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India rapist ordered to 'look after cows

If both were juveniles or if one was a juvenile and the difference between the ages of the 2 was very little - then most civilized countries don't apply their rape laws. As it is, if both were minors then both "raped" each other as they had not reached the age of consent. Either way, to compare consenting adolescents to actual rapes and rape victims is downright ridiculous.

yes that is true too and that is the reason why he was not given a tougher sentence...but again the accused was 17 and was almost nearing an age where he wont be a minor so even advocates at hisar court wanted a tougher sentence against him.

Rewari Advocate Naresh Chauhan said the sentence was insufficient: "This is not justice. The offender should get the punishment applicable to an adult, so that it serves as a deterrent to others."
India is probably the most craziest nation on earth. It won't be long before we start getting news of Indians marrying animals or something stupid like that.
yes that is true too and that is the reason why he was not given a tougher sentence...but again the accused was 17 and was almost nearing an age where he wont be a minor so even advocates at hisar court wanted a tougher sentence against him.

Rewari Advocate Naresh Chauhan said the sentence was insufficient: "This is not justice. The offender should get the punishment applicable to an adult, so that it serves as a deterrent to others."

The point is - whether this was consensual sex or not? If not, then yes - he should be tried as an adult even if he is 14 - if two kids eloped and were 17 - then they are love struck teenagers, not sexual predators.
open that thread, I will reply there. Why did you get it closed?
or open another thread, so that I can answer.

This is about Indian issue. not pakistani one.. :cheers:

Nope the question is about rape not about a particular country...please stop trolling if you do not want to answer say so! :azn:
The point is - whether this was consensual sex or not? If not, then yes - he should be tried as an adult even if he is 14 - if two kids eloped and were 17 - then they are love struck teenagers, not sexual predators.

i get what u say....but if the girl has accused him of rape,so he will tried charged no matter what..get it...

they eloped...girl accused him of rape...the boy is tried, charged and sentenced by the court

even a wife can accuse her husband of rape in india and he will be tried too
Why did you get that thread closed, and want the answer here then. Why dont you open a new thread, if you want answer.
luckily there is another pakistani rape thread open, ask me there.. :)

I know, what you will do, get that closed now. So insecure... :undecided:
@hinduguy why are you trolling? the question is legit no matter which thread it is on!
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@hinduguy why are you trolling? the question is legit no matter which thread it is on!

nope, its country specific question you asked which I answered, and in reply you answered another question related to it. It needs to be answered in similar thread.
I am not trolling, you are. And you know it... :rofl:
now, if you seriously want to discuss, do it in similar thread, I already gave you hint, its open. If you are just trying to show off your ego, then you win.
No reply on this thread unless its about indian rapist mentioned above.
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i get what u say....but if the girl has accused him of rape,so he will tried charged no matter what..get it...

they eloped...girl accused him of rape...the boy is tried, charged and sentenced by the court

even a wife can accuse her husband of rape in india and he will be tried too

Yes, that is true - just means we need to overhaul our laws. For example, the 14-15 year old who raped that girl in Delhi in the bus - it is my opinion that he be tried as an adult, not as a juvenile. Our current laws are spectacularly foolish. A 17 year old can murder someone or rape someone and he is tried as a child by the juvenile board and circumvents the entire judicial process.
Yes, that is true - just means we need to overhaul our laws. For example, the 14-15 year old who raped that girl in Delhi in the bus - it is my opinion that he be tried as an adult, not as a juvenile. Our current laws are spectacularly foolish. A 17 year old can murder someone or rape someone and he is tried as a child by the juvenile board and circumvents the entire judicial process.

I get ur point but i differ with ur opinion abt trying them as adults..in such cases court orders a panel to decide what laws to be used..the thing is minors can easily come under peer pressure of adults and some even commit crimes without even knowing that they are commiting a crime..sentencing a minor is vey difficult for a honest judge is like walking a tight rope between two mountains in himalayas as he wont want his conscience to haunt him for ever...and again the guy was sentenced after 7 years so u can expect atleast 1 year of full on trial(wid breaks of course), so the panel and judges wud have thought over it..
Yes, that is true - just means we need to overhaul our laws. For example, the 14-15 year old who raped that girl in Delhi in the bus - it is my opinion that he be tried as an adult, not as a juvenile. Our current laws are spectacularly foolish. A 17 year old can murder someone or rape someone and he is tried as a child by the juvenile board and circumvents the entire judicial process.

the guy was 17 and a half yrs old. but the juvenile board went by the book and charged him as a juvenile.
Yes I knew Indians would immediately jump to the rapist's defense. No wonder India is the world's rape capital.

Perhaps, being Chinese it is difficult for you to comprehend English. I understand. No one is defending rape or rapists - this is not China where the people defend tanks rolling over citizens and forced abortions of millions. People here go out on streets to protest against rapes and rape laws which need to be overhauled - perhaps the state run Communist Chinese media blocks these. After all, it would be eye opening to the simple minded Chinese population that people can protest against acts and laws without the fear of being shot or jailed by the Government. It is okay, we understand your predicament. If you want to join other Chinese citizens and apply for refugee status in India - we would welcome you with open arms.
Yes I knew Indians would immediately jump to the rapist's defense. No wonder India is the world's rape capital.

You forget to read the age of criminal idiotaa !!! Apparently we don't punish or roll tanks on miners.

High castes can get away with raping a low caste. Even the justice system does nothing to stop the Indian rapes.

And who would better know of Rapes than Chinese .... Still you want to bring it in every thread.
it takes six years to have him convicted. Is this the most efficient in indian democracy or the sheer humongous volume of cases that has weighted the courts down, or both!

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