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India snubs China, to attend Nobel ceremony

I'm quite interested in this phenomenon actually.

I'm going to try and find an Indian analysis regarding this issue, I want to know what their own experts think of the constant hyping up of the China threat.

Ask and you shall receive

Here is an Indian thinktank (supposedly) and "recommended reading by the Army, Navy, and the Air Force headquarters for officers"

This is article by article the five newest in their geopolitics section. All obsessed with China.

I'll give you a run down/quotes

The myths exposed by Wikileaks

Fourthly, the myth of genuine Chinese friendship for India. The leaked cables make it clear that China is not prepared to accept India as an equal permanent member of the UN Security Council with the same status and veto power as China.

The Fall of the Dragon

- well you can probably guess what this is about.

Very briefly, the theory here is that trouble which started in the US Housing Market and which led to the subprime crisis, will now lead to a recession in America. This recession in turn, will lead to the demise of the Chinese Communist party due to massive unemployment in the coastal region of China

Zardari in Sri Lanka: Counter Balancing India
- the one article that you'd think wouldn't mention China.... Well you're wrong!

The idea of Pakistan and China co-operating in jointly assisting South Asian countries…Islamabad sees it as a way of counter-balancing Indian influence…

Time to stop appeasing China

- Another we strong! we no take sht from anyone! chest thumper

The time has come to stop appeasing China and remove the impression from its mind that it can have its way on issues of interest to it by using its economic clout. The international community should reject the Chinese pressure, whatever be the consequences, and should be represented in full strength at the function

The internal political situation in China

-Here they are fingers crossed hoping China as a nation fails, which is funny because at the same time they fear China, they also need to be contemptuous in order to preserve their own inflated egos.

This is the key quote from that article
It is important for India to keep the hopes of the Tibetan youth alive.
Wow thanks for that, you just saved me a load of time. :tup:

I should probably remember to bookmark such articles for future reference as well...
What is funny is my last point. They are terrified of a China threat, yet they constantly comfort themselves with analysis of why China should fail as a nation (not a democracy, too poor etc etc)

Say what you will about American leaders and their military. They don't just just cross their fingers and hope bad stuff happens to China and therefore problems solved.

Ask and you shall receive

Indian Defence Review
Here is an Indian thinktank (supposedly) and "recommended reading by the Army, Navy, and the Air Force headquarters for officers"

This is article by article the five newest in their geopolitics section. All obsessed with China.

I'll give you a run down/quotes

The myths exposed by Wikileaks

The Fall of the Dragon

- well you can probably guess what this is about.

Zardari in Sri Lanka: Counter Balancing India
- the one article that you'd think wouldn't mention China.... Well you're wrong!

Time to stop appeasing China

- Another we strong! we no take sht from anyone! chest thumper

The internal political situation in China

-Here they are fingers crossed hoping China as a nation fails, which is funny because at the same time they fear China, they also need to be contemptuous in order to preserve their own inflated egos.

This is the key quote from that article

It's actually quite a hawkish think tank if you didn't know. I'm pretty sure there mus be such think tanks on your side too.

Doesn't mean the govt. listens to them.
Thank you my friend, same to you. :cheers:

It's not until recently that I've understand how pathological and ingrained their hatred is. Thinking back, we probably should have just let them the land up to the McMahon line, if we knew what kind of national humiliation/trauma a minor defeat causes.

But then again it wasn't the Chinese newspapers or Chinese leadership that raised sky high Indian's expectation in those heady days of post-independence. They thought they were invincible after they annexed Goa, the PLA was a cold bucket of water.

CS, CD, the longer you stay on this forum, the more you will know about the true face of 99% internet Indians here. Most of them are not here for discussions but on a misson to vent their hate against China and Chinese.
Especially CD, no matter how nice you have been trying your best to promote the so-called "China-India friendship", they still able to find way to bash you and China, they simply taking advantage of your kindness as weakness, time to wake up, you are like fighting a losing battle looking for friendship on a defence forum.
Thats why i try my best to stay out of arguments with Indians and avoid them at all cost, it ain't worth it.:cheers::china:
I'd be generous and say 95%

Also wasn't it you brotherhood and someone else that bet my attitude would change overtime? I remember saying "pffft unlikely".....

