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India on the War path?

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PAF will be taking this threat more seriously ..
but This Misadventure will cost both countries a lot of lives .
Why pakistanis are shocked about IAF chief comments ? Your own politicians threaten india with tactical nukes every month.

Because politicians are _______.

You expect better from military men & women not have them act like fanboys/girls.
PAF will be taking this threat more seriously ..
but This Misadventure will cost both countries a lot of lives .
Arkadashim, if they were so much into having "adventure" in their DNAs, could all the mad maxes - be it across the Hidu-Kush or the Atlantic - have tried their luck against Hindistan, and that too for thousands of years????? And, wouldn't have they tried their level best - in some other countries' terms of 10s of millions dead- to keep India intact at the first place????? And, would have they stopped at the bank of a 200 yard canal????? And, would have they gone back after sending their entire army to the border years after years??????
Major economic centers will be targeted ,Pakistan is already at war since the last decade ,It won't hurt us.
You Indians don't realize this but we will send you back to the stone age.
according to most Pakistanis, Indians are already living in stone age. Your Lahore is better than Paris, its you who should worry :D

So far, it has only led to many Indian casualties.
yes, Indians have reported more casualties and had many times over state funerals than Pakistan :undecided:

high time, we must catch up :sniper:

And when it comes to India, as far as Pakistani forces are concerned, the gloves are off....we have seen an example of it during recent hostilities on LOC.....besides, during the last standoff, the PAF had identified and had marked some 10,000 Indian targets, I'm sure they have added a few thousand more since then...covering Taj Mahal with a camouflage will not save Indians from the onslaught.

you are welcome to target the Taj. It is no longer on U.P. tourism list :p:
Idiotic comment ........ You have no idea what your talking about

India is bigger than Europe in land mass AND its centres of population and business are over 1000km away from indo pak border . Pakistan has no where near enough bombs or delivery systems to take india to stone age.

IN CONTRAST india has all your major cities withon reach as you are one quarter the size with only half dozen real large targets to uttlerly wipe you off the map.

India needs a fraction of the bombs to to same damage
and we will watching u to wipe us from the map............? right
bus esi khush fehmi main rehna
Modi has given Indian Forces a free hand to handle Pakistan whichever way they want

Lets see who is in charge in Pakistan :azn:

Who do you think will respond to Air Force Chief threat ???

Modi always keep on making you fool again & again. This is not the first time Pakistan is being threatened by you so Pakistan don't give a damn about your threats. We are shocked on the training given to your air chief who is giving a political statement, is this the discipline taught to your armed forces?

Pakistan armed forces are the most battle hardened forces and believe me not any single soldier will fear to fight you if required. I remember when your country made a war hype after uri attack, about 40,000 indian army personnel applied for leave so that they can avoid taking part in war. This is the operational readiness of your forces kiddos. Keep on dreaming of attacking us because you can't do more than this.
The real fear is on India’s side as their wolf of two front war is finally becoming real and their window of opportunity to deal a military solution to Pakistan is all but closed
Didn't it go out of the window the moment Rahmetli Zia-ul Hak showed his king-size, well-set and all-white teeth to the Indian PM as a part of the "cricket" diplomacy?
The real fear is on India’s side as their wolf of two front war is finally becoming real and their window of opportunity to deal a military solution to Pakistan is all but closed

completely wrong and inaccurate

The military gap and even more industrial/financial disparity is at all time high since 1947.

Yes there are nukes ......... But nobody attacks a known nuclear weapon stare with nukes

There is ample opportunity for the Indians to fight a full scale conventional conflict and inflict serious physcological and material damage to Pakistan key ports nuke plants and air bases without needing to take too much territory

JUST SERIOUSLY DEGRADE Pakistani military in a short sharp ten day conflict.

Purchases like
scorpens subs
carriers x 2
potential combat drones
USA gun ships

Is all about adding TEETH and more options
The first name of the guy that made this threat is “BS” and that tells us everything about his threat.

India would have attacked Pakistan a very long time ago but is deterred by the later’s nuclear program and other strategic assets.

Having said that, it’s clear to everyone that has paid attention to India in the past decade or so that it has been preparing for a showdown with Pakistan. While Pakistan has been forced to deal with foreign funded internal turmoil in the shape of terrorism, hostile media and treasonous politicians, India has been on a shopping spree buying high-tech weapons specifically geared for a limited war with Pakistan. This war according to the Indians will be about 48-72 hours and limited to a specific theatre but will be relentless and devastating. The major aim of this war is to teach Pakistan a lesson, get the historical monkey of 1000 years of Muslim rule off the Hindu nationalists back and signal the arrival of India as a major world power. India will then make peace overtures to Pakistan and attempt to settle the Kashmir issue and other outstanding issues with Pakistan. This will put it in a position to challenge China moving forward.

Very troubling time ahead for Pakistan.
India cannot control the quantum of this nor the escalation once the conflagration starts. This is not a case of India going after some camps in Myanmar. Pakistan will hit back as hard or harder initially. Once hit with a significant response, India will have no choice but to escalate. This is where this silly assumption of a war being 48-72 hours is a bad joke. This maybe possible for Israel to do with Hizbollah, but not in the case of two massive conventional and nuclear powers.

