of 2008, after the widespread Eurozone recession in previous years, and debt crisis and Austerity in the Eurozone.
Yes i'm racist and openly admit it and yes i see islam as enemy of europe. Thats my opinion and i stand for it. I would never want a muslim as friend, would not invite one and dont trust them. I see other cultures as primitive and look down on them.

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