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CS, CD, the longer you stay on this forum, the more you will know about the true face of 99% internet Indians here. Most of them are not here for discussions but on a misson to vent their hate against China and Chinese.
Especially CD, no matter how nice you have been trying your best to promote the so-called "China-India friendship", they still able to find way to bash you and China, they simply taking advantage of your kindness as weakness, time to wake up, you are like fighting a losing battle looking for friendship on a defence forum.
Thats why i try my best to stay out of arguments with Indians and avoid them at all cost, it ain't worth it.:cheers::china:

Thats little bit arrogant,there r many Indian's also present on the forum,who like to promote India-China friendship,but then they to r not well received by ur Chinese fraternity,u feel bad when u hear the word chink,but what about the numerous words here that is rained on Indian's by everyone else on the forum,including Chinese,I know numerous Chinese here(though i dont name them,as i hate personal targeting)whose every word from 1st to lat starts and end up with India bashing,no matter how bad u try to behave good with them, Indian's r bound to respond,and if u feel bad nothing can b done,try to contain ur compatriot's first before blaming indian's
CS, CD, the longer you stay on this forum, the more you will know about the true face of 99% internet Indians here. Most of them are not here for discussions but on a misson to vent their hate against China and Chinese.
Especially CD, no matter how nice you have been trying your best to promote the so-called "China-India friendship", they still able to find way to bash you and China, they simply taking advantage of your kindness as weakness, time to wake up, you are like fighting a losing battle looking for friendship on a defence forum.
Thats why i try my best to stay out of arguments with Indians and avoid them at all cost, it ain't worth it.:cheers::china:

hey dude....wake up.....its morning.......hope u had a nice sleep and seeing ur posts, definately a nightmare .....

why hide behind CD to show the true face of china.....

CD is one of the odd man out just like me who is the indian version of CD..even i am a big fan of china and dream of age old sino-indian relations which were only hampered 50 years back.....

i mean 2000 yrs of frndship is nothing for 50 yrs faceoff.....

but not all chinese are same and hence applies to any other country.....

its not wrong if indians are skeptical about china......

china has always been pro pakistan....now theres no problem in that....but in this process if it tends to be anti india.....its natural for a sound mind person to be skeptical.....

what wrong do india do if its cautious of china ?

but this doeant mean we HATE china......no indian does.....its just we need time to trust each other and only high economic dependency on each other is the way out......:cheers:
What's this trip that you guys are on?

95%,99% ? You guys are as guilty of stereotyping Indians as much as you claim we do you. Most Indians I know, see China from two angles depending on the subject under discussion. In most cases, there is enormous admiration for what China has achieved economically & more specifically for the changing skyline of it's cities. This is usually said with a sad resignation of the fact that India doesn't seem to be doing the same. The admiration for China's rise is wide spread.

It's also true that India's ties with China are tinged with hostility especially with regards to security matters. China's rise, even if widely admired is also a matter of concern if China's reaction to India is perceived to be hostile. This reaction manifests itself on security related forums like these. It's hardly sensible to extrapolate from that & argue as some of you have done that Indians are inherently hostile to Chinese. Some will be, just like some Chinese are to Indians. You would not want to be judged by those examples, would you? Only fair that you show us the same courtesy.

Btw, there are plenty of polls by Pew showing the admiration that Indians have for the rise of China. Security considerations are a different issue & will exist understandably.
It's not until recently that I've understand how pathological and ingrained their hatred is. Thinking back, we probably should have just let them the land up to the McMahon line, if we knew what kind of national humiliation/trauma a minor defeat causes.

But then again it wasn't the Chinese newspapers or Chinese leadership that raised sky high Indian's expectation in those heady days of post-independence. They thought they were invincible after they annexed Goa, the PLA was a cold bucket of water.

Hmm.. You Chinese are awesome when you have nothing else to say you go back to 1962.. May be you need to connect to real world to understand the hatred you get from world and you will realize you truly deserve it.

Your actions in recent past are good enough for anybody to stand against you. You are Vetoing in UN to save terrorists who killed innocents in India and then expect us to support you in this act of Stupidity.

You are making yourself laughing stock by stopping countries to attend a private prize ceremony, by stopping your citizens to leave China, by creating an awards on the lines of Nobel prize aka Chinese Nobel prize.

Now go boost more about your 1962 victory to sleep better in the night.
We haven't mentioned the Nobel prize. We are musing on Indian Chinese relations in general.

And why all of a sudden you needed to analyze Indian Chinese relations in this thread if its not related to Nobel prize. Seems like Nobel prize has put you guys on fire.. lol..
I'd be generous and say 95%

Also wasn't it you brotherhood and someone else that bet my attitude would change overtime? I remember saying "pffft unlikely".....


O Mighty and Just warrior from the land of Dragons, please be more generous and make it 90%!! Please, pretty pleasee!!

Gosh are these guys for real? :lol:

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