Big words like "devastating", "teaching a lesson" etc. are easier said on such forums. There is not a single person in uniform on the Indian side who can provide any assurance as to where this will go once they roll the dice.

completely wrong and inaccurate

The military gap and even more industrial/financial disparity is at all time high since 1947.

Yes there are nukes ......... But nobody attacks a known nuclear weapon stare with nukes

There is ample opportunity for the Indians to fight a full scale conventional conflict and inflict serious physcological and material damage to Pakistan key ports nuke plants and air bases without needing to take too much territory

JUST SERIOUSLY DEGRADE Pakistani military in a short sharp ten day conflict.

Purchases like
scorpens subs
carriers x 2
potential combat drones
USA gun ships

Is all about adding TEETH and more options
So Pakistan will just sit back and let India cross our conventional red lines and meekly let our nuclear deterrence become irrelevant? Is that the postulation on the Indian side? Once this starts, it won't end in either country's favor.
Pakistan will not have a repeat of 1971! Mark my words on this. I am sure you know what the Samson option is. Pakistan's thinking with regards to India is very similar if it sees itself as losing a war with India where its own independent foreign policy and outlook in threatened with subservience and hegemony.
This is a severe and un called for escalation... we should be ready with plans now...

By the way I am all for giving tactical nukes a chance.. any violation or strike should be taken as act of war... and since there can be no war between nuclear powers except nuclear.. we should aim to take out all Indian air force and as much as nuclear capability in one go..using tactical low yield weapons against military targets... that's the same plan US has against north Korea

. leaving cities intact for strategic weapons if India still have stomach for More after this...

My feeling is they would be much weaker and may not have stomach to sign sub continents death sentence
India cannot control the quantum of this nor the escalation once the conflagration starts. This is not a case of India going after some camps in Myanmar. Pakistan will hit back as hard or harder initially. Once hit with a significant response, India will have no choice but to escalate. This is where this silly assumption of a war being 48-72 hours is a bad joke. This maybe possible for Israel to do with Hizbollah, but not in the case of two massive conventional and nuclear powers.

Big words like "devastating", "teaching a lesson" etc. are easier said on such forums. There is not a single person in uniform on the Indian side who can provide any assurance as to where this will go once they roll the dice.

So Pakistan will just sit back and let India cross our conventional red lines and meekly let our nuclear deterrence become irrelevant? Is that the postulation on the Indian side? Once this starts, it won't end in either country's favor.
Pakistan will not have a repeat of 1971! Mark my words on this. I am sure you know what the Samson option is. Pakistan's thinking with regards to India is very similar if it sees itself as losing a war with India where its own independent foreign policy and outlook in threatened with subservience and hegemony.

The Samson Option is a generic name for a range of possibilities. One possibility being send in special forces to detonate in a remote area as a warning even before hostilities start.

In reality, after NK's H-Bomb test, India feels that we have a tested fusion device. They now need a moral reason to perform their own test. Thus, these cheap skate tactics to goad a response. In this context comes Gen. Asif Ghafoor's response: let them attack and we will respond with a smile.
India cannot control the quantum of this nor the escalation once the conflagration starts. This is not a case of India going after some camps in Myanmar. Pakistan will hit back as hard or harder initially. Once hit with a significant response, India will have no choice but to escalate. This is where this silly assumption of a war being 48-72 hours is a bad joke. This maybe possible for Israel to do with Hizbollah, but not in the case of two massive conventional and nuclear powers.

Big words like "devastating", "teaching a lesson" etc. are easier said on such forums. There is not a single person in uniform on the Indian side who can provide any assurance as to where this will go once they roll the dice.

So Pakistan will just sit back and let India cross our conventional red lines and meekly let our nuclear deterrence become irrelevant? Is that the postulation on the Indian side? Once this starts, it won't end in either country's favor.
Pakistan will not have a repeat of 1971! Mark my words on this. I am sure you know what the Samson option is. Pakistan's thinking with regards to India is very similar if it sees itself as losing a war with India where its own independent foreign policy and outlook in threatened with subservience and hegemony.

I hope I am wrong and you are correct. Don’t underestimate the stupidity of the Hindu nationalists and their supporters. They have created such a tense situation within their country that war seems the only option. I hope Pakistan is able to deal them a blow they will remember for generations if they get out of line.

Generally, all threats should be taken very seriously. Especially when it comes from empowered Hindu nationalists that carry the burden of 1000s of years of foreign rule.
Modi always keep on making you fool again & again. This is not the first time Pakistan is being threatened by you so Pakistan don't give a damn about your threats. We are shocked on the training given to your air chief who is giving a political statement, is this the discipline taught to your armed forces?

Pakistan armed forces are the most battle hardened forces and believe me not any single soldier will fear to fight you if required. I remember when your country made a war hype after uri attack, about 40,000 indian army personnel applied for leave so that they can avoid taking part in war. This is the operational readiness of your forces kiddos. Keep on dreaming of attacking us because you can't do more than this.

Your post raises two points

First is about Armed forces being involved in politics and the other is the superiority of Pak forces over Indians.

I guess, Historically speaking your Establishment never interfered in Pak politics and your forces never surrendered in front of Indians forces :azn:
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